Uh Asking Giving Direction

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Fill in the blanks

1. A ___________ is a place to save money.
2. A ___________ is a place to teach and study.
3. A ___________ is a place to treat and cure sick people.
4. A ___________ is a place where people meet to sell and buy goods.
5. A ___________ is a place where moslem people pray and hear sermon.
6. An ___________ is a place for planes to land and take off.
7. This field has lots of seats to watch sport events. It’s called a ____________.
8. Here we can board ship to travel. It’s called a ____________.
9. We can buy medicine & vitamins here. It’s called a ____________.
10. There is a big screen to watch movie together. It’s called a ____________.
11. A place for Christian people to pray and hear sermon is called a ____________.
12. We can buy some stamps and send letters here. It’s called a ____________.
13. “Super Penyet” is one of the best _______________ in Kudus.
14. “Alun-alun Simpang Tujuh” is the name of _____________ in Kudus.
15. “Miriam” is the name of _____________ in Kudus.
16. SD Cahaya Nur is one of favorite _____________________ in Kudus.
17. The bank is ____________ the bar. (look at the map below)
18. The library is _________ the city hall and the post office.
19. The bus station is __________ the police station.
20. The bookstore is __________ the hospital.

B. Answer these questions

1. You are in ADA Swalayan now. Draw a simple map and give directions to the following
a. Can you tell me the way to Masehi Elementary School?
b. Can you tell me how to go to Mie Gacoan?

2. Look at the map and make two short conversations between 2 people about asking for
and giving direction. The destinations should be different. One starts from the blue
arrow and another from the red arrow.

C. Translate into Indonesian

1. The man tells me to go ahead and turn right.

2. The library is next to the police station.

3. The school is between the post office and the hospital.

4. The park is across from the bus station.

5. The beach is near the city hall.

D. Translate into English

1. Kebun binatang ada di antara sekolah dan kantor pos.

2. Kantor polisi ada di dekat bank.

3. Dapatkah kamu memberitahu ku jalan ke apotek?

4. Ada sebuah perpustakaan di belakang toko roti.

5. Dimanakah rumahmu?

E. Arrange these words into good sentences.

1. Book store – is – the library – the – behind.

2. Is – zoo – your – in – the – left.

3. Park – behind – is – the – laboratory – the.

4. John – beside – Mrs. Smith - is.

5. You – where – can– me – the restaurant – show – is - ?.

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