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DR. B.C.


Power System II

Name- Shruti Thakkar

Semester- 6

Univ. Roll- 12001621098

Dept.- Electrical Engineering
Analysis of Symmetrical Fault

Introduction to Symmetrical Fault in Power Systems addresses anomalous
system performance in the event of a symmetrical three-phase fault, or
symmetrical short circuit. Such situations are brought about in the system by
unintentional defective operation, equipment insulation failure, or flashover of
lines produced by a lightning strike.

Introduction to Symmetrical Fault in Power System: Circuit breakers controlled

by protective relaying are used to disconnect the problematic portion of the
system in order to prevent the flow of large short circuit currents, which have
the potential to permanently destroy large equipment. Estimating the amount of
current that would flow in the event of a short circuit is necessary for the
appropriate selection of circuit breakers and protective relays; this is the
purview of fault analysis (research).

Need for fault calculation

 When the fault occurs in a part of power system, heavy current flows in
that part of circuit which may cause permanent damage to the
 The selection of the circuit breaker depends on the current flowing
immediately after the fault occurs.
 The estimation of these currents for various types of faults at various
locations in the system is called fault calculation.
 The data obtained from fault calculations are also used to determine the
settings of the relay which control the circuit breakers.
Symmetrical Faults: Definition and Characteristics
In such types of faults, all the phases are short-circuited to each other and often
to earth. Such fault is balanced in the sense that the systems remain
symmetrical, or we can say the lines displaced by an equal angle (i.e. 120° in
three phase line). It is the most severe type of fault involving largest current, but
it occurs rarely. For this reason, balanced short- circuit calculation is performed
to determine these large currents.

Symmetrical faults, also known as balanced faults, are a type of fault that can
occur in a power system where the fault current is the same in all three phases.
These faults can have significant implications on the stability and protection of
the power system, and it's important to understand their characteristics to
minimize their effects.

Symmetrical Fault Characteristics

 The fault current is the same in all three phases
 The fault impedance is the same in all three phases
 The voltage at the fault point is zero
 The power factor at the fault point is zero

These characteristics make symmetrical faults different from other types of

faults, such as unsymmetrical faults, where the fault current and impedance are
different in different phases.
Symmetrical Fault Analysis
That fault on the power system which gives rise to symmetrical current (i.e.
equal fault currents in the lines with 1200 displacement) is called a symmetrical
fault. The symmetrical fault occurs when all the three conductors of a 3-Ø line
are brought together simultaneously into a short circuit condition.

3-phase Fault

The boundary conditions are Va=Vb=Vc Ia+Ib+Ic= 0

The Symmetrical fault conditions are analysed on per phase basis using
Thevenin’s Theorem or Bus Impedance Matrix.
Sequence Components:
 An unbalanced system of ‘n’ related vectors can be resolved into ‘n’
system of balanced vectors called Symmetrical components of original
 In a Three phase system, the three unbalanced vectors either V a, Vb, Vc or
Ia, Ib, Ic can be resolved into three balanced system of vectors. The vectors
of the balanced system are called Symmetrical components of the original
 The symmetrical components of Three Phase system are as follows:
Positive Sequence Components
Negative Sequence Components
Zero Sequence Components

1. Positive sequence components:

 Equal in magnitude.
 120 degrees phase angle exists with same phase sequence of
original vectors.
 occurs before and after fault Importance: Relay and circuit breaker
operates on positive sequence components.

2. Negative sequence components:

 Equal in magnitude.
 120 degrees phase angle exists with opposite phase sequence of
original vectors.

 Occurs only during fault Importance: Synchronous Generator is

protected from unbalanced condition by using negative sequence
3. Zero sequence components:
 Equal in magnitude, no phase difference.
 Occurs only when neutral is grounded and fault occurred with
grounded Importance: zero sequence components are used in the
calculation of leakage Flux.


zero sequence components are used in the calculation of leakage Flux.

Effect of faults on transmission line:

Faults can damage or disrupt power systems in several ways. Faults increase the
voltages and currents at certain points on the system. A large voltage and
current may damage the insulation and reduce the life of the equipment. Faults
can cause the system to become unstable, and the three-phase system equipment
operates improperly. Hence, it is necessary that, on the occurrence of the fault,
the fault section should be disconnected. So, the normal operation of the rest of
the system is not affected.
Calculation of Fault Current and Fault Impedance
One of the critical aspects of analysing symmetrical faults is the calculation of
fault currents and fault impedances. Understanding these parameters is essential
for designing protective equipment and determining the system's response to
fault conditions. In this section, we will delve into the detailed calculations
involved in determining fault currents and impedances.

Fault Current Calculation:

Fault current refers to the electric current that flows through a system in the
event of a fault. To calculate the fault current, we need to consider the system
voltage and the fault impedance. The fault impedance represents the total
impedance encountered by the fault current as it travels through the system.

The calculation of fault current involves applying Ohm's law, which states that
current (I) equals voltage (V) divided by impedance (Z). By determining the
system voltage and fault impedance, we can calculate the fault current using the


 I is the fault current in amperes (A).

 V is the system voltage in volts (V).
 Z is the fault impedance in ohms (Ω).
Fault Impedance Calculation:
Fault impedance represents the total impedance experienced by the fault current
as it flows through the system. It includes the impedance of the faulted
component (such as a transmission line or a transformer) as well as the
impedance of the connecting conductors.

The calculation of fault impedance depends on the specific system configuration

and the fault location. It requires knowledge of the circuit parameters, such as
resistance, reactance, and the network topology. Engineers typically use
specialized software or analytical methods to determine fault impedance

Numerical Example of a Symmetrical Fault

Using a numerical example, we will illustrate the behaviour of a symmetrical
fault in a three-phase power system. This example will provide a practical
demonstration of how symmetrical faults manifest in real-world scenarios and
the impact they have on fault currents, voltages, and system stability.

Example Scenario
Let's consider a three-phase power system with a fault occurring on one of the
transmission lines. The fault is assumed to be symmetrical, meaning the fault
current and impedance are the same in all three phases.

Fault Current Calculation:

To calculate the fault current, we need to know the system voltage and the fault
impedance. Let's assume a system voltage of 11 kV and a fault impedance of
0.5 ohms. Using Ohm's law (I = V/Z), we can calculate the fault current:
V = 11 kV = 11,000 volts
Z = 0.5 ohms
= 11,000 / 0.5
= 22,000 amps

Fault Voltage Calculation:

During a symmetrical fault, the voltage at the fault point is zero. This means
that the faulted phase voltage drops to zero, while the other two phases maintain
their nominal voltage. In our example, the fault voltage would be:
Fault Voltage = 0 volts
System Stability:

When a symmetrical fault occurs, it can lead to a sudden increase in fault

current and cause a disturbance in the system. The magnitude of the fault
current depends on the fault impedance and the system voltage. This increased
current can affect the stability of the power system, leading to voltage drops,
equipment damage, and potential blackouts.

Protective Devices:
To mitigate the effects of symmetrical faults, protective devices such as relays
are used. These devices detect abnormal conditions and quickly isolate the
faulted section of the system, preventing further damage and minimizing
disruption to the rest of the power system.

Reasons for Analysing Symmetrical Faults

There are several compelling reasons why it is essential to analyse symmetrical
faults in power systems:

 System Protection: Symmetrical faults can result in high fault currents

that can damage equipment and disrupt the power supply. By analysing
these faults, engineers can design effective protection schemes that can
quickly detect and isolate faults, minimizing the impact on the system.
 System Stability: Symmetrical faults can significantly affect the stability
of a power system. By studying the behaviour of these faults, engineers
can assess the potential impact on system dynamics and design measures
to ensure stable operation even during fault conditions.
 Equipment Design: Understanding symmetrical faults is crucial for
designing electrical equipment that can withstand fault currents and
operate safely. By analysing these faults, engineers can determine the
appropriate ratings and specifications for equipment, ensuring reliable
and efficient operation.
 System Planning: Analysing symmetrical faults provides valuable
insights for system planning and expansion. By studying fault currents
and their effects, engineers can identify potential bottlenecks and design
appropriate system upgrades to accommodate future growth and maintain
reliable power supply.

Overall, analysing symmetrical faults is a fundamental aspect of power system

engineering. It allows engineers to take proactive measures to protect
equipment, ensure system stability, and plan for the future. By considering and
addressing symmetrical faults, engineers can create robust and resilient power
systems that meet the demands of modern society.

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