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‘GO’ & ‘HAVE’

I. Complete the sentences with an appropriate word from the box below.
patch • bistory • downbill • unpunished • easy • ruin • bang• saying • bead
spree • trouble • blank • berserk • show • back • top
1. Hey, Tom, go ________________ on the pizza, wil you? You've already polished off three
2. Her early success as a novelist went straight to her ________________. She began seeing
herself as a genius.
3. United are going through a bad ________________ at the moment. They've lost five out
of their last six matches.
4. I went to a lot of ________________ to get her that book and all she could say was, "Is that
al you bought me?"
5. It was horrible. The examiner asked me to outline Weber's theories on capitalism and my
mind went ________________.I wasn't able to say a thing.
6. He won his first two matches but from then on things went ________________. He hasn't
won a match since.
7 His parents went ________________ when he told them he was dropping out of college. His
father started shouting and his mother collapsed in anguished sobs.
8. Everyone thought he was just an insignificant clerk and then he went and won the Nobel
Prize for Physics. It just goes to ________________ that you can't judge a book by its cover.
9. ‘I think Walt Disney was the greatest film director who ever lived.’ ‘You're going a bit over
the ________________, aren't you?’
10. The first thing she did when she collected her winnings was to go on a massive spending
11. We've just received a medical bill for three thousand pounds, so ________________ goes
our holiday.
12. The 1980s will probably go down in ________________ as the last century's tackiest
13. ‘You havetirelessly served this community fornighon thirty years and it goes without
________________ that you will be sorely missed’, he said.
14. It offends people's sense of justice to see a crime go ________________.
15. It must once have been such a beautiful house, but the people who owned it had let it go to
rack and ________________.
16. Going behind her supervisor's ________________ and telling the managing director about
the lack of team spirit among the workers was bound to cause trouble.

II. Match the incomplete sentences (1 - 8) with the appropriate endings (a - b).
1. Going behind my back a. to reach the top of their profession.
2. We had gone to a lot of trouble b. providing he works hard.
3. The economy had gone to rack and ruin c. in lavishing praise on the new Broadway
4. The critic went over the top musical.
5. The leading actor's mind went blank d. when he inured a tendon.
6. Ambitious people will go to great lengths e. was a mean thing to do.
7. He'll go far f. to arrange Beth's surprise birthday party.
8. Bang went the sprinter's chances of a g. when he was about to say his opening lines.
medal h. because of the government's incompetence.

III. For each of the sentences, substitute the words in bold for an appropriate phrasal
verb from the box below. Change the tense or form of the verb go when and where
go for • go through with it • go on about • go with • go off • go down
go about • go along with • go off • go by • go over

1. I don't know how we will tackle the problem of raising £4,000 by tomorrow.
2. I wish she would stop continually talking about how great her holiday was.
3. I've stopped liking rap music. It's become too aggressive and political.
4. My alarm clock rings at half past six every morning. ________________
5. Let's carefully re-examine and check the plan again. ________________
6. He say she is going to give up his job and sail single-handed round the world, but I doubt
whether he has got the courage to compete what he has planned. ________________
7. I don't think the best man's speech was received very well. Some of his jokes were in rather
poor taste. ________________
8. It's obviously a very good film - if the reviews are anything to use in order to make a
judgement. ________________
9. It attacked me. I don't know why. All I did was bend down and stroke it.
10. Yes it's a very nice shirt, but it is blue, and it doesn't match your trousers.
11. Like a fool, I agreed to and participated in his harebrained plan to join the Foreign
Legion. ________________

IV. For questions 1- 10, complete the second sentence of that it has a similar meaning to
be first sentence, using 3 to 8 words. You must include the word given in bold, which
cannot be changed in any way.
1. He says he doesn't remember a thing about the accident. recollection
He says _________________________________________________________ the accident.
2. Most English people find it very difficult to pronounce the Spanish 'r'. difficulty.
Most English people ______________________________________________ the Spanish 'r'.
3. ‘I'm sick and tired of your pathetic excuses,’ he said. enough
He said _________________________________________________ their pathetic excuses.
4. As the only person not to receive a bonus, I think I'm perfectly entitled to feel upset. right
As the only person not to receive a bonus, I think I ____________________________ upset.
5. Joe didn't think it was wrong of him to quit at such short notice. qualms
Joe ______________________________________________________ at such short notice.
6. I would certainly recommend David for the job. hesitation
I __________________________________________________________ David for the job.
7. If you do not settle your account within seven days, we will be obliged to begin legal
proceedings. alternative
If you do not settle your account within seven days, we ___________________ you to court.
8. ‘There is no way that I will give in’, Pat said. intention
I ________________________________________________________________ Pat said.
9. She’s only just started out, but, judging by her recent performance, she should become an
excellent tennis player. makings
She _________________________________________________ an excellent tennis player.
10. I'm not sure that it would be a good idea to trust him with all that money. Misgivings
I ___________________________________________________ him with all that money.

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