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Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:21426–21439


Assessing the performance of sustainable entrepreneurship

and environmental corporate social responsibility: revisited
environmental nexus from business firms
Zafran Ahmad1 · Liu Chao1 · Wang Chao1 · Wasim Iqbal2 · Sulaman Muhammad2 · Shujaat Ahmed1

Received: 13 August 2021 / Accepted: 19 October 2021 / Published online: 10 November 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021

Society is currently contemplating sustainable growth strategies, which have become somewhat apprehensive by associating
entrepreneurship, innovation, and sustainable development. In this perspective, this article’s objective is to connect sustain-
able development to environmentally sensitive entrepreneurship via scientific proof of developing nations. Therefore, this
research objective is to confirm the hypothesis of corporate social responsibility (CSR) to confirm that Pakistan achieves
its objectives for sustainable development. The combined average estimator and pooled mean group (PMG) model of the
self-release lag model determines a lengthy-term combination of factors and environmental analysis in the Kuznets. We can
see the U-shaped ecological arcs in Pakistan. Further results show that the pooled mean group autoregressive distributed
lag (PMG-ARDL) estimator has a long-term relationship. This indicates that a 1% rise in per-capita income at some stage of
industrial growth will reduce environmental emissions by 2.88%, 4.54%, and 2.48%. The results show that (1) CSR has a sub-
stantial and robust link to the two factors of organizational success (employee engagement and credibility); (ii) respectively
socio-cultural and ecological CSR make a positive contribution to the success of Pakistani companies; (iii) the ecological
dimensions of CSR being the essential relevance to Pakistani companies’ credibility and engagement of employees. This
research attempts to include additional analytical information on the contribution of CSR to profitable growth. This also has
academic and empirical ramifications, showing how domestic and international companies in developing countries can do
CSR. This research is expected to give guidance to policymakers.

Keywords Ecological emission · Ecological enterprises · Kuznets curve · Sustainability growth

Responsible Editor: Ilhan Ozturk Introduction

* Zafran Ahmad Community groups and citizens in corporate social respon-
sibility (CSR) seem to be vital for investigators, experts,
* Liu Chao and stockholders working on competitive environment and
advanced technologies. CSR develops healthy behavior and
Wang Chao attracts global players to draw valuable outputs from dif-
ferent input processes. Terán-Yépez et al. (2020) discuss
Wasim Iqbal various dimensions of the relationship between CSR and the
financial value for the market environment. However, this
Sulaman Muhammad relationship is not as fruitful as commonly comprehended
(Silvestri and Veltri 2020). Instead of raising the dividend
Shujaat Ahmed ratios of shareholders, management is built by the modern
theorists through local and environmental company capital
School of Economics and Management, Beijing University as mentioned in agency theory. Consequently, for resource
of Technology, Beijing, China optimization, better product marketing is required with vari-
Department of Management Science, College ations in the social and management performance of a com-
of Management, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China pany. In contrast with other rivals, high-skilled workers gain

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:21426–21439 21427

access to untapped business opportunities (Anser et al. 2020; sustainable entrepreneurship and encouraging entrepre-
Khokhar et al. 2020b; Iqbal et al. 2021a, c). neurial awareness. In short, the study emphasizes the role
The critical element in growth, job development, and of sustainable entrepreneurial strategy to regulate and reduce
creativity is entrepreneurship. On the other hand, the ori- environmental pollution as it introduces a reduction in envi-
gins of entrepreneurship were not well understood. Finan- ronmental pollution through a sustainable entrepreneurial
cial capital, human desires, expertise, and schooling are the approach.
potential determinants of enterprise tendency, in addition Emerging countries are the primary focus of CSR and
to the recently analyzed factors, such as colleges, organi- market literature. An unsystematic set of findings are obvi-
zations, and societies. Reasons for why people choose to ous for the relationship between CSR and entrepreneurial
be a part of such an environment for their skills and inter- achievement (Iqbal et al. 2021d). As a result, the main
ests are known, the same way as the implications of dif- goal of this study is to highlight the importance of social
ferent situations (Yang et al. 2021; He et al. 2020; Mohsin company accountability in both domestic and international
et al. 2020). The origin of entrepreneurial behavior should organizations. The abovementioned target is achieved
therefore be studied in the early years (Criado-Gomis et al. through 83 questionnaires from SME entrepreneurs in Paki-
2020). Hence, sustainable development forms the foundation stan (Khokhar et al. 2020a). The rest of the study constitutes
for most of the economic policies for its ability to achieve the second part as the literature review, the third part as the
environmental, societal, and financial goals of sustainable analytical strategy, the fourth part as the analytical findings
growth. Nevertheless, policymakers face challenges due to and discussion, and the fifth part as the conclusions, policy
shortage of resources and robust population increase (Zhang implications, and recommendations.
et al. 2021b).
Environmental unsustainability enhances the emission of
carbon dioxide in the environment, mitigating the influence Literature review
of environmental change, ozone layer depletion, and deg-
radation of multifariousness and thereafter achieving sus- Company social responsibility and outcomes
tainable development goals (Tiep et al. 2021). Muhammad
Muneeb et al. (2020) assess how environmental and climate The relationship between CSR and organizational success is
change vary with environmental entrepreneurship. Environ- the main focus of various researches, conducted worldwide.
mental businesses enable biodiversity conservation, apart Moreover, between CSR and specific areas of the company,
from their contribution to solving social and environmental governance is also discussed by many researchers, discuss-
problems (Hou et al. 2019; Iqbal et al. 2019a, 2021a; Abbas ing corporate society and how ecological and socio-cultural
et al. 2021). The widespread rough land, ecosystem degrada- success as social responsibility is considered a factor. A
tion, removal of trees, increasing temperature, and reducing positive CSR-company efficiency relationship is evident in
water level cause a poor complementary environmental view many types of research (Utami and Hasan 2021). However,
in Pakistan (Khokhar et al. 2020a). The economic growth of several particular types of research focus on providing con-
Pakistan is challenged by the 32% of population, having no tradictory findings, indicating that companies may incur
electricity, which results in the inability to achieve sustain- costs because of social responsibilities, causing them to be
ability objectives (Iqbal et al. 2020a). Initially introduced financially unfavorable instead of other conscientious busi-
in the 1990s, CSR is now practiced by many enterprises nesses (Iqbal et al. 2019b). The objective of this study is to
in Pakistan. Legislations and authorities to enhance share- expose the fundamental relationship between energy, per-
holders security and set a strong association between the taining to sustainable development and gender, and entrepre-
entrepreneur and society are under process at present, by the neurship, which explains the social, equitable energy system
government of Pakistan (Butkouskaya et al. 2020). Company dealing used in domestic gender obstacles and entrepreneur-
management, better innovation, offers to attract global play- ship (Machanguana and Dias Sardinha 2021).
ers, and increase investment returns with the registered seg- We have not only looked at all streams of literature to do
ments are some of the major indicators (Irshad et al. 2019). this. We assume that while female scholars’ current diag-
Business practices and new ideas are encouraged by adding nosis is different from that of female and electrical schol-
the increasing value of business development in this pro- ars, there appears to be a general hope for change in gender
cess (Baloch et al. 2020). This study addresses the negative equality if the empowerment of women is achieved. Moreo-
impacts on the environment with the environmental enter- ver, environmental entrepreneurs work on the reduction of
prise approach in literature. environmental destruction and a series of progressive and
We apply the EKC method to green enterprise to assess disruptive developments by environmental undertakings
its position in environmental emissions. This study proposes by addressing environmental issues (Iqbal et al. 2021b).
ways to decrease environmental emissions by analyzing Existing organizations alone are unable to accomplish the

21428 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:21426–21439

SDGs due to the dynamic and unpredictable target. Hence, environment is therefore improved as green technologies
environmental entrepreneurs are in a unique position to or ecological innovation replace high emission technology
form environmentally sustainable environmental technolo- (Mohsin et al. 2021).
gies (Amorelli and García-Sánchez 2021). A set of activi- A suitable diffusion of technology discovered by aca-
ties are adopted by environmental entrepreneurs to develop demics creates a structure and other measures to improve
new risk capital and to leverage the opportunities caused by sustained economic development in developed and devel-
market failures according to Khokhar et al. (2020c). Hence, oping countries through various environmental action
the planet is shaped with environmental goods, maintain- plans. Therefore, climate change and its adverse envi-
ing a healthy atmosphere. The environmental protection of ronmental effects in sub-Saharan Africa along with the
large firms or environmental companies is ensured due to Sustainable Development Goals is the focus for many
their ability to reduce and enhance their activities, which countries (Li et al. 2021; Chien et al. 2021a; Iqbal et al.
in turn affects sustainable development through ecological 2021d). The inadequate financial support and sustainable
engineering (Zhang et al. 2021c). Green innovation builds innovation in the achievement of sustainable develop-
employment and highlights the value of entrepreneurship ment goals in developing countries continue as a problem
for sustainable economic development more, as compared to (Chien et al. 2021b). The economic conditions of vari-
the other forms of innovation, as explained by a number of ous regions or countries bring a variation in the process.
scholars Sun et al. (2020b) and Baloch et al. (2020). Detailed research on environmental degradation is done
This aim can only be accomplished if the capacity for by many countries. Gu and Zheng (2021) suggest eco-
creativity achieves that the creative activity is adequate. nomic development as a factor to influence environmen-
The research and development of environmental innova- tal pollution. The ecological theory of the Kuznets curve
tion and energy management human resources and research (EKC) elaborates the relationship between growth in the
and development activities form the basis for the adoption economy, and ecological destruction and the sustainable
of green tech among entrepreneurs (Yumei et al. 2021). empirical findings are connected by the EKC model (Al
Likewise, innovation capacity dictates the achievement of Asbashi et al. 2019). An increase in wages, energy use
sustainability based on the given analysis in which several and environmental pollution, and other main variables
researchers highlighted the fact which might be hindered influencing pollution to elaborate the process even further.
through various obstacles, especially when setting up envi- Different environmental factors, such as financial growth,
ronmental companies, including green tech and financial human growth, free trade, and renewables, are also dis-
lacking (Alemzero et al. 2020a, b; Sun et al. 2020a). Funding cussed by some researchers. EKC hypothesis, in addition
strategies confirming green innovation expenditure encour- to some other methods, such as the ARDL combination
age renewable goods or services. test in India and an inverted U-shaped EKC, validates this
More precisely, environmental risk practices are con- process. Moreover, the absence of EKC in West Africa
sidered “green,” according to the OEC (2011), which is is explained with robust and tested fixed effect and fixed
included in the environment industry for environmental effect hypothesis by the South American countries through
good manufacturing (Sedehzadeh and Seifbarghy 2021). EKC. Similarly, the use of FMOLS is explained by Iqbal
The use of fossil or dirty energy by environmental busi- et al. (2020b). The use of FMOLS and DOLS validates the
nesses increases emissions. Consequently, the reduction EKC in 6 geo-economic regions (Iqbal et al. 2019c). The
of deterioration in the ecosystem calls for ecosystem EK is estimated with PMG to estimate EKC by some other
entrepreneurship inputs and outputs (Alemzero et al. scientists in NAFTA and BRICS.
2020a). The business world can enable the adoption of However, in most researches, the group of countries taken
environmental sustainability as it addresses environmental is not as much to provide appropriate findings, neglecting
problems in the long run. The economic growth with a situation of economy and techniques. Hence, it becomes
gross domestic product (GDP) is measured by economic difficult to adopt various rules followed by all countries in
development, characterized as a per-capita rise in income. the group, since the guidelines are threatened and the EKC
This process results in climate change reduction, habitat hypothesis is assessed through PMG-ARDL approximation.
conservation, and an increase in water and farming prac- A number of panels, such as paper conditions, are possibly
tices of the environment (Iqbal et al. 2021b). Hence, sus- calculated by the estimation method as it provides accurate
tainable growth is focused on the economic development results.
of ecological sustainability through environmental entre-
preneurship (Agyekum et al. 2021; Zhang et al. 2021a).
Environmental pollution is positively affected by indus-
trialization, as shown in the research based on the the-
ory of environmental modernization. The quality of the

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:21426–21439 21429

Methodology integrity. Furthermore, the dynamics of possible variables

are calculated with the unrestricted dynamic mistake cor-
Data and model specification rection models.
∑p ∑p
ΔlnEPt = 𝛿0 + 𝛿1 i=1 ΔlnEEt−1 + 𝛿2 i=1 ΔlnFDt−1
The data used in this article is derived from World Bank ∑p ∑p ∑p
Indicators (WDI), and the selected sample spans the years + 𝛿3 i=1 ΔlnIPCt−1 + 𝛿4 i=1 ΔlnTOt−1 + 𝛿5 i=1 ΔlnHDt−1
2000 to 2018. + 𝜑1 lnEPt−i + 𝜑2 lnFDt−i + 𝜑3 lnIPCt−i + 𝜑4 lnTOt−i
A functional type for Cobb Douglas development is + 𝜑5 lnEEt−i + 𝜑6 lnHDt−i + 𝜇t
defined as follows (Ahmad et al. 2021a):
where a constant word is given as Δ, the long-term coef-
(1) ficient is represented by short-term kinetics β, whereas 𝜇t
( )
EPt = f EEt , FDt , TOt , IPCt , HDt ,
represents an error term. Similarly, a short-term kinetics is
Equation 1 is expressed, using the natural log, as follows: suggested by β, and the long-term integration ties among
LnEPt = 𝛼0 + 𝛽1 LnEEt + 𝛽2 LnFDt + 𝛽3 LnTOt + 𝛽4 LnIPCt + 𝛽5 LnHDt + 𝜀t (2) environmental undertakings, financial growth, trade open-
ness, per-capita income, human development, and environ-
The environmental pollution’s natural logarithm meas- mental pollution are tested by the ARDL method in this
ured in tons of carbon dioxide emission is given as LnEPt , study, through the F-statistics. Meseguer-Sánchez et al.
whereas the natural environmental entrepreneurship loga- (2021) proposed the outermost crucial limits (UCB) and
rithm is represented as LnEEt and is measured with the lowest crucial limits (LCB) to validate the model. A value of
renewable energy percentage, as a proxy. The natural the F-stat, lesser than lowest crucial limits (LCB), is unable
financial development logarithm measured through domes- to disallow the null hypothesis, stating an absence of the
tic credit and public credit for the GDP sector is given as enduring co-integration between the variables. Correspond-
LnFDt . Similarly, LnTOt and LnIPCt indicate the logarithm ingly, the value of the F-stat, higher than the outermost cru-
of trade-operated, and logarithm per-capita revenue. Fur- cial limits (UCB), suggests the rejection of zero hypothesis,
ther, Table 1 presents the descriptive statistics of the studied implying long co-integration. The estimated outcome of an
variables. ARDL limit is indefinite if the value of the F-stat varies
between the lowest crucial limits (LCB) and the outermost
ARDL model crucial limits (UCB).

The calculation of complex forces at the classification level

for long-term and short-term stages is done with the ARDL PMG method
technology and can be implemented in level I (0) and level
I first (1) with the original variable for its numerous advan- The pooled mean group technique has become a handy
tages. The number of the sample size used is considered tool for data surveillance over moment, as well as a great
to suggest the strong ability of the outputs and to stand- method for energy affect panel-growth connections for
ardize the lag. FA accurate estimate in long-run imitations enabling communication among fuel pollution and energy
is guaranteed through the ARDL model along with the stability, as well as enterprises (Zhang et al. 2021a; Hsu
t-statistical significance. Moreover, the ARDL used simple et al. 2021; Ehsanullah et al. 2021). This gives the result of
linear regression to introduce a strong usability modifica- mean group forecasting models on vague generalizations
tion method. Similarly, the dynamic free error correction is clarified by Ahmad et al. (2021b). Several approaches,
model includes an intersection between the lifelong and such as heteroscedastic, serial, and non-linear, are used
temporary vibrant balances and long-standing information to apply the PMG models. The over-identification of
parameters is an advantage of using the PMG estimator
as stated by Soto-Acosta et al. (2016). Mean group is also
Table 1  Summary of descriptive statistics being used in non-exogenous designs to calculate the rela-
Variable Mean Std. dev Min Max tionship between economic growth and energy variables.
Many studies have suggested that the two directional con-
LnEP 0.8925 0.8925 1.2915 1.6485 nections among economic growth and energy consump-
LnEE 4.893 5.6385 1.9005 6.6465 tion in a few countries imply the suitability of the PMG
LnFD 1.659 3.024 4.2945 2.6565 environment. Nevertheless, it is represented as unit-direc-
LnTO 1.995 1.7745 2.2155 2.478 tionally causal by many studies.
LnIPC 2.5305 2.4675 2.814 3.129 The PMG model (Stubbs 2017) is defined as follows:
LnHD 2.0265 1.911 2.289 2.6355

21430 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:21426–21439

Yi,t = 𝛼 + 𝛽Yi,t−1 + 𝛿Xi,t + 𝜇i,t + 𝜀i,t (4) The development of enterprise efficiency, integrity,
and employee contribution is the main focus of SME
where the variable dependable on a country i at time departments and CSR companies (Hooi et al. 2016).
tand Yi,t−1 as the primary level of the dependent variable Moreover, SMEs and other huge commercial businesses
(its lagged value) is represented as Yi,t , a set of explanatory permit competitive advantages in terms of longstanding
variables as Xi,t , and the country-specific effects as 𝜇i,t , commerce functioning due to characteristics, such as
whereas 𝜀i,t is the error term. Similarly, GDP per capita strength in CSR procedures and advancement in busi-
growth is the dependent variable, Xi,t is the explanatory ness reputation and business functioning. The indica-
variables, and the PMG method uses the lagging independ- tors, such as competitive advantage through occupa-
ent variables as tools: tions, attention in the business, and commitment to the
organization, are completed by the term “employee
EP = 𝛼i,t + 𝛽i,t EEi,t−1 + 𝛾i,t FDi,t + 𝛿i,t TOi,t + 𝜆i,t IPCi,t + 𝜂i,t HDi,t + 𝜀i,t
loyalty” which enable a decrease in employee rations
and an increase in the efficiency of an organization.
Since people are motivated to buy from companies, Similarly, robust corporate relations are positively
actively engaged in CSR practices, a lasting partnership associated with CSR and employees’ engagement, as
between organization and societies is evident in the previ- shown in the research related to this field. Hence, the
ous study analyses discussing the current issues with CSR following research hypotheses are developed to meas-
activities (Schaltegger and Wagner 2011). Organizational ure shared integrity:
performance development through reprocessing, dis-
carded material management, and energy safeguarding are Hypothesis 2A: Ecological CSR and socio-cultural
included in CSR environmental obligations (Ullah et al. CSR have a strong link to Pakistan’s SME market.
2021). The environmentally friendly nature of the SME Hypothesis 2B: Social CSR and corporate image are
sector suggests better rewards and continuing benefits. considered to have a positive impact on Pakistan’s SME
Hence, long-term growth and development, ensuring better market.
performance in a company, requires enhanced application Hypothesis 2C: Similarly, in Pakistan, the association
of environmental obligation for CSR. The organizational among environmental CSR and SME is expected to be
performance, economic efficiency, employee empower- beneficial.
ment, organizational integrity, valuation of requirements
of the commercial stakeholders, customer faithfulness, The CSR and employee interactions within the company
purchaser assessment, and overall market functioning are considered authentic and productive. Human resources
are better managed with environmental and social CSR are handled and long-term benefits are improved by com-
systems. panies and associations through active CSR operations.
The positive relationship between societal enterprise, The workers in international businesses are inspired to
shared responsibility, environmental responsibility, and achieve their goals and meet full production and results.
the SME field is reinforced by the evolution model in The following research hypotheses are developed to meas-
the structure model. Businesses play crucial function ure staff engagement:
in improving organizational efficiency and encouraging
CSR activities in the whole world, as suggested by earlier Hypothesis 3A: The relationship between social CSR
research. CSR-based enterprises establish their image in and environmental CSR is moderated by employees’
our people and enhance the commerce. The absence of engagement.
awareness and the interaction among society and busi- Hypothesis 3B: There is a strong link among social
nesses makes it impossible for the owners of SMEs to responsibility and employee engagement in Pakistan’s
publish CSR activities. The subsequent hypotheses of SME’s industry of Pakistan.
study are given below: Hypothesis 3C: The relationship between employees’
engagement and environmental CSR is moderated by
Hypothesis 1A: There is a direct positive relationship collaboration alliance. Firms with higher levels of pro-
between the social CSR dimension and firm performance. activeness more likely to collaborate with other partner
Hypothesis 1B: There is a direct positive relationship if its short of essential resource. The abovementioned
between the social CSR dimension of proactiveness and research served as the foundation for the conceptual
firm performance. model. This model answers questions about CSR and
Hypothesis 1C: There is a direct positive relationship its ability to improve performance of SMEs.
between the social CSR dimension of risk-taking and
firm performance.

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:21426–21439 21431

Table 2  Test for reliability check the variables are evaluated with a suitable method for each
Variable Items Factor loading Reliability
dimension in the Cronbach for the alpha value of CSR near
0.80. Each dimension lacks negative association and the
Firm performance FRP1 0.868 0.963 factors needed to cause alpha value to increase are absent,
FRP2 0.822
as shown in more tests. The main objective of the struc-
FRP3 0.878
FRP4 0.772 tural model is to develop a substantial connection between
FRP5 0.878 various dormant variables (sized) of the model. Among a
FRP6 0.866 sample of six, only for hypotheses (H1a, H1b, H2b, and
Environmental CSR ECSR1 0.814 0.926 H3b) are considered, as shown by the results in Table 3.
ECSR2 0.853
Although H2 and H3 are considered only in some cases,
ECSR3 0.926
three hypotheses show strong and positive association as
Corporate CSR COR1 0.763 0.862
COR2 0.850 shown in Table 3. The CSR in culture and CSR in the
COR3 0.818 surroundings in Pakistani companies encourage positive
Social CSR SC1 0.873 0.850 results in the first hypothesis, which is validated by Kraus
SC2 0.862 et al. (2018). However, the environmental characteristics
SC3 0.782
of CSR are found to be crucial in the findings, for Paki-
Employee commitment CSR EMC1 0.762 0.828
stani companies, whereas employee engagement and cred-
EMC2 0.788
EMC3 0.861 ibility in Pakistani companies are affected positively, only
EMC4 0.724 by environmental CSR, according to hypotheses 2 and 3.
EMC5 0.826 Therefore, the CSR of surroundings is more relevant as
EMC6 0.791
compared to sociatal CSR in employee engagement and
FRP firm performance, SCSR social CSR, ECSR environmental CSR, corporate credibility. The null hypothesis includes the
EMC employee commitment, COR corporate reputation cross-sectional independence, according to the inter cor-
relation test shown in Table 2. Therefore, p-value of the
statistical inferential, lower than the significance level, dis-
Results and discussion misses the null hypothesis. Table 1 displays the p-values of
every CD test pattern inside the nation as 1% applicable.
Table 2 shows the measurement dimension used by this Depending on CD statistical test and one’s successive
analysis (Hooi et al. 2016), and factors, such as validity and p-values, these same p-values of the any CD test pattern
reliability. This method is used to assess the internal accu- in the nation (Table 4) are 1% significant, when no inter-
racy measures’ reliability as well as their convergent validity. dependence just on hypotheses (H0) is rejected. A better
The value of Cronbach’s alpha, more significant than understanding of the government’s variables is possible
0.80 is shown in Table 1, for the importance of the four considering cross-sectional dependency, during the policy
variables, including social CSR, employee engagement, designing process. The ability of CIPS second-generation
financial performance, and company reputation. However, root test unit to provide accurate and reliable results of

Table 3  SEM results for hypothesis testing

Hypothesis H_1a H_1b H_2a H_2b H_3a H_3b

Relationship SC and FRP EMC and FRP SC and COR EMC and COR SC and ECSR EMC and ECSR
Path coefficient 0.270 0.32 0.135 0.27 0.170 0.26
Mean 0.269 0.323 0.133 0.271 0.165 0.260
Standard deviation 0.05 0.081 0.108 0.07 0.113 0.086
T 3.907 4.113 1.808 3.173 1.745 3.035
p 0.002** 0.000*** 0.170 0.004** 0.149 0.002**

***, **, and * denote 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively

Table 4  Cross-sectional Dimensions ln EP lnIPC lnIPC2 lnEE lnFD lnTO lnHD

dependency test
CD Test 39.49 78.76 81.93 41.33 68.27 17.86 89.26
p-values 0.00025 0.0001 0.003 0.0022 0.0045 0.0058 0.0048

21432 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:21426–21439

the cross-sectional association makes it suitable as shown the simplicity of utilizing ecologically important innovations
in Table 4. such as power innovations, giving a boost to this relation-
ship. The ability of climate business owners to reduce con-
CIPS unit root test tamination wealth means a reduction in use of coal and oil
and other ecological degradation.
The CIPS panel force’s underlying cause testing is called A critical sector, in need of an extensive debate and
cruel and non-stationary. The CIPS statistics are measured theoretical participation, is focused in the findings of the
to take benefit of the unseen features with designs and con- analysis. This paper analyzes developing countries in con-
stants as can be in Table 5. The unit root test outcomes for trast with sustainable development, through environmental
the CIPS unit demonstrate a methodical nationwide incorpo- entrepreneurship. The Pasarian CD test examines the pass
ration carbon output, per head of population earnings, envi- consistence of various study factors. As per inter reliance
ronmental firm, economic expansion, relationship between between society, quality of air in Ancient Silk financial
economic growth, and social development. The variables buckle countries throughout the social security administra-
integrated in the method utilized, as proved by CIPS diag- tion is affected by the environmental worsening and MIC
nostics, serve as a baseline for the autoregressive distributed and LIC panels (Sarango-Lalangui et al. (2018).
lag (ARDL) estimation technique. A serious marriage with The change in pollutant emissions has been ascertained
environmental damage, each head of population economic by their own interactions and another occurrence. As a
levels, enviro businesses, economic boom, able to trade flex- result, carbon dioxide removal is achieved while assisting
ibility, and evolution is still most probable. The PMG-ARDL the sustainable development goals through a variety of pol-
can be estimated precisely. icy objectives, such as instituting and promote green indus-
trious products or results. Furthermore, as demonstrated by
Pooled mean group stimulator for estimation the CIPS root tests, the stationary first order of all inquiry
of long‑term partnership factors (I) is integrated. Static variables are similarly signifi-
cant and useful in model estimation in regression models.
An overview of PMG’s lengthy forecasts in per-capita earn- The astute energy use of the industry is demonstrated in
ings, the ecologic sector, financing, transfer openness, and Fig. 1. Abstract outcomes have been avoided by collaborat-
social progress connections throughout Canada is shown ing among repaired action scenes which clarify this same
in Table 6. The per-capita coefficients for employment, certification underlying cause findings on a world basis
economic expansion, and free markets are positive at 1% in venture creation, subregional production, and climate
statistics, according to the survey, whereas the correlations changes. The outline needs to reflect supervisors through-
are recorded − 1% significance level, for environmental and out USA who collaborate in institutions that greet smaller
human growth. Therefore, Pakistan depends on economic companies.
expansion and free trade, as shown in the results. Furthermore, inside an effective questionnaire oriented
Previous research has found that every 1% increase in by (Ahmad et al., 2021a), he unearthed that energy man-
income and investing disclosure rises natural habitat carbon agement system affiliations had already stretched one’s
output by 0.113 and 0.236%, in both. For every 1% increase created restriction to recognize greater expositions and
in human development and environmental firm, emissions greater responsibility for ecosystems linked strategic mis-
decline from 0.350 to 0.401 simultaneously, as shown in the sion or even those and something that individuals elimi-
results in Table 6. The studies have claimed possibilities and nate following. Sarango-Lalangui et al. (2018) presents a

Table 5  CIPS test for unit root analysis

ln EP ln IPC ln IPC2 ln EE ln FD ln TO ln HD

Pakistan Cons./trend CIPS − 2.15 − 3.16 − 2.33 − 2.59 − 2.89 − 1.99 − 2.15
F. Diff CIPS − 3.03*** − 3.73*** − 4.63*** − 4.09*** − 3.58*** − 3.81*** − 3.30***

***, **, and * denote 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively

Table 6  PMG-ARDL model Variable ln IPC ln IPC2 ln EE ln FD ln TO ln HD ECT

long-term forecast analysis
Coefficient 2.79*** − 0.11*** − 0.27*** 0.14*** 0.21*** − 0.36*** − 0.34***
Problem 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:21426–21439 21433

Fig. 1  Sector-specific energy

15 15
usage (%)

Percentage Change in Energy Consumption (%)

10 10


-20 -15

-25 -20
1994-1999 1999-2004 2004-2009 2009-2014 2014-2018

Oil Gas Miscellnious Renewable

model on enhanced EMS estimates, which is experimental, level which indicates that the assessment of the coordinated
reflecting a major influence on the debt settlement of part- management process is compensated by reconciliation
nerships through environment-friendly company condition between goals, assets, and procedures. A relativey higher
participation. than 0.70 value is measured for reliability. Six items are
Rotation method is Varimax with Kaiser normalization. included in the 0.911 value for corporate execution alpha
Table 7 shows the structure conditions display. So at end of of Cronbach, whereas its alpha worker duties are measured
the assessment, the conceptual framework connected to the at 0.879, consisting of three items. Cronbach’s corporate
discovery of the an supplementary connection of a board- reputational alpha is calculated at 0.819, consisting of three
ing house grows influences and have more crucial socially items, as shown in the results, wheras a value of 0.872,
responsible outcome than emergency management non- consisting of three items, is recorded for Cronbach social
adopters that also makes reference to a choice of emergency CSR alpha, and a vlaue of 0.783, consisting of six items, is
management institutions in one’s information systems. Col- recorded for Cronbach’s alpha natural CSR which are shown
laboration between all huge companies, company leaders, in Table 8.
and supervisors is helpful to enhance information manage- Regardless of contradictory speculations, three hypoth-
ment system’s beneficial result. Even though the specialist eses show a remarkable and optimistic relationship in the
forecast involves a cohesive procedure to enforce its con- findings. A maximum efficiency of 0.310 is evident through
flicting views, which would be supposedly regarded as an environmental CSR and company performance, showing a
incorporated senior management system implementation, significant effect on the budgetary output of the environmen-
variables showing effective result of a IMS working as a tal CSR for its positive role, as shown in Table 8. 0.260 coef-
team are often determined in a qualitative and insightful ficients, demonstrating a positive role of environmental CSR
manner. The perception and appraisal of the synchronized in managing the finances of the company, are surprisingly
control system, on the other hand, is indeed a major problem implemented in the second natural CSR company notoriety.
for such affiliation. The different dimensions of energy use, sector-wise is
The IMS level refers to the degree that the organization given in Fig. 2, correcting the long-term deviations. Pakistan
can achieve the purpose of achieving ecological goals utiliz- is working on reducing emissions, pertaining to the lesser
ing organized and autonomous management structure mixed perceived environmental entrepreneurship, which should

Table 7  The results of factor Variables Financial CSR Environ- χ2 Value of Cron- Eigenvalues Level of
analysis of each indicator mental CSR bach alpha significance

FI 0.746 0.790 313.6 0.779 3.896 0

F2 0.722 0.882 106.7 0.754 1.692 0

21434 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:21426–21439

Table 8  Factor loading Table 9  PMG outcomes

Variable Items Factor loading Reliability Independent variables Dependent variable: energy
Financial CSR ROA 0.853
Coef St. error
ROE 0.833
STR 0.883 Per-capita income 8.34*** 1.26
SIZE 0.781 0.956 Environmental business − 0.01* 0.00
TANG 0.869 Financial development 0.42*** 0.01
Environmental Energy use 0.770 Trade openness 12.54*** 1.18
CSR Water use 0.786 Human development − 0.84 0.59
Waste management 0.859
Recycling 0.728 0.822
Emissions 0.830 crucial perspectives are implemented by the regulatory body
EF EOBTP 0.803 apart from reinforcing cooperation between the environmen-
tal protection participants. This process ensures adequate
monetary assistance by promoting sustainable development,
be encouraged at every step of economic development to which preserves international ecological law through emis-
minimize environmental emissions more effectively. This sion reduction and infrastructural facilities re-evaluation.
process encourages sustainable development goals through Company operations are affected by factors, such as prin-
sustainable economic growth. Emission able capital can cipal, peripheral citizens, buyers, vendors, regulatory rules,
be targeted only with complementary policy guidance and and rivals’ affect, whereas warnings, complexity, and leth-
infrastructure. This process aids the reduction of pollution argy are some of the external influences, considered in a
and sustainable development. second perspective. Similarly, the third perspective discusses
The results of our PMG estimate stay consistent with the the external environmental factors, influencing market out-
abovementioned effects on energy emissions as shown in Table 9. put. Although considerable economic and environmentally
The theory presented in Table 10 shows an increase in substantial sound CSR strategy exists in economically prosperous coun-
per-capita incomes and financial efficiency as a result of increas- tries, Pakistan constitutes of 220 million people, living under
ing carbon emissions and the results are supported by the out- poverty. Hence, the responsibility to carry out financial CSR
comes of the alternative requirements in the table above. The as a matter of urgency lies with organizations. Since, the
essential findings are highlighted by regression model. international community is focused on reducing environ-
mental and climatic vulnerabilities, environmental issues are
given top priority in the charters presented during the during
Discussion the Paris Congress.
Unfortunately, to commercial use to fulfill, for example,
The types of public or private entities to follow CSR activi- significant sources of petroleum imported are the gulf region
ties under specific industry framework guidelines are deter- along with the organization of petroleum exporting coun-
mined by the legislative environment of a country. Three tries, Pakistan is dependent on conventional energy sources.

Fig. 2  Sector-wise energy

4.0% 2.8%

-4.0% 2.8%

-6.0% 2.7%

-14.0% 2.7%

Table 10  The impact of environmental and corporate CSR on firms’ efficiency
Classes Environmental efficiency Economic efficiency
Specific impact of environmental CSR Effect of subtypes of environmental CSR General effect of corporate CSR Effect of subtypes of corporate CSR
Demand-pull Demand push Balanced Demand-pull Demand push Balanced

Dependent variables ln(ECF,t ) ECf ,t ln(ECf ,t ) ln(CCSRf ,t ) CCSRf,t ln(CCSRf ,t )

Mix of policies − 0.0908*** − 0.0873*** − 1.468*** − 0.0569 − 0.0917*** − 0.430*** 0.137*** 0.132*** 0.411*** 0.208*** 0.106*** 0.127
(0.0337) (0.0268) (0.327) (0.0657) (0.0332) (0.117) (0.0342) (0.0197) (0.0864) (0.0544) (0.0369) (0.135)
Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:21426–21439

Constant Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Financial CSR Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Environmental CSR Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Corporate CSR Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Social CSR Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Supporting volunteer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
R2 0.0199 0.024 0.0157 0.024 0.0147 0.044 0.044 0.033 0.044 0.032
Observations (N) 61,990 61,994 63,068 63,785 65,520 50,920 61,447 68,797 67,747 56,897 62,172 53,307
*, **, and *** specify statistical importance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% stages, respectively
The inflation factor is modified according to all the dependent variables based on 1998
Models 3 and 9 are calculated using generalized linear models (GLMs) with gamma distribution and log relation functionality

21436 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:21426–21439

This has affected the industry seriously. CSR operations are development, ecological sustainability, and social equity.
affected greatly by energy shortages. Numerous institutions have been implemented to boost
The lack of a widely recognized sustainability concept enterprises’ obligations in terms of improving their sus-
makes it challenging to assess the sustainable business con- tainable economic growth. Small- and medium-sized busi-
duct, and a number of small and medium-sized businesses use nesses are a key cause of innovative products and services.
sustainable development. As compared to large enterprises, Interested parties and lawmakers inside the fresh world of
small- and medium-sized enterprises are more focused on sus- global competition are worried about sustainable growth
tainable practices, according to researchers. The government and social commitment, and also acknowledging variables
of Pakistan has presented various laws, rules, and regulations going to drive economic efficiency for small and medium
to enable the sustainable growth for businesses. Hence, sus- enterprises. Continuing to improve effectiveness, and also
tainable companies are possible with a little more effort. It is creative thinking, is needed to motivate small and medium
a challenge to assess sustainability’s efficiency. enterprises to impose corporate social responsibility.
In comparison to SMEs, however, most SMEs lack The above study adds to the growing publications inside
appropriate policies and operational procedures, so it is a a range of methods. The research identified the assessments
significant challenge to assess sustainability’s efficiency. theory so each aspect of EO ultimately enhances small and
Sustainability and its implications are discussed in various medium size growth. In comparison to prior studies, the
documents regarding sustainable entrepreneurship, present new research adds to the growing literary works by illus-
in the existing literature. Nevertheless, it is still challeng- trating, so each aspect of EO to interplay to teamwork coali-
ing to measure sustainable practices due to lack of suitable tion improves organizational value, although prior literature
instruments used in evaluating sustainable business prac- neglected the above crucial connection. The research also
tices and measurement criteria, and measurement processes, brings useful insights into how small and medium enter-
whereas performance metrics are some of the unanswered prises could use each aspect of EO (innovativeness = 0.37,
issues. Although comprehensive and user-friendly measur- p 0.01 and pro-activeness = 0.21, p 0.01) to alleviate a
ing models are unable to incorporate sustainable actions few outstanding debt and boost efficiency. Moreover, this
and sustainability efficiency, organization’s environmental research provides understanding by examining the mediat-
management is assessed through similar performance met- ing effects of partnership coalition on every aspect; men-
rics, presented by researchers. Sustainable development can tioning that cooperation coalition conversing to EO inno-
be described as the “Development that meets contemporary vativeness (= 0.34, p 0.01) and proactiveness (= 0.29, p
needs and does not sacrifice the capacity of future genera- 0.05) can contribute to enhanced organizational value. Like
tions to meet their own needs.” This article connected envi- a consequence, this finding adds a few additional insight
ronmentally sensitive entrepreneurship with sustainable and important details to research in this area for public and
development, taking evidence from developing countries. industry practitioners. The existing original study findings
Human economic activity to make a living, affecting the highlight the importance for business executives and small
local economy, is the leading cause of environmental degra- and medium-sized supervisors. To start, this highly antici-
dation. However, efforts to reduce the consumption of envi- pated which evenly tries to implement EO parameters is
ronmental pollution are made by the people in field of clean ineffective for maximizing the value. Foremost, the research
or green technology. results give a strong moderation of creativity and ingenu-
ity and pro-activeness with teamwork alliances. Small and
medium enterprises ought to be conscious that about their
Conclusions and policy implication collaborators, they must not utilize individuals in enhanc-
ing research and development efforts, innovation, and pro-
Attempting to solve threats to the environment requires a duction facilities in effort to accomplish goal sales volume.
comprehensive knowledge of the association between both Eventually, we evaluate the strong partnership that used a
the environment and economic growth sustainability. Cor- PMG ARDL forecasting model. As per our findings, a 1
porate social responsibility efficiency has been extensively percentage boost in per-capita earnings at quite a provided
examined both of new tech and sustainable effectiveness. As sense of financial expansion throughout 2.88, 4.54, and
just a consequence, start adding, structures, and procedures 2.48% decreases in carbon footprints. The significance of
to the product or service supply chain to spur innovation. business expansion in inflaming land pollution illustrates. It
Innovation and global sustainability have a significant asso- is necessary for governments to work with business units to
ciation. To enforce corporate social responsibility rules in develop environmentally sustainable products, environmen-
promoting growth process, corporations must use innovative tally aware enterprises, and sustainable environmental plans.
environment friendly and sustainable technology methods. Economic entities can design numerous loaning specifica-
The main goals of corporate social responsibility are income tions for lines of credit, such as adequate collateral, with the

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:21426–21439 21437

help of policy reformers. It should also be able to evaluate minimize environmental emissions by depending on tradi-
and track this same duty of green shareholders to make sure tional and costly intervention will indeed be first dust mote. To
that their own businesses adhere to the goals of sustainable deadline, this same natural community and emissions variables
development. Due to the obvious high percentage of high have received fewer attention of policymakers. It has identified
illiteracy throughout most nations, low elements of social just few public-sector shoulders which endorse the findings
production and environmental issues have amplified even as of our research to minimize environmental emissions. The
region grows. To that end, the current regime should begin chief factor seems to be, in specific, the less productive and
trying to educate and inspiring the general population to inventive role of democratic rulers and government officials.
think about the future of global warming and other signifi- Nevertheless, we suggest that its city authority be provided a
cant ecological worries. Participants must develop business futuristic stance to aid entrepreneurship, with the assistance
education laws and focus on eco-friendly products. Officials of a specific element like security exchange commission of
must inform the public about using resource goods by organ- Pakistan (SECP) and business forums to take out companies
izing seminars and displays; these nutrients are much more utilizing environmentally friendly commodities.
effective than coal and oil in generating power. Researchers suggest here to the government of Pakistan that
now the business community fully promotes the environmental
Policy implications hazard and also that the device establishes a comprehensive course
of attack for reducing emissions via wealth creation. The nation-
Decision-makers must recognize the importance of trade lib- wide efforts of entrepreneurial enterprises will then be advanced
eralization in an era when carbon emissions are widely men- in meeting the desired objectives through effective applications of
tioned as the primary cause of earth’s atmosphere deteriora- entrepreneurship. We furthermore strongly advise that entrepre-
tion and rising temperatures. Lawmakers should encourage neurial organizations ensure ecofriendly practices, and that com-
digitalization spread because renewable energy across the modities be recorded, to contain records only with co-operation of
country seems to be insufficient for managing environmen- these projects in order to encourage an eco-friendly society. Now
tal problems and making possible consistent future growth. with energetic support of these innovation components’ trainings,
As the climate is changing at faster speed, environmen- sessions, discussions, and web conferencing could be kept to boost
tal degradation is also happening with same speed so there audience attitudes of ecologically sustainable techniques and take
should be equilibrium among environmental control and the proper advantage of entrepreneurship forums, to meet the goal
changes in the economy. The transfer of advance technolo- of having to clean up the region via entrepreneurship.
gies which are helpful to remove the issue of environmental
degradation must be viable among countries. Within the
countries and internationally carbon control, the system of Author contribution Zafran Ahmad: conceptualization; data curation;
methodology; writing—original draft; data curation. Liu Chao: visuali-
taxation upon carbon should be launched to make possible zation, supervision. Wang Chao: visualization, editing. Wasim Iqbal:
the regulation of businesses which are not working to com- review and editing. Shujaat Ahmed, Sulaman Muhammad: writing—
bat the carbon emission in the environment. The main goal review and editing; and software.
is to achieve the consistent growth.
In place of more climatic, global, and technological ele- Funding Financial support was provided in part by National Natural
Science Foundation of China (62073007, 72071006 and 61773029).
ments, such as budgetary concerns, a lack of available
resources, and a reduction in dependence on fuel usage, we Availability of data and materials The data can be available on request.
suggest to minimize the environmental impact in Pakistan
through concentrating on enterprise dimensions such as energy Declarations
efficiency, quality enhancement, and enhancing economic
output. In Pakistan, it can only be because these items are Ethical approval and consent to participate We declare that we have
challenging to attain on a basic level. Individuals who con- no human participants, human data, or human tissues.
sume contaminated goods which damage the environment
Consent for publication N/A
seem to be more totally unaware, unidentified, and far less
idealist. With us, recent proposal would help to modify the Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests.
society’s intent and attitude on to using environment-friendly
products from household sustainable entrepreneurships. As a
consequence, a cautious role for entrepreneurial sharehold-
ers should be executed in order to convert the pretty standard
specific individual buying and consumption patterns, includ- Abbas Q, Hanif I, Taghizadeh-Hesary F, Iqbal W, Iqbal N (2021)
ing such addictive behavior and tendency. Current researches Improving the energy and environmental efficiency for energy
in Pakistan’s emerging market to include a substitute way to

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