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Niagara College

School of Hospitality and Tourism

Assignment for Course: _______________________________________

Submitted to: _______________________________________

Submitted by: _______________________________________

Date of Submission: _______________________________________

Title of Work: _______________________________________

Declaration and Recognition of Authorship

In accordance and support to Niagara College’s expectation for academic integrity, I

hereby certify that I am the first, primary, and principal author of this work. If I have
received any assistance, guidance, or information in the preparation and production of
this work I have fully cited said source(s) and have given full acknowledgement,
recognition and identification of said source(s) in this work. To this end, I have also
given credit to any and all sources from which I have embraced and/or extended data
(explicit or implied), ideas or words, either from a direct quotation and/or in a
paraphrased manner consistent with APA or MLA style codes.

I hereby declare that this submitted work was prepared and produced by myself
specifically for the purposes of this course. If this work is a re-submission of materials
completed for another professor and/or in another course, I have received permission in
advance to do so.

Student’s Name Print: ______________________________________________

Signature: _______________________________________________________
Student’s Name Print: ______________________________________________
Signature: _______________________________________________________
Student’s Name Print: ______________________________________________
Signature: _______________________________________________________
Student’s Name Print: ______________________________________________
Signature: _______________________________________________________

In the case of a digital submission, in lieu of a signature, by clicking on and

checking this box, I certify the above is true and accept responsibility for my actions.

Professor’s Comments:

Revised January 2024

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