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WBS Dictionary

WBS Code WBS Name WBS Description

1 Project commencement
1.1 Project scope and objectives Identify project scope and objectives
1.2 Recognition of stakeholders Recognize project stakeholders
1.2.1 Identification fo Key faculty members Identify key faculty members
1.2.2 Engagement of student representatives Engage the student representatives to the project
1.2.3 Involvement of Department administrators Involving the department administrators to the project
1.3 Resource Planning Planning of the resources needed
1.3.1 Estimation of Project Budget Estimate the project budget
1.3.2 Procurement planning identifying and consolidating requirements and determining the timeframes for their procurement
1.3.3 Allocation of resources for softwares and equipments Allocate needed resources for softwares and equipments
1.4 Risk Assessment and Mitigation Exploring of ways to assess and mitigate the risks
1.4.1 Identification of potential risks Indentify possible risk
1.4.2 Assessment of risks impact and probability Assess risks impacts and probability
1.4.3 Creation of risk management plan Create a risk management plan
1.5 Legal and Compliance considerations Identify legal and compliance considerations
2 Planning of features required
2.1 Identification of needed features Identify the needed features
2.1.1 Category system of notes and readings Create a category system of notes and readings
2.1.2 Online submit/file upload button Create a submit/file upload button
2.1.3 Available exercises and homeworks Make the exercises and homeworks available for the students online
2.2 Digitization of papers Scan and digitzed notes and annotations
2.2.1 Digitization of student notes Scan and digitize student notes
2.2.2 Digitization of teacher's notes and readings Scan and digitize teacher's notes and readings
2.2.3 Organization of the notes and readings by category Organize of the notes and readings by category
2.3 Compilation of source examples Gather source examples
2.3.1 Sample code collection Collect sample codes that is related to Java
2.3.2 Organization of sources Categorize and organize the sample code by programming topic
2.3.3 Explanation of sources Give a short description of what each code is for
2.4 Portal Functionality Organize the different external portals for the website
2.4.1 External resources Provide links to external websites
2.4.2 User profiles Allow users to create a basic profile with their basic information
2.4.3 Announcements and updates Enable the posting of announcements and updates
2.5 Availability of curriculums and syllabi Make the different curriculums and syllabi by each teacher available for students
3 Website design and layout
3.1 Conceptualization of initial design and layout Conceptualize a initia design and layout
3.1.1 Creation of a UI interface design Create a UI interface design
3.1.2 Identification of color scheme and branding Identify the needed color scheme and branding
3.1.3 Easy navigation of content Make the content of the website easy to navigate through
3.2 User interaction Design the website in a way that it has options to interact with students
3.3 Garphic and multimedia interigation Include relevant pictures and videos that can help the learning prowess of the students
3.4 Finalization of website design Finalize the design of the website
3.5 Compilation of feedback Gather feedback for the improvements of the website
4 Website development
4.1 Responsive design Make a responsive website design that can respond to any screen size
4.2 Accessability Implement accessability features
4.3 Load time optimization Minimize load times
4.4 Database integration Conduct and design a database structure that will allow the students to store user data, content and submissions
4.5 User authentication Implement user authetication and authentication mechanisms
4.5.1 Id information of student Require the students to give their id number
4.5.2 Protection over common web vulnerabilities Protect the website from common web vulnerabilities
4.5.3 Privacy intergration as the school's system Make the website private only for the school's use
4.6 Improvement of content management Upgrade content management
5 Quality Assurance
5.1 Conduction of performance testing and optimization Conduct performant tests and optimization tests
5.2 Test of features of the website Testing of the features of the website
5.3 Security test Test the security of the web from any bugs or hacks
5.4 User test Testing of the functionality of the website by users
5.5 Compilation of feedback gather feedback about the website
6 Documentation
6.1 User manuals Create a user manual
6.2 Software manuals Create a manual for the software
6.3 Maintenance documentation Document the different maintenances done to the website
7 Training
7.1 Training schedules of students and teachers Plan a schedule for the training of the students and teachers
7.2 Conduction of trainings for teachers Conduct the training of the teachers
7.3 Conduction of training for student representatives Conduct the training of the student representatives
8 Project launch and Promotion
8.1 Preperation of deployment Prepare for the launching of the project
8.1.1 Implementation of needed adjustments Act on the needed adjustments for the website
8.1.2 Final addition of needed materials Add any additional materials that hasn't been added or will be added
8.1.3 Final tests Conduct a final test for the website
8.2 Launch of website Commence the launch of the project
8.3 Announcement training manual and basic use of the website Announce the training manual and basic use of the website to make the students understand what it is for
8.4 Timeline of promotion Create a timeline for the promotion
8.5 Promotion of website Conduct the promotion of the website
8.5.1 Configuration of platforms or communication strategies to get the word out Identify where and how the word of the new website can spread throughout the students
8.5.2 Conduction of user support Conduct user support so that the students will be guided through the new website
8.5.3 Absorption of user feedback Identify the needed adjustments from the feedback
9 Monitoring and Maintenance of website
9.1 Continous monitoring Conduct continous monitoring for any problems in the website
9.2 User support team Make user support team that will be able to answer any questions asked by students
9.3 Content updates Download constant update of the contents in the website so that it will always stay relevant
10 Project closure and review
10.1 Review of Project objectives and deliverables Reviewing the performance of the website if it has met the objectives and deliverables set in the begginning
10.1.1 Verification if the obejectives are met Verify if the objectives are met
10.1.2 conduction of post project evaluation Conduct post project evaluation
10.1.3 Compilation of feedback from faculty and students Gather feedback and suggestions from faculty and students
10.2 Submission of assets and documentations of the projects to the department Submit the needed assets and documentations to the department
10.3 Evaluation if the project is a success or a fail Evaluate if the project is a success or a fail

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