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Market Analysis

To identify the inclined market demographic, Gy-ZinC conducted a free

taste inside the school, encompassing people of different ages. The research
concluded that youth and students exhibit a heightened interest in Gy-ZinC
products. The market focus will be on students, with a concentrated advertising
effort in Virac, the capital of Catanduanes. Virac's population of 73,650, combined
with the significant demographic of 3,660 students at Catanduanes National High
School. In line with this target market, the entrepreneurs are committed to ensuring
product affordability, with Iced Coffees priced between PHP 35.00-49.00 and
Fruity Jelly at PHP 10. The entrepreneurs plan to operate stalls with a capacity of
selling a minimum of 50 and a maximum of 100 pieces, adapting to demand and
maximizing profitability. These stalls will strategically be placed in public spaces
to optimize visibility and accessibility.

Marketing Analysis
Our product's main goal is to provide consumers with a fruity and energizing
experience while also providing necessary vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibers,
making it an appealing and healthy beverage choice. Carefully blended to provide
a perfect balance of fruit and coffee flavors for those looking for a cool, satisfying
drink during the summer. Regarding packaging, our product has simple yet
attractive packaging that surely appeals to a selective consumer base.

Gy-ZinC appears as an iced coffee with a citrus fruit infusion that produces a
really refreshing drink. Its vibrant and pleasing appearance is brought out, all
contained within a clear cup. The packaging's transparency makes it easier for
customers to examine the ingredients that are visible, emphasizing the brand's
unwavering dedication to quality and transparency.

Gy-ZinC guarantees safe plastic packaging for customers who choose

takeout, confirming the product's safety during transportation. Gy-ZinC's
distinctive presentation highlights its unwavering commitment to providing both
convenience and excellence. Gy-ZinC guarantees a pleasurable and refreshing
drinking experience whether it is consumed on location or while on the run.
The Gy-ZinC product will be made accessible through both online and
offline channels, with a physical presence within Emelda Boulevard. Our product
will be available for direct purchase at the designated physical location. The
distribution channel have been strategically chosen to ensure optimal convenience
for customers, facilitating easy access to our offerings.

In line with this target market, the entrepreneurs are committed to ensuring
product affordability, with Iced Coffees priced between PHP 35.00-49.00 and
Fruity Jelly at PHP 10.

The primary method of promotion will be through offline and online
advertising. In particular, social media sites like Facebook and Instagram will be
our main advertising channels for our items. In today's business environment,
having a strong internet presence is essential to marketing successfully. Personal
selling techniques will be used at the actual booth location in addition to internet
advertising to draw in more clients.

In addition, a loyalty card program will be implemented. Through the use of

loyalty cards, customers are presented with exclusive deals, which encourages
them to make repeat purchases. The goal of this strategy is to foster client loyalty
and promote ongoing business.

Gy-ZinC’s product positioning stayed the same from the start until the end
of the business venture. The entrepreneurs remained on ensuring that the products
will have low prices while being high quality. The packaging’s functionality and
aesthetic were also kept.
Logo Narrative


Previous Logo

The original Gy-ZinC logo was a square with a graphic brand mark of a
coffee cup with a citrus fruit in the middle, signifying the primary ingredient of the
beverage. The tagline was above the brand symbol, and the business name was
positioned in the center on the lower middle side. The font, though common,
prioritized readability. But several elements of the design, including the plain
background and a mismatch in obtaining the desired color tone, call for revision.

Present Logo

The most recent version of the Gy-ZinC logo has been changed to a circular
design. A brown color palette was carefully chosen to establish a visual connection
with the primary product - the Iced Coffee. In particular, the intended color has
been effectively achieved, highlighting the primary product's natural color. In
keeping with the brand's image and core values, the revised design seeks to draw
attention to the logo and enhance its overall perfection.
The tagline "Uy Gy-Zinc na Kape na" embodies the inviting essence of Gy-ZinC's
coffee experience. Translated as "Hey, it's Gy-ZinC coffee now," the tagline exudes
a friendly and familiar tone, inviting customers to indulge in Gy-ZinC's distinctive
coffee. It captures the essence of a welcoming and flavorful coffee moment,
enticing individuals to savor the unique taste offered by Gy-ZinC's carefully
crafted beverages.

Market Positioning
Due to Gy-ZinC target market being the youth, the entrepreneur opted to establish
based on the Gy- Zinc quality, pricing and packaging. Since the business’s target
demographic is mostly students, who mostly don’t generate their own income yet,
the prices of the products were considered to make sure they were budget-friendly
but still high quality. The packaging was also made appealing in order to attract
more customers

Price positioning HIGH QUALITY






Packaging position






Organizational Analysis
Gy-ZinC is a company run by six people. The team divides their roles and
responsibilities in a small group based on their capabilities and skills. Ayle Glyde
Tadtad and Dorrel Drew Ibardaloza as Production Manager, Darianne May Camu
as Marketing Manager, Jenna Marie Snell and Christine Joy Magdasoc as Sales
Manager, and Mary Jane Tejada as Labeling and Packaging Director. Two people
were assigned in Production process and sales manager while the rest are assigned
in marketing work and labeling and packaging. The company received no outside
partnerships or sponsors. The company demonstrated its ability to provide a low-
cost yet high quality drinks that will surely appeal to the palates of youth and other
While the organizational structure remains unchanged during the implementation
of the business, a collaborative spirit prevails among the team. Each member
actively engages in skill development, fostering a culture where everyone assists
one another. Despite this collective effort, individuals continue to fulfill their
original roles, ensuring a harmonious blend of specialization and mutual support
within Gy-ZinC.

Initial Preparation
Gy-ZinC's initial preparations unfolded with a meticulous canvassing process
weeks prior to commencing operations. The entrepreneurs scoured the town,
diligently comparing and selecting affordable materials. This exploration extended
to online platforms. Once the starting capital was pooled from all members, the
entrepreneurs proceeded to purchase essential materials and utensils, laying the
foundation for the production of a high-quality beverages.

Product Manufacturing
The procedure of making Fruity Jelly begins with the entrepreneur carefully
washing the citrus fruit peels and then letting them cool and dry. After the peels
have dried, the business owner bakes them at 180 degrees for around half an hour.
Then the entrepreneur takes the peels out of the oven, puts them in a mortar and
pestle, and crushes them until they are finely ground. The entrepreneur then
measures out four to five cups (or 1000 milliliters) of tap water and pours it into a
room-temperature casserole. To ensure full dissolving, gently sprinkle in 1 pack of
jelly powder and 5 tablespoons of powdered citrus while stirring constantly. After
that, the mixture is heated while being stirred constantly until the jelly gets close to
boiling. The casserole is removed from heat, and the liquid jelly is poured into
molds. Let the jelly solidify at room temperature. The entrepreneur carefully cuts
around the mold's edges to release the gelatin once it has solidified. Next, add ¼
cup of condensed milk and 1 cup of all-purpose cream. After going through these
steps, the product is chilled and then served.

The preparation of Fruit Gelatin sinkers differentiates itself from that of Fruity
Jelly. First, measure out four to five cups (or one thousand milliliters) of tap water
and place it in a room-temperature casserole. One box of unflavored jelly powder
and seven tablespoons of citrus powder are added to the water gradually, swirling
constantly to ensure complete dissolving. After that, the mixture is heated while
being stirred constantly until the jelly almost reaches boiling temperature. Then
add ten teaspoons of citrus syrup (dalandan/orange). After taking the casserole off
of the burner, molds are filled with the liquid jelly. Room temperature is used to
allow the gelatin to solidify. After the gelatin has set, the entrepreneur puts on
gloves, grinds it, and finally pours it into a fresh container. After that, this container
is moved from the preparation area to the stall with other supplies.

The marketing strategies for the Iced Coffee and Fruity Jelly products require
different operational plans. In order to sell iced coffee, a physical location is set
where the coffee is made fresh onsite. On the other hand, the entrepreneurs make
the Fruity Jelly in advance and carefully place it within a container to ensure that it
remains at the appropriate temperature. The entrepreneurs move the products from
the preparation area to the physical stall, stopping along the way to pick up
supplies like ice, black coffee, condensed milk, and other necessities. When the
entrepreneurs arrive to the location, they set up and open the stall. They then take
on their assigned responsibilities to ensure that the firm runs smoothly.

SWOT Analysis
Citrus fruit infused drinks not only improve our iced coffee's flavor quality
and give it a delicious, appealing taste, but they also add health benefits by way of
dietary fiber and citrus pectin, which adds to the product's overall healthiness.
Because of our unwavering dedication of enhancing our products, the teamwork
among the team members guarantees an easy production process. We put
accessibility first by keeping our prices adequate, which enables a wide range of
people to purchase our items. Furthermore, our efficient production procedures
minimize client wait times, emphasizing our commitment to excellent service. Our
steadfast dedication to quality has generated a loyal customer base, which reflects
our continuous drive for excellence.

The availability of suppliers may limit the range of flavors available in our
product, hence limiting the options available to consumers. Team member schedule
differences have resulted in operational disruptions that have affected our capacity
to provide consistent services, especially in the delivery sector. The lack of a
designated location for production presents a further challenge for the group. Gy-
ZinC is a relatively young company in this market, so it is currently unable to
reach a wider audience by expanding its product reach.

Gy-ZinC products have the ability to advertise themselves as guilt-free,
wholesome treats in response to the growing demand for healthier snack options.
These products are aimed at consumers who value maintaining a healthy balance
between enjoyment and wellbeing. The exploration of new and unique citrus tastes,
or the combination of citrus with other organic components, has the potential to
captivate health-conscious people looking for tasty and inventive substitutes.
Furthermore, taking steps to increase our social media presence can boost brand
awareness and interaction, raising brand recognition among the target audience in
order to position Gy-ZinC as the go-to option for health-conscious snacks in the

Gy-ZinC acknowledges the need for strategic positioning and differentiation
in the competitive environment of health-focused treats and snacks in order to
successfully catch and hold on to the intended user base. Adverse weather
conditions present a possibility of delay along with potential shortages in product
availability, affecting entrepreneurs' delivery services and production capacity.
Considering these supply chain difficulties, the company is still dedicated to put
effective procedures in effect to protect against such setbacks and guarantee an
ongoing supply. In addition, rising ingredient prices are costly, so our finance team
is working hard to find ways to keep our goods affordable so they continue to be
appealing to consumers on a budget even as the market changes.

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