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The Quran being the word of Allah contains the principles of Islam, solutions to major issues,

and often deals with the subjects in brief terms. The Hadith of Prophet (PBUH) contains its
details and particulars. The Quran says: “And We have sent down thee the Message: that thou
mayest explain clearly to men what is sent for them”. The Holy Quran itself commands that the
Prophet’s (PBUH) teachings have to be obeyed. Whenever Quran commands its followers to
obey Allah, it also commands them to obey Prophet (PBUH). It declares that obedience to
Prophet (PBUH) is obedience to Allah himself. The Quran says: “He who obeys the Messenger,
obeys Allah”. At another instance, Quran says: “Obey Allah and obey the Messenger”. The
Hadith of Prophet (PBUH) along with Quran are the foundation of Quranic laws.

While the Quran gives Muslims a primary rule of life, there are many matters where
guidance for practical life is necessary. In cases where Quran is silent, Hadith has to be
followed. There could be no better guide than Prophet (PBUH) himself, who provided an oral
and practical interpretation and commentary as an aid to the correct understanding of the
meaning of Quran. The structure of Shariah is thus based on Quran and the words and actions
of Prophet (PBUH).

In Quran, we are commanded to offer prayer but no method of performing prayer has
been mentioned. “Prostrate (to Him) and bow alongside those who bow down”. The method is
told in a Hadith of Prophet (PBUH), as he said: “Offer prayer as you see me offering prayer”.
The Quran teaches us to pay Zakat: “Those who keep up prayer, give the Zakat and believe in
Allah and the Last Day”. Again, we aren’t told about the quantity of Zakat, the way it is to be
paid. Although from the Hadith we get the answer: “no charity tax is obligatory on property
mounting to less than five uqiya and no charity tax is obligatory on fewer than five camels, and
there is no charity tax on fewer than five wasq”.

Many verses of Quran are there, having a technical meaning, which could be understood
from the context of words but requires some elaboration. Quran says: “And eat and drink until
the white thread becomes distinct to you from the black thread of the dawn”. The meaning of
black thread and white is clear but Prophet (PBUH) clarified any sorts of doubts by telling that
the white thread means the day and the black thread refers to night.

The Quran sometimes says in general injunctions to the humans, which are not specified
but the Hadith specifies it. The Holy Quran says: “Those who believe and obscure not their
belief by zulm, there is safety..”. The word “zulm” means wrongdoing but Prophet (PBUH)
specified that zulm refers to associating partners with Allah.

Sometimes there are cases in which Quranic teachings are restricted and could be taken
from several perspectives but Hadith restricts the meaning. As for theft, Holy Quran says: “As
for the thief, both male and female, cut off their hands”. Here question arises that how much of
the hand to be cut off and which hand? Prophet (PBUH) restricted its meaning by teaching that
right hand up to the wrists is to be cut off.

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