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Micro-Project Proposal

Title of microproject

Prepare Case Studies of Safty Measure Followed In Different Types Of


1.0 Aims /Benefits of the Micro-Project

a. Understand industry-specific safety practices.

b. Examine Organizational Safety Cultures
c. Identify Innovative Safety Technologies:

2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed

a. Apply principles of safety management in all activities.

b. Use basic management principles to execute daily activities.
c. Use principles of planning and organising for accomplishment of tasks.

3.0 Proposed Methodology

Step 1: Study the micro project
Step 2: Collecting information from internet, books.
Step 3: Finalizing the formats in collaboration.
Step 4: Finalizing the topic
Step 5: Listing the stationary items required for project along with
budget.Everyone will give stationary list required for report
writing.Action Plan
4.0 Action Plan (Sequence and time required for major activity)
S.No Details of activity Planned Planned Name of
Started Finish Responsible
date date Team
1 Select project title
2 Risk Assessment
3 Policy Development
4 Technology rushikesh
5 Project close
6 Prepare report
7 presentation

5.0 Resources Required

S.No Name of Resources Specification Quantity Remark
01) Computer System Intel core i3 Processor 1 -
With 8Gb Ram

02) Operating system Windows 11 1 -

Name of Team member Roll No

1.Panchal Rushikesh 342

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