SLITOR - Appeal To Virginia Court of Appeals

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18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 attention. JUDGE HUMPHREYS: Thank you Mr. Benzinger.

You have four they speculate that since she is eighty, can you imagine, eighty, eighty is too old to care for a child. I cant imagine how many grandmothers are watching children at this very time in this Commonwealth, but I know it is a large number. There is no medical evidence to indicate that the TIA made her any less capable of caring for the child. And there is absolutely no evidence that there As a matter of fact, thats totally There is no evidence to the contrary.

was no plan. contradicted.

The fact is that the Circuit Court totally ignored Mrs. Hey and she sort of got dragged along in the maelstrom of the tardy decision two years -- two months between hearings in the Juvenile Court level. These cases should have priority. I believe

that the legislature wants these cases to have priority and yet the courts are not, the lower courts are not giving the cases the priority they deserve. I am sure my time is up. Thank you for your

All right, Mr. Slitor.

DOROTHY M. TINGEN Court Reporter 4741 Springbrook Drive Annandale, Virginia 22003 Telephone: (703) 323-5707

19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 minutes, sir. MR. SLITOR: Judges of the Court of Appeals

of Virginia, good morning. I am Christopher Slitor or Kit, husband of Nancy, the birth mother of Sabrina and, thereby, I am Sabrinas father. Due to the staggering costs of this

case I had to proceed on my own so I proceed pro se. Im a professional videographer. Much of

what I have said or done has been twisted beyond all recognition of the original reality by Arlingtons attorneys and human services staff. I am a professional videographer and in video thats called morphing an image. My wife and I have

been morphed by the Arlington County attorneys and CPS workers. My wife has been employed by the Federal Communications Commission since 1987. We are a stable,

devoted couple, yet both of us have been demonized by Arlington CPS and the insults amplified by the attorneys in the County. Arlington has falsely branded Nancy an incompetent or worse. Arlington has also falsely

DOROTHY M. TINGEN Court Reporter 4741 Springbrook Drive Annandale, Virginia 22003 Telephone: (703) 323-5707

20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 vilified me and tarnished my character. As a father and a citizen I plead my case in appeal to you to make this a better world for us, for Sabrina and for all parents and children. By your decision in this case you have the power to right this wrong and the world will be better for this. decision. JUDGE HUMPHREYS: Thank you, sir. Thank you and my God guide you in your

All right, well hear from the Arlington County Department of Social Services. MS. CONANAN: name is Jonnice Conanan. May it please the Court, my I am here on behalf of the

Arlington County Department of Human Services. Mary Craig is on brief with me and she sends her respects, but she is in the process of retiring and could not be here today. At the heart of this case is a little girl, Sabrina Slitor. She is three and a half years old now

and shes been with her foster family for all but three weeks of her young life. JUDGE ELDER: So counsel are you suggesting,

DOROTHY M. TINGEN Court Reporter 4741 Springbrook Drive Annandale, Virginia 22003 Telephone: (703) 323-5707

21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 the time. JUDGE ELDER: But, that doesnt mean that I mean, lots of things happened here a lot of time has passed and is it appropriate or fair or under the case law appropriate to consider just the passage of time because for whatever reason, the courts took a long time, social services took a long time, so now since the child hasnt been with the parents all of these years because social services removed her very quickly that thats a factor that counts against the family when maybe they werent responsible for that? MS. CONANAN: Well, Your Honor, I am not It is

suggesting that it counts against the family.

merely a factor that has to be considered in terms of her bonding with a family group. JUDGE ELDER: Well, you know, I suppose the

case could be made for most of us that at any given point most peoples children may at any particular point be better off somewhere else. JUDGE HUMPHREYS: My son tells me that all

everybodys children should be removed and kept away from them for three and a half years.
DOROTHY M. TINGEN Court Reporter 4741 Springbrook Drive Annandale, Virginia 22003 Telephone: (703) 323-5707

22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 MS. CONANAN: Understood, Your Honor, and

that was not the intention of the Department. But in this case, Nancy Hey, has a condition that is a neurological miswiring that does not allow her to connect or understand the non-verbal cues of her child. JUDGE ELDER: Well, there was some evidence

that Mr. Slitor was able to co-parent. MS. CONANAN: Mr. Slitor indicated that he

was ready to co-parent, not until October of 2005. In fact, Your Honor, when he was first called by CPS to the hospital -JUDGE ELDER: MS. CONANAN: Well, thats three years ago. Yes, Your Honor, but when he

was first called by CPS at the hospital he announced that the baby was not his. JUDGE HUMPHREYS: Let me ask this question;

one of the issues that really troubles me here is the doctors testimony after he reviewed the transcript of the, I guess it was Doctor Marvin; Doctor Marvins testimony after he reviewed the transcript. And it seems to me the Statute is pretty
DOROTHY M. TINGEN Court Reporter 4741 Springbrook Drive Annandale, Virginia 22003 Telephone: (703) 323-5707

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