Communication Is A Process

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INTRO: Greetings , everyone. My name is Nhung, and I’m from Group …,Today I
will represent my group to interpret (Your topic). I am thrilled to be here today to
share my knowledge and insights with all of you.
Slide 2: Before starting my presentation today, I am happy to have this opportunity to
introduce my exceptional group consisting of 4 outstanding individuals.
Slide 3: Our objective today:
Slide 4:
Slide 1: Communication involves both static and dynamic processes, each
serving distinct purposes. A static process, such as formal written
communication in a traditional organization, follows fixed structures and
protocols, providing stable and unchanging information.
On the other hand, dynamic processes is constantly changing with messages
evolving in response to feedback, new information, or changes in the
communication context. encompassing different tones, styles, and content
based on the specific context, audience, or purpose of the communication.

Let me give you two examples to help you understand this idea better

- Slide 4:
+ Friends often use casual, informal language when communicating.
Communication with friends is often open and direct. Friends feel comfortable
expressing their thoughts, feelings, and opinions without strict adherence to
- + Communication with teachers tends to involve more formal language.
Students typically address teachers with titles like "Mr." or "Ms., Students
generally use a respectful tone when communicating with teachers. Politeness
and adherence to classroom etiquette.
- Online interactions come with their own set of rules and expectations,
including the use of emojis, hashtags, and the rapid exchange of
- Email communication in a professional setting typically follows a formal
tone, using proper salutations and professional language, reflecting the
contextual expectations within a workplace.
- Slide 6:

- Clear and Concise Communication in Business Setting:

o Explanation: In a business setting, where precision and efficiency are
valued, clear and concise communication is crucial. This involves
conveying information in a straightforward manner, avoiding ambiguity,
and focusing on key details to ensure that messages are easily
o Example: A project manager providing instructions to a team about a
deadline uses clear and concise communication to convey specific tasks,
timelines, and expectations, minimizing the risk of misunderstandings.
- Emotional Communication in Social Setting:
o Explanation: In social settings, where relationships, empathy, and
connections play a significant role, communication often involves
emotional elements. Expressing feelings, using nuanced language, and
acknowledging emotional nuances can enhance social interactions.
o Example: During a gathering of friends, someone sharing a personal
achievement may use emotional language to convey their excitement
and joy, fostering a positive and supportive atmosphere.
Slide: As we move forward in our presentation, please pay your attention to the
next part which is presented by

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