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Journey From Seattle To B

Salt Lake City Power Of Meditation C

Friday, February 23, 2024 SUPPLEMENT

Millet Cultivation For Food Security In Nepal

practices, waste reduction and circularity, and
education and training for farmers are some of
the important technologies and activities for mil-
let cultivation. Researchers need to come up with
climate-smart millet production technologies.
A market guarantee is a great incentive for
millet producers. The market demand for mil-
Chhabi Lal Paudel lets is increasing day by day due to their tre-
mendous health benefits and public awareness.
There has been a high demand for millets among
health-conscious urban consumers in recent

inger millet (Eleusine coracana) is the years. The nearest market is the most reliable
main millet crop cultivated in Nepal over for the powerless small producers and also for
267,071 hectares of farmland, with a pro- the poor consumers. Therefore, strengthening
duction of 339,462 metric tons. Other millets cul- the existing value chain and developing local
tivated in Nepal are Proso millet (Panicum mil- new value chains in millets is urgently needed to
iaceum), which is called Chino; Foxtail millet take advantage of millet farming in the country.
(Setaria italica); Kaguno; Pearl millet (Pennies- Local food banks and local seed banks have also
tum typhoides); Bajara; Sorghum bicolor; and played a great role in local value chain develop-
Junelo, of which production statistics are not ment. Farmer training and community support
available. Barnyard millet (Echinochola frumen- are also crucial. The government should develop
tacea), Sawa, and Kodo millet (Paspalum scro- minimum infrastructure for value chain devel-
biculatum) are cultivated in nominal areas and opment, like processing facilities, product diver-
treated as weeds in other large areas. sification, quality standards, value addition,
Millets can be successfully cultivated in Nepal transport, and security situations. Local millet
from the Terai to the Himalayan region, up to an production, processing, and product diversifica-
altitude range of 3,000 metres above sea level. Millets have an important place in the farm- input and less tillage. They can be cultivated in a The International Crop Research Institute tion activities should be linked with agro-tour-
Proso millet and foxtail millets are of Chinese ing systems of Nepal. They are drought-tolerant, cost-effective way. Millets are nutrient-dense and on Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) is mandated ism and with urban and rural market centres.
or Mongolian origin, and finger millet, pearl mil- hardy crops that can be successfully cultivated can reduce malnutrition rates. to do research and development on millets Millet production is a sustainable and versa-
let, and sorghum are of African origin, which is in different agroecological zones of the country. Policy recognition and priority are urgently globally. This organisation is developing mil- tile agriculture practice that can simultaneously
regarded as the indigenous crop species of Nepal. Sorghum and pearl millet can be grown in hot needed for millet promotion. Traditionally, mil- let production and processing technologies for address multiple challenges, including food
There is a lot of local varietal diversity in proso and dry areas. Proso millet and foxtail millet can lets were the minor underutilised crop species, the poor nations of the world. Nepal has free security, climate change mitigation, and rural
millet, finger millet, and foxtail millet. be cultivated in highland areas. Finger millet can which are not fully recognised by the govern- access to varieties and technologies developed economic development. Millets, by nature, are
Millets are small grains that are highly nutri- be cultivated everywhere. The water require- ment and donor groups. Research and develop- by ICRISAT. The National Hill Crops Research climate resilient and are successful in increasing
tious for humans. They are naturally glutton-free ment is very low in millet cultivation compared ment of millets are very weak. Now, millet culti- Programme (NHCRP) and the Nepal Agricul- food production in areas of our country where
cereals. Millets contain 7 to 15 per cent protein, to rice. Millets require 70% less water than rice vation is gaining popularity internationally due ture Research Council (NARC) are responsible there is frequent crop failure due to drought.
depending on the type. Its carbohydrate content and do not disturb soil health like rice. Water to its suitability in the context of climate change. for doing research on millets in Nepal. The Hill Millets are a nutrient-rich food source, and
is lower than that of rice, wheat, and maize. Mil- stagnation in the field kills a lot of soil flora and Nepal being one of the most vulnerable countries Crops Research Programme is located in Kavre, they help combat malnutrition and improve food
lets are a good source of minerals, vitamins, and fauna useful in crop production. All the residual to climate change, millets can be cultivated here Dolakha district. The programme coordinates security in remote rural areas. They are very
dietary fibre and are thus regarded as a superfood. plant materials from millets after harvesting as climate-resilient crops. They have a very low with ICRISAT to bring technologies and seed suitable for crop rotation and local cropping pat-
They have a low glycemic index, which is helpful seeds can be used as fodder for livestock. Millets carbon footprint. They are good for nutritional varieties from ICRISAT. ICRISAT also provides terns, and they are good for atmospheric carbon
in managing blood sugar levels. We can get nutri- and grains are also good sources of animal and value, soil health, and significantly reducing training to NARC scientists and extension per- sequestration into the soil through their root
tional and health benefits from millets. Millets bird feed. Millet biomass can be used in mulch- greenhouse gas emissions. They have a great role sonnel about millets and legumes research and systems. Rural income generation is possible
have antioxidant properties that help with heart ing, composting, thatching, and making handi- in climate change mitigation and adaptation. development. NARC is responsible for develop- through millet farming, processing, value addi-
health, body weight maintenance, gut health, bone crafts. The below-ground biomass of the root sys- Millets can contribute to achieving several ing technologies, and the Department of Agricul- tion, and product diversification.
health, and reducing the risk of certain cancers. tems of the millets is very good for maintaining sustainable development goals, like zero hunger ture is responsible for disseminating technolo- The cultivation of millets has high potential
Millets can serve as a dietary staple food, pro- good soil health. (SDG 2), good health and wellbeing (SDG 3), clean gies to producers and farmers. for Nepal. Their production should be increased
viding a significant portion of the daily caloric Millets are very important for food insecu- water and sanitation (SDG 6), decent work and Farmers can get technologies for millet pro- in the country for food import substitution and
intake. Many food products are prepared from rity. The skyrocketing food import situation in economic growth (SDG 8), responsible consump- duction from NARC, ICRISAT, private com- local economic prosperity. Therefore, the govern-
millets according to the taste and cultural impor- the country indicates future food insecurity. tion and production (SDG 12), and climate action panies, and agriculture service providers to ment should prioritise millet research and imple-
tance of the place. Millets can be cooked like Nepal must seek self-sustaining food systems for (SDG 13). By realising this, the UN and FAO cele- enhance production and profitability. To maxi- ment promotional activities in all districts of the
rice in porridge, soups, and stews. They make prosperity. Promotion of millets can bring food brated 2023 as a millets year to create awareness mise yield per unit area and minimise environ- country. Then there will be successful partici-
high-quality baby food. Millet grains can be self-sufficiency to the country. Millets can be about millets and promote them globally for food mental impacts, farmers need to adopt suitable pation from family farms, agribusinesses, pro-
ground into flour to make bread, pancakes, sel successfully cultivated in rain-fed conditions in security. India is giving high priority to millet technologies according to the local microclimatic cessors, and other value chain actors for millet
roti, and many other salty and sweet snack items. Nepal, as rainwater is sufficient for their growth cultivation. The Consultative Group on Interna- conditions. Millet species and varietal selection, cultivation, processing, and marketing.
Tin pane, our famous traditional alcoholic bever- and development. Millets are a short-duration tional Agriculture Research (CGIAR) under the conservation tillage, moisture management,
age, is also made from millets. Millets can also be crop and can be cultivated as a catch crop if other UN is redirecting its resources towards millet agro-ecological practices, integrated pest man- (The author is a senior agricultural scientist who
brewed to make beer and other beverages. main crops fail. They require less production research and development. agement, erosion control, resource-efficient worked at the Agricultural Research Council-NARC.)

Capacity Development For Local Government

Nepal 2019 has exhibited widespread capacity gaps Indonesia has adopted legislation called the
in physical infrastructure, human resource man- Village Law (2015–2018) as a significant effort for
agement, public financial management, gender decentralisation of power and inclusive gover-
equality and social inclusion (GESI), and account- nance. This initiative is concerned with granting
ability and transparency. Moreover, significant more authority over development plans and bud-
disparities exist in physical infrastructure among gets and enhancing participatory decision-mak-
local governments, particularly in building owner- ing in rural villages. The law ensures that the
ship, with over half relying on rented spaces. This central government allocates a designated fund to
Aarati Neupane poses a potential obstacle to efficient public service the 74,093 villages in Indonesia to independently
delivery, especially in rural areas facing challenges finance the development project based on their
in power, internet, and communication access. needs and priorities. The objective is to empower
Significant delays have been observed in the local communities by providing high-level auton-

apability is the combination of a person's or development of crucial legal frameworks, such as omy and participatory decision-making authority
a group’s knowledge, skills, mindsets, and the Federal Civil Service Bills, Police Management to the villages. The village law promotes commu-
competence as a whole that enables them to Bills, and sectoral laws on concurrent powers. Gen- nity development with various infrastructure proj-
perform their tasks successfully. At the local level, der Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) activities ects, including education, healthcare, agriculture,
Capacity Development (CD) ensures that govern- encounter challenges because of inadequate mech- and well-being.
ment institutions and entities function effectively. anisms within programmatic local governments
It aims to enhance their capability for proper exe- (PLGs). The clarity of local government revenue Ways for sustainability
cution of tasks. It includes the capacity to detect mobilisation and fiscal capacity is hindered by the Local governments should assess capacity
issues, analyse alternative options to cope with uncertain expenditure needs of PLGs and insuffi- needs, considering diverse geographic and demo-
problems, make sound policies, and sustain these cient infrastructure funding. The majority of PLGs graphic landscapes like Kathmandu Valley and
efforts to execute them for the benefit of socio-eco- still rely on outdated paper-based asset inventory remote areas. Provincial and federal governments
nomic development. The United Nations Devel- systems, lack robust monitoring and evaluation should provide expertise, technology transfer, and
opment Assistance Framework (UNDAF) defines mechanisms, and face challenges in performance knowledge sharing to support local capacity devel-
enhancing capacities at three interconnected levels, management. opment. The national CD plan should adopt a bot-
namely, capacity at the individual level, capacity at The inadequacy of a skilled and proficient work- tom-up approach, addressing the unique demands
the institutional level, and capacity at the enabling Output 5 of the LGCDP II focused on capacity launched the Provincial and Local Governance force, the absence of written job descriptions, and of each locality for inclusive and responsive local
environment. Capacity building at the individual development (CD). The capacity development strat- Support Programme (PLGSP) in 2019. The Minis- organisational policies for human resource man- development.
level refers to the strengthening and unleashing of egy for the LGCDP II formulated in 2014 focused on try of Federal Affairs and General Administration agement have been challenging. Local financial Human resources need improved skills in gov-
the knowledge, skills, proficiency, and competency three major interrelated sectors, including individ- (MOFAGFA) has formulated and implemented management is advancing with software systems, ernance, programme management, leadership,
of human resources. Similarly, organisational ual human resource development (HRD), organ- Innovative Local Economic Development (ILED) highlighting a need for capacity building. More- and performance-based management. Local gov-
capacity building refers to enhancing managerial isational development, and systems and network Procedures 2080 to foster local economic develop- over, this necessitates the standardisation of pub- ernments and provincial good governance centres
performance through improvements in systems, development. The capacity development strat- ment. Moreover, 104 local levels from the seven lic financial management (PFM) software and the should offer career development and mentorship
functions, plans, policies, strategies, guidelines, egy for the LGCDP II outlined five primary entry provinces have been eligible after fulfilling the extension of PFM practices to provincial and local programs. Individuals should pursue innovative
structures, leadership, and other dynamics. Lastly, points to realise anticipated results during the selected criteria to conduct the ILED programme governments. learning through training and workshops. Culti-
capacity building in an enabling situation refers programme's duration, including the Ministry of for the fiscal year 2080–81 B.S. vating a knowledge-sharing culture, leveraging
to the creation of a conducive environment where Federal Affairs and Local Development (MoFALD) Global approach technology for education, and recognising individ-
institutions and human resources operate. with its affiliated entities, the Local Development Assessment of CD According to The Confluence, 2023, 70.3 per ual achievements are crucial for enhancing capac-
Training Academy (LTDA) and Rural Development The Local Governance Capacity Need Assess- cent of rural households in Bangladesh don't have ity development.
CD at local level Training Centres (RDTC), Local Bodies' Associa- ment Report 2078 reveals that 73 per cent of the access to the internet. However, the Government of Tailored approaches are needed for capacity
Following the restoration of the multiparty tions (LBAs) and Local Bodies (LBs), Social Mobil- local levels don't have provision for landfill sites Bangladesh has already made efforts to equip rural development, considering diverse state, economic,
democratic system, the local bodies commenced isers as an independent entity, and Service Provid- for waste management. About 29 per cent have areas with digital infrastructure to digitise ser- and societal realities. Policy coherence and coor-
service delivery under specific legal frameworks, ers (both national and local). formulated and implemented local periodic plans, vices and eliminate bureaucratic red tape. About dination are crucial, discouraging fragmented
including the Local Self-Governance Act 1999, the With the adoption of federalism in Nepal, the and only 15 per cent have established project banks. 4,501 Union Digital Centres (UDCs) were opened approaches among development partners. The
Local Self-Governance Regulation LSGR 1999, and constitution has devolved power, authority, and About 57 per cent have not done IEE/EIA while throughout the country in 2010, which escalated LGCDP II's CD Strategy emphasises restructuring
the Local Body (Financial Administration) Regu- responsibilities to local governments. The Local constructing infrastructure, and 31 per cent have to 8,280 in 2021. These serve as local-level digital the Local Development Training Academy (LDTA),
lations 2007. The Ministry of Federal Affairs and Governance Operation Act 2017 has defined the implemented non-eco-friendly approaches. The service centres established at the union level (the ensuring transparent leadership recruitment, and
Local Development (MoFALD) implemented sev- roles and functions of local levels, emphasising percentage of locals with access to information smallest rural administrative unit in Bangladesh), predetermined Terms of Reference. Collaborative
eral capacity development programmes, including participatory planning processes for budgetary technology has reached 83 per cent. About 40 per serving the rural population and mitigating the efforts with academia, civil society organisations,
the Local Governance and Community Develop- allocations and policy guidelines. Thus, a compe- cent have conducted public-private partnership risk of the digital divide. UDCs aim to contribute to and institutions like LDTA as knowledge centres
ment Programme (LGCDP) I from 2008 to 2013 and tent, capable, and effective local government and dialogues. The report reveals that 91 per cent are digital literacy and the empowerment of rural com- on good governance are essential.
LGCDP II from 2013 to 2017. These programmes institutions have become the prerequisites for good still lagging in the formulation of the capacity munities by increasing access to online services,
aimed to improve governance and community governance. To build the capacity of provincial development plan. The report on Capacity Needs educational and skill development opportunities, (The author is an under-secretary at the Ministry
development by addressing poverty reduction. and local governments, the government of Nepal Assessment for the Transition to Federalism of and information. of Federal Affairs and General Administration)
B Friday, February 23, 2024

Journey From Seattle To Salt Lake City

Dr. Shyam Joshi

uring our trip to the USA, we explored threw voluminous hot water with steam for a
the far-western states bordering Vancou- longer time and higher than the day before. The
ver, Canada, to the north and the Pacific Midway Excelsior Geyser presents a stunning
Ocean to the west. On June 29, 2023, despite view by discharging 55 gallons of hot water every
strong warnings from authorities to stay inside second into the Firehole River. Nearby is another
because of the deadly smoke from the forest fire 307-foot-wide, stunning Grand Prismatic Spring.
in Canada, we had to implement our already- It is the biggest multicolor hot spring in the park,
booked travel plan. We landed in Seattle at 7 presenting itself in vivid colours of blue, green,
p.m. local time, which is 3 hours later than in orange, and gold. There are many other big hot
Hartford. Seattle is called an Emerald City in springs and geysers inside the park.
Washington State, in the northwest of the USA, The park has its spectacular highest peak,
bordering Vancouver, Canada. On June 30, we Eagle Peak, at 11350 feet. The gorgeous Hayden
visited several tourists’ attractions in Seattle. Valley is a hot spot for wildlife viewing, such as
Notable among them are the 605-foot-tall Space a large herd of bison, wolves, bears, and elk. Yel-
Needle Spire at the Seattle Centre with an obser- lowstone Lake, the natural lake called ‘Angler’s
vation deck and rotating restaurant, the public Paradise’ at an altitude of 7732 feet above sea
market known as Pike Place Market, which is level with 350 square kilometres of surface area,
the farmers’ original market, the Climate Pledge presents a mesmerising view. This is the largest
Arena, and Seattle downtown. Unlike the towers high-altitude lake in North America and the sec-
in other cities in the USA, the new experience ond largest in the world at such a high altitude.
in the Space Needle was walking in a revolv- We viewed all these amid large crowds of tourists
One of the main ing observatory and revolving glass floor from
where we can view the city directly downwards
never seen before by both walking and driving a
car all day.
attractions of the park is with a risk of dizziness and fainting. On July 5th, while on the road to Salt Lake
When in Seattle, I also visited the Discovery City, the capital of Utah, we decided to spend
Old Faithful, so named Centre of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the whole day catching breathtaking views of
because it erupts every established to disseminate information as to the Teton Mountain range and the beautiful

ninety-minute interval
what they are doing and how their activities are TRAVELOGUE mountain is like peeping a bride’s face through a lakes at its bottom, which are inside the Grand
affecting the lives of millions of people world- bridal veil. This is a blessing in disguise since it Teton National Park. The park, covering 1300 sq
regularly without fail. This wide. “The actions of a man can change the lives has enhanced the beauty of Seattle as a jewel on km and established in 1929 in Wyoming state, is
of millions” was the catchphrase that caught my guess, this queue was not for a ticket to the its head, luring hundreds of tourists every year. only 16 km south of the YNP. The park includes
has been continuing since my attention as soon as I entered the Discovery newly released Hollywood blockbuster “Mis- Mt. Rainer is to Seattle what Mt. Fishtail is to the major peaks of the 64-kilometre-long Teton
its discovery in 1870 by an Center. We viewed their activities displayed in
printed and visual forms and watched videos.
sion Impossible: Dead Reckoning," but for a cup
of world-famous Starbucks coffee. The reason
Pokhara in Nepal and Mt. Fuji to Tokyo in Japan.
On July 1st, when proceeding towards our final
Range. Grand Teton Peak, with 13775 ft, from
which the park name was given, is the tallest
expedition team. As we came out of the public market, pop- behind this queue was that that restaurant was destination, we spent several hours observing mountain in the Teton range, and Mt. Owen,
ularly known as Seattle’s historic Pike Place the first Starbucks restaurant established in Snoqualmie Falls, one of the most popular falls with 12933 ft, is the second highest summit in the
Market, my eyes fell on a long queue of tourists 1971. So, due to the history of the restaurant, in Seattle, within a driving distance of a mere range.
on the road opposite this market. Contrary to tourists visiting Seattle should not miss buying a 56 minute west of Seattle, from the viewpoint
cup of coffee there. Soon after its establishment, above and from the base of the falls. On July 2nd, Teton Mountain
this restaurant chain spread worldwide and will from Ellensburg, Washington, we resumed our The park has several lakes. Including the 24
have covered eighty-four countries with 35711 journey today after breakfast and, after 2 hours’ km-long Jackson Lake. Bedside, enjoying the
locations by 2022. scenic drive, reached Spokane City, the second spectacular view of the five tallest Grand Teton
largest city in Washington. It’s known as the mountains from Jackson Lake, which lies at its
Mt. Rainer birthplace of ‘Father’s Day'. We visited Manito bottom, we also viewed the range from another
On July 1st, we observed Seattle and its sky- Park, which consists of several gardens inside. lake named Jenny Lake. Likewise, we viewed
line from a viewpoint known as Kerry Park. This From there, after crossing Idaho State after 3 the Teton range closely from the John Moulton
park is about 325 feet high. It presents incredibly hours’ drive, we reached Missoula, Montana, at 5 Barn, which lies at a higher elevation. Another
beautiful scenes of Seattle, including the majes- p.m. and stayed in the Staybridge Suite. The time notable thing we saw was the Continental Divide
tic look of Space Needle and Elliott Bay. As soon there is one hour earlier than in Seattle due to in the middle of the park. A continental divide is
as we reached Seattle, my eyes were desperate the change in time zone. a naturally occurring boundary or ridge separat-
to catch a glimpse of spectacular Mt. Rainer. It On July 3rd, after breakfast, we resumed our ing a continent’s river system. After sightseeing,
was seen wrapped in a veil from inside our run- journey, and after a four-hour drive, we arrived we rushed towards our destination of that day
ning car. Although our walking tour of Seattle at our final destination and our dreamland, Yel- by car, looking at breathtaking scenes all around
began early in the morning, we could not see the lowstone National Park (YNP). The YNP, the us, and stopped at the Hampton Inn and Suites in
mountain clearly from anywhere. Thus, when world’s first national park, was established in Pocatello, Idaho, at about 6 p.m. local time.
my daughter proposed a cruise ride on the water 1872 and is so large in area that it is spread over On July 6, as soon as we reached Salt Lake
of dazzling Elliott Bay from Waterfront Park, I 3500 square miles and is at an elevation of 8104 ft. City in Utah State, we first went to the Great Salt
immediately gave my consent in the hope that the It is almost the size of Connecticut. It took more Lake, the largest lake west of the Mississippi
mountain might give its darshan. My sleepless than one hour by car to catch a glimpse of two River with a surface area of 2500 square kilome-
night in Seattle finally bore fruit when I could roaring falls and the Grand Canyon of Yellow- ters. It is one of the saltiest bodies of water on
have unbeatable and mind-blowing views of Mt. stone from a nearby viewpoint. earth. There are no fish in the lake because of
Rainier. It is situated 95 kilometres southeast of Although most of the park is in Wyoming, the unbearably high salt content in the water. We
Seattle. On a clear day, the majestic volcano dom- some of the park areas are spread to Idaho and viewed from its bank the magnificent lake, with
inates the horizon and seems to be backdropping Montana. It is a recreation area in the wilder- a mountain range stretching from north to south
the big city, but on other cloudy days, viewing the ness, atop a volcanic hot spot. Besides pictur- in the west. After that, we went on a walking tour
esque and Rocky Mountains in the north and of the city, including the downtown area, Utah’s
west, it is famous for hot springs, roaring water- state capitol, Nordstrom, Macy’s Mall, and a
falls, gushing geysers, the Grand Canyon of Yel- grand church known as the Marmon Tabernacle
lowstone, and several animal species, including Choir.
bison, elk, bears, wolves, and antelope. It is the The Utah State Capitol is located on Capitol
most important and prestigious tourist destina- Hill, overlooking downtown Salt Lake City. This
tion in the USA, visited on average by more than State Capitol Building has chambers and offices
four million tourists every year. of the Utah state legislature, office of the gover-
nor, and attorney general. Temple Square, one of
Old Faithful Geyser the tourist attractions of the city, is in the heart
The park, when we were there, was so crowded of the city. The Church of Jesus Christ of Lat-
that, in my rough estimate, there were about ten ter-day Saints owns the large complex in Temple
thousand tourists throughout the park, and a lot Square. This square consists of a temple, a taber-
of private vehicles were seen parked everywhere. nacle, an assembly hall, the seagull monument,
We spent all day of July 4 watching mind-blowing and two visitors’ centers. The square was des-
hot springs and geysers in the park. We viewed ignated a national historic landmark district in
the miracles of the other most important part 1964.
of the park, which I had recorded as an unfor- On July 6, we did wind up our long but exciting
gettable moment of my life. One of the main and unforgettable journey reluctantly and flew
attractions of the park is Old Faithful, so named back to Connecticut. We are so overwhelmed
because it erupts every ninety-minute interval with joy that we don’t find words to express
regularly without fail. This has been continuing gratitude to my lovely daughter Shraddha, who
since its discovery in 1870 by an expedition team. skillfully devised the travel plan; my son-in-law
This geyser is the park’s main attraction, where Abhinaya Joshi, who precisely implemented
the eruptions last from one to three minutes and the plan and took the painstaking job of driving
reach a height of 90 to 184 feet. When the vol- about 2600 kilometres from Seattle, Washington,
cano erupts, it spews hot water and an incredible to Salt Lake City, Utah, all alone; and last but not
amount of steam. Hence, witnessing this incredi- least, my little grandson, Avay Joshi, who always
ble event is the first choice for tourists. endeavoured to take care of grandparents and
Being unsatisfied by watching once, we vis- keep them happy. I thought myself most fortu-
ited the Old Faithful again on the morning of nate to observe all of these, which are usually
July 4. The eruption of the Old Faithful was inaccessible for people like us in terms of the
predicted at 9 a.m. The crowd of tourists packed high cost of travel to distant corners of the world.
about six rows of benches. Then, exactly at 9
a.m., an eruption took place for about five min- (The author is a professor of business
utes and went about 40 feet high. The geyser economics.)
Friday, February 23, 2024 C

Power Of Meditation FUTURE WATCH

(Based on birth names)

February 23rd to 29th 2024 - D. N. Lohani

The initial period will Minor health issues

take a progressive won’t cause any prob-
course. Stomach dis- lems. Regular gains will
Badri Prakash Ojha orders are predicted. provide some relief. The
Health conditions will second half is better. The
improve today. Relatives family will cooperate.
ARIES won’t cooperate. The TAURUS Philanthropic activities
technical line will face can face obstacles.
obstacles. Hardship will
yield some return.

editation, as defined by the US Department
of Health and Human Services, is a mind-
body practice with diverse benefits. It pro-
motes calmness, relaxation, psychological balance,
and overall well-being. It involves the interaction of An entertaining week is
Despite your troubles, you
the brain, mind, body, and behavior. Meditation has in the store. Celebrations
will be less satisfied. Deci-
ancient roots, spanning various cultures and reli- or similar events can oc-
sive ability will guide you
gions. Though techniques and goals vary, its core cur. You will regularly
ahead, but you will fail to
aims for heightened awareness, mindfulness (Chet- meet friends and relatives.
fully utilise it. Health dis-
ana), inner peace (Samadhi), and ultimately salva- GEMINI orders are predicted for CANCER You will find it difficult to
tion (Moksha). Regular practice improves cognitive control expenses. defer a
the middle portion. Busi-
marital decision for some
functions like attention and concentration. Scientif- ness will keep you busy.
ically proven, meditation effectively reduces stress. Study will take a progres-
Harvard University, School of Medical Science, sive course.
defines stress as a set of physiological and psycho-
logical reactions that the body and the brain have
when facing a threat or a challenge, known as the
fight or flight response, a term coined by Dr. Walter
Bradford Cannon, a professor at Harvard Medical Love-related expenses
School. can rise. Regular gains
Entertaining events will will help consolidate
The fight or flight response prepares our body to cortisol and adrenaline in the body reduce, breath- depression. Several studies have found that MBCT
occur. Foreign travel can your financial position.
either confront or escape the danger. It reflects the ing slows and becomes deeper, the heart rate can significantly reduce relapse in people who have
occur. Love can suffer set- You may face obstacles
two primary choices our ancestors faced when con- reduces, and the intelligent part of the brain has had previous episodes of major depression. Mind- backs. Studying will take
fronted with a threat: confront the danger head-on, a better chance of working to its optimal capacity. fulness-based interventions can improve physical in creative writing. Busi-
a progressive course after ness-related obstacles
fight, or flee to escape from it—flight. The amygdala also shrinks over time with regu- health, too. For example, mindfulness may reduce some focus. You will win on
According to Dr. Cannon, the stress response lar meditation. This means that when the stress pain, fatigue, and stress in people with chronic pain. LEO VIRGO can occur. The second
legal issues. Speculative ac- half is entertaining.
releases hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. response is triggered, it is less intense and much Other studies have found preliminary evidence that tivities can occur.
These hormones increase the heart rate, blood pres- shorter-lived. mindfulness might boost the immune system and
sure, breathing rate, and muscle tension, among Meditation teachers, neuroscientists, and psy- help people recover more quickly from a cold or flu.
other effects. The stress response can be helpful chiatricians administer various techniques to heal Chronic stress can impair the body's immune sys-
in short-term situations, but if it is prolonged or the traumatic states of people. Out of such many tem and make many other health problems worse.
repeated, it can have negative impacts on health techniques, mindfulness-based interventions By lowering the stress response, mindfulness may
and well-being. Whenever we receive a life-threat- (MBIs) are a type. These are a combination of psy- have downstream effects throughout the body. Though your expendi-
ening situation, a part of the brain called the amyg- cho-therapeutic techniques like meditation, relax- Psychological researchers have discovered that You will advance ahead,
ture level will rise, the overcoming emerging
dala becomes active. It is a region of the brain that is ation, and others to promote mindfulness, which mindfulness affects two distinct stress pathways present pace of progress challenges successfully.
involved in processing emotions, particularly fear. is the practice of paying attention to the present in the brain, altering brain structures and activity will keep you happy. Strong determination will
Our emotions guide our actions by reflecting our moment in a non-judgmental way. MBIs have been in areas linked to attention and emotional regula- Health conditions will guide you ahead. Friends
environment. They alert us to potential dangers, shown to be effective in treating a variety of mental tion. Through a review of meditation studies, they improve. The family will and family will cooperate.
prompting protective responses. However, emo- health conditions, including depression, anxiety, identified the specific components of mindfulness LIBRA provide appreciable sup- SCORPIO The expenditure level will
tions aren't always reliable indicators of threats, and stress. responsible for its positive effects. Findings indicate port. New friends can rise on Thursday.
sometimes leading to unnecessary anxiety and A recent review of studies published in the Jour- that individuals undergoing Mindfulness-Based join your circle.
stress. nal of the American Medical Association's (JAMA) Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) exhibited reduced ten-
Susan Spinks, a meditation teacher at the Sydney Internal Medicine found that MBIs were effective dencies for negative thoughts or unhelpful emo-
Institute of Meditation, states that, as we evolved, in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety in tional reactions durin g stressful situations. More-
a rustle in the grass could be a dangerous wild adults. The review also found that MBIs were more over, participants in MBCT, or Mindfulness-Based
animal or a hostile person from another tribe. The effective than other types of psychotherapy, such as Stress Reduction (MBSR), demonstrated enhanced
stress response is what has kept mankind alive; it cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), in reducing present-moment focus and reduced repetitive neg-
has been key to our survival. symptoms of depression. ative thinking.
Today, most of us do not usually face these sit- A study in JAMA Psychiatry revealed that Mindfulness meditation changes our brain and The initial period will
You may have to tackle
uations. However, the evolution of our brain has mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) effec- biology in positive ways, improving mental and comprise obstacles. The
numerous obstacles. A
not kept pace with the rate at which our lives are tively prevent depression relapse post-treatment. physical health. This meditation involves training expenditure level will rise
health disorder is pre-
changing. The amygdala is constantly misinter- Participants in MBI programmes showed lower our attention to focus on the present moment and unnecessarily. Circum-
dicted. Friends will help
preting information entering the brain as well as relapse rates compared to non-participants. MBIs observing our thoughts and feelings without judg- stances will improve to-
you face opponents. The
what we are thinking. It detects threats that are not offer a safe and efficient approach for various men- ment. This can help interrupt the stress cycle and morrow. Decisive ability CAPRICORN job may not provide much
SAGITTARIUS will guide you ahead. Oth-
there. This can arise during relationship problems, tal health conditions, often conducted in group allow us to respond more calmly and effectively to satisfaction. Students will
ers will remain impressed
money worries, difficult living conditions, work settings or individually at home. The American stressful situations. have to work harder.
with your effort. Benefi-
issues, or certain events. Even a difference of opin- Psychological Association endorses mindfulness Strategies such as ignoring or denying stress,
cial causes will increase
ion with someone is enough to trigger it. meditation for its dual benefits for mental and phys- though momentarily effective, can detrimentally
While the fight-or-flight response is crucial for ical health. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction impact long-term health and happiness. Research
survival in certain situations, chronic activation (MBSR) and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy from the Journal of Research in Personality reveals
of this stress response, especially in response to (MBCT) are notable interventions. MBSR involves that mindfulness, particularly present-moment
non-life-threatening stressors, can have negative weekly and daily mindfulness practices, including awareness, enhances stress resilience and coping
health consequences. Prolonged exposure to stress yoga and meditation, while MBCT combines MBSR skills. You will experience a
Success after struggle is
hormones can contribute to various health issues, and cognitive-behavioural therapy for depression Present-moment awareness entails focusing busy schedule. Undertak-
likely. Simple tasks will
en assignments will be
including cardiovascular problems, weakened treatment. on the current experience rather than fixating on require extra effort and
completed successfully.
immune function, and mental health disorders. Researchers reviewed more than two hun- future outcomes or past events. Studies suggest cost. Distant friends will
Regular gains will help
Techniques such as meditation and relaxation dred studies of mindfulness among healthy peo- that individuals embracing present moment living cooperate. Avoid risky
consolidate your financial
exercises are often employed to help counteract ple and found mindfulness-based therapy was enjoy various health advantages, such as reduced ventures on Monday. The
AQUARIUS position. The technical
the effects of chronic stress and promote overall especially effective for reducing stress, anxiety, stress, anxiety, and depression, elevated mood, and opposite sex will provide PISCES line will turn profitable.
well-being. and depression. Mindfulness can also help treat enhanced overall well-being. good support.
According to Spinks, within a few meditation people with specific problems, including depres-
practices, the physiological response of the body sion, pain, smoking, and addiction. Some of the (Ojha, a PhD in communication, is a meditation
is the opposite of the stress response. The levels of most promising research has looked at people with teacher.)

Second Memoirs Of A Seasoned Administrator

utobiographies and memoirs have The new book entitled ALMALIYEKAA GORE- favourably inclined to accept the system of Thaado
started to attain frequency among TAAHARU: ANUTTARIT PRASANGAHARU, Aadesh (direct order without recourse to courts as
Nepali writers. However, there are few which can roughly be translated as Confused Path- practiced by administrators) during a workshop of
instances when people write memoirs more ways: Unanswered Contexts, is quite reflective of chief district officers.
than once. Civil servants are possible excep- the saying that autobiography is a wound where The author points fingers at the actions and pos-
tions to this convention, as they probably feel the blood of history does not dry. Three senior sible intentions of Prime Minister Girija Prasad
that they have more to share after coming out administrators, Khem Raj Nepal, Hem Raj Paudel, Koirala. He blames Koirala for injecting politi-
with the first publication, along with a bureau- and Jayamukunda Khanal, have commented on Madan Kumar Bhattarai cisation into the bureaucracy. He has also given
crat's sense of discretion and reservation. the content and context of the book. context to Koirala's indirect confessions of what
Sir Walter Crocker, the first Australian Ambas- D.B., in his characteristically simple and clearly he calls sanctions given by the Indian Foreign Sec-
sador to Nepal, though a diplomat enjoying all flowing language, has succinctly shared the expe- retary to hijack Nepali Airlines with the intention
privileges and immunities, was unknowingly held rience of his life in 32 chapters on what he calls the ALMALIYEKAA GORETAAHARU: of robbing three million rupees of Nepal's cen-
a virtual captive inside the precincts of the Singha thought process, internal conflict, and tension. He tral bank after his overtures to get money from
Durbar Secretariat for several hours on the fateful portrays negative trends prevalent in the Nepali ANUTTARIT PRASANGAHARU an Indian intelligence outfit failed. Incidentally,
day of December 15, 1960. He thought it prudent administrative milieu, as there is a tendency to Kewal Singh was India's Foreign Secretary at the
to have two memoirs. However, it seems editors, brand people with various accusations, including Damaru Ballabh Bhattarai (D.B.) time and has not mentioned this aspect in his
in their efforts to prune the lengths, probably those of political colour. memoirs.
thought it not worthwhile to include Nepali expe- The first chapter is basically a prologue with
Publishers: Uma Sharma Bhattarai, While the book is quite interesting, there are
rience in the books. the writer's list of people who inspired, helped, Kathmandu, 2022 some negative points. The first lacuna is that
The prolific Australian diplomat completed his and assisted him in his long bureaucratic journey, presentations are not systematic but random.
centenary before his death in 2002. The same is the including people who egged him to write the sec- Pages 130 BOOK REVIEW Second, there are mistakes in names and descrip-
case with at least two top Indian diplomats, K.P.S. ond memoir. His first book, ANUBHAV RA CHIN- tions. As Shankar Raj Pathak is a professor and
Menon and T.N. Kaul, who have penned more than TAN (Experiences and Reflections), was published Price: Rs. 350/- Zonal Commissioner, apart from several other
one memoir to share their long careers in bureau- more than two years ago. The author also names for King Birendra, who not only encouraged him functions he discharged, he is not a doctor. Like-
cracy, including their experience in Nepal. two recent publications penned by former Prime to fulfil his duty as Chief District Officer of Kath- wise, Chandra Shekhar, who later became Prime
In the second memoir of Damaru Ballabh Bhat- Minister Surya Bahadur Thapa and top cardiolo- mandu but also showed sympathy for his sum- Minister of India and visited Nepal to take part
tarai (D.B.), Secretary and Election Commissioner, gist Dr. Bhagwan Koirala as having inspired him. anomalies of Nepali bureaucracy that can be mary dismissal from the service. There is, how- in the meetings of the then political formations,
the author spent the early part of his civil service While making a free and frank assessment of described as an exercise in administrative mess ever, a context in which one senior official was was a senior politician but never an academic.
as Chief District Officer for 12 years, covering people he encountered during his long stint in where rules and regulations are more breached quite familiar with the author prior to his induc- Despite such minor shortcomings, D.B.'s sec-
seven districts ranging from the Himalayan hills administration, D.B. has thought it appropriate than observed and policy-level corruption reigns tion into palace service, having metamorphosed ond memoir is an admirable work depicting a
to Terai and even Kathmandu. D.B. also holds the to appreciate the roles of some administrators. supreme. The author portrays a sharp depletion in into an unwieldy and bullying personality. true picture of the Nepali bureaucracy that was
unique experience of serving as Secretary to as Those falling under his positive evaluation include the standards of constitutional organs that have Incidentally, chapter three detailing his experi- already on a downward slide and probably fell to
many as six Prime Ministers, which is not that sur- Balaram Singh Malla, Mohan Dev Pant, Padam badly been politicised over the years. The writer ence as CDO of Kathmandu, entitled Chaarkhaal- the bottom after the perfunctory and arbitrary
prising in a country where political transition is a Prasad Pokhrel, Hiranya Lal Regmi, Vidya Nath has poor impressions of political class and defines maa Haraundaa (disappearing in the whirlpool decision of Girija Prasad Koirala to dismiss a
rule rather than an exception, irrespective of any Nepal, Mangal Krishna Shrestha, Ram Chandra political changes as attempts as if to rob the coun- of Chaarkhaal), is also reproduced as article 7 in large number of civil servants. I congratulate the
form of government, monarchical, parliamentary, Malhotra, Shankar Raj Pathak, Dr. Suresh Raj try of its originality and perpetuate the influence Raastrasevak magazine (Vol. 26. No. 1, Septem- author on his tenacious efforts to bring out the
constitutional, or republican. But the element of Sharma, Ranjan Singh Shah, and Arjun Mani of corrupt elements trying to deny the rule of law ber 2022), published by the Council of Former second book.
surprise is his retention in the Prime Minister's Dixit. for their vested interests. Public Servants of Nepal. D.B. makes particu-
Office, as there is a feeling of being left out or This work can also be taken as a study of Chapters three and four are important in the lar reference to the observation of Chief Justice (Dr. Bhattarai is a former foreign secretary,
kicked out in this posting for our civil servants. Nepal's administrative culture. It truly unravels sense that the writer has the best appreciation Ratna Bahadur Bista that the judiciary was not ambassador, and author.)
D Friday, February 23, 2024

A Global Call For Climate Justice

individuals to speed up their efforts to cut emis-
sions. The declaration also emphasises the impor-
tance of global cooperation and solidarity in
addressing the climate crisis, protecting vulnera-
ble communities, and preserving the environment
for future generations.
Geeta Pandey, Director of Policy Advocacy and
Research at the Karnali Integrated Rural Develop-
Indira Aryal ment and Research Centre (KIRDARC) in Nepal,
expressed the opportunity to join forces in con-
fronting the dire impacts of climate change. Their
work in Nepal mirrors the challenges experienced
by regions worldwide, highlighting the shared

iprotich Peter, a youth activist from Kenya, struggle against these devastating consequences.
believes that taking loans to combat the The far-reaching impacts of the climate crisis
climate crisis is not the solution. Instead, childbirth from using salty water for hygiene exchange experiences, and forge strategies for stress that its effects span from the highlands of
he advocates for developed nations to assist devel- during menstruation. transformation. The convening of the Kathmandu Nepal to lowlands across the globe. She under-
oping countries in finding sustainable solutions. Mausami pointed out the frequent natural Forum marks a momentous milestone, highlight- scored the importance of safeguarding not only
Peter conveyed this message during his partici- disasters, like two to three cyclones, that worsen ing the enduring resilience and rich diversity islands and mountains but also the intercon-
pation in the World Social Forum in Kathmandu, the already tough conditions. She passionately inherent within global solidarity movements. nected ecosystems in between. However, Pandey
Nepal, held from February 15 to 19, 2024. He used called for justice, stressing the importance of Over 1,252 organisations from 92 countries lamented that, despite global commitments, many
the platform to highlight the climate crisis, recog- everyone receiving fair treatment in the face of actively participated, both in person and virtu- states, influenced by industry pressures and cor-
nising Nepal's own struggles with its impacts. the climate crisis. She emphasised the urgent ally, in the five-day forum. This event showcased porate interests, have yet to fulfil their obligations.
Holding a placard that reads, “The world’s poor- need for collective action to address the signifi- thematic panels, self-organised activities, and cul- This failure to act effectively leaves humanity vul-
est countries are being forced to take out loans to cant injustices experienced by her country and its tural programmes and provided ample opportuni- nerable to catastrophic temperature rises.
respond to a climate crisis, not of their making,” people. ties for networking and collaborative action. In light of this urgency, Pandey called for collec-
Peter emphasises the need for grants, not loans, Harjeet Singh, a climate change activist from The Forum encompassed a diverse array of the- tive action and decisive measures. She highlighted
for countries like Kenya and Nepal. Despite con- India, used the side forum of the Global Climate matic panels, assemblies, and activities spanning how this WSF has amplified the voices of affected
tributing little to greenhouse gas emissions, Justice Assembly, “Mountain in Peril: Together 13 distinct themes. These include critical topics communities and advocated for concrete steps
they suffer the worst impacts of climate change, for People and Planet,” at the WSF to shed light such as climate change, economic inequality and to address the injustices perpetuated by climate
including droughts and floods. Peter's message on the detrimental effects of climate change and the global financial system, gender equality and change.
resonates as a call for climate justice and solidar- the alarming proliferation of fossil fuel plants by women's rights, labour rights and migration, as The declaration raises concerns about the rapid Pandey pledged to continue advocating for
ity among nations. Calls for climate justice echoed developed nations. "We must persist in our fight well as peace, justice, and human rights. melting of the Himalayan glaciers due to climate accountability from governments and corpora-
resoundingly amidst the gatherings of activists for climate justice," he asserted. change, which affects billions of people who rely tions while striving for more just and sustainable
from 92 countries. Singh addressed the audience from the per- Kathmandu declaration on them for water. It urges international efforts solutions that benefit all, particularly the poor,
Mausami, from Bangladesh, working with a spective of a mountainous country, emphasising The civil society organisations working in to prioritise action and investments in mountain marginalised, women, girls, and individuals of all
global platform in her country, brought atten- the direct link between melting glaciers and the Nepal on climate change issues crafted the Kath- regions to address this threat. genders.
tion to the severe challenges faced due to climate continued use of fossil fuels. "The impacts you're mandu Declaration, ‘Together for Climate Jus- The declaration also criticises the current global Climate actions must not reinforce existing
change. She described Bangladesh as disas- seeing are a direct result of these actions," he said. tice’. This declaration stresses that actions to financial system for not adequately supporting social inequalities but instead create opportu-
ter-prone and shared the unbearable suffering Singh stressed the importance of holding account- tackle climate change, like reducing emissions developing countries in their efforts to address cli- nities for access to information, resources, and
experienced, especially by those in coastal areas. able those countries responsible for exacerbating and adapting to its effects, must be fair and just. mate change. It calls for urgent reforms to ensure opportunities for all. Pandey critiqued the mod-
"The situation in the coastal belt, particularly for climate change. He urged for a collective effort to It highlights the importance of considering the that money flows transparently and fairly to help ern economic system for prioritising private own-
minority groups and women, is extremely dis- address the consequences and ensure account- needs of marginalised groups, such as women, these countries transition to sustainable develop- ership and profit, which often leads to extreme
tressing," Mausami expressed during the WSF. ability for the well-being of all communities children, people with disabilities, and indigenous ment and cope with climate-related damage. extraction of natural resources and environ-
She emphasised the difficult journey women affected by the impacts of climate change. peoples. These groups should have a say in deci- Moreover, the Kathmandu Declaration empha- mental degradation. Addressing climate justice
undertake, walking three to five kilometres to sion-making about climate issues. The declaration sises the need for immediate action to reduce requires not only systemic change but also a fun-
collect safe drinking water, often encountering Why WSF also calls for sharing the responsibilities and ben- greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the effects damental reevaluation of humanity's relationship
harassment from men or boys along the way. Since its establishment in 2001, the WSF has efits of climate action fairly among countries, con- of climate change. It stresses the importance of with the planet and with each other.
This struggle leads to women experiencing served as a guiding light for social movements, sidering their historical contributions and future using scientific evidence to guide decision-mak-
vaginal infections and complications during trade unions, and activists worldwide to unite, impacts. ing and urges all countries, businesses, and (Aryal is a journalist at The Rising Nepal.)


1 2 3 4 5
Wonderful Winter
6 7 Vacation
a really amazing and unforgettable
moment for me.
After we finished the zip line, we
8 9 10 11 took some photos. Then, I tried sky
cycling, which was really cool. Sky
cycling is when you ride a bike on a
rope high up in the air. We also walked
around the Trishuli Riverbank in the
12 13 14 15 Parineety Regmi evening. Before dinner, we listened to
live music and had fun dancing and
singing together. Later, we had din-
Brisha Wagle, Grade :III, The Chandbagh School
ner. Since it was cold, we sat around
a campfire before going to bed. After
16 warming up, we decided it was time to

trip means a journey in which go to sleep.
you go somewhere, usually
for a short time, and come
back again. I had a winter vacation
17 18 for 15 days due to the extremely cold
weather. So, my family decided to go
on a trip to Trisuli Riverside Resort,
Name .................................................................................. Across located on the bank of the Trisuli
1. A sudden attack River in Dhading. Udhav Kadel estab-
Address ............................................................................. 4. Break apart lished this resort, which has earned a
6. The future good reputation in the field of rafting
Signature .......................................................................... 8. Of considerable size and adventure in Nepal.
9. A haymaking machine On the trip, there were five mem-
12. The latest bers, including my father, mother,
14. A right to reject a decision brother, sister, and myself. First, we
16. Way in
took a bus from New Buspark. It took The next morning, we woke up a bit
around 4 hours from Kathmandu to late and headed for breakfast. After
17. Main actor
Last date of entry: reach the resort. eating, we went on a short hike. Along
18. Sanitising hydrocarbon
February 28, 2024 After reaching there, we had the way, we saw people working on
lunch together. After taking some their farms.
2. Store of valuable things
Win a prize of Rs. 600. In case there are more rest, we decided to take advantage Then, we returned to the riverbank
3. Keep apart of some adventurous activities avail- for some photos—it was a wonderful
than one correct entry the prize will be split 4. A serious dispute able at the resort. So, we all headed to moment. When we got back to the
into three sums of Rs. 200 each. The winner will 5. Not true Zip Line. resort, we packed our bags and had
be selected by a lucky draw. Only cuttings (not 7. A sound of knocking Zip lining is an action filled with lunch. It was time to go back to Kath-
8. Impair the quality recreational activity that involves rid- mandu, so we caught a bus. I told my
photo copy) that include the Crossword Puzzle
10. Departing from usual standards ing a steel cable on a protective seat or relatives and friends all about our
no. will be accepted. 11. Kangaroo a belt between two points. We wore the adventure.
13. Escape paying tax safety belts, and my father went first
15. In bad style to another side. (Grade: VI, Xavier International
Shaman Paudel, Grade: V, Occidental Public School, Anamnagar Kathmandu
16. A person who is overly emotional Then we all did the same. That was School)

Solutions to TRN Crossword Puzzle No. 1777

All you have to do is to fill
up in the seven boxes below
14. ASAP 16. BAD DEBTS 17. PLUG 18. DRYERS 82 42 44 53 62
with the numbers in such a
way that the sum will be 420 41 52 70
10. TRAGEDY 11. RIP 13. REPEL 15. ACTOR 16. BUG whether you go diagonally, 49 60 71
horizontally or vertically. The
50 68 79
numbers should be 36 to 84
between. The number should 58 76 38

LUCKY Archana Devi Shrestha

Krishna Chandra Gautam
not be used twice.
Radheshyam Shrestha
94 103 112 65 74 83 92

102 111 71 73 82 91 93

110 70 72 81 90 99 101
ALL CORRECT ANSWER 69 78 80 89 98 100 109
Bal Krishna Shrestha, Sunil Sharma Bhattarai 77 79 88 97 106 108 68

85 87 96 105 107 67 76
Prepared by: Bishwo Nath Kharel

86 95 104 113 66 75 84 Sailaja Dani, Grade:III,Times International School

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