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“Writing 3 (BING3305)”
Dosen: Andri Fendanda, M.A.

Nama : Hamid Rosyadi

NIM : 045190053
Semester : 3 (Tiga)
Program Studi : Sastra Inggris

Jalan Pondok Cabe Raya, Pondok Cabe Udik, Kecamatan Ciputat,
Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15418

Kampoeng Kopi Banaran.

This is Kampoeng Kopi Banaran. I took directly the picture about one month ago in early morning,
so that the yard had not been swept. Kampoeng Kopi Banaran is my favorite place to kill the time
during a holiday. The address of this place is at Jl. Raya Bawen - Solo KM 1,5 Bawen, Gentong,
Asinan, Kec. Bawen, Kabupaten Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50661. In addition to be a tourism place,
Kampoeng Kopi Banaran also provides a place to hang out in the form of a cafe and kitchen that
has a nuanced plantation nature. To just hang out, dinner, study groups, meetings, discussions, this
place is highly recommended. The hangout area is right in front, before come in the tourism area.

About the design, this place is a coffee plantation which is designed to be a cafe, kitchen and
tourism place. This is in an open area where in each area there are many gazebos for visitors. There
are several options for tables including gazebos, regular tables or old-fashioned house formats.
Uniquely, this place also has several places to play such as swings. The environment of this place
is very clean and beautiful and the weather is cold because the place close to Merbabu mountain.
In this place, we will feel like one with nature. We can also see natural scenery walking around
seeing some ancient objects such as kris, bicycles, traditional clothes etc.

I really love this location to hang out because it is complete from lots of aspects. First, this place
is spacious and beautiful. Second, there is no entrance fee except for coming tourism place. Third,
many prayer rooms are provided and we can use the toilet for free, without paying. Fourth, the
price of coffee and food is relatively cheap for college students who want to study in groups or
just hang out. Fifth, this place is good for taking pictures or instagramable. Sixth, this area is open
24 hours so we do not worry about this place closing. It which I write above, it is only hangout
area. Such a beautiful place, isn't it? Imagine if we get into the tourism place area. It must be more

Pak Jaka is a middle-aged grandfather who sells gas balloons. One day, Pak Jaka peddled his
balloons around hamlet to hamlet, village to village on foot. At that time the sun was so hot, he
had been trading since this morning. Leaving 3 balloons, without complaining, Mr. Jaka intended
to finish his snacks and continue wandering around.

A few minutes later, from a distance, a man wearing a cowboy hat and black vest was seen
approaching Mr. Jaka. He was Mr. Dede, a horse racing jockey who intended to buy balloons. Mr.
Jaka looked so happy, finally someone bought the balloons he was selling. While chatting lightly,
Mr. Dede held out money to pay the price of one green balloon to Mr. Jaka.

Thinking that the balloon had not yet inflated optimally, Mr Dede took the initiative to blow up
the balloon so that it could inflate bigger. However, Mr. Dede did not realize that the air in the
balloon contained carbide gas, the balloon deflated further and the carbide gas was accidentally
swallowed by Mr. Dede. Then what happened next, Mr. Dede bounced as if he was going to fly
and Mr. Jaka, who was still beside him, was spontaneously shocked when he saw that.

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