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Account Based Marketing

for Top 100 Strategic Accounts

Stephanie Eng

1. Account Based Marketing Overview and Goals
2. Getting Started: Account and ICP Selection
3. Tools to Leverage –
▪ Engagio
▪ TechTarget
▪ Sendoso
▪ Drift Chat
▪ ABM in Salesforce

4. ABM Metrics and SFDC Dashboard

5. Collaboration Across Departments
6. Next Steps
What is Account Based Marketing?
A strategic approach that aligns demand creation programs & messaging against a set of
defined accounts and goals in a way that is relevant and valuable to those accounts, and to
sales. – Sirius Decisions

To identify employees at a specific company who are researching products and services and
then customize sales programs and messages to meet the needs of buyers and influencers
at that company.1

ABM focuses on relationships in your highest opportunity, highest-value accounts. By
combining efforts and resources, sales and marketing can more efficiently engage and convert

1Source: Margaret Rouse, TechTarget, What is Account Based Marketing, December 2016 3
Essential Roles & Responsibilities for a Successful ABM Team
Role Responsibilities
Demand Generation • Spearheads the ABM initiative
• Helps collect insights to develop customized value propositions, messaging docs and playbooks
• Orchestrates all interactions
• Tracks the metrics and communicates the program’s successes
• Selects and runs the ABM program mix
• Supports sales with initial ABM alignment process

Revenue Leadership and • Responsible for driving the plan forward with the team and at the account level
• Holds regular check in meetings their staff
Account Executives • Helps shapes the ABM strategy and each account plan
• Aligns all conversations around account needs
• Becomes the account’s Trusted Advisor
• Provides insight into what’s happening at the influencer and operational level
• Crafts account-specific emails and messages

Sales Development • Helps research the account and build contacts

• Reaches out to the account to build relationships
Representatives • Nurtures relationships over time
• Supports the account executive as needed

Marketing • Acts as the ABM marketer to collaborate on corporate communications and campaigns
• Understands what to customize for the customer and what programs can be included in the account’s communication strategy
• Provides insight into the industry view
• Ensures the programs and messages are relevant and resonating

Source: Engagio, The Clear & Complete Guide to Account Based Marketing 2nd Edition, 2019 4
ABM Account Criteria

Getting Started - Account and ICP Selection

1 Identify Top 3 Accounts 2 Understand Individual 3 Identify Account as ABM 4 Take Action!
Account Interests
Within your Top 100 Send list of Top 3 ABM Account Executives - email,
Account List Identify Accounts to Stephanie Eng call, begin outreach sequence
Uncover topics of interest for
Accounts with Intent / High-
Value Engagement. each account and the content Associate all ICPs to respective Marketing – nurture email,
that ICPs are actively engaging accounts. targeted campaigns, direct
Account Insights in with. mail
Salesforce, Engagio, Refer to the Top 100 ABM
Report list for active accounts. The Goal? Right Time, Right
TechTarget or DiscoverOrg
Place, Right Follow-up. Sales
and Marketing Outreach
Aligned to Accelerate Sales

What does it do? The Goal?


Better Accelerate Sales

Account Alignment Cycles

Engagement Minutes track how People & Accounts

engage with our content and company
Engagio - Account Prioritization
1 Identify Account /
Person of Interest
2 Understand if there are other
Engaged People 3 Dig into Person Details to uncover
what they’ve been engaging with 4 Take Action!

Use your best
with most Take an Action - email,
engagement / best call, begin outreach
title to identify best sequence
Person of Interest

Account / Person Insights in Engagement Minutes track how

Salesforce, Weekly Snapshot, or People & Accounts Person Details in The Goal?
Engagio App engage with our content and Scout Chrome Extension or Better Sales Alignment
company Sidebar in Engagio App Accelerate Sales Cycles

Engagio Extension

Download Scout
Engagio’s Google Chrome Extension

It’ll make things easier, faster, and

better for you!

Google Search “engagio scout chrome”

Account Intelligence at your fingertips!

TechTarget Priority Engine and Engagio
Using Priority Engine and Engagio together enhances your ABM strategy by helping to identify and engage active in-market accounts.

3 Ways Priority Engine Enhances Engagio Priority Engine

Prioritize and engage target accounts
1. Engage with Priority Engine Target Accounts and and prospects filtered by
Prospects using Engagio Automation. firmographics, technology interests,
vendors considered, products
Activate and engage buying team prospects from
installed, and more.
Priority Engine by running account-based plays in

2. Upload Engaged Accounts from Engagio to Priority

Engine to Uncover Buyers

Upload Marketing Qualified Accounts and accounts Engagio

with high engagement minutes from Engagio into Orchestrate, coordinate, and
Priority Engine to identify key buying team measure multi-channel engagements
members. across target accounts and
3. Incorporate Priority Engine Intent Data into Engagio
Account Scoring

Assign engagement minutes in Engagio for prospect

and account activity identified in Priority Engine to
score and qualify accounts appropriately.

Direct mail promotes higher brand recall, has a 4x higher response rate, and elicits a stronger
emotional reaction from the recipient.*

Salesforce Campaign to check on status

*Source: Baillie Ward, Terminus, Tips For Incorporating Direct Mail Into Your Account-Based Marketing Campaigns, April 2019 11
Drift – Targeted Invitation to Chat with Us
Online Chat Offline Bot

ABM In Salesforce
Identifying Accounts/Leads/Contacts as
ABM in Salesforce

Marketing Email Templates by Topic in

• How to use an MSI template

Quick Links:
Parent Campaign: ABM Top 100 Accounts
◆ Sendoso – ABM Top 100 Gift Card
◆ Drift – ABM Landing Page Bot

ABM Dashboard and Metrics

The Top 3 most common

ABM metrics tracked are:
1) Account Engagement
2) Pipeline Created
3) Revenue Generated

*Dashboard details will be updated once accounts are selected

Source: Jon Miller CEO Engagio, The Future of Account Based Marketing, November 2019 14
Replacing ABM Accounts
If …
• Decision Maker says
No Remove
• There’s no response No
Opportunity? Account from
by Week 6 your Top 3
• The account went
with a competitor

Remove the ABM Identifier
at the account level in
Identify new SFDC
account and
update this in
Essential Roles & Responsibilities for a Successful ABM Team
Role Responsibilities
Demand Generation • Spearheads the ABM initiative
• Helps collect insights to develop customized value propositions, messaging docs and playbooks
• Orchestrates all interactions
• Tracks the metrics and communicates the program’s successes
• Selects and runs the ABM program mix
• Supports sales with initial ABM alignment process

Revenue Leadership and • Responsible for driving the plan forward with the team and at the account level
• Holds regular check in meetings their staff
Account Executives • Helps shapes the ABM strategy and each account plan
• Aligns all conversations around account needs
• Becomes the account’s Trusted Advisor
• Provides insight into what’s happening at the influencer and operational level
• Crafts account-specific emails and messages

Sales Development • Helps research the account and build contacts

• Reaches out to the account to build relationships
Representatives • Nurtures relationships over time
• Supports the account executive as needed

Marketing • Acts as the ABM marketer to collaborate on corporate communications and campaigns
• Understands what to customize for the customer and what programs can be included in the account’s communication strategy
• Provides insight into the industry view
• Ensures the programs and messages are relevant and resonating

Source: Engagio, The Clear & Complete Guide to Account Based Marketing 2nd Edition, 2019 16
Next Steps:
Action Items: Complete By:
❑Review your 100 Target Accounts and select the Top 3 based on high ---
engagement / intent activity

❑Identify the Top 3 accounts and email this list to Stephanie Eng and Savina ---

❑Strategize with the team to identify messaging specific to each account’s ---
AppSec research and security needs

❑Within each of the 3 accounts, identify ICPs to pursue with targeted ---
messaging (leverage Engagio, Sendoso, Drift, and Marketing email templates
by topic in SFDC)
❑Check the ABM dashboard for movement and activity for each account Ongoing

• Engagio Training - Link
• TechTarget QuickStart Guide - Link
• Direct Mail with Sendoso - Link
• Drift Custom Invitation to Chat - Link
• Salesforce Dashboard – Coming soon
• Marketing Emails by Topic – Will send out with instructions

“Don’t count the people you reach;
reach the people that count”

-David Oglivy


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