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Mental health in India

Table of Contents

01 Global overview Measures taken by employees to manage their mental health at workplace in India 2022 21
Common mental health symptoms among employees in India 2022 22
Adults worldwide who said mental health is their country's leading health issue 2022 04
Industries with increased mental health symptoms among employees in India 2022 23
Countries with the highest suicide mortality rates worldwide 2019 05
Cost of poor mental health among employees in India in 2022 24
Adults worldwide who stated that stress is their country's leading health issue 2022 06
Steps adopted by employees to manage mental health symptoms in India 2022 25
Cost-related access issues among older adults with mental health needs worldwide 2021 07
Mental health disorders among Indians India 2021, by gender 08
05 Digital mental wellness

02 Expenditure Digital technologies used to manage their mental wellbeing India 2022, by age 27
Share of people who continue using mental wellness apps India 2022, by gender 28
Distribution of direst expenditure on mental health in India in FY 2023 10
Digital technologies used to manage their mental wellbeing India 2022, by gender 29
Expenditure for NMHP in India FY 2014-2021 11
Share of people using digital technology for mental wellness India 2022, by gender 30
Utilization of funds by NIMHANS in India FY 2016-2021 12
Utilization of funds on Deendayal Upadhya Rehabilitation Scheme in India FY 2017-2021 13
06 Suicide
Budgetary allocation for RPDA in India FY 2017-2022 14
Number of suicides India 1971-2022 32

03 Stress and anxiety Number of suicides India 2022, by state 33

Number of suicides India 2022, by cause 34
People feeling more stressed in India 2022, by age 16
Number of suicides India 2022, by profession 35
Practices undertaken to improve mental wellness in India 2022, by age 17
People feeling more stressed in India 2022, by gender 18
07 Public perception
Practices undertaken to improve mental wellness in India 2022, by gender 19
Opinion on frequency of thoughts related to mental wellbeing in India 2022 37

04 Workplace mental health Opinion on importance of mental and physical health in India 2022 38

Table of Contents

Public opinion on experiencing stress and depression in India 2022 39

Public opinion on tools to improve mental health symptoms in India 2022 40


Global overview
Percentage of adults worldwide who stated that mental health was the
biggest health problem facing people in their country in 2022
Adults worldwide who said mental health is their country's leading health issue 2022

Percentage of respondents
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Sweden 63%

Chile 62%

Ireland 58%

Portugal 55%

Spain 51%

United States 51%

Brazil 49%

Switzerland 48%

Canada 46%

Colombia 46%

Australia 44%

Great Britain 43%

Peru 39%

Argentina 37%

South Africa 37%

4 Description: In 2022, around 63 percent of adults in Sweden stated that mental health was the biggest health problem facing people in their country, while in Japan only around 15 percent of adults stated the same. This statistic illustrates the percentage of adults
worldwide who stated that mental health problems were the biggest health problems facing people in their country in 2022. Read more
Note(s): Worldwide; July 22 to August 5, 2022; 23,507 respondents; 16-74 years; 34 countries
Source(s): Ipsos
Leading 20 countries based on suicide mortality rate in 2019 (per 100 000
Countries with the highest suicide mortality rates worldwide 2019

Suicide mortality rate per 100 000 population

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Lesotho 72.4

Guyana 40.3

Eswatini 29.4

Republic of Korea 28.6

Kiribati 28.3

Micronesia (Federated States of) 28.2

Lithuania 26.1

Suriname 25.4

Russian Federation 25.1

South Africa 23.5

Ukraine 21.6

Uruguay 21.2

Belarus 21.2

Montenegro 21

Latvia 20.1

5 Description: The countries with the highest suicide mortality rate worldwide in 2019 included Lesotho, Guyana, and Eswatini. Suicide rates of men are much higher than among women in many countries. Lithuania has one of the highest suicide rates for men as of
2019, while South Korea reports the highest suicide rate for women. Read more
Note(s): Worldwide
Source(s): WHO
Percentage of adults worldwide who stated that stress was the biggest
health problem facing people in their country in 2022
Adults worldwide who stated that stress is their country's leading health issue 2022

Percentage of respondents
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%

Argentina 39%

Switzerland 39%

South Korea 35%

Sweden 35%

Peru 35%

Colombia 34%

Turkey 34%

Romania 34%

Belgium 31%

Japan 31%

Chile 30%

Poland 29%

Italy 29%

France 28%

Spain 28%

6 Description: In 2022, around 39 percent of adults in Switzerland stated that they believed stress was the biggest health problem facing people in their country, while in the U.S. only around 17 percent of adults stated the same. This statistic illustrates the percentage of
adults worldwide who stated that stress was the biggest health problem facing people in their country in 2022. Read more
Note(s): Worldwide; July 22 to August 5, 2022; 23,507 respondents; 16-74 years; 34 countries
Source(s): Ipsos
Percentage of adults aged 65 and older with a mental health need who
reported any cost-related access problem in 2021 worldwide
Cost-related access issues among older adults with mental health needs worldwide 2021


Percentage of older adults


15% 14%

11% 11%
10% 10%
8% 8%
6% 6%

United States Switzerland New Zealand Canada Australia Netherlands France United Sweden Germany

7 Description: In 2021, Medicare beneficiaries in the U.S. were most likely to report having cost-related problems to accessing mental health services compared to older adults of other high income countries. These older adults with mental health needs were likely to
not visit a doctor, skip a test or treatment, or not fill out a prescription due to cost. This was despite mental health generally being covered under Medicare. This statistic presents the percentage of adults aged 65 and older with a mental health [...] Read more
Note(s): Worldwide; March 1 to June 14, 2021; 18,477 respondents; 65 years and older; Only among respondents with a mental health need. US adults are limited to those enrolled in Medicare.
Source(s): Commonwealth Fund; SSRS
Share of mental health disorders among Indians in India in 2021, by
Mental health disorders among Indians India 2021, by gender

Men Women

40% 38%

35% 33%
Share of respondents







Stress Depression Anxiety

8 Description: As of October 2021, women had the highest share of mental health disorders in India, amounting to 39 percent and 30 percent for stress and anxiety health disorder respectively. Comparatively, 33 percent of men had depression as compared to women
with 31 percent during the same time period. Read more
Note(s): India; October 2021
Source(s): Capital Incubation Insights Everything

Share of direct expenditure on mental health in India in financial year
Distribution of direst expenditure on mental health in India in FY 2023

National Mental Health

Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi
Programme (NMHP) 6
Regional Institute of Mental
Health, Tezpur 10

National Institute of Mental

Health and Neuro-sciences
(NIMHANS), Bengaluru 84

10 Description: In financial year 2023, about 6.7 billion Indian rupees was available for direct expenditure on mental health in India. Of the total budget about 84 percent was allocated to the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences (NIMHANS). On the
other hand, 6 percent of the total budget was allocated to the National Mental Health Programme (NMHP). Read more
Note(s): India; FY 2023
Source(s): Keshav Desiraju IMHO; Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (India); Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (India)
Budget expenditure for National Mental Health Programme (NMHP) in
India from financial year 2014 to 2021 ( in million Indian rupees)
Expenditure for NMHP in India FY 2014-2021

Budget Estimate Actual Expenditure

1,200 1,130

Expenditure in million Indian rupees


400 400
400 354.2 339.5 350

180 204.6
0 0 0 20.1 25.1
FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021

11 Description: In financial year 2021, the actual expenditure for India's mental health amounted to about 204 million Indian rupees. The budget estimates stood at about 400 million rupees the same year. Since 2019, there has been a consistent underutilization of funds
leading to lower budgetary allocation. Read more
Note(s): India; FY 2014 to FY 2021
Source(s): Keshav Desiraju IMHO; Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (India); Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (India)
Utilization of funds by National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-sciences
(NIMHANS) in India from financial year 2016 to 2021 ( in billion Indian rupees)
Utilization of funds by NIMHANS in India FY 2016-2021

Funds in billion Indian rupees

Actual Expenditure Budget Estimate

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0

FY 2016

FY 2017

FY 2018

FY 2019

FY 2020

FY 2021

12 Description: In financial year 2021, the actual expenditure for mental health amounted to 4.74 billion Indian rupees. On the other hand, while the budget estimates stood at 4.3 billion rupees the same year. Since fiscal year 2016 there has been a consistent increase in
budgetary allocation. Read more
Note(s): India; FY 2016 to FY 2021
Source(s): Keshav Desiraju IMHO; Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (India); Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (India)
Utilization of funds on Deendayal Upadhya Rehabilitation Scheme in India
from financial year 2017 to 2021 ( in million Indian rupees)
Utilization of funds on Deendayal Upadhya Rehabilitation Scheme in India FY 2017-2021

Funds in million Indian rupees

Actual Expenditure Budget Estimate

0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400

FY 2017

FY 2018

FY 2019

FY 2020

FY 2021

13 Description: In financial year 2021, the actual expenditure for Deendayal Upadhya Rehabilitation Scheme was about 830 million Indian rupees. The budgetary estimate was 1.3 billion Indian rupees the same. About 62 percent of the funds allocated to the scheme were
utilized in 2021. Read more
Note(s): India; FY 2071 to FY 2021
Source(s): Keshav Desiraju IMHO; Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (India); Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (India)
Budgetary allocation for Rights of Persons with Disability Act (RPDA) in
India from financial year 2017 to 2022 ( in billion Indian rupees)
Budgetary allocation for RPDA in India FY 2017-2022

Budget Estimate Revised Estimate

Budgetary allocation in billion Indian rupees

2.57 2.6
2.07 2.1
1.93 1.93




0 0
FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022

14 Description: In financial year 2022, the budget estimate for the implementation of schemes under the Rights of Persons with Disability Act, 2016 was about two billion Indian rupees. While the revised estimate for about 1.47 billion Indian rupees the same year. There
was a consistent decrease in budget estimate since fiscal year 2020. Read more
Note(s): India; FY 2017 to FY 2022
Source(s): Keshav Desiraju IMHO; Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (India); Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (India)

Stress and anxiety

People feeling more stressed or anxious during last 12 months in India as
of May 2022, by age
People feeling more stressed in India 2022, by age

Share of respondents

No, lower levels of stress and anxiety as before No, same levels of stress and anxiety as before Yes

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

16 to 24 years old 28%
25 to 34 years old 27%
35 to 44 years old 31%
45 to 54 years old 39%
55 years old and above 41%

16 Description: According to a survey conducted by Rakuten Insight in India in May 2022, 50 percent of respondents in the 24 to 34 age group stated that they were felling more stressed or anxious during past 12 months. In the same survey 28 percent of respondents in
the 16 to 24 age group stated that they experienced the same level of stress and anxiety as before. Read more
Note(s): India; May 12 to 30, 2022; 33,558 respondents; 16 years and older; among 13,010 female and 20,548 male respondents
Source(s): Rakuten Insight
Practices undertaken to improve mental wellness in India as of May 2022,
by age
Practices undertaken to improve mental wellness in India 2022, by age

Share of respondents

16 to 24 years old 25 to 34 years old 35 to 44 years old 45 to 54 years old 55 years and above

0% 50% 100% 150% 200% 250% 300%

Meditation and mindfulness

Exercising regularly

Switching to a healthier diet

Improving my sleep hygiene

Spiritual/religious practices

Picking up a new hobby

Consuming supplements for my mental and physical wellbeing

Implementing a beauty/self-care ritual

Counselling/Therapy (in person or digital/via apps)

Got a pet


17 Description: According to a survey conducted by Rakuten Insight in India in May 2022, around 59 percent of respondents in 55 years and above age group stated that they recently began exercising regularly in order to improve their mental wellbeing. Other popular
methods to improve mental wellness included meditation and mindfulness as well as improving sleep hygiene. Read more
Note(s): India; May 12 to 30, 2022; 33,558 respondents; 16 years and older; among 13,010 female and 20,548 male respondents
Source(s): Rakuten Insight
People feeling more stressed or anxious during past 12 months in India as
of May 2022, by gender
People feeling more stressed in India 2022, by gender

Female Male

Share of respondents


30% 27%


Yes No, same levels of stress and anxiety as before No, lower levels of stress and anxiety as before

18 Description: According to a survey conducted by Rakuten Insight in India in May 2022, 51 percent of female respondents stated that they felt more stressed or anxious during past 12 months. In the same survey, 30 percent of male respondents stated that they
experienced the same level of stress and anxiety as before. Read more
Note(s): India; May 12 to 30, 2022; 33,558 respondents; 16 years and older; among 13,010 female and 20,548 male respondents
Source(s): Rakuten Insight
Practices undertaken to improve mental wellness in India as of May 2022,
by gender
Practices undertaken to improve mental wellness in India 2022, by gender

Share of respondents

Male Female

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Meditation and mindfulness 50%
Exercising regularly 41%
Improving my sleep hygiene 33%
Switching to a healthier diet 32%
Picking up a new hobby 30%
Spiritual/religious practices 23%
Implementing a beauty/self-care ritual 21%
Counselling/Therapy (in person or digital/via apps) 16%
Consuming supplements for my mental and physical wellbeing 16%
Got a pet 12%
Others 3%

19 Description: According to a survey conducted by Rakuten Insight in India in May 2022, around 39 percent of male respondents and 41 percent of female respondents stated that they recently began exercising regularly in order to improve their mental wellbeing. Other
popular methods to improve mental wellness included meditation and mindfulness as well as improving sleep hygiene. Read more
Note(s): India; May 12 to 30, 2022; 33,558 respondents; 16 years and older; among 13,010 female and 20,548 male respondents
Source(s): Rakuten Insight

Workplace mental health

Key measures taken by employees to manage their mental health at the
workplace in India in 2022
Measures taken by employees to manage their mental health at workplace in India 2022

Share of employees
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

Continued working despite mental health issues 33%

Took a leave of absence to manage their mental health 29%

Resigned from their firm due to mental health related issues 20%

21 Description: According to a survey conducted among employees in India in 2022, about 33 percent of employees said that they continued working despite mental health issues. On the other hand, 29 percent of employees took leave to manage their mental health
symptoms. Read more
Note(s): India; 2021 to 2022; 3,995 employees
Source(s): Deloitte
Common mental health symptoms experienced by employees in India in
Common mental health symptoms among employees in India 2022

Share of respondents
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Depression 59%

Emotional exhaustion or burnout 55%

Irritability or anger 51%

Sleep issue 50%

Anxiety 49%

22 Description: According to a survey conducted among employees in India in 2022, 59 percent of the employees reported experiencing depression. Emotional exhaustion or burnout and irritability were other common mental health symptoms experienced by
employees. Read more
Note(s): India; 2021 to 2022; 3,304 employees
Source(s): Deloitte
Leading industries with increased mental health symptoms among
employees in India in 2022
Industries with increased mental health symptoms among employees in India 2022

Share of respondents
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

IT and ITES 61%

Consulting or business advisory 60%

Banking and financial services 60%

Technology, e-commerce and start-ups 57%

Education 51%

23 Description: According to a survey conducted among employees in India in 2022, about 61 percent of employees from IT and ITES industries reported experiencing mental health symptoms at the workplace. Consulting and business services employees also reported
an increase in mental health symptoms during the same time period. Read more
Note(s): India; 2021 to 2022; 3,995 employees
Source(s): Deloitte
Cost of poor mental health among employees in India in 2022 (in billion
Indian rupees)
Cost of poor mental health among employees in India in 2022

Cost in billion Indian rupees

0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Cost of absenteeism 140

Cost of presenteeism 510

Cost of employee turnover 450

24 Description: In 2022, it was estimated that poor mental health among employees would cost Indian employers around 1,100 billion Indian rupees. Cost of employee presenteeism amounted to about 510 billion Indian rupees of the total cost. On the other hand, the
cost of absenteeism amounted to 140 billion rupees. Read more
Note(s): India; 2021 to 2022
Source(s): Deloitte
Steps taken by employees to manage mental health symptoms in India in
Steps adopted by employees to manage mental health symptoms in India 2022

Share of respondents
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Self help techniques 50%

Friends and family 48%

Self help tools 35%

Professional help 34%

Blogs 27%

Workplace resources 27%

Faith healers 22%

Others 9%

25 Description: According to a survey conducted among employees in India in 2022, about 50 percent of employees reported using self-help techniques such as exercise, yoga, and meditation to manage their mental health. In contrast, 34 percent of employees sought
professional help. Read more
Note(s): India; 2021 to 2022; 2,015 employees
Source(s): Deloitte

Digital mental wellness

Digital technologies used by people to manage their mental wellbeing in
the past 12 months in India as of May 2022, by age
Digital technologies used to manage their mental wellbeing India 2022, by age

Share of respondents

16 to 24 years old 25 to 34 years old 35 to 44 years old 45 to 54 years old 55 years old and above

0% 50% 100% 150% 200% 250% 300%

Meditation apps

Fitness trackers

Food & nutrition apps

Sleep tracking apps/devices

Following wellness influencers/social media accounts

Counselling/Therapy apps

White noise apps/devices


27 Description: According to a survey on mental wellness conducted in India by Rakuten Insight in May 2022, about 58 percent of respondents of 35 to 44 years age group and 54 percent of respondents of 25 to 34 years age group, stated that they started using
meditation apps to manage their mental wellness. Other digital technologies used by people to manage mental wellness are food and nutrition apps, and fitness trackers Read more
Note(s): India; May 12 to 30, 2022; 33,558 respondents; 16 years and older; among 13,010 female and 20,548 male respondents
Source(s): Rakuten Insight
Share of people who would continue to use mental wellness apps in the
future in India as of May 2022, by gender
Share of people who continue using mental wellness apps India 2022, by gender

Female Male

Share of respondents




20% 16%


Yes No

28 Description: According to a survey on mental wellness conducted in India by Rakuten Insight in May 2022, 84 percent of female and 79 percent of male respondents stated that they would continue using mental wellness apps in future. Read more
Note(s): India; May 12 to 30, 2022; 33,558 respondents; 16 years and older; among 13,010 female and 20,548 male respondents
Source(s): Rakuten Insight
Digital technologies used by people to manage their mental wellbeing in
the past 12 months in India as of May 2022, by gender
Digital technologies used to manage their mental wellbeing India 2022, by gender

Share of respondents

Male Female

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Meditation apps
Food & nutrition apps
Fitness trackers
Sleep tracking apps/devices
Following wellness influencers/social media accounts
Counselling/Therapy apps
White noise apps/devices

29 Description: According to a survey on mental wellness conducted in India by Rakuten Insight in May 2022, about 53 percent of female and 50 percent of male respondents stated that they started using meditation apps to manage their mental wellness. Other digital
technologies used by people to manage mental wellness are food and nutrition apps, and fitness trackers. Read more
Note(s): India; May 12 to 30, 2022; 33,558 respondents; 16 years and older; among 13,010 female and 20,548 male respondents
Source(s): Rakuten Insight
Share of people using digital technology to manage their mental wellbeing
in India as of May 2022, by gender
Share of people using digital technology for mental wellness India 2022, by gender

Female Male


Share of respondents





Yes No

30 Description: According to a survey on mental wellness conducted in India by Rakuten Insight in May 2022, about 61 percent of female and 55 percent of male respondents stated that they had used digital technologies such as apps, smart devices and social media to
manage their mental wellbeing. Read more
Note(s): India; May 12 to 30, 2022; 33,558 respondents; 16 years and older; among 13,010 female and 20,548 male respondents
Source(s): Rakuten Insight

Number of suicides in India from 1971 to 2022 (in 1,000s)
Number of suicides India 1971-2022

180 170.92
160 153.05

140 134.6 135.59 135.45 134.8 133.62 134.52
131.67 131.01
Number of suicides in thousands


120 113.91




1971 1992 2000 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

32 Description: Over 170 thousand deaths due to suicides were recorded in India in 2022. Furthermore, majority of suicides were reported in the state of Tamil Nadu, followed by Rajasthan. The number of suicides that year had increased from the previous year. Some of
the causes for suicides in the country were due to professional problems, abuse, violence, family problems, financial loss, sense of isolation and mental disorders. Read more
Note(s): India; 1971 to 2022
Source(s): NCRB (India)
Number of suicides across India in 2022, by state
Number of suicides India 2022, by state

Number of suicides
0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000

Maharashtra 22,746

Tamil Nadu 19,834

Madhya Pradesh 15,386

Karnataka 13,606

West Bengal 12,669

Kerala 10,162

Telangana 9,980

Gujarat 9,002

Andhra Pradesh 8,909

Chhattisgarh 8,446

Uttar Pradesh 8,176

Odisha 6,140

Rajasthan 5,343

Haryana 3,783

Delhi 3,417

33 Description: Around 22 thousand suicides were reported in Maharashtra, India in 2022. An overall increase in number of suicides in 2022 was noted from the previous year. Family problem was the leading cause of suicides in the south Asian country. Read more
Note(s): India; 2022
Source(s): NCRB (India)
Number of suicides across India in 2022, by cause
Number of suicides India 2022, by cause

Number of suicides
0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000

Family problems 54,127

Illness 31,484

Drug abuse/alcoholic addiction 11,634

Marriage related issues 8,164

Love affairs 7,629

Bankruptcy or indebtedness 7,034

Unemployment 3,170

Failure in examination 2,095

Professional/career problem 2,083

Death of dear person 2,075

Property dispute 1,829

Poverty 1,452

Fall in social reputation 884

Suspected/illicit relation 882

Impotency and infertility 374

34 Description: During 2022, family problems was the leading cause of suicides in India with over 54 thousand deaths. This was followed by illness related suicide with over 31 thousand deaths due to AIDS and other STDs, cancer, paralysis and mental illness. Read more
Note(s): India; 2022
Source(s): NCRB (India)
Number of suicides across India during 2022, by profession
Number of suicides India 2022, by profession

Number of suicides
0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000 50,000

Daily wage earner 45,194

Housewife 25,309

Self-employed 19,484

Unemployed 15,783

Student 13,044

Professional/salaried persons in private sector enterprices 11,486

Agricultural laborer** 6,083

Farmer/cultivator* 5,207

Professional/salaried person in public sector undertaking 2,712

Government servant 2,166

Retired 1,312

Others 23,144

35 Description: In 2022, over 45 thousand daily wage earners committed suicide in India. Followed by over 25 thousand home makers who committed suicide. Family problem was the leading cause of suicides in the country that year. Read more
Note(s): India; 2022
Source(s): NCRB (India)

Public perception
Public opinion on frequency of thoughts related to mental wellbeing in
India in 2022
Opinion on frequency of thoughts related to mental wellbeing in India 2022

Share of respondents
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Very or fairly often 70%

Not very often or never 25%

37 Description: According to a survey conducted in 2022 by Ipsos , about 70 percent of respondents reported having very frequent thoughts about their mental well-being. This was an increase compared to the previous year. Read more
Note(s): India; July 22 to August 5, 2022; 500 respondents; 16-74 years
Source(s): Ipsos
Public opinion on the importance of mental and physical health in India in
Opinion on importance of mental and physical health in India 2022

Share of respondents
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

Mental health is treated as more important than physical health 27%

Physical health is treated as more important that mental health 32%

Physical and mental health are treated as equally important 35%

38 Description: According to a survey conducted in 2022 by Ipsos , about 27 percent of public were of the opinion that mental health is treated as more important than physical health in India. Where, 35 percent of respondents thought that mental and physical health
were treated as equally important. Read more
Note(s): India; July 22 to August 5, 2022; 500 respondents; 16-74 years
Source(s): Ipsos
Public opinion on experiencing stress and depression in India in 2022
Public opinion on experiencing stress and depression in India 2022

Share of respondents
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

Felt stressed to the point where it had an impact on how you live your daily life 37%

Felt stressed to the point where you felt like you could not cope/deal with things 36%

Felt depressed to the point that you felt sad or hopeless almost every day for a
couple of weeks or more

Felt stressed to the point you could not go to work for a period of time 33%

Seriously considered suicide or self-hurt 24%

39 Description: According to a survey conducted in 2022 by Ipsos , about 37 percent of public in India reported that they felt stressed to the point where it had an impact on their daily life. In the same survey, 24 percent of the respondents said that they seriously
considered suicide or self-hurt. Read more
Note(s): India; July 22 to August 5, 2022; 500 respondents; 16-74 years
Source(s): Ipsos
Public opinion on tools to alleviate mental health symptoms in India in
Public opinion on tools to improve mental health symptoms in India 2022

Share of respondents
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%

Talked with friends/family about mental health issues/concerns 39%

Taken a medication to help with your mental health, for things like stress,

Talked with a counsellor, psychologist, psychiatrist about your mental health 24%

Missed any social gathering/family events due to your mental health 25%

Talked with your primary healthcare provider, like a family doctor, about your
mental health

Taken time off work/school to deal with a personal mental health issue 24%

Taken time off work/school to help a family member/close friend with a mental
health issue
Posted/written something online, in social media when you have been feeling
stressed, depressed

40 Description: According to a survey conducted in 2022 by Ipsos , about 39 percent of the public in India reported that they talked with a counsellor, psychologist, psychiatrist about their mental health. Where as 29 percent of respondents talked with their friends or
family to improve their mental health. Read more
Note(s): India; July 22 to August 5, 2022; 500 respondents; 16-74 years
Source(s): Ipsos

Capital Incubation Insights Everything

Commonwealth Fund
Keshav Desiraju IMHO
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (India)
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (India)
NCRB (India)
Outline India
Rakuten Insight
Various sources (Indian Mental Health Observatory (IMHO), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment )
Various sources (Indian Mental Health Observatory (IMHO), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment)
Various sources (Indian Mental Health Observatory (IMHO), Ministry of Social Justice and
Empowerment, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare)


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