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Burning Sands

Creating and managing
a Stronghold
Root Cellar ................................................ 9
Scriptorium ............................................... 10
Establishing a Stronghold ............................... 3
Shooting Range ......................................... 10
Building from Scratch ................................. 3
Stables ...................................................... 10
Effects of a Stronghold ................................... 3
Tailor Shop ............................................... 10
Functions and Hirelings.................................. 3
Tannery .................................................... 10
Existing Functions ...................................... 3
Training Grounds ...................................... 10
Building Functions ......................................4
Vault ........................................................ 11
More of the same? .......................................4
Walls ........................................................ 11
Reputation ..................................................4
Well ......................................................... 11
Staff ...........................................................4
Worm Farm .............................................. 11
Employing Hirelings ......................................4
Hirelings ...................................................... 12
Work Hours ...............................................4
Baker ........................................................ 12
Paying Salaries ...........................................4
Bowyer...................................................... 12
Food and Water ..........................................4
Butcher ..................................................... 12
Master Builder ............................................4
Carpenter .................................................. 12
Keeping Watch ........................................... 5
Executioner .............................................. 12
Upkeep ....................................................... 5
Farmer...................................................... 12
Functions ...................................................... 6
Guard ....................................................... 12
Bakery ........................................................ 6
Handyman ................................................ 12
Dungeon .................................................... 6
Hunter ...................................................... 12
Field .......................................................... 6
Innkeeper.................................................. 12
Fireplace .................................................... 6
Jailer ........................................................ 12
Forge ......................................................... 6
Lumberjack ............................................... 13
Gallows ...................................................... 7
Master Builder ........................................... 13
Garden ....................................................... 7
Miller ....................................................... 13
Gate ........................................................... 7
Miner ....................................................... 13
Grove ......................................................... 7
Quarry Worker .......................................... 13
Guard Tower .............................................. 8
Smith ........................................................ 13
Inn ............................................................ 8
Stableman ................................................. 13
Library ...................................................... 8
Tanner ..................................................... 13
Marketplace ............................................... 8
Tailor ....................................................... 13
Mill ........................................................... 8

Mine .......................................................... 8

Moat .......................................................... 9

Pasture ....................................................... 9

Pigsty ......................................................... 9

Quarry ....................................................... 9
Adventurers are restless by nature, but even you know how long this takes and which tools and
might one day want to settle down somewhere. raw materials are required.
If you live long enough to gather significant
treasures, you can use your riches to create your Effects of a Stronghold
own stronghold somewhere in the desert wastes
A stronghold has two base effects:
of Athas. In the stronghold, you can rest
between your journeys, repair and build items, ✥ You can Rest and Sleep undisturbed there,
and even acquire hirelings to work for you. Who without risking any mishaps.
knows, one day you might even become rulers of ✥ Each adventurer in your group gains one
a city state of your own? The drawback of Willpower Point when you arrive home to your
having a stronghold is that it can draw stronghold and spend at least one day there.
unwelcome attention, and it’s risky to leave
You can only gain one WP each per session in
your stronghold unattended. this way.

Establishing a Stronghold A stronghold can help you in many other ways,

but for that, you will need functions and
The first thing you need to do to establish a
hirelings – more on those below. The
stronghold is to find a suitable location for it.
stronghold can also cause trouble for you, most
Obvious choices are an old CASTLE or
often in the form of unwanted attention from
DUNGEON adventure site that you have
others in the area. Read more about this under
cleansed of enemies and monsters during your
Events at the Stronghold, below. You will also
adventures (ideally with some source of water
need to tend to the general upkeep of the
available). How long it takes to clean out the
stronghold or hire someone to do it for you.
dirt and make the place liveable varies, and is up
Read more about that in the Upkeep section,
to the GM, but it typically takes at least a day’s
work (two Quarter Days) and a successful
CRAFTING roll. Only one person can make Functions and Hirelings
the roll, but others can help. If the roll fails, the
location has some kind of flaw. To decide what You can develop your stronghold in many
it is, the GM makes a roll on the Stronghold different ways. This is done through the use of
Establishment mishap table or picks something functions and hirelings. Below, a large selection
suitable. You must then choose whether to of both are described.
accept this flaw and use the location anyway, or
Existing Functions
to move on and find another place for your
stronghold. Your stronghold might already have one or
more functions when you have established it.
Building from Scratch This is up to the GM to determine. An old castle
If you want to build your stronghold from might, for example, have Ramparts and a
scratch, you must first build a wooden house, a Fireplace, while a cave might have a natural
stone house, or a castle. The GM will let you Root Cellar. It’s less common that a stronghold
already has hirelings when it’s established, but
it can happen.
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Building Functions Employing Hirelings
To build or create a function in your To get some hirelings to work in your
stronghold, you generally need to make a stronghold, you first need to find suitable
CRAFTING roll. Just like normal items, some candidates. This is played out normally, and
functions are ADVANCED and require specific usually requires a visit to the nearest village.
talents to be built. Which tools and raw Some specialized hirelings can be difficult to
materials are needed to build the function, and find, and such attempts can lead to whole
how long time it takes to do so, are listed under adventures in and of themselves.
each function below. The build time assumes
that the work is carried out for at least two Once a suitable candidate is found, you need to
Quarter Days per day. Some functions also make a Manipulation roll and pay him or her
require that other functions are already present the daily salary indicated in the list of hirelings
in the stronghold. If the roll fails, the same PC below. Some hirelings require that specific
can’t try to build the same function again until functions or other hirelings are already present
her CRAFTING skill level has increased. in the stronghold.

More of the same? Work Hours

As a general rule, your stronghold can only have As a general rule, a hireling will work for two
one instance of a certain function. There are Quarter Days per day. They can work a third
exceptions to this rule, however – your Quarter Day, if given double pay. These are just
stronghold can have several GUARDS and general guidelines – the GM is free to make her
several FIELDS, for example. This is indicated own assessment, depending on the situation.
in each function where this is the case. The
Paying Salaries
effects of multiple functions of the same kind
are cumulative, but they must also be staffed A salary is generally paid in coins. If you leave
individually. the stronghold to go adventuring, hirelings will
expect to get paid in advance for the time you
Reputation expect to be gone. If you don’t pay a hireling
Several functions will increase your Reputation what you have promised them, it will mean
score once completed. All adventurers’ trouble.
Reputation scores are affected.
Food and Water
Staff You don’t need to provide Food and Water for
Most functions need to be staffed by a PC or an your hirelings – they manage to acquire it on
NPC (usually a hireling) to have any effect. In their own, using their salary. If your stronghold
some cases, the staff is required to have a certain is under siege however, it’s another story…
talent, and sometimes dice need to be rolled.
Master Builder
Only PCs roll dice for functions – NPCs are
assumed to succeed automatically (with one If you have the Master Builder hireling in your
success). stronghold, you can have him build new

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functions instead of doing it yourselves. A
Master Builder automatically succeeds at all
Crafting rolls (with one success), no dice are
rolled. The downside is that Master Builders are

Keeping Watch

If you leave your stronghold to go on

adventures, there is a real risk that someone will
come and loot it while you’re gone. A
stronghold must be guarded at all times. For
each week that your stronghold is left
unguarded, the GM rolls on the unguarded
stronghold table. You can hire a GUARD to
watch your stronghold while you are gone.
Other hirelings do not suffice for this duty –
they won’t defend your stronghold against
intruders, but rather will flee at the first sign of


Your stronghold doesn’t only need to be

guarded, it needs general upkeep as well. Dirt
needs to be cleaned away, loose bricks need to
be mortared back in place, trees and plants need
to be tended to, and broken things must be
repaired. This work takes one Quarter Day per
day, and requires a Crafting roll each week. One
PC rolls, but others can help. If the roll fails, or
if the upkeep is not performed, roll on the
lacking upkeep table each week. You can hire a
Handyman to manage the upkeep of your
stronghold. They don’t need to roll dice to
complete the work.

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Functions Dungeon

Below, the functions you can build in your A dark and damp place where you can lock up
stronghold are listed. miscreants and other displeasing individuals.
Your stronghold can have several dungeons.
Requirement: Talents needed to build the Requirement: –
function or other functions that must already Raw Materials: 50 Stone, 20 Bone (for bars)
exist in the stronghold before this function can Tools: Sledgehammer, Saw, Hammer
be built. Time: One week
Raw Materials: The number of units of raw Reputation: +1
materials that are used up when building the Effect: Holds up to four prisoners securely
function. Note: Where Wood is listed as a locked away. As long as a PC or the Jailer
requirement, Bone can be substituted on a 1:1 hireling watches the prisoners, they have slim
basis, as Wood is often hard to come by in Athas. chances of escape.

Tools: The tools that are needed to build the Field

In an agricultural field, you can grow crops for
Time: How long it takes to build the function, your own use or to sell. Your stronghold can
assuming work is done for at least two Quarter have several fields, but they must be located
Days per day. outside of the stronghold itself.
Requirement: Water Source
Reputation: The increase to the Reputation
Raw Materials: –
score of all PCs once the function is completed,
Tools: Pickaxe and shovel
if applicable.
Time: One month
Effect: The effect of the function. Effect: At one occasion during the Fall, you
can harvest 300 units of Grain. The work takes
one week and can be done by a PC or a Farmer
A bakery will feed many hungry mouths and hireling. Several people can share the work.
spreads a welcoming smell across the
stronghold. Your stronghold can have several
bakeries. A warm fire will chase away the darkness and
Requirement: Fireplace, the Builder talent, the cold from your stronghold.
Water source Requirement: –
Raw Materials: 200 Stone, 40 wood Raw Materials: 20 Stone, wood for fuel
Tools: Sledgehammer, Saw Tools: –
Time: One week Time: One day
Effect: Each Quarter Day that the Bakery is Effect: Eliminates the effects of cold (it can be
staffed by a PC or NPC with the Chef talent, or extremely cold at night in the desert) and
by the Baker hireling, up to five units of Flour darkness in the stronghold.
can be converted into an equal number of units
of Food (bread).

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The noise and the smoke from a smithy is a sure Tools: Pickaxe and shovel
sign that your stronghold is ready to defend Time: One month
itself. Effect: You can harvest 10 units of Vegetables
Requirement: Fireplace, the Builder talent or 1 unit of Herbs per week from the Garden, or
Raw Materials: 60 Iron and 400 Stone 6 units of Cotton from a Cotton Garden. A
Tools: Sledgehammer, Hammer farmer is always required for a quarter day per
Time: One week day to tend the garden, thus one farmer can
Reputation: +1 manage two gardens a day.
Effect: Each Quarter Day during which the
Forge is staffed by a PC or an NPC with the
Smith talent, or the hireling of the same name, A large wooden door (usually banded with Iron
up to five units of Iron Ore can be turned into for strength) is useful for keeping unwelcome
the same number of units of Iron. Also a guests out. It’s also required if there are walls
requirement for a lot of different types of surrounding your stronghold.
crafting. Requirement: Must have Walls or Towers on
either side, Forge, the Builder talent
Raw Materials: 50 Wood, 10/20 Iron
Athas is a harsh place, and execution is a (optional)
common punishment for even lesser crimes. Tools: –
Requirement: – Time: One week
Raw Materials: 20 Wood Effect: See the Squad Combat document. A
Tools: Saw, Hammer Gate without the Iron Banding is less strong
Time: One day than a banded gate, and only has 1 Gear die. 10
Reputation: +1 Iron worth of Banding gives a 2 Gear Die bonus,
Effect: A PC or the Executioner hireling can and 20 Iron used for banding provides 3 Gear
execute people at the Gallows. In this case, a Dice.
defenseless person can be killed without
requiring a coup de grace. After a public Grove
execution, the risk of unwelcome visitors to
A copse of trees. Slow-growing, but a good
your stronghold decreases. Your Reputation
source of Wood. Requires very little in the way
score counts as two steps lower for the next roll
of maintenance.
for events at the stronghold.
Requirement: Water Source
Garden Raw Materials: -
Tools: Saw and/or Axe
In a garden, you can grow Vegetables and Herbs
Time: One day
for your own use or to sell. Your stronghold can
Effect: Once per year, you can harvest 200
have several gardens. Cotton can also be grown
units of Wood per Grove. This takes one week,
in a garden, but you cannot mix Vegetable/Herb
and can be performed by a Lumberjack NPC or
and Cotton Gardens.
a PC with a Saw or Axe
Requirement: Water Source
Raw Materials: –
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Guard Tower Effect: Gives Gear Bonus +2 to Lore during a
An elevated vantage point is useful for spotting
enemies approaching your stronghold. A Tower Marketplace
must be one level higher than the walls
An area with market stands, where peddlers
surrounding it (if it’s attached to walls). Each
from near and far can come and sell their wares.
level provides +1 Gear Die bonus; the range is 2-
Requirement: –
6 (Walls levels are 1-5).
Raw Materials: 60 Wood
Requirement: The Builder talent
Tools: Saw, hammer
Raw Materials: 50 Wood or 100 Stone per level
Time: One week
Tools: Saw and hammer (sledgehammer and
Reputation: +1
pickaxe if built of Stone)
Effect: The traders in your stronghold can
Time: One Week per level
offer all kinds of goods. The Supply is the same
Effect: Gives +2 to Scouting and useful when
as in a normal Village. You don’t need to pay
defending the stronghold (see Squad Combat
any salary to the peddlers.
If you want to make your own flour in the
A warm and friendly tavern in your stronghold
stronghold, you’ll need a mill. These can be
can draw guests from near and far.
powered manually, by animals, or by wind.
Requirement: The Builder talent
Your stronghold can have several mills.
Raw Materials: 250 Wood or 500 Stone
Requirement: The Builder talent
Tools: Saw and hammer (sledgehammer and
Raw Materials: 400 Wood, 10 Stone
pickaxe if built of Stone)
Tools: Saw, Hammer
Time: One week
Time: Two weeks
Reputation: +1
Effect: The Mill converts up to five units of
Effect: Each Quarter Day during which the
Grain to Flour each Quarter Day, assuming it’s
Inn is staffed by a PC or the Innkeeper hireling,
staffed by a PC or a Miller.
up to five units of Meat or Vegetables can be
turned into an equal number of units of Food. Mine

Library Digging into the ground to extract Iron Ore is a

large, tedious and cumbersome project, but it
A collection of books and scrolls from far and
can be very lucrative. Your stronghold can have
several Mines, but Iron Ore is very rare and
Requirement: A sizable collection of books
there are no guarantees of finding Ore.
(GM’s determination)
Requirement: The Builder talent
Raw Materials: 100 Wood
Raw Materials: 60 Wood (for tunnel
Tools: Saw, Hammer
supports), plus another 10 wood per week
Time: One week
Tools: Sledgehammer, pickaxe, shovel
Reputation: +1
Time: One month
Reputation: +1
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Effect: Up to ten people can work in the mine unit of Food per beast. You can slaughter beasts
at the same time. Each miner rolls a D6 each at any time, and this provides eight units of
day and produces 1 unit of Iron Ore on a 6. If Meat and Bone per Sygra. If you have a bull, D6
more than three 6’s are rolled, only 3 Iron ore calves are born in the Pasture each year.
is produced, but there’s a chance something
more valuable was found. Roll a single D6. On
a 5, one unit of Silver has been mined, or on a 6 A pen with Aprigs is a good source of food for
one unit of Gold has been mined. the inhabitants of the stronghold. Your
stronghold can have several pigsties.
Any 1’s that are rolled for the daily Miner roll
Requirement: Up to a dozen Aprigs, which
indicate a minor cave-in has affected that
must be bought or stolen separately, Water
worker. Roll a Gear Die for each worker
affected - another l means that the worker is
Raw Materials: 50 Wood or Bone
killed in the collapse.
Tools: Saw, hammer
Moat Time: One day
Effect: You can slaughter the Aprigs at any
Digging a huge trench around the entire
time. This gives six units of Meat and Bone per
stronghold is heavy work, but provides extra
Aprig. 2D6 piglets are born in the Pigsty each
protection against attackers. Moats can be built
year, and take 1 year to mature.
to different defence levels (see the Squad
Combat document).
Requirement: The Builder talent
Raw Materials: 20 Wood for stakes Stone is needed to build many different
Tools: Pickaxe and shovel functions in the stronghold. Breaking stone is
Time: One week per Defence level per zone hard work, but not very complicated. Your
(wall, tower or gate zone) it is in front of. stronghold can have several quarries.
Reputation: +1 Requirement: –
Effect: See the Squad Combat document. Raw Materials: –
Tools: Sledgehammer, Pickaxe, Shovel
Time: One day
A tract of land grazed by Sygra, which can Effect: Up to ten people can work in the
provide both meat and milk. Your stronghold Quarry at the same time. Each worker produces
can have several pastures. one unit of Stone per Quarter Day.
Requirement: Up to a dozen Sygra, which must
be bought or stolen separately, Water Source
Root Cellar
Raw Materials: 20 Wood A dark and chilly cellar is the best place to store
Tools: – food to keep it from spoiling.
Time: One day Requirement: The Builder talent
Effect: The beasts need to be tended to daily. Raw Materials: 200 Stone
Once per day, a PC or a Farmer can milk the Tools: Sledgehammer, Pickaxe
Sygra. This takes a Quarter Day and gives one Time: One week

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Effect: In the Root Cellar, Grain, Flour, Tailor Shop
Meat, and Vegetables can be stored ten times
In a tailor shop, you can turn cotton and silk
longer without spoiling.
into cloth into cloth, and sew clothes from the
Scriptorium cloth.
Requirement: The Builder talent
Sorcerers and other learned adventurers need a
Raw Materials: 100 Wood
secluded place in the stronghold for
Tools: Saw, hammer
contemplation, study and scribing.
Time: Two days
Requirement: Ink and feather, Builder talent
Effect: Can turn three units of Cotton or Silk
Raw Materials: 100 Wood
into a one unit of Cotton Cloth or Silk Cloth per
Tools: Saw, Hammer
Quarter Day, assuming the Tailor Shop is
Time: One week
staffed by a PC or an NPC with the Tailor talent
Reputation: +1
or the hireling of the same name. Also gives a
Effect: Gives Gear Bonus +2 to a magic user to
Gear Bonus +2 to Crafting clothes and other
write down a spell in a grimoire.
cloth items.
Shooting Range
An open area where you can practice your skills
Here, artisans can create leather from skin and
with bows and other ranged weapons.
fur, and use leather to fashion armor and
Requirement: –
clothes. Your stronghold can have several
Raw Materials: 20 Wood
Tools: Saw, Hammer
Requirement: –
Time: One day
Raw Materials: 100 Wood
Effect: If you practice on the Shooting Range
Tools: Saw, Hammer
for a Quarter Day, you gain one extra XP that
Time: Two days
can only be used to increase your Marksmanship
Effect: In each Quarter Day in which the
skill level. Mark this XP next to the
Tannery is staffed by a PC or NPC with the
Marksmanship skill on your character sheet.
Tanner talent, or a hireling of the same name,
You can only gain one such bonus XP between
up to five units of Pelts can be converted into an
each skill level increase.
equal amount of Leather.
Training Grounds
A place to keep your riding animals safe from
An open field where you can hone your close
wind and predators.
combat skills, practicing against each other or
Requirement: Water Source
against wooden figures.
Raw Materials: 400 Wood
Requirement: –
Tools: Saw, hammer
Raw Materials: 40 Wood
Time: Two days
Tools: Saw, Hammer
Effect: Protects and feeds all riding animals in
Time: Two days
the stronghold.

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Effect: If you practice on the Training stronghold (the alternative is buying and
Grounds for a Quarter Day, you gain one extra storing copious barrels of water).
XP that can only be used to increase your Melee Requirement: Water Source
skill level. Mark this XP next to the Melee skill Raw Materials: 50 Stone
on your character sheet. You can only gain one Tools: Sledgehammer, Shovel
such bonus XP between each skill level increase. Time: Two weeks
Effect: Everyone in the stronghold has free
access to Water and can fill their waterskins to
Once you have gathered valuable treasures, Resource Die D12 at any time.
you’ll need a place to keep them safe.
Worm Farm
Requirement: The Builder talent
Raw Materials: 200 Stone, 100 Wood, 10 Iron Mulworms like to live in refuse piles, and they
Tools: Sledgehammer, pickaxe, saw, hammer spin silk as a by-product of being well fed and
Time: Two weeks cared for. They do require a lot of water, and
Effect: In the Vault, valuables can be stored boiling and spinning the raw threads into silk is
safely. The ironclad wooden door has Armor a labour intensive process.
Rating 12 and can take 50 points of damage Requirement: Water Source, Mulworms
before giving in. Raw Materials: 50 Stone, 20 Wood
Tools: Shovel
Time: One Day
Solid stone walls with parapets, crenulations, Effect: Up to three people can staff a Worm
and arrow slits are very useful to keep enemies Farm. Each person can produce one unit of silk
at bay when your stronghold is attacked. Walls per Half Day of work.
are built at different height levels between 1-5,
which grant that many Gear dice (see the Squad
Combat document). When a Wall changes
direction at a corner, a Guard Tower must be
Requirement: The Builder talent
Raw Materials: 100 Stone or 200 Wood per
level per zone.
Tools: –
Time: One month
Reputation: +1
Effect: See the Squad Combat document.


Water is very scarce on Athas. A Well can only

be built where there is a spring or other water
source, and is a requirement for almost any

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Hirelings Salary: 1 Half Moon per execution
Supply: Common
Below, a range of different types of hirelings are
listed. Salary indicates how much the hireling is
required to be paid each day. Supply indicates Staffs the Pasture, Pigsty, Gardens, Fields, and
how difficult it is to find the hireling in question Worm farm.
in a visit to a Village. Salary: 2 Stars
Supply: Common

Staffs the Bakery.

Salary: 2 Stars An armed guard who watches your stronghold.
Supply: Common Stats as for a typical soldier. Becomes a member
of a squad in Squad Scale Combat. Your
stronghold can have several Guards. A Guard is
Can craft arrows, bows, slings and crossbows for always on call, even when off duty.
you. A Bowyer’s crafting rolls succeed Salary: 1 Half Moon
automatically, with one success. Supply: Common
Salary: 1 Moon
Supply: Uncommon

Handles the general upkeep of the stronghold.

Salary: 3 Stars
A butcher is more efficient at getting the most Supply: Common
amount of Meat, Bones and Pelts from
slaughtered animals. When beasts from the
Pasture and Pigsty are slaughtered, you gain 1 Produces one unit of Meat and Pelt per Quarter
extra Meat and Bone per animal. You also gain Day’s work in the wilderness. Roll one Base Die
one extra Meat and Pelt for every 3 day’s work for each Hunter each week. If you roll a l, the
by the Hunter. hunter is attacked by a wild beast. Roll the die
Salary: 2 Stars again – if you roll l, the Hunter is killed.
Supply: Uncommon Salary: 1 Half Moon
Supply: Common

Can craft items and functions made from Wood.

A Carpenter’s crafting rolls succeed Staffs the Inn.
automatically, with one success. Salary: 1 Half Moon
Salary: 3 Stars Supply: Uncommon
Supply: Uncommon
Guards the Dungeon.
Executes prisoners at the Gallows. Salary: 2 Stars

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Supply: Common Stableman
Lumberjack Manages the stables, make sure the animals are
fed and cared for.
Produces two units of Wood per Quarter Day’s
Salary: 2 Stars
work in the Forest, or one Unit of Woof per two
Supply: Common
Quarter Days in Scrub Land.
Salary: 2 Stars Tanner
Supply: Common
Staffs the Tannery. Can also craft leather armor
Master Builder and other leather items. A Tanner’s crafting
rolls succeed automatically, with one success.
The Master Builder can build functions in the
Salary: 2 Stars
stronghold, so you don’t have to do it
Supply: Uncommon
yourselves. The Master Builder has the Builder
talent and access to all of the building tools. Tailor
The Master Builder automatically succeeds at
Staffs the Tailor Shop. Can also sew clothes and
building a function. No dice are rolled.
other items made from cloth. A Tailor’s
Salary: 2 Moons
crafting rolls succeed automatically, with one
Supply: Uncommon
Miller Salary: 2.5 Stars
Supply: Common
Staffs the Mill.
Salary: 2 Stars Wagoneer
Supply: Common
Drives a trade wagon. Can also fight in a pinch
Miner but wants guards with him.

Works in the Mine. Salary: 3 Stars

Salary: 3 Stars Supply: Common
Supply: Common

Quarry Worker

Works in the Quarry.

Salary: 2 Stars
Supply: Common


Staffs the Forge. Can also craft weapons, armor

and other such items. A Smith’s crafting rolls
succeed automatically, with one success.
Salary: 1.5 Moons
Supply: Uncommon

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