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peuyro./938-2023. \ KWal ME NKRUMAH UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, KUMASI be INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE LEARNING PARTMENT OF STATISTICS AND ACTUARIAY SCIENCE 022-2023 END OF FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2 ETHODS AND IOSTATISTICS Nur 561- RESEARCH M MSC. HUMAN NUTRITION \GRAMMES PRO: YEAR: 1 May 2023 TIME ‘ALLOWED: 2 HOUR INSTRUCTIONS qT 1. This examination paper contains SEVEN (7) printed pages: ‘0 \ANDIDATES FOUR (4) questions and comprises ANSWER ANY THREE QUESTIONS - Ry 3, Answer eackrquestion beginning om @ FRESH page of the an~~ swer book. here appropriate. However, 4, Candidates may use calculators w cally the steps in the work- they should write down systemati ings. 3+ ‘This is NOT an open book examination. s 6. You are to submit the answer booklet ONLY. - Candidates are allowed to take the question paper away at the end of the examination. er hoe Question 1 : Bi, a : ag il A es |A. How does Research Methods differ from Research Methodology. (4 marks) B, Define probability and non-probability sampling and give two examples (4 marks) each. C. Explain the various types/kinds that the nature of data take. (4 marks) instead of (4 marks) E. Differentiate between Research Methods and Research Methodology with specific examples? (4 marks) D. Explain instances where complete enumeration is preferred sample in data collection F. suppose that when we conduct a hypothesis test; We reject the null hypothesis. In this case, what is the ‘only type of error that we cou be making? Explain (5 marks) _ lie a % Total: 25 marks F | Question 2 medicines that fight bacterial infections. In must know which antibiotics are most ef fective in either killing the organism or at least inhibiting or retarding its further growth. A study was carried out in which 500 patients admitted to hospital with bacterial infections were given a specific an- tibiotic and the response to the treatment recorded. The effectiveness _of the antibiotic in the 500 patients is presented in the table below. A. Antibiotics are powerful treating a patient, a doctor NUT 561 Table 2a: Summary of Results _ Gender —Compiete Care Partial Gees Male 170 os Female 100 90 TOTAL 270 185 45 500 oe ‘Table 2b: Chi-Square Test Value “df ~Asymp. Sig (2-sided) Pearson. Chi-Squre 9.220. 2 0.010 Likelihood Ratio 9.217. 2 0.010 Linear ~by Linear Association 9.012 1 0.003 N of Valid Cases 500, iii. Using the Pearson chi B. Explain Type I and (5 marks) Use the data from the table above to answer the following questions: i. “What proportion of those who were not cured is’ male? Hint: Use Table 2a ii, What is the probability of selecting'a Person, from the 500 subjects, who is female and was partially cured? Hint: Use Table 2a (5 marks) sample of (5 marks) quare in Table 2b, given that the null hypothesis assumes a”No relationship between the response and gender” , are we likely to accept or reject at or = 5% such hypothesis and why? (S:marks) Type II errors in hypothesis testing procedure? C. In which situation(s) is it easier to state the alternative hypothesis first and why? | (5 marks) bene he nee bral ha suggest that, the new brand of the approved FDA standard value . and their results shown below — oan A claim made by a'nuttitioni ae eeeruntations does not meet Samples of products were analysed Using the results draw up your conclusion from each of the following Ae es hypotheses regarding the average quantity of the various vitamins using the accompanying results. Note that, significance level is set at a'= 3% for all results i, Ho: > 0 versus Hy: <0 eo Resutls for i t-test (data) One Sample t-test data; data t = 9.7, eg ii, Ho: 4 =0.1 versus Hy: w< 0.1 Results for (ii) t-test (data, y= 5 0.10) One Sample t-test data: data t-value = 9.7188, df = 19, p-value 8.316¢-09 alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 0.1 : 95 percent confidence interval: 14,98425 23.15475 ) sample estimates: mean of x 19.069 (6 marks) ae ee sn ae O'S ma, afm 19, pevntuom 4.198609 ene SaaS cgi eran Char confidence interval: 15.6945-Inf ~ alternative hypothesis: true mean is sy than 0. 1 95 percent confidence interval: -Inf 22.4445 ‘Total: 25 marks Question 4 A. Differentiate between two independent t-test and paired acne test as applied to hypothesis testing, procecture’ a nutritionist on di ta id ns content measured. a “Gailigrana7kilogram) in the lal oratory, ‘Analysis of the variance was conducted on the data and results shown below. % Brand C 209.6 34.933 Brand D_211.9 35.3167 cate Feat 80 _____ ante Output of one way EAN SQUARE F. SOURCE_DF SUM OF SQUARES MEAN SQUARE _ENAUUE P-VALUE Between Group 3 213.88 137218 x Within Group T1208 0.5604 oe 225.0896 TOTAL 23 Null Hypothesis ble 4c: Test of a IMATE ‘Hg-PARAMETER = j. Explain your results using the Table 4a. (4 marks) ii, State the associated hypothesis of the study among the three brands. & (4 marks) iii. Using the renulis shown on Table 4b a whee: there exist, E.0.A de-Graft Johnso:

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