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Emergency Lesson Plan for Level 5—a.m.. 9:00 — pg. 59 in Grammar Practice ~ Verb phrases ~ Past Perfect 3 ‘Show examples at the top of the page on the bboard and do #1 and 2 together. 9:30 — t. asks if anyone knows who Amelia Earhart is? Give Ss the title of story — Lost in the Pacific What do you think happens in this story? = Read story with students and discuss for meaning as going through = Students will do Reading exercises 1 and 2 and Vocabulary, exercise 1 ‘ grammar past perfect and past perfect continuous (use grammar explanation on pg. 95) Students do exercises 1-4 10:15 -10:30 — break time 10:30-11:25 — Do Paired cloze Activity Put all A’s together ~ they write questions for missing information on their sheets. Put all B’s together - they write questions for missing information on their sheets. Pair up students, an A with a B. A ‘ask questions, 8 will answer and help with spelling as B writes in the answers. Then students switch and complete. DO NOT LET STUDENTS LOOK AT THEIR PARTNERS TEXT WHEN THEY ARE IN THEIR A/8 GROUPS, THIS IS ‘TO PRACTICE LISTENING AND SPEAKING If you have time left over, have students write a summary of Amelia Earhart in only 6-10 sentences, using the vocabulary from the unit and past tenses. : Perfe “Vero Phvase Pt KEIGRAMMAR PRACTICE PRACTICE GRAMMAR [6 Name: By, already and because ... Finish the sentences. By 2005, ... | had already written my first poe, 1. By 2006, .. 2. By my twentieth birthday, ... 3. By 3:00 yesterday afternoon, ... 4, By 6:00 this morning, 5, By my graduation from high school, ... 6. Ihad already... by 10:00. 7, had already ... by the end of the day. 8, thad ... by the end of the week. I didn’t want to see Spiderman, because !had seen it before. was hungry, because I hadn't eaten breakfast. 9. I didn’t need to read the book, because... 10. Iwas really tired, because... 11. Lgota terrible grade on my test, because... 12. Ididn’t want to go to that restaurant, because... 13, Iwas terrified of geese, because... 14, The students were laughing really hard, because... 15. | broke my finger, because ... 16. Ididn't go to the football game, because 17. I didn't eat the salad, because .. Grammar Practice,, Copyright © 2010 by Martin Jaccbi. Photocopyable for classroom use, 59 ® Lost in the Pacific Past perfect simple and past perfect continuous Tie-dsapbearace ot Asia Earhart jung the Fe oe extn Ai nds dee o vt. She wont ‘rate oid fight in 1997 remains a mystery. Was she to atarione foe recor ight around the equator. LS. sp, canuleaty he Joares! Di se apy Het eaten n March 1987 zeyeves a nen transPacts * amis ainart” was . _ sbeed yecord, bal ended when har ‘boron Sly 243-1897, lon crashed Hono’ whe ‘Atchison, Kansas. A 2 tld ‘wditgiig of ‘Seis neve aly py: “so. 2 Fincialy, tig ele not ‘But wingh ‘She ‘left hore ia ead "good fof the Putnam, because the’ 1820 ar wontho Galore, ~| > ‘wold fh cost the nore sh armed toy, vito she She] money: than = they had beers loved: in Ootobe. 1922 she ‘ expecting, But, two) mets tr fle te 14,000" Yeo ‘hebegatée soon atte do ~ stabliging 2 nei tuds | A the worrecod fight : retoid for warn. in 1928, 2 i 4 ~ Amel tnd “har Zoot she bam: the rst oman.) : : A. diseppeared yout trace; on - 16-1 across" the Aint: He AN ‘ the. from Of hiy..2) "1937, “Then in 1829:she set a:new = ‘i 3 4 «Somers in- thé Pacific, “The Wwornér's speed “ecttd: of Naa A B:." accented version of tlie-avents is over At iés-an roi,” . | that they ad been running low Oi 1931 he marr: Seige, fuel, nd had crashed tthe sen Pulnam, publisher Two a | oe) ~ and, crowned. But the USNews eins © after: J i PE he ber cei $08 message rmanyed,Arela became the b vrs, erson fo ty const ar % ‘ Fe saopearancét sipeats thatthe colt scons be Une. ama g |} pee oatay tok Hen. Sleles Fy, : 2 sigan, vinere several pole said sin 1932 “Amie Se " ro : they” had’ deen,~ them "between the: ‘sie of, ana e AY “august and Ootoben There” ws 1934 shesbecame the’ fst iit ven. -speculaion “ttet “Ameka’ ee to: ross the Pacific» | Sat |» becatrié,inmoived in ‘broadcasting. ralo_propeantetem Toni ter eerey sages tat she i President Fosse ber “War, ant fenined 6 erin, nde * Nati for Seal ir to west ner. Si became 2 agar gover Seecin, to oi er fe ‘correspondent, a lecturer; and evar’ 4 fashiot-méllel. She was a: privacy. Perhaps -one: day the true ‘atest arian wo hic chit cress hele rd =<” Amal Cararc a ame to at tol ). But ticuignout tal Al's relationship. wre Fay wes, Slant and sho rarely visited them. ‘There wore aio. rimors that her maviage ith Puen had etomestaned. = 2 Lie So el erat The Unset Seats 2 Saray fon ire Sate acne font Vey 94 READING 1, Read the passage and choose the best title. 1. The Unsolved Mystery 2. A Feminist in the Thirties 3. The World's Most Famous Woman Pilot 2. Number these events in the order they happened. achieved a Pacific speed record Qo established a new altitude record ia married George Putnara 5 flew coast-to-coast actoss the United States Ej disappeared in the Pacific o became the first woman to fly the Atlantic] set a women's speed tecord a feamed to fly a Now work in pairs and check, GRAMMAR Past perfect simple You use the past perfect simple: =o talk about one action in the past which. ‘happened before another action ia the past. The | second action i often in the past saple, Fame had exhausted Amalia and she decided to retire. in reported speech of thoughts. People sald they had seen Amelia i Saipan. with after; when, because, and tnt for the first of ‘wo actions. After they had gotten married, she flew across the States: ‘You form the past perfect simple with had+ past —_| participle. | ‘You can use two past simple tenses Ifyou think the ‘sequence of actions is lear. ‘Sho teft home tn 1520 and went 0 California Past perfect continuous | Youuse the past perfect continuous when you want | #¢ foes on an action which was in progress up to oF near a time in the past, rather than a completed event. You often use it with for and since. When she arrived, a crowd had been waiting for several hovers 0 groet her ‘You form the past perfect continuous with had been + present participle. 1. Join the sentences in Reading activity 2 with after + past perfect for the first action, and past simple for ‘the second action, After she hd learned to fly, she established a new alsitude record, aceasbeiasies lesson 35) 2. Which sentence is true? What does the false sentence ‘mean? a. She grew tired of her fame when she disappeared, >, She had grown tied of her fame when she disappeared, 3. Choose the correct verb form. 1. Amelia had ltved/had been living in Kansas for ‘twenty-three years when she went/had gone to California, 2. Because she had had/had been having an unhappy childhood, she didn't visiefeadn t been visiting her family, 3. She had grown/had been growing tied of being famous when she decided to retire, 4. She had jlown/had been flying for seventeen years when she disappeared/had disappeared. 4. Work in pairs and answer the questions about Amelia Earhart using because and the past perfect if possible. 1. Why did she maintain a distant relationship with her family? 2. Why did she decide to retire? 3. Why is it possible that they did not dic on July 2, 19377 4, What do you think happened to her? VOCABULARY AND WRITING 1. Work in pairs. Here are some useful words from the passage, Can you remember the sentence you saw each word in? Take turns making sentences similar to the original sentence. Score a point for each similar sentence, and no points if you can't remember. ‘sappear round-the-world “mysery eapnure “cash det obscure Fenian record cxast-cot soko | ‘ile-dominsted ‘numerous rumor stained indifferent exhaust’ retite equator speculate deiberate frustration “drown suivive propaganda protection privacy prominent 2, Do you know of any other unsolved mysteries? Write 2 paragraph describing ~ what the mystery is = who and what it involved ~ any posticular incidents Many people claim to have seen “Bigfoot” in Alberta Canada. 95 i Box 7.2.4a: Paired cloze Version A Exploring new places is exciting and challenging, but it can also be extremely dangerous. It can even result in death. The American pilot, [first name} Earhart, for example, disappeared in 1937. Earhart was trying to fly around ‘the world from west to east. She took off from {place}, California, in a two-seater plane, and flew across the South Atlantic, Africa, Arabia and [areal After arriving in New Guinea, she set off for an island in the mid-Pacific nearly 4,100 km away, and was never seen or heard of again, ‘Another disappearance happened in the Himalayas of [country] in 1924. Two British climbers, [first name] Mallory and Andrew Irvine, reached @ point about [number] metres from the top of Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world, and then disappeared. Other climbers reached the top of Everest in 1953, but no trace was ever found of Mallory and irvine’. There were also disappearances in the 19th century. For ‘example, in 1845, two British ships, the [name] and the [name], left England to explore the area north, ‘of Canada. The ships, which had a total crew of [number] men, were commanded by Sir John Franklin, one of the most famous explorers of the time. They were last seen by another ship near the coast of [country], and then they vanished. in 1851, two ships were seen on a huge floating island of ice. Then, in [year], a search party found a message under some stones on an island north of Canada. It said that [people] might still be alive. * Since this text was written, George Mallory’s body has been found. Eric Cohen Books 1994 From Grammar Practice Activites Second Edition © Cambridge University Press 2009 Box 7.2.4b: Paired cloze Version 8 Exploring new places is exciting and challenging, but it can also be extremely dangerous. It can even result in death. The American pilot, Amelia Earhart, for example, disappeared in____ [year]. Earhart was trying to fly around the world from west to east. She took off from Oakland, California, in a two- seater plane, and flew across the [ocean], Africa, Arabia and south-east Asia. After arriving in New Guinea, she set off for an island in the mid-Pacific nearly [number] km away, and was never seen or heard of agaii Another disappearance happened in the Himalayas of Nepal in fyear]. Two British climbers, George Mallory and [first name] Irvine, reached a point about 300 metres from the top of Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world, and then disappeared. Other climbers reached the top of Everest in [year], but no trace was ever found of Mallory and Irvine’, There were also disappearances in the 19th century. For ‘example, in 1845, two British ships, the Erebus and the Terror, left _ [place] to explore the area llocation]. The ships, which had a total crew of 120 men, were commanded by [name], one of the most famous explorers of the time. They were last seen by another ship near the coast of Greenland, and then they vanished. In 1851, [things] were seen on a huge floating island of ice. Then, in 1857, a search party found a message under [things] on an island north of Canada. tt said that 105 of the men might still be alive. «Since this text was written, George Mallory’s body has been found Eric Cohen Books 1994 From Grammar Practice Activites Second Editfon © Cambridge University Press 2009

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