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I n t ro d u c t i o n TEACHER’S NOTES

Welcome to the Mimi’s Wheel Letter Work Programme.

The Letter Work Programme addresses the introduction of the alphabet across the three pre-school
levels. Level 1 is tailored for children between three and four years old, Level 2 for children between
four and five years old, and Level 3 for children between five and six years old.

Before starting any of the writing activities it is important to first establish that all the children know
how to hold a pencil correctly. Pencil grip is vital at this stage of learning development as it establishes
correct habits from an early age.

1–1½ years old 2–3 years old 3½–4 years old 4½–7 years old

Cylindrical Grasp Digital Grasp Modified Tripod Grasp Tripod Grasp

Teaching letter recognition and correct formation is not age appropriate at Level 1.
However, children can benefit from exercises and activities to strengthen their fine motor coordination,
improve pencil grip and control, and establish left to right directionality.

The 32 worksheets in this level begin to lay the foundations for letter formation by asking the children
to trace and complete patterns. Therefore, the letters of the alphabet are not prominent in these
worksheets since the focus is not on writing the actual letters but, rather, on drawing the patterns that
form letters.

Through these worksheets children will learn to:

• trace straight lines from left to right

• trace straight lines from top to bottom
• trace diagonal lines from top to bottom
• trace simple pictures that have straight lines
• trace wavy lines from left to right
• trace paths to connect one picture to another using straight, curvy, and wavy lines
• trace simple pictures that have wavy lines
• trace big and small shapes
• complete patterns with straight, curvy, wavy, and circular lines.

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Wo r k s h e e t 1 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 1

Point and say the classroom objects. Trace the line to connect the classroom objects.
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Key Language Review

• book, chair, crayon, table

What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Ask the children to point and say the name of each
classroom object (book, crayon, table, and chair). Then have them trace around the big objects using
their fingers. Repeat with the small objects. This prepares them for recognising the difference between
uppercase and lowercase letters in Level 2.

Ask the children to trace the lines from left to right using their fingers, then have them trace the grey
lines with a pencil to connect the classroom objects on the left to the objects on the right. Emphasise
the importance of staying on the line and making each line in one continuous movement, without
taking the pencil off the page.

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Wo r k s h e e t 2 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 2

Trace the lines to complete the mobile. Circle the classroom objects.
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Key Language Review

• book, crayon

What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Ask the children to find and circle a crayon in the
picture, then invite them to find and hold a crayon in the air. Repeat with book.

Ask the children to trace the lines from left to right and top to bottom, using their fingers, then have
them trace the grey lines with a pencil. Emphasise the importance of staying on the line and making
each line in one continuous movement, without taking the pencil off the page.

Invite the children to circle the classroom objects.

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Wo r k s h e e t 3 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 3

Trace and colour the triangles.

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Key Language
• triangle

What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Ask the children what they see on the page. Point and
say triangle. Encourage the children to repeat.

Ask the children to trace the lines using their fingers, then have them trace the grey lines with a pencil.
Emphasise the importance of staying on the line and making each line in one continuous movement,
without taking the pencil off the page.

Invite the children to colour the triangles.

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Wo r k s h e e t 4 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 4

Trace the lines.

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What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Ask the children to stand up and use their arms
to show the direction of each line: left to right, top to bottom in a straight line, or top to bottom in a
diagonal line.

Ask the children to trace the lines using their fingers. Emphasise where to start and end each line,
so the children are moving their fingers in the correct direction to form the lines. Invite the children to
trace the grey lines with a pencil. Emphasise the importance of staying on the line and making each
line in one continuous movement, without taking the pencil off the page.

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Wo r k s h e e t 5 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 5

Trace the lines to complete the kite. Colour the kite.

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Key Language
• kite

What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Ask the children what they see on the page. Point and
say kite. Encourage the children to repeat. Model flying a kite and say kite. Encourage the children to
copy you.

Ask the children to trace the lines using their fingers, then have them trace the grey lines using a
crayon. Emphasise the importance of staying on the line and making one continuous movement,
without taking the crayon off the page.

Invite the children to colour the kite.

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Wo r k s h e e t 6 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 6

Point and say the parts of the body. Trace the lines to connect the parts of the body.
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Key Language
• arms, feet, hands, legs

What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Ask the children what they see on the page. Point and
say arms, legs, hands and feet. Encourage the children to repeat.

Encourage the children to think about things they can do with each part of their bodies. Then stomp
your feet and clap your hands, and encourage the children to copy you.

Ask the children to trace the lines using their fingers, then have them trace the grey lines using either
pencils or crayons. Emphasise the importance of staying on the line and making each line in one
continuous movement, without taking the pencil off the page.

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Wo r k s h e e t 7 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 7

Trace the lines to complete the picture. Colour the boat.

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Key Language
• boat

What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Ask the children what they see on the page.
Point and say boat. Encourage the children to repeat. Model rowing a boat and say boat.
Encourage the children to copy you.

Ask the children to trace the lines using their fingers, then have them use a crayon to trace the grey
lines. Emphasise the importance of staying on the line and making each line in one continuous
movement, without taking the pencil off the page.

Invite the children to colour the boat.

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Wo r k s h e e t 8 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 8

Trace the lines.

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What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Ask the children to trace the lines using their fingers,
then have them trace the grey lines using either pencils or crayons. Emphasise the importance of
staying on the line and making each wavy line in one continuous movement, without taking the pencil
off the page.

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Wo r k s h e e t 9 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 9

Trace the lines to complete the picture. Count the legs and eyes on the sheep. Colour the sheep.
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Key Language
• sheep

Key Language Review

• 1–4

What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Ask the children what they see on the page.
Point and say sheep. Encourage the children to repeat. Make a sheep sound and say sheep.
Encourage the children to copy you.

Ask the children to trace the lines using their fingers, then have them trace the grey lines using pencils
or crayons. Emphasise the importance of staying on the line and making each wavy line or circle in
one continuous movement, without taking the pencil off the page.

Encourage the children to count the legs and eyes on the sheep.

Invite the children to colour the sheep.

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Wo r k s h e e t 1 0 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 1 1

Trace the circles on the jumper. Colour the jumper.

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Key Language
• jumper

Key Language Review

• circle

What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Ask the children what they see on the page. Point
and say jumper. Encourage the children to repeat. Ask them if we wear a jumper on a sunny day or a
windy day. Then have them point to a circle.

Ask the children to trace the circles using their fingers, then have them trace the grey circles using
pencils or crayons. Emphasise the importance of staying on the line and making each circle in one
continuous movement, without taking the pencil off the page.

Invite the children to colour the jumper.

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Wo r k s h e e t 1 1 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 1 1

Trace the lines and circles to complete the picture. Colour the umbrella.
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Key Language
• umbrella

Key Language Review

• circle

What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Ask the children what they see on the page. Point and
say umbrella. Encourage the children to repeat. Model holding an umbrella above your head and say
umbrella. Encourage the children to copy you. Ask the children why we use an umbrella. Find out if
they like rain. Why or why not?

Ask the children to trace the lines and circles using their fingers, then have them trace the grey lines
and circles using either pencils or crayons. Emphasise the importance of staying on the line and
making each line or circle in one continuous movement, without taking the pencil off the page.

Invite the children to colour the umbrella and rain drops.

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Wo r k s h e e t 1 2 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 1 2

Draw a line to connect the clothes. Point and say the clothes.
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Key Language
• jumper, trousers

Key Language Review

• shoes, T-shirt

What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Ask the children to trace the first horizontal line using
their fingers, then have them trace the line using pencils or crayons. Emphasise the importance of
staying on the line and making one continuous movement to the end of the line, without taking the
pencil off the page.

Ask the children to complete the next two lines, and then to draw in the final line themselves.

Have them point and say the items of clothing they have connected.

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Wo r k s h e e t 1 3 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 1 3

Draw a line to connect the toys. Point and say the toys.
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Key Language Review

• ball, car, doll

What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Ask the children to trace the first vertical line using
their fingers, then have them trace the line using pencils or crayons. Emphasise the importance of
staying on the line and making one continuous movement to the end of the line, without taking the
pencil off the page.

Ask the children to complete the second line, and then to draw in the final line themselves.

Have them point and say the toys they have connected.

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Wo r k s h e e t 1 4 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 1 4

Complete the happy face with red. Complete the sad face with blue.
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Key Language
• happy, sad

Key Language Review

• blue, red

What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Ask the children to trace the grey lines using
their fingers.

Ask the children to point to the happy face. Then ask them to point to the sad face. Have them trace
the grey lines of the happy face with a red crayon or pencil. Have them trace the grey lines of the sad
face with a blue crayon or pencil. Emphasise the importance of staying on the line and making one
continuous movement to the end of each line, without taking the pencil off the page.

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Wo r k s h e e t 1 5 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 1 5


Trace the lines and circles to complete the train. Colour the train.
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Key Language Review

• train

What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Ask the children what they see on the page. Point and
say train. Encourage the children to repeat. Show the children the word train on their worksheets.

Ask the children to trace the lines using their fingers, then have them trace the grey lines using pencils
or crayons. Emphasise the importance of staying on the line and making each line or circle in one
continuous movement, without taking the pencil off the page.

Invite the children to colour the train.

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Wo r k s h e e t 1 6 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 1 6

Listen to the story. Trace the dotted patterns.

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What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Draw each row on the board.
Make up a story to go with each pattern. For example:

• Row 1: The rain is falling down from the sky.

• Row 2: The water flows down the street.
• Row 3: Lucy and Mummy go for a walk in the rain.
• Row 4: They jump in the puddles and make big splashes.

Ask the children to trace the patterns, one row at a time. Emphasise the importance of staying on the
line and making each line in one continuous movement, without taking the pencil off the page.

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Wo r k s h e e t 1 7 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 1 7

Draw a line to connect the mummy to the other family members. Point and say the family members.
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Key Language Review

• brother, daddy, mummy

What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Ask the children to trace the first diagonal line using
their fingers, then have them trace the line using pencils or crayons. Emphasise the importance of
staying on the line and making one continuous movement to the end of the line, without taking the
pencil off the page.

Ask the children to complete the line below.

Have them point and say the family members they have connected.

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Wo r k s h e e t 1 8 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 1 8

Listen to the story. Trace the dotted patterns.

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What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Draw each row on the board.
Make up a story to go with each pattern. For example:

• Row 1: Paul and Daddy have an adventure.

• Row 2: They drive to the mountains. They go up and down.
• Row 3: They drive to the sea. The sea has a lot of waves.
• Row 4: It is a fun day. Paul is very happy.

Ask the children to trace the patterns, one row at a time. Emphasise the importance of staying on the
line and making each line in one continuous movement, without taking the pencil off the page.

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Wo r k s h e e t 1 9 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 1 9

Trace and draw the lines to complete the house. Colour the house.
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Key Language
• house

What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Ask the children what they see on the page. Point and
say house. Encourage the children to repeat. Model making a roof over your head and say house.
Encourage the children to repeat. Ask what is wrong with the picture.

Ask the children to trace the lines using their fingers and to continue the lines to complete the house.
Emphasise the importance of keeping both sides the same. Then have them trace the grey lines of the
roof using pencils or crayons and continue drawing the lines to complete the other half of the roof.
Ask them to trace and draw in the other parts of the house.

Invite the children to colour the house.

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Wo r k s h e e t 2 0 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 2 1

Trace the lines to complete the flowers and grass. Colour the flowers.
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Key Language
• flower

What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Ask the children what they see on the page.
Point and say flower. Encourage the children to repeat. Model being a flower. Curl up as a small seed,
then gradually stretch up tall as a growing flower and say flower. Encourage the children to copy you.

Ask the children to trace all the lines using their fingers, then have them trace the grey lines using
pencils or crayons. Emphasise the importance of staying on the line and making each line or circle in
one continuous movement, without taking the pencil off the page.

Invite the children to colour the flowers.

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Wo r k s h e e t 2 1 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 2 1

Listen to the story. Trace the dotted patterns.

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What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Draw each row on the board.
Make up a story to go with each pattern. For example:

• Row 1: The lightning zigzags across the sky.

• Row 2: The rain pours down.
• Row 3: The snails come out to play.
• Row 4: When the rain stops, a rainbow appears.

Ask the children to trace the patterns, one row at a time. Emphasise the importance of staying on the
line and making each line in one continuous movement, without taking the pencil off the page.

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Wo r k s h e e t 2 2 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 2 2



Trace and draw the lines to complete the animals. Colour the animals.
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Key Language Review

• cat, mouse

What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Ask the children what they see on the page. Point and
say cat and mouse. Encourage the children to repeat. Show the children the words cat and mouse on
their worksheet. Ask the children if they have animals at home. Which ones?

Ask the children to trace the lines using their fingers. Then have them trace the grey lines using pencils
or crayons. Emphasise the importance of staying on the line and making each line in one continuous
movement, without taking the pencil off the page.

Invite the children to draw in the cat’s whiskers and colour the animals.

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Wo r k s h e e t 2 3 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 2 3

cat dog fish

Trace the lines to connect the animals to the correct places.

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Key Language Review

• cat, dog, fish

What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Ask the children what they see on the page. Point and
say the name of each animal (cat, dog, and fish). Encourage the children to repeat. Show them the
words written next to each pet.

Ask the children to connect each animal to the correct place by following the lines with their fingers.
Then have them trace the lines using pencils or crayons. Emphasise the importance of staying on the
line and making each line in one continuous movement, without taking the pencil off the page.

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Wo r k s h e e t 2 4 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 2 4

Trace the patterns to connect the animals and child to the objects.
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Key Language Review

• ball, cat, dog

What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Ask the children what they see on the page. Say dog
and encourage them to point to the correct picture. Repeat with cat and ball. Point to the ice cream.
Ask the children if they like ice cream. Repeat with the milk.

Ask the children to trace the patterns using their fingers, then have them trace the patterns using
pencils or crayons. Emphasise the importance of staying on the line and making one continuous
movement to the end of each line, without taking the pencil off the page.

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Wo r k s h e e t 2 5 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 2 5

Listen to the story. Trace the dotted patterns.

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What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Draw each row on the board.
Make up a story to go with each pattern. For example:

• Row 1: Paul and Lucy go to the seaside. Paul has a small bucket.
• Row 2: Lucy has a big bucket.
• Row 3: They build a sandcastle.

Ask the children to trace the patterns, one row at a time. Emphasise the importance of staying on the
line and making each line in one continuous movement, without taking the pencil off the page.

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Wo r k s h e e t 2 6 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 2 6

= 2 3 = 2 3

apple banana
Trace the fruit. Count the fruit and circle the correct numbers. Colour the fruit.
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Key Language Review

• apple, banana, 1–3

What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Ask the children what they see on the page. Point and
say apple and banana. Encourage the children to repeat. Ask them if they like apples and bananas.

Ask the children to trace the lines using their fingers, then have them trace the grey lines using pencils
or crayons. Emphasise the importance of staying on the line and making each line in one continuous
movement, without taking the pencil off the page.

Show the children the words apple and banana printed at the bottom of the page. Ask the children to
count the apples and circle the correct number. Repeat with the bananas.

Invite the children to colour the fruit.

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Wo r k s h e e t 2 7 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 2 7

Trace the lines to complete the picture. Colour the carrots orange.
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Key Language
• carrots

Key Language Review

• rabbit, orange

What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Ask the children what they see on the page. Point and
say rabbit. Encourage the children to repeat. Model hopping like a rabbit. Encourage the children to
copy you. Ask the children to point to the carrots. Ask them whether they like carrots. Then ask them
whether they think the rabbit likes carrots.

Ask the children to trace the rabbit and the carrots with a finger, then have them trace the pictures
using pencils or crayons. Emphasise the importance of staying on the line and making one continuous
movement to the end of each line, without taking the pencil off the page.

Invite the children to colour the carrots orange.

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Wo r k s h e e t 2 8 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 2 8

Trace the lines to complete the toys. Colour the cat brown.
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Key Language Review

• cat, brown

What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Draw the children’s attention to the toys on the page.
Ask them if they have a favorite toy and encourage them to tell you about it.

Ask the children to trace the toys with a finger, then have them complete the pictures using pencils or
crayons. Emphasise the importance of staying on the line and making one continuous movement to
the end of each line, without taking the pencil off the page.

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Wo r k s h e e t 2 9 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 2 9

Point and say the community helpers. Trace the patterns to connect the community helpers to the places.
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Key Language
• doctor, firefighter, police officer

What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Ask the children what they see on the page.
Say firefighter and encourage them to point to the correct picture. Repeat with the other community

Ask the children to trace the patterns using their fingers, then have them trace the patterns using
pencils or crayons to connect the community helpers to the places. Emphasise the importance of
staying on the line and making one continuous movement to the end of each line, without taking the
pencil off the page.

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Wo r k s h e e t 3 0 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 3 1

Trace and copy the patterns.

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What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Ask the children to trace the patterns with their
fingers. Then have them trace the patterns using pencils or crayons.

Ask the children to copy the patterns to complete each row. Emphasise that the completed patterns
should look the same as the traced patterns.

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Wo r k s h e e t 3 1 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 3 1

Point and say the shapes. Copy the patterns into the empty shapes.
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Key Language Review

• circle, rectangle, triangle

What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Ask the children to point and say rectangle, circle,
and triangle.

Ask the children to look at the pattern in the rectangle on the left and draw the same pattern in the
rectangle on the right. Repeat with the other shapes and patterns.

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Wo r k s h e e t 3 2 TEACHER’S NOTES

Wo r k s h e e t 3 2

Listen to the story. Trace the dotted patterns.

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What to Do
Provide each child with a copy of the worksheet. Draw each row on the board. Make up a story to go
with each pattern. For example:

• Row 1: Paul and Lucy go fishing with their fishing rods.

• Row 2: They take out their fishing hooks.
• Row 3: They add a wriggly worm to each hook.
• Row 4: They catch many fish for dinner.

Ask the children to trace the patterns, one row at a time. Emphasise the importance of staying on the
line and making each line in one continuous movement, without taking the pencil off the page.

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