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Name: Ahmed Ali Abbasi

Class: BA LL. B (2nd Year)

Department: Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

School of Law

Assignment Topic: Definition and

Importance of International Relation

Roll No: LW-0122-013

Submitted To: Sir Aijaz Shaikh

Definitions Of IR
• The International Relations defines , which tries to explain political activities across state
• International relations is the study of all forms of interactions that exist between members of
separate entities or nations within the international system .
• International relations define as the investigating and study of patterns of actions and reactions
among sovereign states as represented by their governing elites.
• International relations as the subject that deals with those relations among nations, which
involve power status
• The international relations is concerned with the factor sand the activities which affect the
external policies and power of the basic units into which the world is divided.
• international relations is study of all the exchange transactions contacts, flow of information
and the resulting behavioral responses between and among separate organized societies.
International relations could encompass many different activities social, economic, religious and
so forth in so far as they have implications for international political relations.
• the study of international relations is an attempt to explain behavior that occurs across the
boundaries of states, the broader relationships of which such behavior is a part, and the
institutions (private, state, nongovernmental, and intergovernmental) that oversee those
• The study of international relations begins with the state system. One
• Can see a great impact of the state system on international scene since last three centuries.
• The individuals organise themselves in sovereign states and through them strive to fulfill
• Their interests. The incompatible interests of these sovereign states cause conflict, and
• International politics is those the natural outcome of the conflict of sovereign states.
• Not all states assume to every other national state. Some are significant because of their
• Neighbourhood, some owing to their military or economic power, whereas some others due
• To the racial or cultural links. In brief, inter-state relations are the result of sovereign state
• And international relations studies this relations.
• The study of international relations involves many subjects such as
• International and regional peace and security, international organizations, nuclear •
Proliferation, globalization, human rights, economic development, intervention,
• International financial relations, and international trade relations.
• The term international relations in preference to
• International politics as it encompasses all the relevant actors, contents and relationships. No
• Doubt, some of the definitions under the above category also cover areas other than mere
• Politics among nations. But the following definitions are more comprehensive as they • Include
state, international system, international organisations, other transnational and supra
• National agencies, non state entities, groups and relevant individuals as actors and basic unit
• Of analysis. At the same time they also cover larger areas of relationship.

Importance OF IR
• The importance of International Relations is clear when we look at the changes that society has
been changing during last centuries. In fact, all the technological , economical, global concerns
changes have created a smaller world where communication between different nations is much
faster. Therefore, International Relations play an important role in these communication
• International relations helps in successful trade policies between nations, both in terms of
importing natural resources and finished goods not available in one country and in terms of
gaining access to the wider market offered by exports to foreign countries. International affairs
describe the conditions and limits of cross-border trade in terms of tariffs, transport routes, trade
controls, goods that can and can not be traded etc.
• Nations also face global challenges that are greater than any single nation or continent, such as
environmental crises, pandemics, and terrorism. Sound international relations are needed to
ensure that nations collaborate effectively to address these challenges, enabling nations to
exchange relevant information quickly and pool resources.
• Interests and struggle supremacy among nations often lead to warfare between to or more
• International relationship play a role during War is as old a phenomenon as the state itself and
its essentially
• Followed be some sort of peace activity and settlement. War and peace activities are now
• Studied more systematically in this sphere, the study of international relations is of great
• Importance for all the mankind and requires interdisciplinary approach and analysis.
• In the post Second World War period power became the central theme in the
• Study of international relations. According to Morgenthau international politics is nothing
• Else but power Politics and can be realistically understood only if viewed as the concept of
• Interest defined in terms of of power of a national state.
• Power has practical as well as theoretical relevance. It is a major determinant of the policies
• Of the leading states of the world and of international relations generally. In international
• Relations one studies the nature, elements and measurement of national power, balance of
• Power, power equations and limitations on national power. Major limitations on power
• Which are being studied are:international law, international morality, world public opinion,
• Balance of power, collective security and international organisations.
• International relations helps in between two or more states, which are very often complex and
influenced by a variety of
• Geopolitical, historical, social, religious, ideological, strategic and leadership factors.
• Broadly speaking, these relationship have taken the form of cooperation and conflict.
• Cooperation and conflict are two side of the same coin.
• International relations play important role in human culture through cultural exchanges,
diplomacy and policy development
• International relations play a vital role in travel related to business, tourism, and immigration,
providing people with opportunities to enhance their lives.
• International relations help us to understanding how the world has developed over time is
absolutely crucial for further developments. It is important to know that events do not occur in
isolation, as events in one part of the globe can have unlikely consequences for another.
Globalisation has and will continue to affect political, socio-economic and cultural forces across
the globe. Therefore, such as Covid-19 alongside others are happening all around us, gaining an
understanding of our world through a global lens can profoundly inform our perspective on
several of these events, as well as the future.
• International relations play a key role for those Countries that have good relations with each
other to share their inventions and innovations more quickly, and this has been the norm among
civilizations since the dawn of time. This close cooperation between nations on technological
issues has not only made human life easier and safer through developments in medicine, housing,
and infrastructure, to name a few, but has also encouraged countries to build closer relationships
with each other.
• International relations can promote law enforcement cooperation between nations. Issues of
jurisdiction and sovereignty have been raised repeatedly since the emergence of nation-states in
the 19th century and are more important than ever in today’s world, where globalization has
taken hold everywhere and international criminal organizations, terrorists, human traffickers, etc.
have gained much more power than in the past. By working together, states can reach beyond
their national borders and enforce their laws much more effectively to ensure accountability and
justice and provide stability and security for their citizens.
• Economic Factors: Economic interests, like defence interests play role in political

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