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In intercultural communication,

A person's capacity to handle with unpredictable circumstances in a neutral and open way.
They are able to find many solutions to overcome obstacles as well as satisfies all the people

Don’t express awkwardness

In the multicultural society, cultural diversity encounters are difficult to avoid and it cause

So when does the awkward situation happen?.

They focus more on discussion and practice rather than stereotype theory in
textbooks. The students and teacher discussed the lesson enthusiastically.

Giaso staff will enthusiastically answer all questions from incoming students

It is considered rude to speak up without the teacher's permission

You will feel a bit confused when you first come into contact with the teaching style
in America

1. Traveling to a Foreign Country: Imagine someone traveling to a country where they

don't speak the language and are unfamiliar with the culture. Despite the challenges
of navigating transportation, communicating with locals, and understanding cultural
norms, they approach each situation with curiosity and adaptability, embracing the
new experiences without visible signs of discomfort.

When participating in activities and being randomly grouped with people from
diverse cultural backgrounds, we often encounter language barriers and differences
in communication styles, leading to misunderstandings and misinterpretations. It's
important to recognize that behavior perceived as respectful in one culture may not
be viewed the same way in another.

For example, in American working culture, there's a strong emphasis on individualism

and assertiveness, with bold and decisive ideas being valued. Conversely, Japanese
culture prioritizes meticulousness and precision. American colleagues may perceive
their Japanese counterparts as overly cautious or slow to make decisions, while
Japanese colleagues may see American colleagues as too individualistic or impatient.

To address these differences, it's crucial to adapt to and respect cultural diversity,
considering the strengths of both approaches. This involves fostering open
communication, empathy, and a willingness to learn from one another's perspectives.
By embracing cultural differences and leveraging each other's strengths, we can
enhance collaboration and achieve greater success as a team.


You are an international student exchange program, you have a oppoturnity to study
abroad in the U.S for a next semester. She arrives in the U.S. and attends her first day
of classes at a local high school.

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