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Customer experience as the new standard –

How can banks successfully realign?

New Customer Experience (CX)
standards in the market require a
different approach to marketing and
sales. Deloitte shows how four simple
questions successfully convert existing
strengths into a competitive advantage.

New competitors present challenges 04
Overcoming obstacles to realignment 08
Your contacts 10

New competitors
present challenges

In recent years, the banking market environ- The venture partners, Goldman Sachs
ment has changed radically: Low barriers and Mastercard, are rewarded as well:
to entry in the wake of new regulations, They receive direct access to a previously
technological advances, and customers with untapped group of customers. Apple is
digital affinity have attracted not only global not, however, the only player to show an
service providers with digital DNA, but interest in the financial market. Amazon
also FinTech companies. Their focus is on and Alibaba see business opportunities
consumers who value simplicity and avail- in granting credit, which bridges another
ability for making their daily tasks easier, as gap in the customer journey and smooths
well as affirmation through personalization the way for consumers to purchase more
and customer service on demand. In this products. Meanwhile, Google wants to offer
context, a broad spectrum of services plays the world more than ‘just’ payment services
a secondary role, since new customers see and credit, dedicating itself to the vision of
banks only as a means to an end. Deloitte’s Open Banking. The goal here is not to pro-
Digital Banking Maturity Study EMEA and vide specific banking services, but instead
Digital Leadership reports show that bundle them all and provide personalized
achieving a competitive advantage through services regardless of the device used, in
product functionality is difficult - and this line with Google’s mission to “organize the
will drive the digital transformation in the world’s information and make it universally
near future, especially for financial service accessible and useful”.

The primary way for competitors to dif-

ferentiate themselves is by the customer
experience along various touchpoints.
Tech giant Apple has launched a credit
card, erasing the line between digital and
analog payments. The trust gained due to
the intuitive usability of its existing hard-
ware and software ecosystem promises
consumers –otherwise potential customers Digital Champions
offer a broad foundation
of the traditional banks – a fully integrated
payment experience.

of customer-relevant
functionalities and a
compelling user experience.

In their assault on traditional banks, FinTech Its target group are customers with differ- With its end-to-end solution, N26 appeals
companies usually concentrate on improv- ent experience levels who are accustomed on an emotional level to customers who
ing and perfecting specific banking services. to digital services from other providers have had enough of complicated and
Thanks to customer-focused product devel- that are simple and can be learned quickly. protracted processes for opening new
opment, they have managed to captivate a Rising average incomes for younger accounts. Customers feel very satisfied and
large group of customers within a very short employees encourage FinTech companies enjoy using the system, which they commu-
time – not to mention investors. For exam- in their efforts to increase customer nicate to their friends and family, at times
ple, Robinhood offers a commission-free independence in the area of personal causing up to 10,000 new accounts to be
micro trading app that is already valued at finance. While Robinhood covers a niche opened per day. This is one thing tech giants
USD 5 billion. market that accounts for (expected) and FinTech companies have in common:
annual growth of 29 percent in Europe by They start from the customer perspective.
2023, a German FinTech focuses more on
everyday banking activities.

Fig. 1 – The degree of emotional connection with a house bank depends on the customer group1

67% 68%
63% 63%
53% 52%

Satisfaction Recommendation Emotional connection

“My house bank understands
me and knows what I need.”

Mobile customers Online customers Traditional customers

Source: Deloitte Financial Services – Global Digital Banking Consumer Survey: Accelerating digital transformation in banking, 2018. 05
Realignment needed for customer proximity

In a rapidly transforming market, traditional Many banks focus on optimizing the mobile
banks currently have a hard time finding and online banking frontends for user-
the right mix between core business friendliness without considering embed-
and innovation. They understand their ding banking systems in a platform that
customers with their individual needs centers customers. Silo working often pre-
and expectations about the ideal user vents an interdisciplinary exchange, which
experience, and this is the foundation for a is needed to solve customer problems
customer-focused strategy. In this sense, it comprehensively. Narrow perspectives on
is the market-leading banks who are chal- customers lead to inconsistencies along
lenged at the customer interface and who the customer life cycle and to inefficiencies
must succeed in realigning their thinking within the banks, although they already
away from their previous product-driven have access to all the elements required for
marketing and sales strategies. success. New is not always better!

Identify potential, build on strengths

The competitive advantage of traditional Established banks offer promptness, reli-

banks lies in reorganizing their extensive ability and personal contact, putting them
product range to revolve around custom- well ahead of the competition - and not just
ers. They can score especially in the areas in terms of processing. Customer service
of lending, financing and personal financial provides a nearly inexhaustible source of
advice. Even though customers now prefer customer wishes that are ideally suited
to contact their bank as needed, rather to developing new services. Especially in
than being approached, they still like to the era of digitalization, it is important to
have a single point of contact in case of continue cultivating and communicating
complaints and problems. these strengths and gain time elsewhere
for customer-focused realignment.

Fig. 2 – Limited product ranges are a bottleneck for FinTech companies in reaching digital market maturity2


In the overall view, FinTechs score worse than

established banks in 826 functionalities tested, ... +11% points

Number of banking
products offered

... since the majority of FinTechs still offer only a

selection of banking products and are unable to service
complex customer requirements in their entirety, ...

Mobile availability of
core products3

... although the situation looks different if we confine

our view to the mobile channel, where FinTechs excel. -15% points

FinTechs Established Banks

Source: Deloitte Digital – EMEA Digital Banking Maturity, 2018.
Functionalities in reference to up-to-date account balance and debit card.
Overcoming obstacles
to realignment

Deloitte has used its proven CX approach to help banks define, augment
and optimize the services that are most useful to their customers.
WHY – WHAT – WHO – HOW are the four interlinking elements that can
successfully manage the transition toward a customer-centric bank.

Why What Who

Recognize customer needs Identify and develop Designate future tasks within
user-friendly services the bank

First, we listen: In-depth interviews help Customer Journeys reveal the greatest Along with new tasks, the first few weeks of
us get to know end customers and under- potential for a seamless customer experi- reorientation bring up unfamiliar processes
stand the explicit and implicit needs and ence. In a first step, we develop the target and requirements for the teams. Deloitte is
expectations that different types of cus- vision here based on our research results, on hand to help clients develop a respon-
tomers have of their bank. Our questions which can be compared in a second step sive working model. The focus here is on
focus primarily on routines and unfulfilled with internal services and skills. This easily systematically closing the gaps identified
customer wishes (explicit) with a view to shows where there is potential for improve- between current and target states on the
integrating financial topics in everyday ment, which interdisciplinary teams can technology and staffing sides. Banks are
life. In combination with neuroscientific then use to generate ideas. Subsequent not left to themselves during operational-
measurements, we also find out what rapid prototype testing with real customers ization, but rather supported by experts
they feel in critical situations, which are means priorities can be set quickly, which from our Human Capital Advisory Service.
usually handled on autopilot (implicit). This ensures the efficient use of resources for Nothing is left to chance.
method is unique in the market and aims implementation.
for a value-free recording of key moments
(‘Moments that Matter’) and use cases that
are relevant to the customer experience.
Only then can we begin to redesign or
optimize existing services.

„CX = (Brand + Service Design + UX/UI)Data“

Create processes and tools for
long-term success

The path is the goal, as they say, so our Every beginning is hard - especially when
way of working is in closely interlinked it comes to teaching whole departments
and collaborative mixed teams with our about customer-focused thinking. Iterative
clients. A Rapid Prototyping approach approaches and early successes can
teaches teams to progress iteratively, introduce Customer Experience long-term
which reduces both costs and risks. To as a guiding value in established banks.
give teams a running start, we identify
beforehand whether agile project
management and the use of team Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any
software would benefit the project. feedback or questions:
Our ambition is that the knowledge
transfer prepares people optimally for Martin Schulze
their future tasks and brings about the Senior Manager | Customer Experience
desired realignment. Lead for Financial Services Accounts

Your contacts

Jürgen Lademann
Financial Services
Tel. +49 (0)172 668 3713

Martin Schulze
Senior Manager
Customer Experience – Lead for Financial Services Accounts
Tel. +49 (0)151 5800 0158

Henning Güldenstein
Communication & Stories
Tel. +49 (0)151 5807 0695

Hannah Koller
Senior Consultant
Customer Experience & Service Design
Tel. +49 (0)151 5807 0897

Julia Ringlstetter
Senior Consultant
Customer Strategy
Tel. +49 (0)151 5807 1405

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Stand 11/2019

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