Figures of Speech Practice

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English 6 /10 /2023 1 6 Unit 2 HW

By the end of the session, the students will be able to identify
Objective: figures of speech.

Student Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Class 6A

Unit 2: Climate
Figures of Speech
1-Read and choose the correct answer:

1."Education is our passport to the future, and tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it

today." —Malcolm X, civil rights activist and writer.

a. metaphor b. personification c. simile

2."The computer had become like the most miraculous sort of technological Swiss Army knife:

each time you thought you knew what it could do, it turned out that it could do more, faster,

and more accurately." —Anna Quindlen, author

a.metaphor b. personification c. simile.

3. "Earth is here so kind, that just tickle her with a hoe and she laughs with a harvest."

a.metaphor b. personification c. simile.

4."Modern English is the Wal-Mart of languages: convenient, huge, hard to avoid, superficially

friendly, and devouring all rivals in its eagerness to expand." —Mark Abley, journalist (1955)

a.metaphor b. personification c. simile.

5. "Slang is 'a language that rolls up its sleeves, spits on its hands, and goes to work."

a.metaphor b. personification c. simile.

6." I slept and dreamt that life was joy.

I awoke and saw that life was service.

I acted, and behold, service was joy."

a.metaphor b. personification c. simile.

7. "Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for it to kill your enemy."

a.metaphor b. personification c. simile.

2-Indicate if the sentence is an example of a simile, metaphor, or hyperbole.

1. The paper is as light as a feather.

2. The ocean was a raging bull.

3. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

4. The streetlight was my security guard.

5. A gentle summer wind feels like a soft cotton sheet.

6. The ship plows the sea.

7. Her eyes shone like stars in the night sky.

8. All the world's a stage.

9. My little brother eats like a pig.

10. The tears flowed like a river.

11. Mr. Smith drank his tea in oceans.

12. Mum tore through my messy room looking for it.

13. The mayor's voice was a strong weapon.

14. The horse moved with lightning speed.

15. Jim is as stubborn as a mule.

Label the figures of speech as simile, metaphor or personification

1. Jenny had cooked the candy too long. When she was ready to cut it in squares, it was a

2. Sue Ann worked hard on her report. After she gave it before the class, she felt light as a

3. The old car awoke reluctantly from its night's sleep. Coughing and spluttering, it finally
broke into a loud roar.

4. The trees of the forest sympathetically watched over the lost child.

5. After Marchall climbed three flights of stairs, he had to sit down. He was a puffing
steam engine.

6. Barbara's cake for the contest turned out practically perfect - it responded to touch like
a sponge.

7. The storm was a savage beast. It took the house in its teeth and shook it.

8. Wiley was very good at chess. "You have to watch him" his father said. "He's a real fox."

9. Shirley ran in a relay race in the track meet on Saturday. When it was over, her legs felt
like lead.

10. The day after the rain, the air was clean and fresh. A soft little breeze carried
the scent of lilacs.

11. The boy's room was an amusement arcade.

12. Louis is as strong and tall as a redwood.

13. Computers talk to one another.

14. The train whistle screamed as the train flew through the tunnel.

15. The kitchen is the heart of my mother's house.

16. The idea was a fire in my head.

17. The waxed floor was as slippery as an ice rink.

18. Grandmother's dresser drawers smelled like a rose garden.

19. The truck groaned under the strain of its load.

20. The rain formed a curtain of water on the window.

21. All the world's a stage.

22. Big sisters are the crabgrass in the lawn of life.

23. After a week without rain, the flowers begged to be watered.

24. The ball was thrown like a bullet.

Which figure of speech do/es the underlined word(s) refer to? (alliteration, repetition, or


The question that is asked the most; we hear it everyday,

“What time Is it?” they want to know, and then they go away.
It's time for bed, it's time for work, or time to feed the fishes,

It's time to take your medicine, or wash and dry the dishes.
Time in seconds, time in hours, so many freckles past a hair,
depending on the zone, or whether daylights savings there.
Time is measured many ways from minutes to months,
Time is what keeps everything from happening at once!

Fast Rabbits
Rabbits running so very fast
In the field of green, green grass.
Sniffing for scents of snack time treats,
Hippity Hopping on their happy bunny feet.
When carrots and other foods are found
The rabbits prance and pounce.


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