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Important names:

1. Karl Max
2. Emile Durkheim
3. Max Weber
4. Auguste Comte
5. Bronislaw Malinowski
6. James Balog

James Balog captured the moment of the ice melting by proving it with his camera sequence of
pictures. He creates the documentary Chasing Ice. One of the most important materials in reality, we
can understand reality through photography.

Methodology is the way they work. It is a systematic way. Muckrakers may be important to know.
Elizabeth Cochrane, Ida Tarbell and Upton Sinclair.

● Investigative Journalists
1. Seymour Hersh
2. John Sack
3. Nellie Bly. Considered to be the first one from our professor's point of view.
4. Lincoln Stephens
5. Ida Tarbell
6. Alejandra Agudo
7. Pedro Simón
8. Mónica Bernabé
9. Rosa María Calaf
10. Gretel Ehrlich
● Art Directors
1. Rodrigo Sánchez. He designed very important front pages of magazines.
2. David Carson
3. Ruth Ansel
4. Maira Kalman
5. George Lois
6. Saul Steinberg (Cartoonist and illustrator)
● Photojournalist
1. James Nachtwey
2. Debra Kellner
3. Thierry Bornier
4. Michelle Westmorland
5. Lennart Nilsson
6. Steve McCurry
7. Annie Leibovitz SIUU FOTO.
8. Leonard McCombe
9. Eugene Smith
10. Manu Bravo
11. Javier Bauluz
● Editors
1. Liz Tilberis
2. Paul Steiger
3. Bill Emmont
4. Henry Luce
5. Jorge Sierra (Hoopshype)
● Spin doctors
1. Edward L. Bernays (The father of public relations)
2. Ivy Lee
3. Theodore Sorensen
4. Chris Hughes
5. Stephanie Cutter
6. Dick Morris
7. Alistair Campbell
8. Max Clifford
9. Karl Rove
10. Damian McBride


It is an attempt to discover something and the driving force for this is curiosity.

Methodology is a way of living a decision to be made, when you have an issue you have a decision to
make. New way of thinking/approach.
- To choose
- Path
- Cpapacitis
- Goal

Ted Turner, CNN The Inside Story.

- National info
- TV Network
- 24 hours news. This made CNN unique.

The way people consumed CNN was to tune 5 minutes CNN and people will be well informed. This
is the method when creating the channel, they introduced a new way of consumption. After him, there
were some people who created 24 hours a day cartoons, cinema, sports… Turner was kind of the

Nowadays it is MEDIA MOGUL:

- Media mogul refers to an individual who owns a significant share of a media company,
arguably providing them with significant control over that company's media content.
- Binge consumption is based on this approach.
Scientific research:
- “Systematic, controlled, empirical and critical investigations of hypothetical propositions
about the presumed relations among natural phenomena.” Kerlinger

Systematic means logical order and that it works like a change.

Controlled and empirical means that scientific research is worried about evidence of reality. You need
to measure reality, to prove it.

Critical means that you need to leave aside your way of thinking, feeling to describe the reality in an
accurate way. Most scientific research does not take anything for granted. Even against society's

Hypothetical propositions are obvious.

You have to connect reality, to connect the dots.

You have to prove it in a reliable way.


Features of social fact: Process, compel, external, imitation and socialization.

2 types of social facts. 1 current and 2 traditions.


4 Methods for acquiring knowledge: According to Charles Peirce.

- Tenacity: everything is going to be the same, similar to tradition. It follows the logic. Chats
programs in Spain are a tradition. They produce information for people. Chiringuito is a
tenacity method. Matthew Ingram considers that there is an excessive use of interviews as a
technique. People prefer to ask rather than research, reach information

- Intuition: A priori method that mixes experience with systematic observation. How faster
you make decisions is important here. Faster than the other methods but it is very strong to
produce knowledge in reality. Is supported by experience. Andreas Bechtolsheim is the
example, he invested in a dotcom company when other investors went away. Capital is
another example, French magazine (Axel Ganz).

- Authority: Recognise that something is true because there is a trusted source. Oprah Winfrey
is an example (OWC). Reliable information. Consistency, most of the authorities they are.
She is a strong character but she has made consistent decisions over his life. Ex Seymour
Hersh, investigative journalism. Pedro Almodóvar when planning a movie all investors want
to invest.

- Scientific: The truth can be reached by small steps and with a systematic observation but here
is characterized by experimentation, deductive and inductive reality to achieve a reality. Tim
Bernerslee created this code WWW , the internet code in 1989. Nothing happened there but
nowadays we can not live without this code.


Fields of mass communication research

Mass communication is similar to Media Theory.

Traditionally there are 2 schools: American and European.

Americans tend to use surveys, they are specialists in them, if you like or dislike media things. They
just focus on effectiveness. That's why the tools they use are concentrated on mathematics and

Europeans tend to observe reality and try to describe the process. W.Benjamin with his work The
work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction. Observing the reality for a long period of time
they realise about this problem exposed in the book. Cultural industry transforms theatres into movie
theatres. Tend to conduct ethnography, which was the main tool. Qualitative methodology.

First systematic approach to describe the communication process is the Lasswell Model:

5 Questions: Who, Effects, Says what, Channel, To whom.

- Who: Sender of the message, the communicator of the media process. Control analysis.
Example Fox News: political information, Far Right wing and support Donald Trump messages in
most of the cases. Only channel that supports him.
- Says what: Content of the message. What does whoever says in the message? Content analysis.
Example: Donald Trump speech on television with the repetition of words such as problem and an
answer of 1 minute and 220 words in 1 minute to a simple question.
-In which channel: Kind of technology do we need to transmit the message? Media analysis.
Example: Cell Phone and internet connection. Problem: flexibility of specific media technology and
- To whom: The receiver of the message. Audience analysis, demographic info (postal code,age)
- Effect: What media do to people. Effect analysis, consequences of communication process.
Oldest field of studies in media mass communication research.




Concept: It is a term that expresses an abstract idea formed by generalizing from particulars and
summarising related observations.

Example of traditional concept: love. It is based on small things, memories or sharings.

Other example (teachers one): engagement. Definition transformed into a marketing definition. It is a
big concept but you need to establish different levels of attention by focussing on binge watching, and
time shifted audience.

Variable: It is an empirical counterpart of the concept. They are the phenomena and events that are
measured or manipulated in research.

Example: influencers. Around 1M of followers is considered to experts as an influencer. The

variable is 1M.

Mini - influencers have more credibility as they are closer to the audience and the people.

They are important because they link the empirical world with the theoretical.

Another example, related to journalism but in the past, is TV and the rating (variable). Nowadays it is
very complicated to measure this because of multiplatform. COMSCORE measures the success of
programs in Spain. We have a problem when measuring success in multiplatforms because for
example with netflix we can share passwords and it is difficult to establish that information.

Another big problem to establish here is privacy because nowadays cookies are not going to work
anymore. Now they give terms to be accepted.

Types of variables:

Independent: variables that are or may be systematically varied by the researcher. Rest of
information we need to prove something. We can't manipulate these variables.

Dependent: variables that are what the researcher wishes to explain.

Levels of measurements:

Nominal: numbers, name, letters that we assign to specific features of reality.

Ordinal: express the reality that should have an order at the end. Order the reality as a priority.
Ratio: same way of interval level with just only one difference, there is a true zero/point.

Measurement scales:

Represents a composite measure of a variable. Based on more than one item.

Generally it is used with complex variables that do not easily lend themselves to single-item

Specialised rating scales:

- Thurtones: first measurement scale around the world in history. Louist - 1928
- Guttman: designed by Louis Gutman in 1944. Tends to be named as a cumulative scale
because there is a degradation. If you choose the last one you agree with the previous ones
- Likert: most frequent scale in media studies. Question or statement exposed and some
answers to be chosen (strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree or strongly disagree). Designed
by Rensis Likert in 1932.
- Semantic Differential Scale: two options separated and divided with gaps where you have to
position yourself near one or another depending on your answer regarding the two sides.

Reliability and Validity:

Every single research must have a level of those two things.

R: a measure is reliable if it consistently gives the same answer. If the same results are obtained by
different editorial profiles we can consider that the information is true. CRUCIAL!

V: is achieved by examining the measurement device to see whether, on face of it, it measures what it
appears to measure.



DEFINITION: 2023 - It is a research involving lengthy observation of and interaction with

members of a group to understand their culture from the actor´s perception.

The essence of ethnography is the understanding of an actor's perspective of reality. We need to make
a systematic observation to transform a casual observation into a systematic one. It started in the
14/15th century. We got valuable information from Marco Polo and its diaries, which is a very good
tool for gathering information. It involves learning and knowledge.

(Fiesta) very important book. Leonard McCombe (other author), transformed his ethnography into
a different product which was called photo essay. Eugene Smith (Country Doctor)

When to use it

1. When we do not have any clue about something it is very interesting to use ethnography,
when you have any idea.
2. When we need additional information, further information about a specific phenomena.

David Berlain. Molly Crabapple. NAMES TO TAKE INTO ACCOUNT.


It is a descriptive study of a particular human society. Contemporary ethnography is based

almost entirely on field work and requires the complete immersion of the researcher in the
culture and everyday life culture and everyday life of the people who are the subject of his study.

We need to have access and see the explicit culture and the implicit one. We have to go behind the

Father of ethnography:

Bronislaw Malinowski (“Argonauts of the Western Pacific” 1922)

He participated by entering and practising the different actions and rituals of a society. You can
understand the culture by seeing it but as well could be understood by practising them.

Ritual is a celebration which takes place during a long period of time in a certain community.
Frequency is a very important thing in rituals but the high meaning, the feeling that transmit is the
most important thing to them. So meaning, tradition and frequency.

Social facts are very related to rituals. Example: coffee time/eating at home.

Key actors means those people who are the centre of the ritual. First place of the phenomena.

Social interactions

Modern ethnography tries to get the meaning of the people who live in the city. It probably helps us to
develop a specific approach. In the past it taught about broad society but nowadays it is about
communities within our communities.


1. Symbolic interactionism: specific way of thinking about philosophy designed by George

Premises: Society consists of organised and patterned interactions among individuals. Humans adjust
their behaviour to the actions of other actors. We can adjust because we are able to interpret them.

Key: behaviour and interpretation

Characteristics of ethnography

1. Systematic: when we register the frequency of a phenomenon.

2. Natural settings: going to the place, moving to reality.
3. Researcher´s perception is crucial: interpretation of people.


Latency: time between stimulus and response

Occurrence: the first appearance of the phenomena in the field.
Intensity: There is previous content, it is a good way to express all these descriptions.

All of these ethnography is related with Arthur Conan Doyle


1. Excellent for breaking the ice

2. Natural settings
3. Recommended for nonverbal communication
4. Within the context of an specific culture
5. Gathering information depends exclusively on the researcher


1. It has not external validity

2. Investigator bias
3. Reactivity of the public

For the introduction you need a tie.


1. Establish a rapport: bad rapport is where most of the people close or avoid to provide you
relevant information.
2. Key informants
3. Ask questions
4. Record the key language
5. Negotiating one's roles.


Más o menos.


Survey is not the same as opinion polls, statistical survey, political poll and scientific survey.

Survey is for exploratory purposes while the others, opinion polls and synonyms are for representation

Concept opinion poll: measurement technique to collect information or opinion from a population of
interest, using a structured questionnaire that was applied to a small number of citizens.

Sample is the people you took for obtaining the answers. It is represented by Ben diagrams.
Second meaning, this subset of population has been selected by statistical rules.

Public opinion can be obtained with polls.

Representation of public opinion is done by media and opinion polls, because they represent the state
of majority.

Survey vs scientific survey:

Anybody can decide how they sample in the end.
Self administrated
Scientific survey:
S.P sampling
Maths/statistical rules
Proceedings do not allow anybody to decide in the end how they are sampling in the end.

History: 1936 they began to be done.

What happened? George Gllup, Archibald Crossley and Elmo Roper made a sample of over 5
thousand people and predicted that Roosevelt would win over Ladon. On the other hand Literary
predicted Landom as a winner. The 3 people were right.

This is the poll that changed polling all over the word.

Spain: Media + Pollsters


- According to the moment: Benchmark, Tracking.

Benchmark is the initial point, what do we need to know about our voters, is crucial
information in the beginning.
Tracking is a poll that lets us know how something is going over time, we can see the
evolution of our strategy or whatever. Very useful but it needs money, they are expensive.

- By goal: Descriptive, predictive.

Predictive tries that every opinion poll or whatever should be predictive, most of us want that
pols predict things. Speaking about polster, the level of prediction is what they seek when we
conduct an opinion poll.

- By technology: Face to Face, telephone, internet.

Survey specifications:

These elements are always important.

Population: Universe, total number of people studied. Population = Total number (new concept is
LIKELY VOTERS = It is a number that is calculated on habits, so they are people that used to vote in
previous terms.

Problem, impossible to ask everyone, we need a sample. It is difficult to establish a population so the
Likely voters appeared.

Problem of likely voters is that the population of likely voters is growing.

Sample size: It is a finite part of a statistical population whose properties are studied to gain
information about the whole. 384 size is a typical number for researchers exempt if iti is an
electoral one.

MOSE: Margin Of Sampling Error. The difference between the true value of a parameter in the
population and the value derived from a survey. Maximum level of error, +/-2% (For being
accepted for political polls). +/-5% of error for enterprises of huge magnitude as CocaCola…

Confidence interval: Degree of certainty that the results of a study fall within a given range of values
(minimum 95% and maximum 99%)

Survey sampling method: The way that observations are selected from a population to be in the
sample for a sample survey.

Probability (Every member should be part of these ) and non-probability ( ??¿¿ ) sampling.
Simple-random sample is the most extended well done probability sample.

1.Questionnaire and 1.The questions and how they have been made.
2.Time it took to pass the questionnaire completely to the entire sampñe population. (maximum level
7 days). To be predicted every survey should be conducted one month before the electoral date.

Researcher: Investigatethe owner of polling, years of experience, previous studies, their accuracy in

Sponsorships: Sometimes companies interested in research tend to be different than those which fund
the project.

POLL AGGREGATORS allows us to see the evolution/tendency of everyone. They help us to

interpret every survey done.

They compile results of polls from a specific period of time.

How do we interpret them?

En una encuesta hay que coger el MOSE y sumarselo y restarlo al porcentaje global de cada uno.

Artifact variable is an event that affects and produces specific results.

Strengths of political poll:

It embraces a wide range of issues.

Not for people with verbal difficulties.
Information gathered is restricted to that provided by the individual.
Mediation of the interviewer may cause reactive effects.

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