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1/4/24, 10:39 AM Fish and Seafood - French Vocabulary - Linguasorb

French Search French verbs...

French - Fish and Seafood

Nouns in red are feminine, nouns in blue are masculine.

English French

anchovy l'anchois 

clams la palourde 

cod le cabillaud 

crab le crabe 

fish le poisson 

halibut le flétan 

lobster l'homard 

mussel la moule 

octopus la pieuvre 

oyster l'huître 

prawn la crevette 

salmon le saumon 

sardine la sardine 

seafood les fruits de mer 

squid le calamar 

trout la truite 

tuna le thon  1/2
1/4/24, 10:39 AM Fish and Seafood - French Vocabulary - Linguasorb

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