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"GRP 103"



1. A mix of all the geographic sphere is called a. Atmosphere b. Hydrogen c. Biosphere d.


2. Etymologically, Geographic is from the_______ words.a. Greek b. Latin c. Hindu d.


3. Geo means _______ a. Art of writing b. Land c. Water d. Earth

4. GRAPHEEN means a. Location b. To draw c. To view d. To write

5. The Victoria Garden city was established in what year?a. 1994 b. 1978 c. 2005 d. 1930
6. Human geography focuses on the study of _____ a. Plant and animals b. Animals and space
c. Human and it's environment d. Human and animals
7. There are ________ geographic spheres. a. 8 b. 4 c. 3 d. 5

8. G.M.O means ________ a. Geographic Movement Organization b. Geo-Metric Optional c.

Generally Modified Organisms d. Geography Management Overall
9. ________ is defined as the study of earth surface and processes that change it over time. a
Atmospheric condition b. Geography c. Biosphere d. Human geography.
10. _______ defined geography as a scientific, rational, orderly, description and interpretation
of the variable character of earth surface. a Herbert 1960 b. Dawson 2009 c. Abraham 1985 d.
Richard Hartstone 1959
11. Geographers sees the earth surface as a thin she'll of layer only about_______ if the planet
circumference. a. One hundredth b. One thousandth c. One third d. One million
12. Geography is splited into ______ areas of knowledge, namely; a. 3, lithosphere, biosphere
and hydrosphere b. 2, atmosphere and hydrosphere c. 3, human, region and theme d. 2,
human and physical.
13. __________ consist of soil and rock entities. a. Biosphere b. Atmosphere c. Lithosphere
d. Hydrosphere
14. One of the following is not a sub-division of the human geography. a. Urban b. Political c.
Economic d. Agric
15. ________ is the science and technology of feeding the soil, cultivation of crops and rearing
of animals for man's use. a. Geography b. Agriculture c. Anthropocentric d. Technological
16. There are _______ categories of regions, namely; a. 3, hydrosphere, atmosphere and
lithosphere b. 3, functional, formal and general c. 3, geography, agriculture and human
d. 3, ecology, man and regional.

17. The first economic activities know to man is ______ a. Geography b. Environment c.
Agriculture d. Space
18. GPS means _______ a. Geography Processing in space b. Geo-Metric Programming system
c. General Positioning System d. Global positioning system.

19. ______ is one of the benefits of Agriculture. a. Provision of food for human
nutrition b. Provision of air pollution c. Provision of geographical series d. Provision of
human beings and animals.
20. _______ consist of water. a. Biosphere b. Lithosphere c. Atmosphere d. Hydrosphere

21. _______ has to do with an area with a specific notable service. a. Formal region b.
Functional region c. General region d. Geographical region
22. There are _____ geographic themes. a. 5 b. 4 c. 3 d. 2
23. The new town development concept was first proposed by _____ a. Elton Mayor b.
Ebenezer Larry c. Ebenezer Howard(1850-1928) d. Henri Fayol(1914)

24. Two theories that explain the existence of human life are _____ and _______ a. Creation
and evolution b. Settlement and urbanization c. Migration and settlement d. Geography and

25. ______ is a problem of Newtown concepts. a. Unemployment b. Agriculture c.

Technology d. Progression

26. The first two animals to be successfully domesticated are ______ and ______ a Dog and
cat b. Fish and snake c. Dog and sheep d. Cat and rat.
27. Causes of human migration could be grouped into ______ factors. a 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

28. _______ is not a factor to human migration. a Environmental b. Pull factor c. Push factor d.
Happiness factor
29. ________ is defined as areas that are bound by common characteristics. a Geography b.
Agriculture c. Space d. Region

30. Natural hazards can be grouped into ____ a. 5 b. 4 c. 2 d. 3

31. The study of activities of people living on the earth is known as _______ a. Physical
geography b. Human geography c. Environmental geography d. Atmosphere geography

32. The specific area in which people set up their business and homes is is classified as a.
Settlement b. Population c. Natural activity d. Economic activity
33. The most abundant gas in the earth surface is the _____ a. Oxygen b. Hydrogen c. Neon d.
34. ______ is a settlement of considerable size, with differentiate structure of neighborhood. a.
City b. Town c. Hamlet d. Village
35. There are _____ categories of agriculture. a. 5 b. 3 c. 4 d. 2
36. The increase in the average temperature of the earth surface is _____ a. Climate change b.
Environmental degradation c. Global warming d. Eclipses
37. Settlement geography is a sub-branch of _____ a. Physical geography b. Animal geography
c. Plant geography d. Human geography

38. The commercial agriculture begin during ______ a. The 5th agricultural revolution b. The
2nd agricultural revolution c. The 3rd agricultural revolution d. The 4th agricultural
39. Settlements can be classified according to all of these except _____ a. Function b. Form c.
Size d. Duration
40. Which of these is not a type of settlement according to classification by function. a.
Commercial b. Religious c. Dispersed d. Industrial

41. _____ is the total number of people living in a particular area. a. Settlement b. Population
c. Geology d. Geotechnical aspects.
42. _____ is the study of our planet earth regarding it's features such as vegetation, rivers,
Mountains and climates. a. Geology b. Geo-Metricology c. Geography d. Human geography
43. _____ is the study of the earth's geography with reference to the standard of living and
quality of life. a. Development geography b. Earth geography c. Human geography d.
Environmental geography

44. _______ is a global disease outbreak. a. Epidemic b. Pandemic c. Covid-19 d. Sickness

45. _______ is the spread of infections disease to a large number of people. a. Epidemic b.
Pandemic c. Epilepsy d. Covid-19
46. _______ happens when a disease occurs in greater numbers than expected in a community
or region or during a season. a. Settlement b. Environmental pollution c. Disease outbreak
d. Contagious disease

47. SARS means _____ a. Special Anti-Robbery Squad b. Severe Acute Respiratory
syndrome c. Special Arithmetic Space d. Space Allocation Revenue Settlement.
48. Epidemic is from a ____' word. a. Latin b.Greek c. Greek and Latin d. Japanese

49. "Demos" from epidemic means _____ a. Environment b. Earth c. People d. Animals

50. "epi" from epidemic means _______ a. Raise b. Upon/above c. Beneath/under d. Within
51. The part of the earth surface that has 78% of nitrogen is ______ a. Biosphere b.
Lithosphere c. Hydrosphere d. Atmosphere

52. Possibilism stipulates that man controls _____ a. World b. Everything c. Environment d.
53. ______ refers to the growth of towns especially in terms of human population. a. Settlement
b. Ruralization c. Ecosystem d. Urbanization
54. _____ said urbanization is one of the most powerful and visible anthropogenic forces of the
earth. a. Breath 1955 b. Dawson 2009 c. Hartstone 1959 d. Elton Mayor 2011

55. The 2nd agricultural revolution began in ____ a. Africa b. Anstrallia c. America d.
56. In 2008, the percentage of the global population living in urban areas was _______ a. 60%
b. 70% c. 50% d. 90%
57. ______ are the phases of urbanization. a. 6 b. 4 c. 3 d. 2

58. The hydrosphere occupies _____ of the earth surface. a. 100% b. 70% c. 90% d. 50%
59. _______ defined geography as the study of the earth surface, as the space within which the
human population lives. a. Justin stal 1994 b. Richard howel 1959 c. Richard Hartstone
1950 d. Dawson 2009
60. ______ is the concerned with the natural system of the earth such as the land forms, climate
system, river system and interface between this system. a. Geomorphology b. Climatology c.
Biogeography d. Physical geography

61. The physical geography is subdivided into____ a. 7 b. 6 c. 4 d. 5

62. _______ means the movement of people from one place to another with the new intention to
stay in such place permanently or temporarily. a. Settlement b. Geo pro location c. Migration
d. Urbanization
63. _______ leads to competition and renovation. a. Urbanization b. Settlement c. Geography
d. Migration
64. ______ and ______ are the two major factors of migration. a. Pull and fall b. Push and
pull c. Rural and urban d. Settlement and human
65. _______ is not an environmental factors. a. Flood b. Drought c. Rainfall d. Disaster

66. There are _____ major types of settlemen. a. 7 b. 5 c. 2 d. 3

67. _____ is an effect migration. a. Scarcity b. Employment c. Happiness d. Climate change

68. ______ areas are less civilized. a. Urban b. Rural c. Environmental d. Migration

69. About ____ of the world population relies on Agriculture. a. 100% b. 78% c. 45% d. 50%
70. _____ is the breakthrough in Agricultural practice which leads to an exponential increase in
Agricultural production system and crop yield. a. Agricultural processing b. Agricultural
revolution c. Agriculturalization d. Agricultural geography
71. Ethiopia and the East Africa was formerly known to be called _____ a. Meso-America b.
Biomass c. Abyssinia d. Central Africa corridor

72. Out of 198 animals, only___ of them were successfully domesticated. a. 14 b. 20 c. 100 d.
73. ______ agricultural revolution was characterized by a good methods of production,
civilization and storage. a.1st b. 3rd c. 5th d. 2nd
74. _____ agricultural revolution led to the growth of human population in all continents and
the domestication of animals. a. 1st b. 3rd c. 2nd d. 5th
75. ______ agricultural revolution is characterized by a production through research and
technology. a. 1st b. 5th c. 2nd d. 3rd

76. G.I.P means ____ a. Geographic Intellectual Policy b. Genetically Improved Plants c.
Geo-Metric Improved Plantation d. Geogocology Interpology and Protocology.
77. _____ are a set of agro- economic system that interrelated and interact with themself in a
particular agrain setting. a cultivation b. Geogocology c. Hulticulture d. Farming system
78. ____ is a kind of farming system that focuses on production of foods and fibres for the
purpose of raining revenue/income. a. Subsistence farming b. Geogocology c. Commercial
farming d. Mixed farming
79. Subsistence crops can be refers to____ crops. a. Commercial b. Stable food c. Cultivation
d. Geographic

80. Normadic herding can be found then in _____ a. USA b. China c. North Eastern US d.
Africa Sahel Region
81. ____ is odd as regards the definition of food security. a. WFS 1974 b. FAO 1983 c. MBO
1969 d. World Bank 1996
82. _____ simply means the risk pose to food security. a Food supply b. Agriculturalism c.
Food insecurity d. Farming system
83. In 1969, it was estimated that _____ million people were engage in manufacturing. a. 200 b.
150 c. 220 d. 78
84. The leading Asian countries as regards population includes ______, ______ and ______.

a. China, India and Japan b. Russian, China and Misr c. China, Nigeria and US d.
China,US and Russia

85. _____ can be defined as the change in global and regional climate patterns. a. Landscope b.
Climate change c. Geogocology d. Migration
86. ______ is the deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources such as Air,
Water, Soil e t.c. a. Air pollution b. Environmental climatical geography c. Environment
degradation d. Climate change
87. _____ is seen as the natural phenomenon that might have a negative implication on human
being or the environment. a. Climate change b. Environmental pollution c. Natural
hazard/disaster d. Geophysication

88. Epidemic is divided into _____ types. a. 3 b. 7 c. 4 d. 5

89. _____ is the state of being extremely poor or having nothing. a. Sapa b. Disaster c.
Poverty d. Geo- nothing
90. _____ is the process of monitoring, regulating, maintaining orderly the liquid, solid or
gaseous waste. a. Geo- environmental b. Wastage management c. Geocology d.

91. ______ is the state of being subject to danger or injury. a. Hazards b. Insecurity c.
Geogocology d. Environmental disaster

92. The man geographical theme is also known as ____ theme. a. Geogocology b. Ecological
c. Mobility d. Human geography
93. There is abundance of fish in _____ areas. a. South America b. Australia c. Central America
d. Africa
94. The earth summit was first held in ___ year. a. 1955 b. 1995 c. 1992 d. 2050
95. The quatemary sector is found in the ____ phase of urbanization. a. Pre-industrial b.
Industrial c. Multi-industrial d. Post industrial
96. It was estimated that the world will reach _____ billion people in 2050. a. 19 billion b. 100
billion c. 1000 billion d. 10 billion

97. G.H.G means _____ a. Green House Gases b. Geographical Health Growth c. Grean
Harsh Group d. Geographical Health Growth
98._____ is caused primarily by the presence of C.F.C in the atmosphere. a. Acid rain b. Global
warming c. Ozone depletion d. Geogocology

99. "The origin of species" was written by ____ a. Charles Darwin b. Richard Hartstone c.
Breach 1955 d. Dawson 2009

100. Life probably existed firstly around____ a. Mesopotamia b. 1970s c. Urbanization d.

7th Agricultural revolution period

101. ____ gases is responsible for absorbing heats. a. BHK b. PHD c. GHG d. PHG

102. The population benchmark to classify settlement into urban in Nigeria is ______ a.
20,000 and above b. 15,000 and above c. 50,000 and above d. 17 million
103. The spread of man from the point of evolution could be described through ______ a.
Dicotomy theory b. Diffusion theory c. Parallel theory d. Horizontally
104. The word "Hamlet" was also used for a small groups of shelters in the ____ areas. a. Urban
b. Rural c. City d. Hunt
105. LEDCs means ______ a. Less Economically Developed Countries b. Locations,
Environment, Dimensions and Climate c. Life, Earth, Dimensions and continents d. Leave
Every Thing and Depend on the Creator
106. _____ is one of the theories put forward about population studies. a. Dinho's theory b.
Geogocology theory c. Malthusian's theory d. Adam's theory

107. _____ deals with the evolution and races of man too. a. Geography b. Human
geography c. Urbanization d. Environmental closeness
108. The ______ estimates that government will have to spend approximately USD 71 trillion
by 2030 to provide adequate infrastructure for electricity. a. OECD b. BCOD c. GBOC d.
World Bank
109. Throughout the _____ century, the health of city dwellers increasingly benefited from
better access to education and healthcare. a. 15th b. 17th c. 19th d. 20th
110. In ____ theme, the geographers conceive places and locations as unique. a. Functional b.
Ecological c. Regional analysis d. Mobility

111. The movement theme is also known as_____ a. Formal b. Environmental c. Ecological d.
112. ______ is also a branch of the human geography. a. General region b. The spacial analysis
theme c. Tourism geography d. Geogocology
113. The human civilization takes places along the ____ and Euphrates. a. Rome b. Niger c.
Egypt d. Nile

114. _____ includes farming, animal husbandry, fishing and forestry. a. Farming setting b.
Agriculture c. Geography d. Humanism
115. One of the objectives of human geography is ____ a. It explains the nature
patterns, process and problems of human adaptation on earth b. It seek for the
misunderstanding on explanation of the evolution of space c. It causes underpopulation d. It
increases the human problems

116. ______ is not a category of the region analysis theme. a. Ecological b. General c. Formal
d. Functional
117. GEOGRAPHY from the Greek word GEOGRAPHEIN simply means ____ a.The act of
drawing earth b. The act of splitting earth c.The art of writing earth d.The art of knowing

118. _____ is the spatio temporal analysis of the planet earth. a. Geogocology b. Geography
x. Climate change d. Glaxophoby

119. ___ does not fall under the push factors. a. Psychological b. Satisfaction c. War d.
Religious conflict d. Diseases

120. All homes built by the _____ were sold as a result of the public law of 1949. a. Civilian b.
Government c. Geographers d. Human beings
121. The Ajoda new town is dated back to _____ a. 2005 b. 1975 c. 1978 d. 1960

122. V.G.C means _____ a. Vitoria Grace Cynthia b. Vitoria Geographical Cities c.
Vitoria Geological City d. Victoria Garden City
123. Ebenezer Howard (1850-1928) was a/an ____ a. Sculptor b. English cawt
stenographer c. Doctor d. Geographers
124. Howard's new towns were called ____ a. Garden cities of tomorrow b. Tomorrow, a
peaceful path to realm reform c. Geogocology d. Garden cities

125. Howard's new towns was of ______ of 30,000 inhabitants. a. Self-contained

community b. Flat c. Duplex d. Bungalows e. Face me, I slap you
126. Garden cities are also known as _____ a. Paradise b. Green-belt cities c. Pasturage d.
European new town
127. A characteristic common to most developing countries is ____ a. Urban city b.
Geographical Cities c. Primate city d. Green belt cities

128. Ethiopia ______ rural and has few towns. a.100% b.95% c. 75% d. 50%
129. _____ occurs in countries where the extent of economic development does not required
cities of middle side. a. Climate change b. Sahara desert c. New town concept d. Primate
130. In the town as a whole, ____ are relatively so high. a. Poverty b. Rent c. Population d.
Human beings

131. ____ is a type of social balance. a. Human geography b. Urbanization c.The attainment
of local or neighborhood balance d. Geogocology
132. _____ is a major problem of the new towns. a. Agriculture b. Geography c. Climate
change d.Self-sufficiency
133. A suggested population figure of between____ to 60,000 was made for the town.
a.20,000 b. 30,000 c. 40,000 d. 50,000
134. _____ is not an infrastructure. a. Electricity b. Earth c. Telecommunication c. Roads

135. ____ is not a public utility. a. Markets b. Security c. Employment opportunities d.

136. The actual development of the new city commenced in _____, in line with the master plan
to accommodate a population of ____ people within _____ years. a. September 1928, 30,000,
ten b. October 1978,50,000, twelve c. December 2004, 10,000, ten d. November 2005,
20,000, fifteen
137. According to the master plan, the 750 hectres of land was divided into ______ residential
districts. a 5 b. 6 c. 4 d. 3

138. The industrial district occupied _____ a.13% b. 13.3% c. 73% d. 40%
139. _____ is one of the regional development strategies of the Ogun state. a. Victoria island b.
Primate cities c. Ajoda new town d. Gateway paradise cities

140. The total population of Ogun state in 1991 was ____ a. 5.4 million b. 10 billion c. 2.3
million d. 5 million
141. There are _____ L.G.A in Ogun state. a. 30 b. 20 c. 40 d. 15

142. In 1988, the population of lbadan city was projected to _____ a. 2.3 million b. 3.3
million c. 1.3 million d. 2 million
143. _____ was considered largest city in west Africa in the early 1970s. a. Ajoda b. Ogun c.
Ibadan d. Lagos
144. _____ was a new town conceptualized to relieve the pressure on the city of Ibadan. a.
Primate b. Oyo c. Ajoda d. VGC

145. _______ is a city within a city. a.Victoria Garden city b. Victoria island c. Ajoda d.
Gateway paradise city

146. The Ajoda new town was dated back to _____ a. 1994 b. 2005 c. 1978 d. 1999

147. The Gateway paradise city began in _____ a. 1994 b. 2005 c. 1978 d. 1999

148. The V.G.C started in _____ a. 1994 b. 2005 c. 1978 d. 1999

149. Private built new towns were a phenomenon of the years after the world war _____ a. I
b. II c. III d. IV
150. The private built new towns were located in ____ state. a 17 b. 15 c. 18 d. 20
151. _____ is not one among the best known of the American new towns. a. Columbia b. Peston
c. Virginia d.VGC

152. H.E.P means ____ a. Hydrosphere Electric Power b. Hydro-electric Power c. Human
Geography Everlasting Power d. High Everlasting Power

153. All these except ___ is an European country. a. Sweden b. Finland c. Netherland d. VGC
154. The British Government became directly involved in the building of new towns through
the Nec Town Act of ____ a. 1947 b. 1930 c. 1960 d. 1946
155. Howard established the first garden city at ___ a. Nelwyn b. VGC c. Letchworth d.

156. The second garden was ______ which began in 1920. a Letchworth in London b. Nelwyn
garden city c. Green belt cities d. Garden cities of tomorrow 1902
157. The first of the English Government sponsored new towns was ______ and began in _____
a. Nelwyn,1920 b. Letchworth 1902 c. VGC 1994 d. Stevenge 1947


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