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“Reading 3 (BING4206)”
Dosen: Imam Hanafi

Nama : Hamid Rosyadi

NIM : 045190053
Semester : 3 (Tiga)
Program Studi : Sastra Inggris

Jalan Pondok Cabe Raya, Pondok Cabe Udik, Kecamatan Ciputat,
Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15418

A.) The subject of “flocked” is thousands of music fans. Flocked means to move or come together
in large numbers.

B.) Free tickets

C.) Word "whom" refers to some thousands of music fans who had received free tickets.

D. Reward means something given in exchange for good behaviour or good work, etc. (Cambridge


A.) The verb of "Beyonce's performance" is "drew."

B.) Beyonce wore a flowing pink-red dress.

C.) The word "Which" refers to Beyonce's performance of her smash hit XO.
D.) "Outpouring" means a strong and sudden display of emotion or reaction.


A.) The subject of the word "made" is "South African Stars Trevor Noah and Bonang Matheba."

B.) Trevor Noah was the host of Mandela tribute.

C.) The word "Who" refers to Trevor Noah.

D.) The word "Braved" means to deal with an unpleasant or difficult situation. (Cambridge


A.) The subject of "took" is Graca Machel."

B.) Graca Machel is Mandela's widow.

C.) The wrod "her" refers to Graca Machel.

D.) The word "draped" means to to put something such as cloth or a piece of clothing loosely over
something (Cambridge Dictionary). In this case, Graca Machel was wearing a bright yellow and
blue dress.


A.) The verb of "the medieval bell tower" is leaned.

B.) The medieval bell tower symbolizes the power of the maritime republic of Pisa in the Middle

C.) The word "the building" refers to the construction of the medieval bell tower.

D.) The word "leaned" means to (cause to) slope in one direction, or to move the top part of the
body in a particular direction (Cambridge Dictionary). In this case, the bell tower has been leaning
to one side since its construction.

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