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The role of friction in orthodontics

Article in Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics · April 2012

DOI: 10.1590/S2176-94512012000200028

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3 authors, including:

Mariana Ribeiro Pacheco Dauro Oliveira

Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais


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special article

The role of friction in orthodontics

Mariana Ribeiro Pacheco1, Wellington Corrêa Jansen2, Dauro Douglas Oliveira3

Introduction: Sliding mechanics is widely used during orthodontic treatment. One of the disadvantages of this
mechanics is the friction generated at the bracket/archwire interface, which may reduce the amount of desired
orthodontic movement obtained. Due to the application and great acceptance of this type of mechanics, the role
of friction in Orthodontics has been of interest for both clinicians and scientists.

Objective: Therefore, this article discussed how friction affects orthodontic tooth movement, with an approach to its
clinical implications as well as the evolution of dental materials and its properties regarding resistance to sliding.

Keywords: Orthodontics. Orthodontic brackets. Dental materials.

MSc in Orthodontics, PUC-Minas, Brazil. How to cite this article: Pacheco MR, Jansen WC, Oliveira DD. The role of friction in
orthodontics. Dental Press J Orthod. 2012 Mar-Apr;17(2):170-7.
Associate Professor, PUC-Minas, Brazil.
Submitted: June 6, 2009 – Revised and accepted: October 13, 2009
Head of the Masters Program in Orthodontics, PUC-Minas, Brazil.
» The authors report no commercial, proprietary, or financial interest in the products
or companies described in this article.

Contact address: Mariana Ribeiro Pacheco

Av. Pereira Teixeira, 100 sala 203 – Centro
CEP: 36.200-034 – Barbacena / MG – Brazil

© 2012 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 170 Dental Press J Orthod. 2012 Mar-Apr;17(2):170-7
Pacheco MR, Jansen WC, Oliveira DD

Introduction or group of teeth move due to the force to moment

The friction present during orthodontic sliding ratio generated during the activation of the loops.
mechanics represents a clinical challenge to the or- SAM is also called “frictionless mechanics” be-
thodontists because high levels of friction may re- cause the brackets and tubes do not slide along the
duce the effectiveness of the mechanics, decrease archwire5. The other space closure mechanics used
tooth movement efficiency and further complicate in Orthodontics is the Sliding Mechanics (SM),
anchorage control.1 One of the primary focuses of which involves the actual sliding of brackets and
the search for ideal conditions for orthodontic tooth tubes along the wire.6
movement (OTM) is the reduction of friction at the Although SAM provides excellent control of
bracket-wire-ligature interface in certain stages of tooth inclination during space closure, it is not
treatment2. Therefore, lower but still sufficient to as popular as SM. The possible SAM disadvan-
promote OTM forces could be used.3 tages are the need for a refined biomechanics un-
Orthodontics, as part of modern sciences, is also derstanding to properly activate the springs and
influenced by the rapid and constant technologi- closing loop archwires, as well as the increased
cal development observed in today’s society, most chances to cause patient discomfort when these
particularly, in regards to dental materials. Accord- loops are not adequately adjusted.6 Conversely, the
ing to Kusy,4 an important researcher on this topic, probable SM advantages are the simpler archwires
the knowledge about biomechanics and orthodon- used, the shorter chair time and lower chances to
tic materials complement each other. Therefore, a cause patient discomfort7. However, SM also pres-
good comprehension about biomechanical concepts ents disadvantages such as the higher chances to
is very important for the development of innovative generate dental tipping and the friction generated
orthodontic materials and such innovations may re- at the bracket-wire-ligature interface.8
sult in new biomechanical principles. Friction is the force that resists against the
In this context, one of the major goals of the movement of one surface in relation to another
orthodontic manufacturing companies is the and that acts on the opposite direction of the de-
search for new products that would generate less sired movement1. When two surfaces slide one
friction during sliding mechanics. Over the last over the other, two force components are created:
two decades, major efforts have been made to de- Frictional Force (FF), tangent to the Contacting
velop the so called low-friction brackets, wires and Surface (CS) and Normal Force (N), perpendicular
ligatures. In order to carefully determine the real to the FF and to the CS8 (Fig 1). FF is directly pro-
cost-benefit of these products, the orthodontist portional to N and dependent on the friction coef-
must critically understand the role of friction dur- ficient of both contacting surfaces. This coefficient
ing sliding mechanics. Therefore, the objectives of is a constant closely related to the superficial char-
this article are to: (1) Discuss the clinical implication acteristics of each material involved.1,8
of friction on OTM; (2) debate which variables and There are two types of FF: Static Friction (SF)
how some orthodontic materials may affect friction and Kinetic Friction (KF)9. SF is the smallest force
during sliding mechanics and, finally; (3) consider needed to initiate a movement between two solid
the real clinical application of the new low-friction bodies that were static in relation to each other.
brackets, wires and ligatures. Kinetic friction is the force that resists against the
sliding movement of a solid object against another
Friction and sliding mechanics at a constant speed. SF is always greater than KF
Orthodontic tooth movement during space clo- since it is harder to change a body from its inertial
sure may be performed with two different types of situation than to maintain it moving.1,8 When an or-
mechanics. The first is the “Segmented Arch Me- thodontist tries to slide a tooth along the archwire,
chanics” (SAM), which consists in bending loops the tooth is subjected to an alternate movement of
on stainless steel (SS) or titanium molybdenum tipping and uprighting, thus moving in a sequen-
(TMA) wires. When SAM is implemented, the tooth tial number of small and consecutive movements.

© 2012 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 171 Dental Press J Orthod. 2012 Mar-Apr;17(2):170-7
special article The role of friction in orthodontics

element method and reported that approximately

60% of the orthodontic force applied to a tooth is
Normal (N) lost as SF. Thus, the biological tissue response to
the mechanical stimulus takes place only if the
force is strong enough to overcome SF. Therefore,
Traction force (TF)
higher levels of friction during sliding mechanics
Body to
be moved require the application of higher orthodontic forc-
Contact surface (CS)
es and may compromise the amount of OTM ob-
tained as well as complicate anchorage control.5-8
Despite the undesirable effects that friction
may cause in some stages of the orthodontic treat-
ment, there are other clinical situations in which
Figure 1 - Different forces acting over a body under traction on top of a surface.
the presence of friction is beneficial such as when
Body to be moved, contact surface (CS), Traction force (TF), Friction force (FF). the orthodontist wants to use a group of teeth as a
larger anchorage unit or during torquing at the fin-
ishing stage of treatment.1,2,8 Therefore, a good un-
derstanding of how friction may impact the clinical
Therefore, SF is more important than KF during development of the orthodontic therapy, the vari-
space closure.8 ables that increase friction and how they can be bet-
The application of the retraction force during ter controlled is very important to the orthodontist
space closure with SM generates a moment on the who wishes to improve his or her clinical skill and
tooth’s crown that causes an initial crown tipping consistently provide better services to the patients.
and later root uprighting. This moment is deter-
mined by the location of the point of force appli- Variables that may influence
cation in relation to the center of resistance of the Friction during OTM
tooth or group of teeth. A number of successive The variables affecting the role of friction dur-
crown tippings and root uprightings take place in ing orthodontic treatment could be divided in two
the same plane of space towards the direction of the large groups: Biological and mechanical. The ma-
applied force. When the tooth inclines, the orth- jor biological factor influencing SF seems to be
odontic wire binds against the edge of the bracket the presence of saliva, which acts as a lubricant
slot (“binding effect”), increasing friction and fur- and plays an important role in friction reduction. 12
ther restricting OTM. Greater frictional forces This information may be important when treating
mean that an increased number of tipping and patients presenting xerostomia or those who regu-
uprighting must take place. Thus, friction should larly take medications that reduce the production
be minimized to achieve a more efficient sliding of saliva. The influence of saliva in friction reduc-
movement of the tooth along the arch wire.8 tion may also be relevant when an orthodontist
When the orthodontic wire slides through the consider the clinical application of in vitro labo-
bracket slot and the tubes, some resistance to ratory studies. Some of these experiments do not
sliding always takes place at the bracket/wire in- simulate the presence of saliva and neither point
terface. This phenomenon is observed during lev- out this methodological limitation.
eling and alignment, space closure and even dur- The accumulation of debris on the surface of
ing torque expression at the end of treatment.10 A orthodontic wires also appears to be a significant
percentage of the orthodontic force applied to the variable that may increase friction throughout the
teeth is lost as static friction and the rest is trans- orthodontic treatment. Significant deposits of bio-
ferred to the tooth and its periodontium, generat- film were registered on orthodontic archwires af-
ing the actual OTM. Kojima e Fukui11 evaluated ter only 8 weeks of intraoral use.13 The number of
the influence of friction on OTM using the finite adult patients seeking orthodontic care has been

© 2012 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 172 Dental Press J Orthod. 2012 Mar-Apr;17(2):170-7
Pacheco MR, Jansen WC, Oliveira DD

increasing in the past decades and these patients of friction between mono and polycrystalline ce-
have higher tendencies for calculus formation. ramic brackets. The first group presented a slightly
Therefore, the orthodontist who constantly treats smother slot surface, but the levels of friction were
adult individuals should pay attention to the pres- very similar between the two groups.9
ence of debris on the archwires that may be used The insertion of a metal slot in ceramic brack-
for several months. Stainless steel archwire clean- ets has showed relatively good success to reduce
ing following clinical use with ultrasound for 15 the levels of SF on this type of esthetic orthodon-
seconds or with steel wool sponge for one minute tic brackets. This structural modification aimed to
were efficient methods to decrease the static fric- combine the esthetic of a ceramic bracket to the
tion of used archwires.14 clinical performance of metal brackets4. Ceramic
The third biological variable that may be clini- brackets with metal slots did show lower levels
cally relevant is the biodegradation that the orth- of SF than pure ceramic brackets. However, their
odontic materials suffer throughout the orthodon- levels of SF remained higher than those registered
tic treatment. A recent evaluation of some impor- with metal brackets.19 This difference may be due
tant properties of brackets and elastic ligatures to the different ceramic and metal expansion coef-
after their use brought some light to some of the ficients,4 or to the presence of a gap between the
questions related to the biodegradation of orth- ceramic bracket body and the metal slot20 what
odontic materials.15,16 The examination of metallic could be responsible for an inaccurate adaptation
brackets post-orthodontic treatment revealed al- between these two major components, compro-
terations such as corrosion, structural fatigue and mising its clinical performance.
plastic deformation. Different levels of biofilm were Bracket size, slot depth and width also influ-
registered at the surface of these products and car- ence the amount of friction registered during slid-
bon, oxygen, calcium and phosphorus were found ing mechanics. Wider brackets present higher fric-
superficially. Commercially available brackets of tional forces than brackets with reduced width due
two different manufacturers presented up to 20% to the greater area of surface contact between the
more friction than their out of the box correspon- bracket and the wire. In addition, a greater angula-
dents.15 Differently than the brackets, elastic liga- tion of the wire in relation the bracket slot is also
tures showed similar levels of friction both brand related to an increased resistance to sliding.21
new or after different times of intraoral use.16 The type of orthodontic wire used will also in-
The physical and mechanical properties of orth- fluence the amount of friction during the different
odontic brackets deserve special attention when stages of treatment and the wire alloy, its cross sec-
the effects of friction on OTM are considered. In tion and diameter as well as the surface roughness
this context, the type of material used to construct should be taken into consideration. Cacciafesta et
the bracket is the first property to be evaluated. al22 evaluated the amount of friction related to the
Metal brackets present lower friction coefficients most commonly alloys used in orthodontic arch-
than ceramic and plastic brackets and they are wire manufacture: Stainless steel (SS), nickel-ti-
considered the golden standard to perform sliding tanium (NiTi) and TMA. 0.016-in, 0.017 x 0.025-in
mechanics.17 Plastic brackets showed lower values and 0.019 x 0.025-in wires were tested and the re-
of friction than polycrystalline ceramic brackets.17 sults showed that SF increases when thicker wires
Others studies investigated possible static friction of the same alloy were tested. TMA wires present-
differences between poly and monocrystalline ce- ed higher frictional resistance than SS and NiTi
ramic brackets and no significant differences were wires of same diameter. According to Omana et al, 9
registered.12,18 Omana et al9 reported that scanning the influence of the wire size on friction increases
electronic microscopy evaluations showed no ma- because thicker wires fulfill the bracket slot and
jor surface roughness differences between the two the amount of force needed to cause orthodontic
types of ceramic brackets and this property could tooth movement is also increased. Saunders and
not be pointed out as the cause for different levels Kusy18 also reported higher frictional values with

© 2012 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 173 Dental Press J Orthod. 2012 Mar-Apr;17(2):170-7
special article The role of friction in orthodontics

TMA wires, followed by the NiTi arches. They sug- of having a self-ligating bracket is actually not
gested that the increased TMA surface roughness that new. The first report of a SLB was the Rus-
and the greater elasticity of the titanium alloys as sell Lock appliance in 1935.1-4 Other brackets with
the reasons for such findings. similar concepts have been introduced in the mar-
Another mechanical variable that plays an im- ket and a few of these SLB have been consistently
portant role in friction formation at the bracket/ available since the early 80’s25. SLB present a clip
wire interface, constantly present in daily clini- incorporated to its buccal surface that locks the
cal orthodontics is the method of wire ligation wire within the slot and transforms the bracket in
to the bracket. Steel or elastic ligatures may con- a tube-like device, thus eliminating the need for
tribute differently to friction increase depending elastic or steel ligatures.2,3 Passive SLB present a
on how they are used.23 Steel ligatures influence clip that does not press the arch wire against the
resistance to sliding according to the intensity of internal walls of the bracket slot (Fig 2A). Con-
the ligation. They can generate higher amounts of versely, active or interactive SLB present a spring
SF than elastic ligatures if they are tightly used. clip that pushes wires of greater diameter against
However, if they are loosely inserted, small gaps the bracket slot (Fig 2B).
between the wire and the bracket slot remain pres- There were no significant differences between
ent and smaller SF values may be registered24. The the amounts of friction registered when passive
amount of SF may also vary depending on the type and active SLB where tested with round wires,
of elastic ligature used to ligate the archwire to the However, when heavier rectangular wires were
brackets. Hain et al24 reported that elastic ligatures implemented active SLB showed more resistance
with decreased surface roughness generated lower to sliding than passive SLB.26 Ehsani et al27 per-
amounts of friction. formed a systematic review of the literature on
Elastic ligatures tied as the number 8 generated SLB and reported that based on the evaluation of
increased levels of SF with all ligatures tested. the papers published until august 2008, there were
The high number of variables that may influ- no evidence to support that SLB brackets gener-
ence friction complicates the determination of the ated significantly less friction than conventional
exact variables acting in all different clinical sce- brackets in the following clinical situations: (1)
narios especially when all possible types of brack- when rectangular stainless steel wires were used;
et/archwire/ligature combinations are consid- (2) with marked dental tipping or torquing and (3)
ered. The search for new materials that decrease when treating complex malocclusions. The frac-
the amount of friction continues and it has actu- ture of the buccal clip, the difficulty in using elas-
ally increased in recent years, as discussed below. tic chains and the cost up to ten times higher than
conventional brackets of the same manufacturer
Recently introduced orthodontic have been reported as other limitations of SLB. 2,4
materials to reduce friction However, the authors of this manuscript acknowl-
The golden standard materials to perform slid- edge that the orthodontic companies have been
ing mechanics is the combination of stainless steel heavily investing in SLB both on research and in
brackets and wires1,4. The main technological inno- advertisement. Therefore, as further laboratory
vations that have been tried to create low-friction and clinical studies take place, improvements may
orthodontic materials could be divided in design decrease the current SLB limitations, reduce their
innovations and surface treatments. Among the cost and if all advantages suggested by the manu-
various attempts to change the bracket design to facturers are confirmed, the use of SLB as the gold-
reduce friction, the use of self-ligating brackets en standard for orthodontic brackets may became
(SLB) has been the most tested. truly evidenced based.
During the past decade, SLB have been adver- A polyurethane elastic ligature presenting a
tised as the new great innovation in Orthodontics. very creative design (Slide®, Leone Ortodonzia e
However, like some other “innovations”, the idea Implantologia, Florence, Italy) is another “new”

© 2012 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 174 Dental Press J Orthod. 2012 Mar-Apr;17(2):170-7
Pacheco MR, Jansen WC, Oliveira DD


Figure 2 - A) Passive SLB: The buccal clip does not touch the arch wire, B) Active SLB: The buccal clip may
press the wire against the internal surfaces of the slot depending on the wire cross section and diameter.

low-friction material recently introduced in the to decrease static frictional force.29 These ions
market. This ligature combined to a conventional were incorporated to the surface of wire during
bracket forms a tube-like structure (Fig 3). Baccet- the manufacturing process, increasing the wire
ti e Franchi28 reported significant lower resistance hardness and significantly reducing SF when com-
to sliding with the Slide® ligature than with con- pared to the conventional orthodontic wires. The
ventional elastic ligatures. They concluded that same technology was recently tested to improve
this newly-designed elastic ligature may be used to the clinical performance of stainless steel brack-
generate a low-friction system when conventional ets. The initial in vitro results were very promising
brackets were used. Another possible advantage of for both increasing the superficial hardness and
this system would be the possibility to selectively reducing the resistance to sliding.30
use this ligature in one tooth or in some teeth were
lower levels of friction were desired. Conclusion
Finally, the efforts to discover technological 1. The resistance to sliding in Orthodontics is mul-
innovations to decrease friction in Orthodontics tifactorial. It is directly influenced by the types
are not limited to design modifications. The use of of materials used and affects orthodontic tooth
different superficial treatment of orthodontic ma- movement efficiency. The presence of friction
terials has also been explored. A new type of elas- is unfavorable in many clinical situations. How-
tic ligature that incorporated a technology named ever, it may be very important in others.
Metafasix® (Super Slick Elastic Modules ®, TP Or- 2. The biological variables influencing friction
thodontics, La Porte, IN, USA) was recently intro- seem to have been overlooked by orthodontists.
duced. According to the manufacturer, the engi- Simple factors such as the accumulation of de-
neering process is similar to the one implemented bris over the wire surface and the brackets’ bio-
to fabricate stents used to treat coronary heart degradation registered after intraoral use may
disease, consisting of a water resistance polymeric be as important as the type of material used
coating, thus making the elastic ligature extremely when friction in Orthodontics is considered.
slippery in the presence of saliva. Hain et al24 re- 3. The physical or mechanical variables that in-
ported approximately 60% of friction reduction fluence friction formation during OTM are
when these elastic ligatures were used. more frequently researched than the biologi-
Diamond-like carbon (DLC) surface coating of cal variables. They should be carefully taken
SS and NiTi orthodontic wires have been suggested into consideration during the different stages

© 2012 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 175 Dental Press J Orthod. 2012 Mar-Apr;17(2):170-7
special article The role of friction in orthodontics


Figure 3 - A) Slide® elastic ligature, B) Frontal view of the ligature tied to a conventional metal bracket, C) Lateral view of this low-friction system, where there is no
pressure on the orthodontic wire.

of the orthodontic treatment to increase effi- cal orthodontists to better understand the
ciency in different clinical situations. performance of all materials available and
4. The technological innovations used to develop to critically follow the new products intro-
new low-friction materials such as the design duced in the market. Therefore, the ortho-
alterations and the surface treatments seem to dontist would be able to identify which of
present good potential to reduce friction in spe- these new materials may actually contribute
cific clinical situations. However, the cost of these to diminish the clinical limitations of some
materials is still significantly higher than the tra- orthodontic materials.
ditionally used materials and their real cost to
benefit remains scientifically questionable. Acknowledgements
5. The need to increment orthodontic materi- The authors would like to thank Dr. Telma
als research especially performing studies Martins de Araújo (Head Professor of Orthodon-
with greater direct clinical application is tics, Federal University of Bahia) for the invita-
undisputed. These studies would help clini- tion to write this manuscript.

© 2012 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 176 Dental Press J Orthod. 2012 Mar-Apr;17(2):170-7
Pacheco MR, Jansen WC, Oliveira DD


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© 2012 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 177 Dental Press J Orthod. 2012 Mar-Apr;17(2):170-7

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