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Prakash Institute

Test-22 Advance F1 Batch 17/12/2023

Marking Scheme

Sec 1: 6 questions Single Choice 4, -1

Sec 2: 6 questions Multiple Choice 4, 1, -2 ( 1 for Partial Marking)

Sec 3: 6 questions Numerical Type 4, 0


Chemistry Maths Physics

Single Correct Type

Q1) When excess of dilute NH 4OH is added to an aqueous solution of copper sulphate an intense
blue colour is developed. This is due to the formation of :
(A) [Cu(NH3) ]
(B) Cu(OH)2

(C) [Cu(NH3) ]
(D) (NH 4 )2SO4

Q2) Which of the following structures represents bicyclo-[3,2,0] heptane?

Q3) In IV group analysis NH 4OH is added before passing H2S gas because :
(A) The sulphides of IV group are insoluble in NH 4OH
(B) The sulphides of other metals cations are soluble in NH 4OH
(C) The concentration of S2− ions is increased so as to precipitate sulphide precipitates.
(D) The sulphides of second group highly are soluble in NH 4OH

Q4) The IUPAC name of the compound is ➠

(A) 3-cyclobutylcyclopropane
(B) 1-cyclopropyl-3-methylcyclobutane
(C) 1, 3-cyclopropylmethylcyclobutane
(D) 2-methylbicyclo [4.3.0] heptane

Q5) Yellow ammonium sulphide solution is a suitable reagent for the separation of :
(A) HgS and PbS (B) PbS and Bi2S3
(C) Bi2S3 and CuS (D) CdS and As2S3

(P) (Q) metallic solid +(R) + (S)
(X) (Y) amphoteric +(R) + (S)
‘P’ and ‘X’ are respectively:
(A) AgNO3, LiNO3 (B) AgNO3, Pb(NO3)
(C) Hg2(NO3) , Ca(NO3) (D) NaNO3, Zn(NO3)
2 2 2
Multiple Correct Type

Q7) In which of the following reaction/s, white precipitate is obtained as one of the reaction
(A) Pb2+(aq)+ CO2−
3 (aq) → Products
(B) Pb (aq) + Cl−(aq) + Boiled ⟶ Products

(C) Ag+(aq) + NH3(aq) + H2O(ℓ ) ⟶ Products

(D) Ag+(aq) + Cl−(aq) ⟶ Products

Q8) The general formula Cn H2n−2 may represent:

(A) Allene (B) Alkyne
(C) Bicycloalkane (D) Cycloalkene

Q9) Hg2 I2 (green) products
with H2 O
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct with respect to the products ?
(A) Black precipitate of mercury(I) oxide is formed.
(B) Violet colour gas is evolved.
(C) Red precipitate of Hgl 2 is formed.
(D) Mercury is obtained.

Q10) Which of the following statement/s is/are incorrect for the structure of iso-octane?
(A) 5 primary, one secondary and two tertiary carbon atoms.
(B) 4 primary, two secondary and one tertiary carbon atoms.
(C) Five 1∘ Carbon, one 2∘ Carbon, one 3∘ Carbon and one 4∘ Carbon atoms.
(D) Five 1∘ Carbon, two 2∘ Carbon, one 3∘ Carbon and one 4∘ Carbon atoms.

Q11) Which of them does not give green colour in borax bead test in given flame?
(A) Cr2(SO4) in reducing flame when hot.
(B) Cu(SO4) in oxidising flame when hot.
(C) Fe 2(SO4) in reducing flame when cold.
(D) Mn(SO4) in oxidising flame when cold.

Q12) The compound/s having only 1∘ hydrogen is

(A) Methyl methanoate (B) Neopentane
(C) Methoxy methane (D) Isopentane
Numerical Type

Q13) Find out total number of compounds which on heating undergo redox reactions:

Z nCO3, NH4 NO3, HgCO3, (NH4 )2 SO4, Na HCO3, Li NO3, NH4 NO2, Hg2Cl2

Q14) What the sum of double bond equivalent + total number of different types of functional groups
in given compound?

Q15) Find the value of expression | x − y | for following compounds:

where, (x = Total number of water insoluble salts) and (y = Total number of salts which can liberate
nonpolar acidic gas during their complete thermal decomposition.)

BaCO3, PbSO4, AgNO3, CaC2O4, CsHCO3, Na3PO4, CH3COOAg, Mg(OH)2, Pb(NO3)


Q16) How many of the following compounds are incorrectly named according to the rules of

A) 7-ethyl-3,6-dimethyl-nonane
B) 1,2,3-trimethyl-propane
C) But-3-en-1-yne
D) 2-carboxy-propanoic acid
E) 3-ethyl-4,4-dimethyl-pentane

Q17) What is the total number of possible alkyl groups for the molecular formula: C5 H11 ?

Q18) The compound having molecular formula C6 H 6. The correct statement is/are
(A) It must be cyclohexene.
(B) It must be spiro-alkane
(C) It must be a bicyclo-alkyne.
(D) It must have 4 double bond equivalent
(E) It might be benzene.
(F) It might be a open chain tri-ene compound.
(G) It might be a bicyclo-alkene.
(H) It might be a monocyclo-alkyne.
M. Prakash Institute F1 Advance
Functions and Log 17/12/2023
Section I - Single answer correct 6 Questions

x2 +a
19. The set of all real values of a so that the range of the function y = x+1
is R, is :
(a) [1, ∞) (b) (−∞, −1) (c) (1, ∞) (d) (−∞, −1]

| sin x| + | cos x|
20. The period of the function f (x) = is :
| sin x − cos x|
π π
(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) π (d) 2π

21. In the square ABCD with side AB = 2, two points M and N are on the adjacent
sides of the square such that M N is parallel to the diagonal BD. If x is the distance
of M N√from the vertex A and √ f (x) = Area(4
√ AM N ), then range of f (x) is :
(a) (0, 2] (b) (0, 2] (c) (0, 2 2] (d) (0, 2 3]

x ln x
22. f (x) = and g(x) = . Then identify the correct statement :
ln x x
(a) and f (x) are identical functions
(b) and g(x) are identical functions
f (x)
(c) f (x) · g(x) = 1∀x > 0
(d) = 1∀x > 0
f (x) · g(x)

23. A function f (x) = 1 − 2x + x is defined from D1 → D2 and is onto. If the set D1
is its complete
i domain then the set D2 is :
(a) −∞, 21 (b) (−∞, 2) (c) (−∞, 1) (d) (−∞, 1]

24. Which of the following function is surjective but not injective?

(a) f : R → R f (x) = x4 + 2x3 − x2 + 1
(b) f : R → R f (x) = √ x3 + x + 1
(c) f : R → R , f (x) = 1 + x2
(d) f : R → R, f (x) = x3 + 2x2 − x + 1

Section II - More than One Correct - 6 questions
25. Which of the following function(s) would represent a non-singular (one one onto)
(a) f : R → R f (x) = |x|·sgn(x), where sgn denotes signum function
(b) g : R → R, g(x) = x3/5
(c) h : R → R, h(x) = x4 + 3x2 + 1
3x2 − 7x + 6
(d) k : R → R, k(x) =
x − x2 − 2
26. If the function f (x) = ax + b has its own inverse then the ordered pair (a, b) can be
(a) (1, 0) (b) (−1, 0) (c) (−1, 1) (d) (1, 1)

27. Let f : R → R defined by f (x) = M in(|x|, 1 − |x|) Then which of the following
hold(s) good?
(a) Range of f is (−∞, 1] (b) f is aperiodic.
(c) f is neither even nor odd. (d) f is neither injective nor surjective.

28. Which of the following are identical functions?

(a) f (x) = sgn(|x| + 1)
(b) g(x) = sin2 (ln x) + cos2 (ln x) 
(c) h(x) = π2 sin−1 {x} + cos−1 {x}
(d) k(x) = sec2 [{x}] − tan2 {[x]}
(where [x] denotes greatest integer less than or equal x, {x} denotes fractional part
of x and sgnx denotes signum function of x respectively.)

29. Which of the following pair(s) of function have same graphs?

sec x tan x cos x sin x
(a) f (x) = − , g(x) = +
cos x cot x sec x cosecx  
(b) f (x) = sgn (x2 − 4x + 5) , g(x) = sgn cos2 x + sin2 x + π3
where sgn denotes signum function.
(c) f (x) = eln(x +3x+3) , g(x) = x2 + 3x + 3

sin x cos x 2 cos2 x

(d) f (x) = + , g(x) =
sec x cosecx cot x
30. Let f : A → B be a function where set A contains 4 elements and set B contains 3
elements. Number of functions defined from A → B which are not surjective is also
equal to :
(a) number of natural solution of the equation x + y +z = 11.
(b) number of ways in which 10 children can be divided into two groups one con-
taining 2 and other containing 8 children.
(c) number of ways in which 4 boys and 4 girls can be arranged alternately in a
(d) total number of divisors of the number 3600 .

Section III - Numerical Answer - 6 questions
31. Find the number of solution of the equation 2[x] = x + {x}. [Note: [y] denotes the
greatest integer less than or equal to y and {y} denotes fractional part of y.]

32. Consider the graph of a real-valued continuous function f (x) defined on R (the set
of all real numbers) as shown below.

Find the number of real solutions of the equation f (f (x)) = 4

33. Let 
x2 − 3, x ≤ −5
x+λ −5 < x < −1

f (x) = 
 (µ − 7)(|1 − x| + |1 + x|) −1 ≤ x ≤ 1

 x+6 1<x<5
3 − x2 x≥5
f (x) is an odd function then find the value of (λ + µ).

cx −3
34. If the function f defined as f (x) = , x 6= satisfies f (f (x)) = x, then find
2x + 3 2
the absolute value of sum of all possible values of c.

−2 ≤ x ≤ −1

 x,
x + 2x, −1 < x ≤ 0

35. Let f (x) =

 2x − x2 , 0<x≤1
2 − x, 1<x≤2

Find the number of integers in the range of f (x).

2 a
36. If the sum tan 2
is equal to tan , where a, b ∈ N , then find
n=1 n +n+4 b
the least value of (a + b)

Std XI(F1) Advance Test Date - 17/12/2023 M. Prakash Institute

Section I - Single Option correct - 6 questions

37. Consider a hypothetical velocity distribution of molecules of an ideal gas. Then

(A) RMS speed is v0 (B) Average speed is
(C) Number of molecules in the gas is equal to
(D) None of the above.
38. In a container, a gas is filled and maintained at temperature T0 . Inner surface of
the wall of the container is maintained at temperature T . At different temperatures
T < T0 , T = T0 and T > T0 of the inner surface of the container wall, the pressure
exerted by the gas on the container wall is measured to be P1 , P2 and P3 respectively.
Choose the correct statement:
(A) P1 < P2 < P3 (B) P1 > P2 > P3
(C) P1 = P2 = P3 (D) P1 < P2 = P3
39. Which of the following processes is forbidden by the first law of thermodynamics?
(A) An ice cube is placed in hot coffee; the ice gets colder and the coffee gets hotter
(B) Solid wax is placed in a hot metal pan; the wax melts and the metal pan cools
(C) Cold water is placed in a cold glass insulated from surroundings; the glass gets
colder and the water gets colder
(D) A student builds an automobile engine that converts into work the heat energy
released when water changes to ice
40. In an industrial process 1000 ball bearings, each of mass 1 g, are collected in a level
square tray of side L = 2 m and have a total translational energy of 100 J. The balls
undergo effectively elastic collisions and move in random directions. The average
force exerted by the ball bearings on one side of the tray is
(A) 100/3 N (B) 200/3 N (C) 50 N (D) 25 N

41. V-T graph of samples of an ideal gas is plotted as shown in figure. Choose the
correct alternative. The samples have same number of moles but may have different

(A) P1 = P2 = P3 = P4 (B) P1 = P2 > P3 = P4

(C) P3 = P4 > P1 = P2 (D) P1 = P3 > P2 = P4
42. Figure shows variation of the internal energy U with density ρ of one mole of an
ideal mono-atomic gas for a thermodynamic process AB. Here process AB is a part
of rectangular hyperbola. Then process AB is:

(A) adiabatic (B) isobaric (C) isochoric (D) isothermal

Section II - Multiple Option correct - 6 questions

43. In an isothermal expansion of an ideal gas

(A) Pressure of the gas falls
(B) There is no change in internal energy of the gas
(C) Work done by the gas is equal to the heat absorbed by the gas
(D) Work done by the gas is equal to the change in its internal energy
44. Which of the following is true with regards to the below graph of the Maxwell speed
distribution for the molecules of an ideal monoatomic gas at 300 K

(A) N (v) represents the number of molecules having speed v

(B) The probability that a molecule has a precisely stated speed such as 600.34326759
m/s is finite
(C) The number of molecules whose speeds lie in a narrow range such as 600 m/s
to 10000 m/s has a definite non-zero value
(D) Area under the graph given by 0∞ N (v)dv represents the total number of

molecules in the system

45. The graph shows plot of 1/ρ (ρ is density) against temperature T of an ideal gas.
Choose the correct statements

(A) The graph represents isobaric expansion

(B) Smaller the slope of the line for a given temperature, larger the pressure
(C) As the temperature rises, gas does work on the surroundings
(D) Gas absorbs heat as it goes from state 1 to state 2

46. The bottoms of two conducting (diathermic) cylinders of different cross sections are
connected by a thin pipe. The gas is enclosed in the cylinders by movable pistons
A and B fitted in each of the cylinders. The masses of the pistons are mA = 1 kg
and mB = 2 kg. The whole arrangement is kept in a vacuum chamber. Initially the
pistons are at the same height h = 40 cm from the base. If an additional mass of 1
kg is gently placed on piston A which of the following statements are correct after
new steady equilibrium is reached?

(A) Pressure of the gas increases

(B) Pressure of the gas remains unchanged
(C) Height difference between the pistons becomes 30 cm
(D) Height difference between the pistons becomes 60 cm

47. P-T graph for an ideal gas is as show in the figure.

Then, choose the correct options.(symbols have their usual meaning)

(A) V − T graph (B) P − V graph

(C) ρ (density)−T graph (D) S(entropy)−T graph

48. A lift goes up with velocity 10 m/s. A pulley P is fixed to the ceiling of the lift. To
this pulley other two pulleys P1 and P2 are attached. P1 moves up with velocity 30
m/s. A moves up with velocity 10 m/s. D is moving downwards with velocity 10
m/s at same instant of time. (Assume that all velocities are relative to the ground)
Then choose the correct option/s :

(A) The velocity of B is 50 m/s. in upward direction, at that instant.

(B) The velocity of B is 10 m/s. in downward direction, at that instant.
(C) The velocity of C is 10 m/s. in downward direction, at that instant.
(D) The velocity of C is 50 m/s. in upward direction, at that instant.

Section III - Numerical - 6 questions

49. Consider the atmosphere (as an ideal gas) composed of molecules, each of mass
10−26 kg. Let its temperature be uniform and equal to 300 K. Take g = 10 m/s2
and assume it to be constant. Let H be the height at which the pressure is (1/e)th
the value at the ground level. Evaluate H in km.
Take Boltzman’s constant k = 1.33 × 10−23 J/K.
50. One mole of an ideal monoatomic gas undergoes a linear process AB shown. Let V ′
be the volume of the gas belonging to interval (0, V0 ] where the process turns from
endothermic to exothermic. If V ′ = αV0 , determine α.

51. Two containers, each of volume V◦ , joined by a small pipe initially contain the same
gas at pressure P◦ and at absolute temperature T◦ . One container is now maintained
at the same temperature will the other is heated to 2T◦ .If the number of moles of
αP◦ V◦
gas in the container at temperature 2T◦ is , then calculate α
52. A long uniform tube, open at one end, is surrounded by a gas at pressure P0 . The
tube is heated so that its temperature varies uniformly from 1000 K at closed end
to 200 K at open end. The tube is then closed and cooled to a temperature of 100
K. The final pressure in the tube is now αP0 . Calculate α.
Given: ln2 = 0.7, ln3 = 1.1, ln5 = 1.6

53. A thermodynamic system is taken from an initial state i with internal energy Ui =
100 J to the final state f along two different paths iaf and ibf as shown. The work
done by the system along the paths af, ib and bf are Waf = 200 J, Wib = 50 J
and Wbf = 100 J. The heat supplied to the system along paths iaf, ib and bf are
Qiaf , Qib and Qbf . If the internal energy of the system in the state b is Ub = 200 J
and Qiaf = 500 J, determine

54. In an industrial process 10 kg of water per hour is to be heated from 20◦ C to 80◦ C.
To do this, steam at 150◦ C is passed from a boiler into copper coil immersed in
water. The steam condenses in the coil and is returned to the boiler as water at
90◦ C. How many kilogram of steam is required per hour?
Specific heat of steam is 1 cal/g ◦ C, Latent heat steam is 540 cal/g

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