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Define Your Scrum Elements:

o Scrum comes with its unique theories, events, and terms. To get started:
 Form Your Scrum Team: Establish the three main roles—Product Owner, Scrum Master, and
Developers. A reliable team is essential.
 Get Ready to Sprint: Scrum teams work in fixed time periods called sprints (usually a month or
less). The goal is to build, test, and deliver usable product value within each sprint.
 Set Your Sprint Duration: Choose a sprint length (typically 2 to 4 weeks) based on your team’s
capacity and work speed.
 Plan Your Scrum Ceremonies: Schedule four essential events—sprint planning, daily scrum,
sprint review, and sprint retrospective1.
2. Manage the Product Backlog:
o Create and prioritize a backlog of work items (user stories, features, and tasks).
o Collaborate with stakeholders to define and refine backlog items.
o Ensure the backlog is transparent and accessible to the entire team.
3. Plan Sprints:
o During sprint planning, select backlog items to work on in the upcoming sprint.
o Break down selected items into smaller tasks.
o Set sprint goals and define acceptance criteria for each item.
4. Keep It Visual and Transparent:
o Use physical or digital boards (like Kanban or Scrum boards) to visualize work.
o Make progress, bottlenecks, and dependencies visible to the team.
o Transparency fosters collaboration and accountability.
5. Time-Box Work and Monitor Progress:
o Sprints have fixed durations—stick to them.
o Daily Scrum meetings (stand-ups) keep everyone aligned and address any obstacles.
o Regularly review progress against sprint goals.
6. Get a Coach (Optional):
o Consider hiring an experienced Scrum coach or Scrum Master.
o A coach can guide the team, address challenges, and ensure adherence to Scrum principles.

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