English 12 MN Teacher Cumar

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Question And Answers

1) Describe the rhyme scheme of the poem above.

 In this poem the end sounds k, f and g has been repeated several times and therefore
the poem has rhyme.
2) Apart from rhyme identify two other sound patterns evident in the poem.
 The two patterns sound evident in the poem that are blessings punishments and deeds
“S” is returns three times without Alphabetical order.
3) Which word you stress in the first two lines of the first stanza of the poem?
Explain your answer.
 The first two lines of the first lines are judge and clan which explain what the judgment
will do if the judge is middle between two people the one who act some and the one
whom acting him.
4) Write a homophone for each of the words below.
a. Back = park c. It = it e. Please = pleas
b. Reign = rain d. Ought = out
5) We show whether the following would be said with a falling or rising intonation.
a) Where is my father?
Falling intonation.
b) Is it cold?
 Rising intonation
c) They will come tomorrow, won’t they?
Falling intonation.
6) In the following sentence, the underlined words indicate the stressed word. We
will briefly explain what each sentence means.
a) I wrote the love letter for you.
 Wrote verb emphysis
b) I wrote the love letter for you.
 Letter adjective emphysis
c) I wrote the love letter for you.
 Object you are emphysis.
7) Where was the writer discharged from and why?
 He was discharged from the city referral hospital and sent back
home but not cured.
8) What was the writer’s occupation before he fell sick?
 He was working as civil service.
9) Give four factors responsible for the writer’s dismissal from his job?
 Dysfunctional, Feeble, aged, and incapable of visiting outstations.



10) Who relieved him of his duty and state?

 Superintendent personnel Manager relived him duty because of his
was angry mobs of roiters made the place completely untenable
11) Justify the writer’s bitter attitude as mentioned in the third paragraph?
 He said my early retirement was well planned and skillfully
msanaged & superintendent
personnel manager.
12) “Although I was not according to them entitled to gratuities, with peanuts as
a pension but even if they are strong enough to outlive their usefulness…”
Allah will ultimately provide for us all” identify and briefly explain the
features of style used in this sentence?
 The feature of style used in this sentence is description
13) Basing your argument on one major shortcoming of the writer, say a reason
why you should not be sympathetic with him?
 Because he was declared dysfunctional, feeble, aged, and incapable
of visiting outstations
14) What feelings towards the writer does the passage arouse? Support your
 The writer is a person who can white essay with allot of interesting
writing things life i was not even told good write when i was
working fifty years
15) The writer uses the word redemption to elicit two implications. Explain the
two implications?
 Allah never abandons those who truly believe in him really
desolately& his family
16) Quote one statement in the final paragraph which hints at the writer’s sense
of remorse?
 Everyman for himself, Allah for us All!



We match the words in the box below with their correct definitions from the set of
definitions that below.

Discharged Coerced Sympathetic Pension

Duly Cherished Dysfunctional Perplexed
Tangible Downcast Self- Tramped
Elaborate Mudslinging Ultimately
Gratuities Cleansing Cured

1. Withdrawal from one‟s occupation or from active working life Retirement

2. To get rid of impurities by or as if by washing Cleansing
3. In the end. Ultimately
4. On paid under given conditions to a person following retirement from service
5. Looked forward to or expected Downcast
6. Perquisite or tip Tangible
7. Having a right to certain benefits Entitled
8. Planned or carried out with great care. Elaborate
9. To tread on forcibly and repeatedly Cured
10. Long strenuous fatiguing labor Toiled
11. Full of difficulty Perplexed
12. Not functioning properly Dysfunctional
13. To hold dear Cherished
14. A person that makes malicious attacks especially against an opponent
15. Appropriate Duly
16. Kindly and pleased appreciation Sympathetic
17. To force to an act or choice Coerced
18. To release from an obligation Discharged



Choose the most appropriate word from the box below to fill in the gaps in the
following sentences:

Cure Helm
Settled Assess
Securely Sympathetic
Desolately Anticipated
Abandons Superintendent
Obscurity Relieved

1. We need to make our network more Securely against attacks by hackers

2. The two sides have assess their differences.
3. The man was feeling destitute and obscurity since he was untimely terminated.
4. That house was abandons years ago.
5. The messy job was beyond Anticipated.
6. The school relieved the students‟ progress each year.
7. He has been living in relative desolately in a small town.
8. His grief was Cure.
9. The office of the -----------of parks issues camping permits.
10. I was relieved to hear that you are feeling better.
11. Her Sympathetic gaze made us realize that she was shy.
12. Her Superintendent was complete.
13. A new dean is at the Helm of the medical school.
Supply the correct tenses and forms of the verbs in the brackets:
1. Ahmed usually stays at the apartment, but this time he is staying at the city
Centre. (stay)
2. He usually has breakfast before goes to work, but this morning he is not
having any because he is in a hurry. (have, go, not, have, be)
3. You do not live in this building, do you? (not live)
4. At what time does she usually start work? (do, start)
5. She never apologizes, does she? (do, apologize)
6. I am very fond of my nieces, aren’t I? (be)
7. At what time do your classes commence? (do, commence)
8. Fatuma does trust anyone, doesn’t she? (trust, do)



9. Farah does not come here regularly; he pops in just for a cup of tea. (not
come, pop in)
10. I have to repair my car tomorrow that is why I am take the day off. (has,
11. I did my best to help you, Did I? (do)
12. He finishes all the work himself even before he tells to do so. (finish, tell)
13. I let you know as soon as I hear the news. (let, hear)
14. She is vising the same pharmacist regularly for two years. (visit)
15. His life changed a lot since she got that exciting job. (change, get)
16. I tried to fix this computer for hours, but I‟m afraid I am not getting very
far. (try, not get)
17. After she moved to Canada, she started looking for a job. (move, start)
18. The Chinese translation of her book has not published yet. (not publish)
19. A lot of people will invited to her wedding party next month. (invite)
20. Plastic and aluminum are very much used in modern architecture. (use)
21. I don‟t know what subjects included in the curriculum next year. (include)
22. This child must be taught some manner‟s, do you think? (teach, think)
23. The weather has been terrible for three days; I don‟t think the match will
be played tomorrow. (be, play)
24. Due to the slippery roads several traffic accidents has been registered the
past three days. (register)
25. My car was not wash for a long time. It really needs to be wash. (not
wash, wash)
26. The name of street was change two times since 1960. (change)
27. I‟m afraid we can‟t drive this way, the road is just repaired. (repair)
28. As far as I remember, this restaurant is always served excellent food.

Unit two
1. The first has been done for you.
Cup, quick, queen, kettle, cease -- cease
i. Gene, jug, judge, June, gap -- Gap
ii. Chair, chop, chord, chore, chain -- Chord
iii. Phase, face, plight, fame, freight -- Plight
iv. Think, than, thank, theatre, thought -- Than
v. Cynic, sync, census, sugar, sample -- Sugar
2. Write the homophone of each word
i. Principal = Principle
ii. Die = dye

iii. Week = weak

iv. Stationary = stationery
v. Scent = sent
3. What is the source of happiness according to the author?
 Happiness is to obey Allah, to worship Him alone and strictly believe what allah
has ordained.
4. Identify and explain the two classes of behavior that happiness includes?
 Active and passive, the active part includes searching while the passive part is
composed of possession of material things and security.
5. What according to you, does the writer mean when he talks of a balanced
 Balanced life is agreeably the happiest one and that many people who see
6. In one paragraph of about 35 words, summarize all the things what we must
know in our search for happiness.?
 Happiness is definitely a product of the mind in that happiness encompasses
both the pain of loss and the pleasure of gain.
7. Read again the last paragraph and in two sentences, briefly explain the
writer’s mainpoint?
 The disease of the body and their debilitating effects are not more dangerous
than the disease of the heart and soul many among us do not really have to
seek far and wide.
8. “The recipe for happiness cannot be dished in any single word” without
altering the original sense and meaning, rewrite the sentence. Begin with;” no
single word?
 True happiness is found in the good life mentioned in the glorious Quran.
9. What is the writer’s tone in this passage? Support your Answers by giving
 The writer used for optimistic tone, example there is always a hope if don‟t find
happiness yet will find one day if you‟re willing to work for it.
10. “Many people, who seem unhappy, can trace their discontentment to
imbalances every time when they feel sad.” Do you agree with this statement?
Explain your Answer?
 Yes I agree because when people feel sad they thought they are missing
11. “Happiness flourishes and thrives best in a life that is crowded “What does the
author mean by this?
 The writer mean when, you have so many people around life, family, and friend
happiness flourishes and thrive.



12. Shall we or shall we not seek happiness according to the passage? Explain your
 We should happiness is state well being on contement
11. Based on the Islamic teaching, how can one reach the true ultimate of
 To obey Allah and submit to his need worship him alone and strictly for his

Explain the meaning of the following words according to the way they have been
used in the passage.
a) Product: something that is make to be though.
b) Confidence: Full trusts believe in powers.
c) Contentment: I sate of happiness and satisfaction.
d) Encompasses: surrounding.
e) Pleasure: feeling of happy.
f) Thrives: grow or develop well
g) Realism: concern for facts or reality.
h) Commerce: the activity of buying and selling.
i) Careers: a job that you have been trained.
j) Leap: jump or spring along way.
k) Annals: are records of events year by year.
l) Dynamic: force that produce movement.
m) Fabric: the basic structure for society.
n) Procrastination: to keep delaying something.
o) Accomplish: to finish something successfully.
p) Paradoxically: in a way that seems in possible.
q) Felicity: state of happy.
r) Inimitably: in a reproducible manner.
s) Emphasized: to show that something is very important.
t) Virtues: behavior to showing high moral standards.
u) Seize: to take something quickly.
v) Complexities: the state of complexities.
w) Modesty: freedom from vanity
x) Oxymoron: two opposite ideas.
y) Intimate: suggesting.
z) Paradoxically: in a way that seems in possible.

Complete the sentence with words from the box. (Each word should be used once)
1) The caves contained some prehistoric artifacts.
2) The African people have continually retained their customs.



3) English is becoming a global language.

4) She‟s essentially good teacher.
5) No one was happy about what was occurring.
6) The policy was supported by a vast majority of citizens.

In each the blank spaces, fill in with the correct word from the ones given in
a) “I apologize for the loss, I really do. “She said politely”. (loss, lose)
b) Why the child does choose to eat raw mangoes while you have ripe ones in your
basket? (chose, chosen)
c) Mother prays for us each time she gets an opportunity. (pray, prays)
d) Did Ahmed ring the bell this morning? (rang, ring)

Use the correct reflexive pronouns to complete the following sentences:

a) The player was filled with fury for himself for missing the penalty.
b) We should not deceive ourselves that life is always a bed of roses.
c) When you face challenges, you have to encourage yourself that things will just be
d) Can a house which is divided against itself stand?
13. Use the plural forms of the words in brackets to fill in the gaps.
a) Honestly, you do not need four radios, (radio)
b) Please don‟t forget to buy some potatoes for grandmother. (potato)
c) The chiefs met in order to make strategically convenient plans for their locations.
d) All the deer disappeared into the nearby bush. (deer)

Using the most appropriate word, fill in the blank spaces so as to form question.
a) What does your father do? Is he a doctor or a teacher?
b) Who did you find at the mall? Ali or Aisha?
c) Which of these pens is yours? The black one or the blue one?
d) Whose Book is this? Is it Ahmed‟s or Hassan‟s?

Unit 4.. poetry guide

1. What is poetry?
 Poetry is the study of poems and the poetic language.
2. What is poem?
 Poem is a creative composition usually written in verse.
3. What is used for poem?
 Poem uses for diction, imagery, and of words to communicate.



4. Define poet?
 Poet is someone who writes poems.
5. Define the term persona?
 Persona is the voice speaking in a poem.
6. Define subject?
 Subject is defined as what the persona refer or talks to in a poem.
7. What is subject matter or theme?
 The subject matter or theme is the issue that is being talked about or
being raised.
8. Define structure of the poem?
 Structure of the poem refers to how the lines in a poem are arranged.
9. What is rhyme?
 Rhyme is the repetition of sounds at the end of lines in a poem.
10. What is rhythm?
 Rhythm is the repetition of words or sound in a poem.

11. What used for internal rhyme?

 The internal rhyme refers to use of rhyming words within a line of a
12. What you understand rhyme scheme?
 I understood the term Rhyme scheme is a pattern that is created by
repetition of sounds at the end lines to create rhythm.
13. What the scheme can be?
 The scheme can be regular or irregular depending on whether the
next set of sounds can be predicated or not?
14. Define alliteration involves and give one example?
 Alliteration involves the repetition of initial consonant sounds in
close proximity.
In order to create rhythm, example: - she sang a sad song.

15. What consonance can be and give one example?

 Consonance involves repetition of consonant sounds present at the
middle or the end of words, example: - he fought and thought about
16. Define assonance in poetry?
 Assonance in poetry is the repetition of vowel sounds in words that
follow each other closely in a poem usually to create musicality.
17. Define imagery?



 Imagery in poetry is the use of figurative language or language that

creates mental pictures of situations.
18. Differentiate metaphor and smile?
 Metaphor is the direct reference to something using the quality of
something else in order to show that they share such a trait, while
 Smile is making a comparison of two things such as {as….as},{
19. Differentiate symbolism and personification?
 Symbolism refers to use of objects or things in poem that have
meaning outside the poem, while
Personification refers to giving human qualities to animals and things like plants or
Unit 5: The lion with a thorn in his paw
Answers of proverbs (page 62)
Look and study carefully the proverbs in the table below.
1. Look before you leap.
2. People who live in glass house should not start throwing stone.
3. Let sleeping dog lie.
4. You can lead your horse to the water but you cannot it to drink.
5. Many hands make work lighter.
6. Don‟t judge a book by its cover.
7. There is no smoke without fire.
8. When the cat is away the mice will play.
9. Too many cooks spoil the broth.
10. Pride comes before a fall.

Answers of poem of society (page 69,70)

1. What is the subject matter of the poem above?

 the subject matter of the poem is thank giving for the poet‟s beloved
2. Who is referred to as „‟you‟‟ in the poem? Give evidence to support your
 the poets society is referred to as „‟you‟‟ in the poem because the
poet say, „you, my people, chose me.
3. From stanza 1-4 select three words and phrases that describe how the poet
explains what the persona should do to make good out of their country.
 words: wise council, greed, brave horse.
Phrases: sea of disorder, the traps in Xargaga the hunting pits of the cannibal



4. Look again at stanza 2-4 in your own words explain what the poet‟s thoughts
and feeling are towards the
 in the poem, the poets discuss the people not to accept any
aggression for both themselves and their national properties.
5. In at least two paragraphs, discuss how poet uses language and style to create
optimism and restore hope.
 the poet uses language and style to create optimism and restore hope
in away attracts the reader: he uses personification which giving un
intimate things characteristics that can also be style that can positive
psychology, movement and culture change
6. What is the mood of the poem? Explain your answer.
 the mood of the poem is respectful.
It is what indicates in these lines:
 My people there is such a thing a' society.
 You, the people chose me.
7. In your own words retell took place in the poem.
 the events are betraying interests, pauper hood, and clannishness
and slaughtering the youth.
8. What is main theme of this poem?
 the main theme of this poem is appreciation and encouragement
9. Identify and illustrate three instances of hyperbole in this poem.
 jump up into the sky boasting about his superiority. had not gone a
thousand times begging.
10. Describe the stone of the persona in the poem.
 the tone of the person in the poem is sorrowful.
11. Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the poem.
 The meanings of the words are:
a. Unobtainable: not able to obtained
b. Unbridled: uncontrolled
c. Thick-skinned: a coarse, gross person
d. Pity: the feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by the suffering and
misfortunes of others.
e. Scattered: found at intervals.
Answers of B. Reading ( the lion with a thorn in his paw (page 73)
1. Classify the story above.
 tall tale
2. State three characteristics of the classification above?
 the main characters a accomplished greatest feats using strength,
skills and wits.



 The hero has a colorful way of speaking

 The story explains how some familiar things
 The author uses exaggeration and humor, the hero brags but also
make fun of him
3. Give one function of his particular narrative?
 an incredible tale with unique elements related as through it were
4. Identify and explain any four features of oral narrative found in this story.
 economic activity physical, feature opening and closing formula,
5. Why was the lion is pain?
 the lion stacked with a piece of bone in his throat.
6. State two economic activities of the community referred to in this story.
 hunting gathering of fruits.
7. Why did the lion give the hunter the antelopes?
 to show appreciation for the assistance, he received hunter.
8. Give two character traits of each of the following:
a. The lion: Appreciative, friendly
b. The man: Good Samaritan and brave / courage.
9. Who according to your understanding is the most appropriate target audience of
this narrative?
 the children / the youth
10. What is the moral lesson of this story?
 always be a good Samaritan and appreciative.

Answers of activity 1 C. vocabulary (page 73)

We explain the meaning of these words as used this story above

L Word Meaning
A Occupation job or profession
B Prey Animal being hunted for food
C Game Hunting
D Thicket A dense group of bushes or tress
E Growling making a low guttural sound of throat
that indicates hostility
F Wagging ( animal's tail)To move rapidly to and
G Profusely Pouring forth in great amounts
H Soothing Having a gently calming effect
I Supply The quantity or amount needed or



Answers of activity 2 (page 74)

We match the following definition with the words and phrases from the table
1. Markedly distance in quality or character disparity
2. someone's chief rival or opponent archrivals
3. An area from which weapons military forces have been removed demilitarized
4. One-on-one, eyeball to eyeball.
5. Brought together as one unified
6. One remarkable similar to another counterpart
7. Foreland peninsula
8. Estimable admirably
9. In adequate or unbalanced intake of nutrients malnutrition
10. Put completely into effect executed
Answers of exercise (page 75, 76)

Choose the correct gerund or infinitive from the brackets at the end of the sentence.
The first one has been done or you.
1. She likes to get up early in the morning ( to get / getting)
2. I can't stand riding on trains.(riding / to ride)
3. Mr. Mohammed enjoys inviting people out the dinner. (inviting / to invite)
4. Long time ago, gentleman challenged their rivals to fight (fighting / to fight )
5. As the old adage goes, there's no use crying over spilt milk (crying / to cry)
6. Sahara stopped tying her shoelace ,Wait for her. (tying / to tie)
7. My wife always volunteers to bake cakes for the orphans ( baking / to bake)
8. Don't you waste my time to complain about your salary. (complaining / to
9. Yusra is having trouble concentrating on the exam.(concentrating / to
10. He allowed me to join his face – book page ( joining / to join)
11. Don‟t forget to pick up milk on your away home.(picking up / to pick up)

Unit 6: Oral literature

Answers to the comprehension questions of why the hen scratches the ground (page
1. Under which category is the above narrative? Explain your answer.



 Non-linear narrative. The events of the story are out of order

employing literary devices which is personification.
2. Identify the illustrate any four features of oral narratives used in this narrative.
 Have opening and closing formulas …. „‟long time ago‟‟…. „that is
 Use of dialogue …. There was a conversation between the hen and the
 It has a chain of events .... the events are in a sequential order.
 It cans really or imagine.
3. For each of the following identify the illustrate one character train of:
 Vulture: generous and revengeful: it lent the hen a razor blade and
later gripped the chicken of the hen to compensate for the loss of his
razor blade by the hen.
 Hen: forgetful: she forgot to return the razor to the vulture.
 Little ones: innocent the little ones were not aware of anything.
4. Identify and illustrate two economic activities practiced by the community in
this narrative.
 Shaving activity: the hen uses the razor to shave her young ones
which is barrowed from the vulture to minimize her expenditure.
 Lending: the vulture lends his razor as an income generating
5. What is the meaning of "with a chick gripped within his talons under his breast".
 this mean the vulture flew away with a chick gripped within his talons
under his breast.
6. State two moral lessons we learn from the above narrative.
 We most return what we barrow As soon as possible.
 It is not good to misuse your power over feeble ones for their unintentional
little mistake.
7. Why according to the narrative does the hen scratch the ground?
 Because is still looking for the razor blade.
8. Why does the vulture hunt the chickens?
 The vulture revenges for the loss of its razor.
9. State any other three types of oral narratives you know.
 Trickster narrative
 Fable narrative
 Tall tale narrative
10. Give two reasons why the hen barrowed the razor in the first place?
 Hen lost the razor blade.
 It was economically poor.



11. Classify the narrative above

 Trickster narrative
12. Identify and illustrate three features of oral narratives used in the narrative
 They are deceiver and trick – player
 They are situation – inverter
 It has closing and opening formula
13. identify and illustrate one character trait for each of the following
 The hare = was innocent, attentive and coward the hyena = was greedy,
deceiver and self – center...
14. State three functions of the phrase "one day" or "long time ago"
 it announces the start of the narrative
 It identifies the narrator
 It takes the audience to the world of fantasy

15. Identify one economic activity practiced by the people on this community,
 Hunting
16. A narrative like the one above is classified as genre of oral literature A part from
narratives state three other genre of oral literature
G: poetry
H: proverb
I: tongue twister

Answers of D. Grammar (page 89)


1. Fill in the blank spaces with the most appropriate articles

Ahmed is one of the most talented Somali poets. He has proved since he can
play a piano, yes he blind. says is that when he was a young boy, he would
practice playing it an hour a day, with the help of his uncle. The visitor in his
home wouldn't believe this story

2. Complete the paragraph below by filling in the blank
Spaces using the plural forms of the nouns in the brackets
a. the chiefs of the three conflicting areas will be meeting tomorrow (chief)
b. Who were the runners – up of the national athletic competition that took
place last month in Mogadishu? (runners – up)



c. Cut the water melon into halves (half)

d. The poor man's clothes were full of lice (louse)
e. Whose radios are those on the table?(radio)

3. Use the correct form of the word in brackets to fill in the blank space
a. I bought this shirt last year. It costs me five dollars (cost)
b. Who has been gone through my file?(go)
c. Moses and Birian swept the class yesterday(sweep)
d. My son walk to school every day and he says he enjoys it (walk)
e. Last night the farmer bound the nippier bundles ready for selling (bind)

4. Join the pairs of sentences using an appEopi4iate conjunctions Avoid

any unnecessary repetition
a. I enjoy reading novels but My desk mate does not enjoy reading novels
b. The next competition may be held "in Merca while The next competition
may be held in Barawe
c. Not only These men hardworking but also These women are hardworking
d. My car was serviced and my car broke down
e. You can travel Mogadishu by air but you can travel to Mogadishu by road

Unit 7: Father and his son

Question and Answers
1. Classify the story above?
 dilemma narrative
2. State three characteristics of the classification above
 Dilemma story has perplexing situation.
 Dilemma is normally ambiguous story.
 Shows a character faced with two or more alternative.
3. Give one function of this particular narrative.
 It creates suspense because audience left wondering
 Give the audience an insight into characters live.
4. Identify and explain any four features of oral narrative apparent in this story.
 It has an opening formula
 It has closing formula
 They are set in the past
 They are structured in a dialogue
5. Why do you think father struck his son?
 He got angry because the son let the squirrel out
6. State two economic activities of the community referred to in this story.



 Hunting
 Trade
7. Why did the helmsman give his son the horses?
 Because the son won the race.
8. Give two character traits of each of the following.
a) the chief
 He was generous.
 He was submissive.
b) the father
 He was furious and aggressive.
 He was cruel and unkind.

c) the son
 He was innocent, kind and obedient.
 He was helper.
d) the helmsman
 He was generous.
 He was also persuasive.
9. Who according to your understanding the most appropriate target audience of
this narrative?
 Youth, children or learner.
10. What do you think could be the moral lesson of this story?
 To be obedient to your parents under any circumstances.
11. Do you think the young man will kill his father? Why or why not?
 No he did not, because he was obedient.
12. Explain the dilemma in this narrative.
 the innocent, obedient son was in a perplexed situation which is either
to choose to kill his biological father or adapted father – the helmsman.
We will explain the meaning of the following words as used in the narrative
and use each word in a sentence of our own:
1. Occupation: profession
2. Wild game: wild animal
3. Helmsman: one who steers a ship or boat.
4. Ceremony: public occasion
5. Caravan: traveler
6. Eluded: escape from danger
7. Unconscious: insensible
8. Heed: pay attension
9. Plentitude: abundance



10. Bungalow: small house

11. Abundant: plentiful

Words and phrases definition

1. Enzymes: a chemical substance in animals and plants.

2. Reflex: helps to cause natural processes such as digestion.
3. Carnivorous: subsisting or feeding on animal tissues.
4. Commence: to make steady progress.
5. To smother: to be overcome or killed through or as if through lack of air.
6. Enticed: lure or tempt.
7. Bugs: any of various small anthropodes.
8. Mucilage: a water solution of gum or similar substances used especially to
stick things together.
9. Ingested: to take in for or if for digestion.
10. Treacherous: not to save because of hidden dangers.
11. Queer: differening in some way from what is usual or normal.
12. Ingested: the power of acting or responding with adequate speed.
13. Encounter: to come upon face to face.
14. To perch: to rest.
15. Estimated: determine roughly the size, extent or nature.
16. Spot: particular place, area or part a class of.
17. Species: individuals having common attributes and designated by a common

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate preposition

1. There was no exception to that rule.

2. All her friends congratulated her for her recent achievements.
3. Leila has a special liking with physics.

Choose the most appropriate connector from those giving in the


1. He is new employee although he has done very well,(although,

nevetheles, even as).
2. My father is very committed to his work consequently he has earned
continuous promotions.(consequently/not with standing/nonetheless)
3. All seems to be quite intelligent however he often performs poorly in
exams.(otherwise / however / similary)

Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the verb
given in parenthesis

1. If she had not sent me money, I would have gone for trip.(send
2. I am going to build a house for my mother. (build / built)
3. Hung your clothes here.(hang / hung)

Unit 8 Edible soda

Write other words which have the same pronunciation as the words listed
1. Born have same pronounce of bone.
2. Heard have same pronounce of herd.
3. Gamble have same pronounce of gambol.
4. Core have same pronounce of corp.
5. some have same pronounce of sum.

In each of the following words, underline silent letters

1. psychology
2. Calm
3. Debut
4. Bouquet
5. Know
6. Tomb
7. Lesson
8. Subtle

Questions and answers of edible soda

1. How is soda bicarbonate different from washing soda or soda ash.

 Soda bicarbonate is used for baking of bread while soda ash
is used for cleaning.
2. How does the human body absorb soda bicarbonate?
 It absorbs from carbon dioxide present in the sodium
derived from the normal salt of our diet.
3. According to the passages, when is a person likely to suffer from acidosis?
 When the amount of sodium carbonate in blood stream is
4. In note form, briefly explain the importance of soda bicarbonate in human
 It helps carbon dioxide transportation.
 It helps to prevent tooth decay.
 It helps indigestion of food.



 It helps in the neutralization of the acidity of the body.

5. How does soda bicarbonate assist in respiration?
 It helps the transportation of carbon dioxide.
6. In a paragraph of not more than 40 words, summarize the uses of edible soda
at home.
 Dissolution of soda bicarbonate in a glass of water relief itching caused by the
allergic reactions.
7. According to the passage, why is soaking your feet in a solution of soda
bicarbonate in water a good idea?
 Used for prevention of Athlet‟s foot.
8. „‟soda bicarbonate may turn out to be world‟s „greenest‟ natural chemical‟‟ in
one sentence explain this statement.
 It means, it is beneficial and less harmful to environment.
9. State one industrial advantage of soda bicarbonate.
 It is used to curb and emissions from chimneys in big chemical manufacturing
10. How does soda bicarbonate help in relation to sewerage system?
 It helps in sewerage biodegradation and remove contaminant from the soil.

Give the meaning of the words and phrases in the box as used in the passage

1. Combination: joining or matching of different parts

2. Derived from: to receive from
3. To curb: a check or restrain on something
4. Clogged: blocked with an accumulation of thick wet matter
5. Delicate soak: best detergent for washing hands or clothes
6. Acidic elements: they are oxides of either nonmetals or of metals in high
oxidation states
7. Maintenance: the process of preserving a condition
8. Constitutes: be of whole
9. Releases: allow or enable to escape
10. Stuck: push a sharp
11. Neutralizes: make in effective by applying an opposite force
12. Edible soda: a type of drink that can be consumed
13. Component: a part or elements of a large whole, especially a part of
14. Scour them: to move about quickly

Rewrite the following sentences while heading the instructions

1. The digestive juices from liver and pan crease are alkaline ( begin with: Both )



 Both the digestive food juice from liver and pan crease are alkaline.
2. Soda bicarbonate is used to curb acid emission from chimneys and to help prevent
acid rain. ( begin with: not only )
 Not only soda bicarbonate is used to curb acid emission from chimneys but
also prevent acid rain.

Complete the passages below by filling in the blanks with at appropriate word of
your own.

Although I was treated less kindly when arrived. The host did not look directly at

Me. Yet I had thought that may visit would be unappreciated. There were seven people in
that small office all continued to direct their questions towards me. It was interview time.
I was really on time for a great disappointment so encouraged „not again, not ever. When I
asked why I was giving such a hostile treatment I got evasive answer the seven
gentlemen sitting round the wide table was meant to be waiting for my grilling. Well, I
decided not to wait a minute longer.

Arrange the adjectives given in brackets in the correct order in the space

Provided. (supply a, or „an‟ where necessary)

1. He was wearing a blue Turkish shirt. (Turkish, cotton, blue)

2. The meeting took place in a dilapidated conference (conference, dilapidated) hall.
3. He is proud to have bought a comforting sparkling new car. (sparkling, new,
4. His car was a reliable, twenty year old model. (French, reliable, twenty – year old)

complete each of the following sentences with one of the words in brackets.

1. We saw fewer animals in the park than we expected.(less, fewer)

2. After walking for three kilometers, we were lucky to get a little water from
the stream.(little, a little)
3. We cannot accommodate another person, there is little space left.(little, a

Use the right form of the words in brackets

1. The modern world today has many sophisticated forms of

2. There are several factors which contribute to healthy existence.(exist)
3. Victims of drug abuse become social misfit.(fit)



Questions and answers oral poetry

1. From the poem above, identify and illustrate three mnemonic effects.
 The poem is about the importance of education as it unifies the world.
 It also brings out the effect of advancement of a new technology.
 Production of destructive weapons that is used to harm or destroy the global
by the super powers
2. In not more than 35 words, describe what the poem is about.
 To gather all dramatization tools.
 Drawings of flips charts pairing the pictures.
 State preparation.
 Donation of weapons.
3. You‟ve been asked to perform the above poem. Explain how you will prepare for it.
 The persona of the poem is an educationist or learned. He states that through
education comes with a prosperity and gives ideas through the poem.
4. What is the tone of the persona?
 The tone of the poem is sad.
5. What non – verbal aspects would you use in the performance of the poem and
 I will use
 Gesture
 Facial expression
 Use of tonal variation
 Maintaining eye contact
 Dramatization
6. While performing the above poem you notice that members at the audience are
murmuring what could be the problem?
 Poor performance of the poem by the teacher
 Lack of use paralinguistic feature
 Poor preparation
7. In at least 3 sentences, describe the mood of the poem.
 The mood of the poem is sorrowful. The poet brings out how the poor class
level of the society is affected by the destructive weapon. The poet also
described that, the inventors of massive weapons put risk thousand times to the
lifes of poor people. The world super powers set an enmity among the third
world countries by donating destructive weapons to destroy and kill themselves
by watching them.
8. Identify and illustrate two instances of personification and explain their effect.
 The pen: it is giving human attributes and qualities of guiding, mentoring and
friendship – the reveal value of education.



 The earth: it is giving human qualities such bearing. This shows that the
weapon was heavy to carry and destructive.
9. Identify and explain two themes evident in the poem.
 Theme of education: the pen is used to represent the importance of education
and education can only unify people of different‟‟ people who flow many flags.
 Theme of power abuse: it is illustrated in the poem the world superpower
donates destructive weapons to the poor and ignorant people in order to
10. Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the poem
a. Counsel advise
b. Encompassing closely
c. Flatten sharpen
d. Groan moan
e. Ululation germinate
f. Victimization to treat someone unfairly
g. Contentment satisfaction
h. Collaboration to work as a unit
i. Burden to impose a heavy task upon
j. Refute prove to be false
k. Essence essence

Unit 9…The mother less girl

1. What are the social evils dealt within the poem? Explain your answer by
supporting it with quotations from the poem.
 Dancing and singing throughout the night „‟the best young generation
are chosen for the dance „‟they recite Koran throughout „‟ this show
that the recitation is done for protection purpose.
2. Pick out three stylistic devices used in this poem and explain their
a. Discuss the tone of the poem.
 Nostalgic: the persona in the poem remembers how her country is in
olden days and is feeling to be in that state.
b. Is the title of this poem significant explain why or why not!
 Yes, it is significant because it is relevant to be contents and forms of
this poem.
c. Identify and illustrate the use of irony of the poem.



 The irony in the poem is that prosperity, peace, harmony, love,

honesty and openness of the resident described in the poem in their
country faded away due to disobedience the their creator and injustice
among them selves.
3. Who could be the persona in the poem above?
 Patriotic persona.
4. What is the subject matter of the poem above?
 The subject matter of the poem is peace and properity.
5. Identify the satire in this poem and explain its effectiveness.
 The satire in this is dance and midnight song that lasts throughout the
night – it encourages the fornication and societal verses.
6. What is the tone of this poem?
 The tone of the poem is nostalgic.
7. Explain what the last stanza implies.
 It suggests the theme of religion.
8. Brightly – patterned butterflies flit around new blossoms which of then
following sound pattern is evident in this line?
a. Assonance
b. Rhyme
c. Alliteration
d. Consonance
9. Explain the effect of this particular sound pattern.
 It creates musicality, memorability and enhance rhythms.
10. Explain the meaning of the following words as used in this poem
a) Plump: having a full rounded shape
b) Gorges: fill oneself with food
c) Churn: a container or machine in which cream or milk is agitated to
make buuter.
d) Tension: mental or emotional strains.
e) Mist: a phenomenon caused by droplets of water suspended in the
f) Magnificent: impressive
g) Flapping: move up and down
h) Sanctuary: a nature reserve

Questions : the motherless girl

1. Identify and illustrate five oral features in this story

 Opening formula: e.g long time ago.
 Use of dialogue: the motherless girl and travelers occurred



 Personification: the hyena was personified

 Use of monologue: the motherless girl conversed herself
 The use of exaggeration: her crying is to bring her sister back
in life
 Use of characters: the dad, mother, two girl and travelers
2. why did the woman tie bangles on the girls‟ arms.
 Because the hyena eats her up
3. Explain three aspects on culture of the community from which this story is
 Use of cultural items such as bangles
 Use of songs
 They are nomadic pastoralists
4. What do we learn about the character traits of Dahiro from this narrative?
 We can learn from her that we should always be loving, selfless and
caring upon the lives of other people
5. Why did the woman send the girls and to where were they sent.
 She sent the girls to fetch water for from the spring
6. What is the mood of this narrative?
 The mood of this narrative is sorrowful
7. In no more than two sentences, explain the role of the travelers in this
 They were persuasive because they convinced the motherless girl
to go home and report the matter to the family
 They were Samaritan because they help the motherless girls to cool
down and tell how things had happened

8. Describe the character of

b. the mother
 She cruel – because she set a plan to end the motherless girl
c. Dahabo her daughter
 She was jealous – because she envied her daughter‟s love for the
motherless girl
9. What is moral of this narrative?
 You should always put yourself in other people‟s shoes because you
never know, what they have been through
10. Was the banishing of the women from the village justifiable or not?
Explain your answer
 Yes, because she cast out of the village sobbing, she regretted and
full of sorrow



1. Toxic
2. Wastage
3. Numerous
4. Magical
5. Landfills
6. Liners
7. Demereits
8. Bearable
9. Recycling
10. Merits
Degradation, Troubled, Nurtures, Vital, Modern, warm, educating, Models
Teachers vital roles in the lives of students in their classroom. Teachers are best known
for the role of educating the student that are placed in their care. Beyond that, teachers,
nurture many other rules in the classroom. Teachers set the tone of their classroom, build
a warm environment, monitor troubled students to become role models and listen and
look for signs of trouble. The increases in environmental degradation also makes sure
that many more teacher are needed by schools. In the modern world, extensive change
have been taken place in the world society and these have both indirect and direct
influence and the educational system, the pupils, studies and the work of teaches.

Use the prepositional phrases listed below

In the event of, for the sake of, according to, in spite of, by way of, away from

1. She is planning to move to a bigger house for the sake of her children.
2. They all went away from the scene disgusted at what they had seen.
3. He travelled to Jowhar by way of middle Shebelle.
4. In spite of his death all his wealth should go to charity.
5. The crops did not thrive well in the event of the heavy rain.
6. According to the doctor in charge all the accident victims are in a stable condition.

D. for each word, plus preposition, we write a sentence to show our understand
and its meaning

1. Persuade by
2. Satisfied with
3. Play on/with/in
4. Different from/in to
5. Detract from
6. Acquainted with/in/within/until



7. Famous in/of/among
8. Duty of/in/on/to
9. Believe in/on/by/to
10. Attributed to/of/in/by/with/under

Unit 10: Society in the past

Question and answers ………………. society in the past

1. What is this poem about?

 The poem is about the destruction of the Somali country and suffering of the
Somali nation.
2. Identify three features of oral songs in this poem and illustrate your answer
 There is often solo and chorus pattern especially in sung poetry accompanied
with movement and dance
 The performer dresses in costumes in some sung poetry.
 Musical instruments such as drums, horn can accompany the
periormance of poetry
 A song‟s chorus will feature the tonic note and chord more often than
the verse
 Songs usually build energy as they proceed
 A song‟s chord progressions should proceed from fragile to strong.
 A song should show a steady harmonic rhythm. Song should show a
strong relationship between melodic shape, lyrics and chords.
3. How would you perform the third line of the last stanza?
 I would have performed the line demonstrating through hand e.g raise my
hands up as if I am talking to Allah (God) to express internal sad feeling and
loss of hope
4. State three themes evident in this poem
 Theme of suffering e.g – Every time she steps, heavy artillery shells fall‟
 Theme of religion e.g.. “may leader, obeying Allah, bring us together”
 Theme of migration e.g. Some of them are running to asylum in the west
 Theme of death e.g – “A country has lost its father. It is entirely orphaned.
5. Identify the intonation in the following sentences
a. Oh God, no else is responsible
b. And latter, usher in new stars, fresh air
c. Animate skeletons, under nourished goats, their bones show
d. Think of a mother, like the she camel whose offspring has died
e. A terror so intense, they fragmented, fled a part

 Oh God – rising intonation

 Fresh at – falling intonation
 Show – rising intonation
 Died – falling intonation
 Fled apart – rising intonation
6. Describe the rhyme scheme in the second and the third stanzas
 The rhyme scheme in the second stanza is abcdde, this is an irregular
rhyme scheme because the next sound pattern cannot be predicted.
 The rhyme scheme in third stanza is aabcdde, this is also an irregular
rhyme schemes because the next sound pattern can‟t be predicted
7. For each of the following words, provide another word that is pronounced in
a. Lack luck
b. Drought draught
c. Their their
8. Explain the meaning of these words and phrase as used in the poem
a. Abode dwelling
b. Endure to suffer (something painful) patiently
c. Intellectual rational
d. Dumbing ground dustbin
e. Agony extreme physical or mental suffering
f. Execute malevolent orders hatred
g. Ensnared catch in a trap
h. Grudges a resentment resulting from a part insult or
Comprehension questions
1. Who among the members of the society were showed exceptional respect and
 Those with certain personal qualities such as generosity, wisdom
and honesty as well as the willingness to sacrifice one‟s life for the
interest of the society and being selfless rather than being selfish.
2. Which aspects of the societies are affected by the changes of today?
 Young generation
3. What personal qualities were regarded with respect in the past and which are
regarded with respect as well in the present day society.
 A personal qualities in the past society
a. Generosity
b. Bravery
c. Honesty



d. Wisdom
e. Selflessness
 Personal qualities in the present society
a. Acquisition of wealth
b. Fame
c. Sports
d. Entrepreneurship
4. What is the cause for change of perception?
 Technology, political,
 Cultural and
 Time – this, that
5. Explain the relationship between the people‟s perception and time
 People’s perception is influenced by the world development with
the technological and political advancement which happens rapidly
over time.

Explain the meaning of the following words in the box as used in the passage and
then use them in a sentence

 Trait: A distinguished quality or characteristics, typically one

belonging to a person
 Sphere: Enclosed in or as if in sphere
 Material wealth: Status of an individual‟s existing financial
resource that supports his/her way of living for a longer duration
 Desire: A strong feeling of wanting to have something or washing
for something to happen
 Morally upright: Behaving according to standards of what is right
or just
 Staunch: Very loyal and committed in attitude
 Insignificance: The quality of being worthy of at tension;
 Dispensation evaluation: That which is dispensed, dealt out or
appointed; that which is enjoyed or bestowed
 Entrepreneurship: The activity of setting up a business or
businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit
 Masses: gather together or accumulate (a large amount or number of
material or things) over a period of time.



Fill in the blanks below with a verb or adjective or adverb forms of the words in the

1. The first step in achieving (achievement) this goal is careful donor

2. In many countries, donor selection criteria are still… based… (basement)
on tradition and customary (custom) practice rather than on evidence
3. 4 bloods flows smoothly (smooth) from the heart to the all tissues
4. A study done by modern medical science experts has shown (show) similar
5. World health resolution urged member states to lake all necessary steps to
update their national (nation) regulation on donor
6. There is assessment need for global (globe) guidance on the development
of systems and criteria for blood donor selection that could be adapted at
national level in some countries
7. Females may constitute almost 5098 of the total population their
participation in blood donation is a highly (high) needed

Copy the table in your exercise book and fill the blank space

No Noun Attitudes of user Fewer A fewer Little A little

1. House Discontent
2. Water Content
3. Schools Content
4. Dresses Discontent
5. Books Content
6. Pills Discontent
7. Ice cream Content
8. Flowers Discontent
9. Angles Content
10. Porridge Discontent
11. Camels Content
12. Potatoes Discontent
13. Sandwiches Content
14. Sugar Content
15. Fish Discontent
16. Acid Discontent

Fill in the blank space below with little, a little, few, a few, as you

1. My father buys me a few books every month. He trying to build up a library for me

2. Farah pays little attension in class. He will pay dearly for his inattentiveness
3. I don‟t see how you can accept a little money for his beautiful painting
4. Out of generosity, Jama gave little flour to the starving woman
5. This country could with a few more leaders of high integrity
6. Our school has little discipline cases, we take pride in our reputation
7. Why use all these sheet paper when little would do?
8. I don‟t understanding why you use little milk when there is a whole bottle in the
9. I thought you would appreciate little light in this room, as it is rather dark
10. The students complained that they had little time in which to complete their

Write the meaning of the following proverbs

1. Whatever goes round comes around

 If someone treats other people badly, he/she will eventually in one way or
the other be treated badly by someone else
2. Where there is smoke there is fire
 If there are rumors or signs that something is true so it must be at least partly
3. Where on door shuts another opens
 If one thing you do fails you will soon have an opportunity to try succeed at
something else when you lose an opportunity to do one thing, an opportunity
to something else appear
4. The harder you go the lucky you get
 Hard work pays if you don‟t go after what you want you will never have it
the harder you work, the more good ideas and chances you may make for
5. Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open
 Speak only when necessary and to remain alert, observant and watchful all
the times
6. If you play with fire, you get burned
 If you fool around with something that is potentially dangerous you must
expect to get harmed
7. If you cannot beat them join them a journey or thousand miles begins with a single
 If you are unable to outdo your rivals in some endeavor, you might as well
8. All is well that ends well



 It is Chinese proverb which means the person must be begin his/her journey
to reach their goal or destination you must begin something if you hope to
finish it, something that takes a long time to
9. Finish begins with one step
 As long as the outcome is good problems on the way don‟t matter
10. Appearance can be deceptive
 Outward appearance may not be what you believe them to be
11. Be slow in choosing, but slow in changing
 Choosing things or people after proper diligence, but once you choose, stick
for long
12. Beauty is only skin deep
 A person’s character, intelligent and other inner quantities are more
important than his/her physical beauty
13. Best things in life are free
 The most valuable things are often free
14. Better late than never
 It is better to get something (you desire) late then get never
15. Better to be poor and health rather than rich and sick
 It is better to get something (you desire) late then get never good health is
more important than money

Unit 11: Nature conservation

Comprehension questions

1. What is nature conservation?

 Nature conservation Is conservation movement focused on protecting species
From extinction, maintain and restoring habitats
2. Which plant species cannot survive in small home garden? Explain your answer
 Weeds: they survive if only a gardener cultivates the soil and accidentally
makes a new seed bed for them each farming year
3. What is nature according to the passage?
 The phenomena of the physical world collectively including plants, animals,
the Landscape, and other features and products of the earth, as opposed to
humans or human creations.
4. Name the plant species that do well in artificial habitats? Explain how they survive
 Rose flowers -because they grow in plant pots and can be easily conserved the
5. From the passage, find out and write down the words that mean the following
a. Ecology: The natural environment, in which plants and animals live



b. Undergrowth: Small bushes and plants growing under big trees in

c. Game barks: An area of land that is kept separate in order to protect
the Animal living there
6. Differentiate between nature and environment.
 Nature is the natural physical or world or universe while environment is the
Surrounding of and influenced on a particular item
7. Give a suitable tittle to the passage
 Environmental conservation or conservation of the natural resource
8. Construct sentences of your own using the following words or phrases
 Share our planet: human should learn to live peacefully and learn to share the
Planet with us
 Conserve: we have to conserve our natural resource from depletion
 Survive: plants and animals survive best under well conserved environment
 Room across: in order to explore the land we can roam across
9. Explain the meaning of others are not even conscious to the importance of nature
Conservation as stated in the passage.
 it means the people are totally careless about the environmental Destruction
10. Give opposite of the following words as used in the passage
a. Conserve Destroy
b. Consciousness Unware
c. Meadows Omen
d. Danger Safety
e. Sensitizing Unware
f. Peace Conflict
g. Naturally Artificially

Explain the meaning other words in the box below according the way they are used
in the passage

 Impact: have a strong effect on someone or something

Safeguard: a measure taken to protect someone or something or to
prevent Something undesirable
 Authorizing: Give official permission for or approval to (an undertaking
or agent)
 Ambitious: Having or showing a strong desire and determination to
 Dormitory: A large bedroom fora number of people in a school or



 Conversely: Introducing a statement or idea which reverses one that has

Just been Made or referred to
 Mechanism: A natural or established process by which something takes
 Collapses: Suddenly fall down or give away.
 Adhere: Believe in and flow the practices of.

Use each word to construct a sentences of your own

Discuss the difference meanings of the phrases in each pair

a. Part of-to be included or involve in(somebody) while Part with forgive up

possession or Control of (something)
b. Differ with-disagree somebody about something while Differ in-used when
two Subjects are being compared (be unlike)
c. Provide with-to give or supply someone with something for their use or
benefit while
d. Provide for to cause something to be available or happen in the future
e. Angry at-it is directed a situation of something) while Angry with- it is
directed at a Person(somebody)
f. Work for-means you are compensated by that company to do a job I Work
with-Means you are in association with a company.

Use appropriate prepositions to fill in the gaps in the following passage

Hassan was not to blame… for the poor state of health his mother was in for he last
several days, he had tried in vain to coax her.by.. Seeking medical assistance from the
health centre, But she wouldn‟t hear then He was annoyed with her by making him look
foolish in the Public supposed keeping his sick mother for Home. He had already
borrowed money at Friends and was prepared from. Use it to her medication. He was
anxious for the recent turn about events as his mother continued off Suffer to bouts of
diarrheal and vomiting. He was determined. see that she got proper medical care. This,
along from a good diet would boost Her health and she would go on Living for a long

Prepositions used with the words of : die, live and pass

Pass Die Live

She pass from hand to hand One dies of old age He lives in the past die
They pass at the school gate He died in violence She lives at the fat of the
You passed by information He died from neglect He lives to fight another day
Pass by/in a town She died in a battle She lives with Adair



I pass by a tourist He died from wounds He lives for six months

She lives in poverty He died for a cause She lives with your uncle
Died from drink He lives from hand to mouth

Unit 12: The killer plastic

Comprehension questions

1. What are the unique problems of plastic bags?

 Plastic bags pollute the environment
 Plastics bags endanger the lives of both marine and domestic animal
 Plastic bags are non - biodegradable and pollute our water masses
 Plastic bags pollute the air
 Plastic bags block floods and drainage system
2. What is plastic made from
 Plastic bags are made from ethylene, a by product of petroleum or natural gas
3. What happens to most sea animas‟ they consume plastic?
 Most sea animals die when they consume plastic bags
4. In how many ways can plastic bags be aerodynamic‟
 They are light in weight and are easily transported by the wind
 They persist both in land and water
 They fill up cabbages
5. What happens if we selling of plastics?
 There will be clean environment
 Reduction of animals death which
 Increase production of packs
6. Name two animals in your community endangered by plastic bags?
 Goats, Donkeys and Cows
7. What can you lean about the plastic bag in your area?
 Plastic bags are non-biodegradable and are harmful to the environment, the
domestic animals and human life.
8. How can Somali government ban the distribution of plastic bags?
 By producing alternative bags
 By documenting the effect of plastic bags

For all the words in column A, match it with the correct definition from column
B and there after find

 Boycott:- to stop or fail to do.



 Reduce:- to make something less or smaller.

 Recycle:- reuse things that have been used.
 Fossil:- the remains of an animal or plants which have hard and turned into a rock.
 Clog:- to block something.
 Disposable:- things that you throw away because you no longer need them.
 Wean:- to stop doing or using something.
 Toxic:- containing a poison.
 Trash made:- to be thrown of after used.

Rewrite all the words, write their meaning and write your own sentences using
Them use your active dictionary where necessary.

1. Mandatory: Compulsory, required by low.

2. Ingest: Take (food, drink or other substance)into the body by swallowing or
absorbing it.
3. Calculate: Determine the amount or number of something mathematically.
4. Reproduction: Procreation or breading of offspring
5. Coastline: The outline of a coast especially when seen from or the land adjacent to
6. Waterways: Water passage.
7. Versions: Different type of something.
8. Options: A thing that is or maybe chosen/choice.
9. Sink: Go down below the surface of something especially of a liquid submerged.
10. Curbside: The side of a road or pavement that is nearer to the verb.
11. Retail: Sell of goods to the public in relatively small quantities for consumption
rather than for resa.
12. Pressure: Continuous physical force exerted on the ground or a surfaces.
13. Footprint: The impression left by a foot or shoe on the ground or a surfaces.
14. Corporation: A large company or group of companies authorized to act as a single
entity and recognized in low.
15. Sustainable: Able to be maintained at a certain rate or level.
16. Habits: A settled or regular tendency or practice especially one that is hard to give

Rewrite the following sentences changing the adjective in bold into an adverb

1. The teacher gives us a casual smile as she enters the classroom.

 The teacher smiles casually as she enters the classroom.
2. It was greedy of us to eat all the food.
 We ate the food greedily.
3. The city ruins are the final place we visited.

 Finally we visited the city ruins.

4. The damage to my house was severe.
 My house was damaged severely.
5. She gave a sudden scream and ran away.
 She screamed suddenly and run away.
6. He behaved in such a crude way that were baffled.
 He behaved in a rudely way that we were baffled.
7. Maslah finished the race in an effortless manner.
 Malsah finished the race in an effortlessly manner.
 The visitor spoke convincingly.
 The doctor asked us to close the door in a gently manner.
 Our MP is seen rarely after the election

Join the following sentences using in-ly adverb and make any necessary adjustment

1. Please speak louder. It is hard hear you

 Please speak loudly it is hard to hear you.
2. They repaired the bicycle. It was quite easy to do so.
 It was quietly easy to repair the bicycle.
3. Our teacher strict. she is always fair in the manner she treats us.
 Our teacher is strict and fairly treats us.
4. Jama spends his wealth. He spends most of it on charitable organizations.
 Jama spends his wealth mostly on charitable organization.
5. The old bank notes seem to be out of circulation. I haven‟t second one of late.
 The old bank notes lately seem to be out of circulation.
6. Roble didn‟t mention to me that she was travelling abroad. I find the odd enough.
 I found oddly enough that she was traveling abroad.
7. Go to bed now. This is my honest opinion.
 Honestly go to bed now.
8. Bare has just heard that the examination results are out. I presume he will want to
go to chapter tormance.
 Presumably bare will go to check his performance.
9. He could not stand the car noise any longer. This was final.
 Finally he could not stand the car noise any longer.
10. Aids is a menace. It has affected people in all parts of the globe.
 Aids affected people globally.

Unit 13… Culture Shock

Poem questions



1. The poet alludes to a person he calls Gurey. In a short paragraph explain what this
character stands for?
 The character stands for dictatorial leader who rules harshly with a powerful
administration and highly developed intelligence sector.
2. Describe the character of the subject as brought out in the poem?
 He was a dictator, dangerous, cruel, powerful, nepotism, intelligence and
3. What is the subject matter of the poem?
 Abuse of power
4. What is role of “self in the poem?
 self- is the main character in the poem
5. Describe the rhyme scheme of the last two stanzas
 The rhyme scheme of the second last stanza is abbcde, this is a regular rhyme
Scheme because the next sound pattern can be predicted
 The rhyme scheme of the last stanza is abcde, this is an irregular rhyme scheme
Because the next sound pattern cannot be predicted
6. Identify and illustrate two stylistic devices used in the poem
 Use of rhetorical question ... “Yet share the same house?”…”Where does
the failure lies
 Flash-back…
 Use of Alliteration … “Signed sealed and celebrated
 Use of imagery e.g simile…(... as Cobra…”. “as a wife.)”
7. identify and illustrate two themes brought out in the poem.
 Theme of suffering – in the poem, it notices that people experiences pain and
loss of hope. Although set down on tape, insidiously fill me with quilt,
obligation and injury‟‟
 There of dictatorship/abuse of power it was mentioned in the poem that the
ruler uses a spy who informs him for those who are against his
administration...”. Why is it you never sleep. Following me everywhere”

Comprehension questions

1. Why was traveling to the city exhilarating for Maryan?

 It was her first time to visit the city it made her curious



2. What is the meaning of culture shock?

 The feeling of disorientation experienced by someone when they are suddenly
subjected to an unfamiliar culture
3. From the passage, list three factors that can cause culture shock
 Difficult in making friends, difference in behavior and customs
4. What does the writer mean when he says „and her delight turned into her
 The writer portrays that maryan did not meet with her expectations from the
City due to difference in culture
5. What evidence does the writer give to show that “one understands all the words but
does not understand the meaning
 The writer emphasizes that there is culture difference in the city and outside the
city in the story maryan could not accept the behavior of the people in the city.
6. What do newcomers to the city do on realizing that they cannot change their
 They began to accept the difference and tolerate them
7. Identity and explain any three features that characterize people in the worst state of
culture shock
 Development of negative suspect from everything, negative attitude towards
people that they are unfriend, they are easily irritable in that they develop
negative thoughts about the new environment
8. How do these people react when they may not like the way some people in the big
cities dress or behave in public?
 They regard it as wrong but tolerate without insulting or confronting them
9. In note form, describe the difficulties experienced in the third stage of culture
 Having negative feelings about going there they think that they made a
mistake there, they experience difficult in making new friends easily and
feeling lonely and isolated
10. Name three helpful factors in overcoming culture shock? Explain your
 Having positive attitude towards everything,
 Having strong faith, being patient,
 Keeping in touch with friends and family members.

Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases according to the Way they
are used in the passage

 Alive: Existing



 Confronting: Come face to face with someone with hostile or argumentative

 Obsession: Losing control of oneself in their feelings
 Adapting: to live Focus on living a balanced and healthy life
 Isolated: Far away from other places or buildings
 Reject: Dismiss as in adequate, unacceptable or faulty
 Negotiating: Obtain or bring about by discussion
 Adapting to life: Make something suitable for a new use or purpose, modify
 Sensory bombardment: A continuous follow of questions, critism or

Match the words in column A With their correct definition in B

1. Criteria – a standard on which a judgment or decision may be based

2. Assertive – characterized by bold or rather confident statement and behavior
3. Tremendously – to a great extent
4. Unpardonably – unforgivable
5. Optimism – sanguinity
6. Genuine – in a definite and exact way
7. In a way that is exact and clear, precisely
8. Equitability – free from hypocrisy or pretense
9. Subsidy – money granted by one state to another
10. Indebted – arrears

Comprehension questions

1. Why did Mataan develop a stomach upset?

 He ate access food
2. State four reasons why the words in italics are in vernacular
 To honor the diverse culture
 To help you understand them the language of work
 To connect the reader‟s diverse skills
3. Identify and illustrate any three features of narrative used in the story
 Opening formulae – long time ago
 Closing formulae – he had learnt his lesson
 Use of dialogue – in the last part of the passage, it was mentioned that Mataan
had conversed with his brother after his wife failed to understand
4. Imagine that you are performing his narrative. How would you likely make it
 Focused on the motion
5. Identify three character traits of



a. Mataani‟s wife
 Informative, kind and caring
b. Mataani‟s brother
 Courage, loving and brave
c. Mataan
 Greedy, coward and social
6. Give one moral lesson that we can learn this narrative
 We can learn that too much ol everything is poisonous
7. State at least five stylistic devices employed in this narrative?
 Repetition
 Imagery
 Vivid description,
 Conversation/dialogue,
 Onomatopoeia

Explain the meaning of the following words according the way they are used in the
above narrative

1. Feast: A large meal, typically a celebratory on

2. Delicacies: fineness
3. Herbs: plants used for medication
4. Haughtiness: the quality of being superior
5. Overstretched: to make excessive demands on.
6. Ailment: illness
7. Odd: different to what is strange
8. Simultaneously: at the same time
9. Startled: cause to feel sudden shock or alarm
10. Swiftly: quickly
11. Topple: to fall down

Choose the correct option from the words given in the parenthesis to complete the

1. My brother who has six children wants to adopt seventh one(adopt/adapt)

2. The principal Of the neighboring secondary school is the guest of honor
3. My father was sitting in the living room when the guest armived (leasing / living)

Fill the banks in the sentences below with the noun form of the verbs in parenthesis

1. The captive refused to tell is escape. How he escaped from the prison (escape /



2. A duplicate of Importation is given a row deal of the tax collection (import /

duplicate / collect)
3. The publisher of the elect pamphlets was interrupted by the late delivery of the
printing paper (publish elect/delivery)
4. The exhibitor found the exhibition had been cancelled by the organization
5. The Dissolution of Mogadishu city council will depend on the final outcome of the
inspection by the inter – city committee (dissolve/inspect)
6. The minister ordered the tender committee to be disbanded for ignoring the
government procurement procedures (govern/procure)
7. Owing to the delayed disbursement of funds, the completion of our dining hall
cannot now be guaranteed(disburse/complete)
8. Due to the cancellation of the advertisement all the application Were returned to
prospective interviews ( Cancel/advertise/apply/interview)
9. The surveyor got in the car and requested the driver to take her to the construction
10. The low stipulates that in the event of the demise of the loan before the full
payment of the debt, no liability passes to anyone else for settlement

Unit 14 … Field work

1. Explain how we were bombarded with information?
 Information is bombarded through advertisement, notice, memos
preaching, email, phone, calls, charts or social media in general
2. How do findings of the school experiment help us in understanding how we view
televisions in a domestic situation?
 By giving a consideration to the research, we noted that any loud bangs
cause loss of the concentration in studies, therefore, children should be
allocated special room for reading and use pf television should be
3. What is needed, if a person wishes to assimilate information through the medium of
 It requires determination in the viewer and a domestic set up such
sympathetic to earn self – teaching.
4. Where does the indiscriminate stream of stimuli come from and when does it
impinge on our consciousness?
 Interest from he viewer when considering something special for them
news bulletins, football or movies.



5. State the biggest problem facing broadcasters of today's current affairs programs
and explain how it affects their approach?
 Language barrier despite the simplicity of them language in which they
are used to inform current affairs programs cannot be understood equally
by all – audience behavior – it is somehow difficult the broadcaster to
deeply understood the heterogeneous of a certain people because of their

Give the meaning of the following words as used in the passage

1. Bombarded: Address with continuously or persistently as if with a barrage

2. Notice, charts, posters, memos, recipe: Deluge of news
3. Consume: Eat, drink or ingest(food drink)
4. Charts: A sheet of information in the form of a table graph or diagram
5. Posters: A large printed picture used for decoration, a person who publishes
something online typically on blog or social media, website ect
6. Memos: A written message especially in business
7. Recipe: A set of instructions for preparing a particular dish including list of
8. Saturated: Holding as much water or moisture as can be absorbed through soaked
9. Deluge: A sever flood
10. Diminished: Made smaller or less
11. Cornflakes: Breakfast cereal consisting of toasted flakes made from maize flour
12. Regime: A system or ordered way of doing things
13. Incomprehensible: Not able to understood, not intelligible
14. Psychological: Pertaining to, dealing with, affecting the mind especially as a
function of awareness
15. Context: The circumstance that form the setting for an event, statement or idea, and
in terms of which it can be fully understood
16. Self-esteem: Confidence in one's own worth or abilities
17. Heterogeneous: differs in character or content.
18. Overloaded: The difficulty in understanding an issue and effectively making
decisions when one has to much information about that issue.

Complete the second sentences using an appropriate word of your own

1. He is always studying.
 She is very hardworking lady
2. We had a great time at liido each.
 I will never forget it for it was an enjoyable.
3. This meat is not fresh enough to eat



 it is a stale.
4. He behaved like a coward
 He is cowardice.
5. The corona virus outbreak claimed a lot of lives in china
 It was a pandemic.
6. His spine was injured during the accident
 He sustained a serious injury
7. I secondary school, you are compelled to study English, mathematics and
 The three subjects are compulsory.
8. Ahmed loathes spiders
 To him, they are harmless creatures
8. His painting impressed the guests,
 The paintings were admirable.
9. During the dry season, there is a lot of dust.
 It is usually windy


Comprehension questions

1. Why is there little danger of collision with in a crowd of pedestrians

 Mainly because their speed of movement-is so low and they can change
their pace and direction in time
2. Identify when the danger of a collision increases for pedestrian and explain
why that should be
 Overtaking - when one realizes that there is a chance ahead of him and
tries to occupy that place without glancing both sides collusion may
3. According to the passage, what vision problems does a driver travelling at
90km/h encounter
 The driver may not able to identify the road signals, unexpected
obstacles and as well the foreground
4. Explain why a driver travelling slowly is more likely to avoid being involved
in an accident
 He is able to change the direction and pace in time
 What poses a serious danger to a driver?
 Fatigue due to long period of driving hours
 Lack of concentration
 Over-speeding
 State the various effects it is likely to have upon him

 It may lead to an accident

 It may bring destruction of property
5. Do you normally travel in public vehicles? How is it driven? Slow or fast?
What do you dislike about them?
 Yes, I travel normally by public vehicles. They drive mannerlessly and also
not guided by the road Signs therefore I dislike therm.

Give the meaning of the following words and phrases as use in the passage

a. Through fare: Road or a path forming a route between two place

b. Assessment: Wide variety of methods to tools that educators use to evaluate,
measure and document the academic readiness
c. Concentration: The action or power of focusing all one attention
d. Collision: An instance of one moving object or person striking violently against
e. Deteriorate: Become progressively worse
f. Pedestrian: A person walking rather than travelling in a vehicle
g. Pace fatigue: tiredness
h. Medium: About halfway between two extremes of size or another quality, average
i. Blurred tendency: A natural prevailing disposition to move, proceed or act in
some direction or toward some point
j. Foreground: The part of a view that is nearest to the observer, especially in
picture or photo graph
k. Inaccurate: Not accurate
l. Fatigue: Tiresome

Underline the phrases and state which type of phrase they are

1. The girl from the village won the environmental award

2. He did not give her his contact address before he left
3. The damp prison floor was impossible to sleep on
4. Khadija is writer of that book about the rights of girl child
5. They found the hidden treasure under a baobab tree
6. The sagging roof of the house is assign of poor architectural design
7. The aloe vera is a medicinal plant
8. In the vase were two yellow roses
9. They crossed the flooded river by rafts
10. There was a strong stench coming from the locked room


1. The girl from the village (noun phrase). won the environmental award (verb phrase)



2. His contact address (adjective phrase). before left (prepositional phrase)

3. The damp prison floor (noun phrase). was impossible to sleep (verb phrase)
4. The writer of that book (noun phrase). about the rights of girl‟s child
(prepositional Phrase)
5. The hidden treasure (adjective phrase). under baobab tree (prepositional phrase)
6. The sagging roof of the house (adjective phrase). of poor architectural design
(prepositional phrase)
7. The aloe vera (noun phrase). a medical plants (adjective phrase)
8. In the vase ( prepositional phrase). two yellow roses (adjective phrase)
9. The flooded river by rafts. (adjective phrase)
10. From the locked room (prepositional phrase)

Fill in the blank spaces using the words in the box below. Use each word only

About, turned, the, and, at, fit, you, of, calm with, in small dozen, relatives,
Know, lodging, work, Stint, prison, it, not, but, year, back, to, on, out, stay,

I was born poor. I live with my family, all eight of us lodged One Single room which was
so small that my friends used to joke it by saying that every time I turn over in my sleep I
left room. As a result, big rooms and open spaces suffocate me. Reverse Claustrophobia
work can call it. in prison, where close to seventy of us are stacked in a room fit for
twenty, I feel I live and peace. You see, after my first year in prison, I looked dispersedly
for relatives I could not get any . I had dozen problems as well; you must know that I
have not had any living in this city for about years or so. Broke, hungry, sleeping the
Pavement I was destined to be .a guttersnipe I refused to submit to this. I stole again and
got back to prison. This time for a stint no lodging problems, food was little but regular
and even if it does not arrive, you can do nothing about it really. so you don‟t worry in
you could say, I found happiness and calmness when they come to release on me. I
begged them to let me stay but they refused and I went on and came back again.


Write another word which has the same vowel sound as the following

1. Pot port
2. Bank bank
3. Bird bird
4. Sew saw
5. Hear here
6. Vow foe
7. Out aught

8. Coat court
9. Toy toe
10. Pour poor

Comprehension questions

1. Supporting your answer with information from the first paragraph, explain why the
writer describes indiscipline as astonishing.
 The writer described indiscipline astonishing-simple because he witnesses
that, there are too much high in disciplinary case every time and everywhere in
the country he lives with
2. Explain what circumstance led to the situation described in the text
a. Indiscipline is caused by several circumstance stated in the passage they
 Selfishness
 Not abided by the rules of the society
b. Absence of regulatory body – the community has no single article, legislative
act or a provision of law that hinder in disciplinary cases
c. Lack of self-discipline. This leads the community members to act and do
things in their own discretion
3. What precisely makes it difficult to define indiscipline in regards to this passage?
a. In disciplinary it is difficult to define simple because it takes different which
documented and clearly defined in judicial system
b. In disciplinary case – it is very complicate simply because a great number of
society involves usually as the community lack decency
c. They are not defined punishment Procedure within the society
4. identify the themes in this text
 Theme of disciplinary
 Theme of religion
 Theme of statelessness
5. How would understanding, recognizing and respecting other people‟s rights, needs
and desire minimize indiscipline.
 It develops personal self-esteem
 It develops community interaction and cooperation
 It safeguards the right of others
 It reduces conflict among the society
 It increase the community decency
6. What role do neighbor play in the context?
 Built positive relationship with the children
 They understand a great deal of a citizen



 Be a positive role model for instance by giving them advice and counseling
 Be aware of their behavior for instance what they say and how they say
7. Give one reason why a reckless driver who is indiscipline is taken as an example in
the context
 This is a habitual case or daily occurrence case in the real life. Drivers
recklessly drive vehicle under the influence of drugs for the purpose of long
8. How can our sense of natural justice and intelligent contribute to our self -control
and discipline?
 Our common sense helps us to understand the rights and the true value of
others-or intelligence tells us to avoid things that are liable to the creation of
mayhem, disorder and delay
9. What is the difference between disciplined and indiscipline individuals in the
 Discipline Individual is someone who uses his common sense rightfully while
indiscipline is someone who behaves carelessly and does not obey the rules
and regulation
10. In chronological order as per the passage
a. make notes on how an individual as well as the society in general can help to
propagate discipline
 Create and Enforce a School wide Discipline Plan...
 Being modest
 Preaching and teaching Islamic ethics to you generation
 Establishing disciplinary acts
 Implement Additional Effective School wide Policies..
 Be Organized.
 Deal with Problems Right from the Start
b. Explain what circumstances led to the situation described in the text
 Indiscipline is caused by several circumstances stated in the passage
They include:
 Selfishness
 Not abided by the rules of the society
 Absence of regulatory body the community has no single article,
 Legislative act or a provision of
 Law that hinder in disciplinary cases
 Lack of self-discipline This leads the community members to act and
11. Describe writer‟s attitude towards those who do not exercise self-control and



 The writers attitude towards the indiscipline individuals as people careless,

immoral, irresponsible, recklessness and ignorant.

Explain the meaning of the following words and expression as used in this text and
then use them in a sentences

 Verbal reprimand: It is the warning that supervisor or manager gives to an

employee as a means of rectifying some incident of in appropriate conduct
or behavior
 Pervaded: Diffuse through
 Figure out: Find he solution to (something)
 Devilishness: Like or appropriate to a devil in evil and cruelty
 Astonishing: Surprising greatly
 Social malady: Any disorder or disease in of the body especially on that is
 Robustness: Hardiness
 Eccentric: Unusual
 Inevitable: Unavoidably
 Predominantly: Much greater in influence
 Subtle: Difficult to detect by the mind
 Restraints: The act of controlling someone or something
 Comprehensive: Relating to understanding
 Abandonment: The act of giving something up/desertion
 Pedestrian: Person who travels by foot
 Sensibility: Mental responsiveness and awareness
 Discretion: Freedom to act or Judge one one‟s own
 Blameless: Free of guilt

Combine the following sentences to express the function indicated in brackets after
cache pair. Make any necessary alterations to bring out the intended meaning

1. Muse did not attend the meeting. He did not send any apology (alternative).
 He neither attended the meeting nor sent any apology
2. French is taught as an alternative subject in some schools. English is compulsory for
all students (contrast)
 French is taught as an elective subject in some schools whereas English is
compulsory for all students
3. He did not know anything about the plan. He could not anything to change it
 Neither did he know anything about the plan nor could he change it.
4. She applied to three colleges. She waited anxiously to hear from them (addition)



 She applied three colleges and waited anxiously to hear from them
5. Noor won the race. He had an injured knee (concession).
 Although Noor had an injured knee, he won the race.
6. The book is informative. It is very interesting to read (addition)
 The book is informative and also very interesting to read.
7. I will take the red bag. Will not take the black bag (contrast)
 I will take the red bag but not the black one
8. Mohamed slaughtered the black goat. He slaughtered a brown goat (addition)
 Mohamed slaughtered both the black and the brown goat
9. 1will not give you the dress. you have to pay for it. (condition)
 I Will not give you the dress unless you pay for it.
10. You better stop smoking. You will ruin your health (alternative)
 You better stop smoking otherwise it will ruin your health.


Each of the words below has two meanings. Write a sentences with each to bring out
the sense indicated in the brackets use the word as it appears here

1. Conduct: I don‟t like his conduct.

2. Record: he told to record his speech.
3. Report: I received her report.
4. Present: You present this lesson to the class
5. Absent: He is absent from school
6. Read: I interest reading novels.
7. Outlaw: He was still outlaw according to the imperial ideas.
8. Regard: we regard him as our leader.
9. Intimate: Ali is my intimate friend.
10. Project: they are going to project a new idea
11. Exploit: Rapping young ladies is an exploitation of the female rights.
12. Refuse: Take the refuse to the dust-bin.
13. Contract: Contract two engineer for your company.
14. Permit: don‟t have my driving permit.
15. Object: Don‟t object other people‟s opinion.
16. Engage: l was not engaged in the protest.
17. Visit: Frequent your visit to the hospital.
18. Approach: They don‟t like your approach.
19. Escape: I had a narrow escape.
20. Review: Review his past reports.

Comprehension question….. the sea people


1. What was the difference between the islands in the sea?

 One is bigger than the other
2. By giving general overview, summarize the above passage in one sentences
 The islander in the big island are economically, culturally, physically
different from the dwellers in the small island
3. List down three uses of sea shells as stated in the passage
 worn for beautifying decoration of house served money
4. Describe the occupations of the people in the greater island and the lesser island
 Greater islanders were both fishery and business men while the lesser
islanders we only fishers
5. What are the characteristics of the people in the greater island and the lesser island
 Greater islanders - are tall, hardworking and strung
 Lesser islanders - are small, playful, ignorant and fresher
6. Who referred to us the big people in this passage
 The greater islander
7. How did people in the greater island destroy the environment?
 They crossed the sea every day to collect and take away stones and earth
form the little island
8. Give two character traits of the king in this story
 Optimistic and persuasive
9. Explain the turn of the events in the story
 Greater islanders increased that their toys while the lesser islanders reduced
the old man who Judged people turned to inactive man
10. In what way do the events in this passage resemble what happened during the
colonization of Africa?
 Land scramble this means the greater islanders took over some parts of the
lesser islands.

Comprehension problems caused by modern packaging

1. List down the advantages of modern packaging

 It leads to quicker transportation
 Use for project of goods from contamination
 High standard of hygiene is achieved when using package
 It helps economical purchase
2. In no more than 100 words summarize the problems caused by modern packaging.
 Modem packaging caused a number of problems most significantly
environment hazards, chief among them being



a) Environmental pollution: This has been a continuous problem since the

establishment of industries that deal with the manufacture of various products. it
has been noted that almost all the productive land sites. has been filled with refuse
from industries like those that deal with production of metallic products such as
lead processing industries which nearby caused lead poisoning to the living
organism living organisms in that particular environment including humans.
b) Air pollution: industrial emission of exhaust fumes contributed to the depletion of
the ozone layer there by resulting he occurrence of acidic rain and total global
warming. It has also been noted that modem packaging has led to over dumping of
waste packets that contain remains of chemicals nitrogenous poisonous gases into
the air leading to denitrification of the gas
c) Occurrence of water borne diseases: too much dumping of throw away, packets,
cartons, metal scraps, tins contributed to the poisoning of water sources leading
emergence of malaria, typhoid, cholera among others.
d) Death of soil fertility: industries and factories that unnecessarily dump packets
containing chemicals has led to the formation of high garbage, soil erosion and
general limitation of agricultural productivity, thus killing the soil fertility with
chemical and lead poisoning
e) Emergence of unnecessary stiff competition: with the advancement the new
technology, there has been establishment of too much industries and factories that
deal with the manufacture, recycling and processing of various items such as
plastic bags, tins, cartons metallic items which are sold to the public both in town
and the countryside at large, this led to careless misuse, dumbing into the
environment thus creating hazardous ecology for all the living organisms, led to the
death of animals: it has been noted that a large number of domestic animals had
died from consumption of cartons and plastic bags during the dry spell as there are
no grass to feed on and this is tangible evidence of one of the problems of modern
3. Find 2 quotation in the passage that clearly convey the author‟s attitude to modern
forms of packaging and list them down
 Manufacturers may try to deceive her by increasing the size of carton
while reducing the quantity of its content “By changing the shape of the
bottle to conceal the fact that it contains less fluid”
4. In two sentences describe the author‟s attitude towards modern packaging
 The author described that, the manufacturer planned to deceive the
customers by increasing the size - modern packaging has a greater effect on
the environment and serves a different purpose than that which is intended



5. Identify three opinions and three factual statements from the passage and write them
 Three opinions and three factual statements from the passage are:
 Manufacturer may try to deceive by increasing the size of cottons whilst
reducing the quantity of its contents By changing the shape of bottles to
conceal the fact that it contain less fluid The housewife needs a pocket
calculator and escape from her clamoring children


 The expensive incinerator produce smoke that cause pollution to the

 Non-returnable wrapping impose serious financial strains on those whose
responsibility is to collect and dispose of our rubbish Product sold in jar is
protected from contamination.
6. Find evidence in the passage that suggests the language of packaging is more
orientated towards opinion rather than fact
 In the passage, there was shown many evidence that it was more focused on
opinion rather than facts as in the statement, the mere suggestion on a
packet that we shall be fitter, more loved, richer or happier if we buy the
product will be lure us to spend more than we can afford.”
7. From our own experience and knowledge, Suggest three reasons why
environmentalist would be unhappy about the common trends in modern packaging
 Creates environmental pollution
 It spoils the environment
 The quality will be low since they cost effective
 They are hard to destroy and decomposed them

Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage?

1. Non – returnable (especially of a deposit) not repayable or returnable in any

2. Clamoring - (of a group of people ) shout loudly and insistently
3. Flavor – the distinct taste of a food or dink
4. Litter – rubbish such as paper, cans and bottles left lyıng in an open or public place
5. Tinfoil – foil made of aluminum or a similar gray metal, used especially for
covering or wrapping food
6. Impose – force (an unwelcome decision or ruling) on someone
7. Lure – tempt(a person or animal to do something or to go somewhere, especially
offering some form of reward



8. Incinerators – an apparatus for burning waste material especially industrial high

temperature until it is reduced to ash
9. Wrapping – paper or soft material used to cover or enclose something
10. Retain – continue to have (something; keep possession of)
11. Strain – force (a part of one‟s body or oneself) to make an unusually great effort

Cloze text

Fill in the blank spaces with the correct preposition

1. They have agreed to meet at the bus stop at five o‟clock

2. The work will be finished within tomorrow
3. We normally meet as a family from time to time
4. Put the clothes in the house as it raining.
5. The students are going to museum this afternoon.
6. Amina was walking to the shops when she was hit by a car.
7. I found your lost pen under the chair.
8. Khalif was walking beside the road when he saw a snake.
9. Farah was learning against the tree when a branch fell on him.
10. Place the ladder on the wall.
11. Osman puts the tools in the box and closed it.
12. Let us get up and see what is happening
13. You should place your book on the desk when reading.
14. Put down your hand when you are finished.
15. The meat should be roasted in Charcoal burner.

Rewrite the following questions in the indirect speech

1. Are these your sisters?

 He asked me whether those were my sisters.
2. Will they attend your Eid party?
 He asked whether they would attend my eid party.
3. Will you come with us to the market?
 They inquired if I would go with them to the market
4. What are you doing so late at night?
 He asked what was doing so late at night
5. Why did you ring me?
 She asked why I had rang her
6. Where did you and your parents go to during last holiday
 He asked where my parents and I went last holiday
7. How will she manage to pay the school fees?
 He was asked how she would manage to pay for school fees

8. Is this the car he promised to buy?

 Asked whether that car he had promised to buy
9. Why did you come to school late?
 He asked me why I had come to school late
10. Can the attorney general stop a court proceeding?
 The lawyer asked if the attorney general could stop court proceeding

Unit 18: Allergies

Answers to comprehension questions “allergies” page (254)

1. Briefly explain what allergies are?

 Allergies – are conditions caused by hypersensitivity of the immune system
to substance in the environment
2. Are allergies disease? Explain your answer according to the passage
 Yes, there are number of condition caused by hypersensitivity of the immune
system to substance in the environment they include – high fever, atopic
dermatitis, food allergic asthma and anaphylaxis
3. Make note in paragraph comparing allergies and another two disease mentioned in
the passage
 Comparison between allergy, bronchial asthma and atopic dermatitis
 To start with the comparison between allergy and asthma; allergies can
trigger an asthma attack; however, asthma is present in some people
without allergies. Asthma involves inflammation of the lungs that
constricts the muscles around airway, resulting in chest wheezing,
coughing and shortness of breath.
 Secondly, differences between atopic dermatitis and allergy, while
their symptoms are similar, the two have very different causes. Topic
dermatitis is a chronic condition, which is believed to be related to an
autoimmune problem. Contact dermatitis develops when the skin
comes in contract with something that tigers a reaction
 Discipline teachers to do right thing at right time, put first thing first,
behave correctly towards others, keep oneself neat and clean, maintain a
sound mind in a health body, eat and drink with moderation, strike right
balance between work and leisure and respect the hierarchy and
decorum in the society.
4. What ere the treatments for allergies?
 there are three ways in which allergies are treated, they include;
avoidance, desensitization and drug therapy
5. State the major cause of allergies



 Pollen, certain food, insect sting, medication

6. What type of food do people get allergic to?
 Maize millet, wheat, fish, milk
7. Which three ways can allergic be treated and which one is the best way?
 There are three ways that can be treated, they include;
 Desensitization
 Drug therapy and
 Avoidance above all, avoidance is the best treatment.
8. Describe how histamine is released from the body.
 In a way that is still imperfectly understood, antigen-antibody complexes
cause the mast cell to release patent chemical called histamine. This chemical
is responsible for most of the symptoms of hay-fever, bronchial asthma and
other allergies. Histamine causes dilation of blood capillaries and reduce their
ability to contain the blood fluid, these fluid therefore, are able to leak out
and cause issue and skin to swell.
9. We have molecules that allergy reactive. Give another name for molecules
according to the passage
 Antibodies
10. What is the role of histamine in the body.
 Responsible the production of symptoms of hay – fever, bronchial asthma
and others allergies
 Cause dilation of blood, capillaries
 it is also reduce their ability to contain

Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage allergy

1. Hypersensitivity: A condition in which the normally protective immune system has

a harmful effect on the body
2. Immune system: A complex network of cells and proteins that defends the body
against infection
3. High fever: A seasonal rhinitis resulting from an allergic reaction to pollen
4. Atopic dermatitis: is a condition that makes your skin red and itching
5. Trillionth of a gain: This is Asthma caused by an allergic reaction
6. Drowsiness: excess nasal drainage
7. Unpleasant: Is a treatment or a process that diminishes emotional responsiveness to
a negative, aversive or positive stimulus after repeated exposure to it.
8. Cure: These are proteins that help fight of infections and can provide protection
against getting that disease again.
9. Allergic asthma: it is s award used to show the quantity of maize that ranges



10. A runny nose: A feeling being sleepy and lethargic; sleepiness

11. Desensitization: Causing discomfort, unhappiness, or revulsion, disagreeable
12. Antibody: Relieve (a person or animal)of the symptoms of a disease or condition
13. Depression: Feeling of severe despondency and dejection
14. Blurred vision: Lack of sharpness of vision resulting in the inability to see fine
15. Mast cells: A type of a white cell that is found in the connective tissues all through
the body especially under the skin.
16. Pollen: A powdery substance produced by the male part of the flower that causes
the female part of the same type of flower to produce seeds

Rewrite the following passage in your exercise book, inserting appropriate sentences
and paragraph connectors in the blank space

Hurriedly she cut the meat into five equal portions by putting it in the pot to boil then
she left to fetch the firewood to hasten the cooking. My brother and I were playing outside
the house when we heard mother laughing with a neighbor, incidentally, this distracted
her from the boiling pot and she took time to catch up with the village gossip. where she
charted a way with a friend, in a neighbor, Ibrahim came by to collect some hot calls of
fire. You see those days; fire was stored in fagots not in matches as is the case today...by
not wanting to be disturbed in our game, we told Ibrahim to get the tire from kitchen
himself therefore mother appeared from behind the house carryıng a bunch of wood. she..
then proceeded to prepare the rice that would with go the meat. When. it was time to
serve the meal she placed the five tin plates on a mat on a floor. before dished out the
meat But wool!! One piece was missing! She looked straight into our eyes, certain that
none of us would stand her gaze if we had been guilty. Confusion set in where was the
piece of meat. realizıng that we were as baffled as she was demanded to know whether we
had seen anyone enter the kitchen in her absence. It was then that we remembered that
Ibrahim, our neighbor had entered to get some hit coals. Without any further ado, mother
sprang up she walked briskly to our neighbor‟s compound. she got there just in time just
setting the sense for supper a shocked at the sudden intrusion; Ibrahim knew that his luck
has run out. without mincing her words mother demanded the piece of meat from Ibrahim.
Contrary to our expectations she actually came with the piece of meat cursing Ibrahim of
his gluttonous nature. It was then that we discovered what Ibrahim had done his mission
was to get the hot coals he found that the aroma from the boiling pot was tantalizing. Then
he decided to lift the lid awee bit if only to see what was cooking. He realized he couldn‟t
replace the lid without sampling our what was cooking in the pot then he bling his hand
into the boiling pot and got hold of a huge piece of meat. He quickly shoved it in his coat
pocket; he also picked a few faggots and walked out of the kitchen as if nothing has
happened. We were too buzzy playing to notice his stooping gait as he hurried to his



compound lastly mother settled down and dished the food we ate in silence. For us, it was
a discovery of other side of our mother.

Write down the plural of each of the following nouns

1. Fish fish
2. Woman women
3. thief thieves
4. Foot feet
5. Baby babies
6. Person persons
7. Toy toys

In each of the following sentences, fill in the gap with the right article where

1. The course takes a month

2. Jamal likes playing the piano.
3. The Sun rises every morning
4. It is good to be an honest person.
5. The year 2019 is a historical year for our country.


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