Writing 3

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“WRITING 3 (BING3305)”
Dosen: Andri Fendanda, M.A.

Nama : Hamid Rosyadi

NIM : 045190053
Semester : 3 (Tiga)
Program Studi : Sastra Inggris

Jalan Pondok Cabe Raya, Pondok Cabe Udik, Kecamatan Ciputat,
Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15418

Air pollution is a mixture of harmful substances that come from man-made and natural sources.
Vehicle emissions, oil and natural gas fuels for heating homes, byproducts from manufacturing
and power generation, especially coal-fired power plants, and fumes from chemical production are
major sources of human-caused air pollution. Nature releases harmful substances into the air, such
as smoke from forest fires, which are often caused by humans; ash and gas from volcanic eruptions;
and gases, such as methane, that result from the decomposition of organic matter in the soil.

There are many things we can do to reduce our impact on the environment. If we all use energy,
transportation, and other goods and services more carefully, we can reduce harmful
emissions into the air, land, and water. Everyday choices have the power to make a difference,
and help protect our environment for a clean, sustainable future.

A. Travel smartly by walking or driving to work or the store instead of driving. Motor vehicle
emissions remain the most significant source of common air pollutants.

B. Choose a fuel-efficient vehicle the next time you change cars. The Green Vehicle Guide
assesses the environmental performance of new vehicles sold in Australia.

C. Save energy, by turning off the television and making sure you press the light switch when
leaving the room. If we saved energy, we would save costs because we reduce emissions from
coal-fired power plants. Buy energy efficient equipment.
Most Europeans live in areas, especially urban areas, where air pollution can reach high levels.
Short-term and long-term exposure to air pollution can cause various diseases, including stroke,
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer of the trachea, bronchi, and lungs, worsening
asthma, and lower respiratory tract infections. The World Health Organization (WHO) provides
evidence of a link between air pollution exposure and type 2 diabetes, obesity, systemic
inflammation, Alzheimer's disease, and dementia. The International Agency for Research on
Cancer has classified air pollution, particularly PM2.5, as a major cause of cancer. A recent global
review found that chronic exposure can affect every organ in the body, complicating and
worsening existing health conditions. If our grandparents would had been able to reduce
pollution, we would not have had such a severe impact.

2. Contrast essay about “reading BMP (Module) and reading RBV (Ruang Baca Virtual)”

RBV is a digitization of the Basic Material Book (BMP) which was developed to help students
read modules via the internet network. RBV is a book that is available in electronic format which
can usually be accessed via devices such as laptops, tablets, or smartphones. Meanwhile, BMP is
a book that is printed on paper and can be held physically.
The differences between BMP reading and RBV reading include: Accessibility: The RBV
module can be accessed from anywhere and at any time via electronic devices connected to the
internet. RBV can be accessed for free, requiring no production, printing or shipping costs.
Meanwhile, BMP can only be accessed at home via physical books.

Reading experience: reading BMP provides a physical experience, such as the smell of the
paper, the thickness of the book, and the color of the cover. Meanwhile, Reading RBV offers a
more interactive experience such as a search feature, audio books and attractive visual displays.
Practicality: Reading RBV is more practical to carry everywhere because it is digital and does not
require a large storage space. Meanwhile, reading BMP requires a special place to store and carry
around. Security and safety: RBV is stored safely on the device or cloud storage. Meanwhile, BMP
is susceptible to damage due to weather or excessive use.




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