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Capstone Draft Proposal Worksheet

Name: Elliot Macmillan

Topic: Youtube video series of car maintenance and driving skill tutorials.
Focus Area: Product
Inquiry Question: How can I make a series of guided informative videos while teaching others
about car maintenance and driving skills?

1) Capstone Project Summary:

In the box below, please type out 200 – 300 words explanation of what you are planning to do with
your Capstone Project. It should be as specific as possible, detailing what you hope to accomplish.

I want to create a YouTube channel where I create, and upload guided, informative videos about various types
of car maintenance and driving skills. The maintenance I would be teaching would be everyday types of
maintenance such as replacing a headlight bulb, to more important but still pretty basic types of maintenance
such as replacing your wheels when the seasons change or changing your oil and oil filter. As for the driving
skills, I would make a video about the basics of how to drive a manual. This would include how to start
moving, how to stop, how to shift, and just some general tips on when to change gears or what gear to be in at
what time. After that, I could make another video detailing more advanced manual driving techniques such as
how to rev match downshift and heel and toe downshifting. During this process, I’ll be learning and teaching
myself a new editing and video style that I’ve never done before. I have never made an informative, tutorial
type video before, so it will be a fun departure from what I’m used to making when it comes to videos. I will be
uploading these videos to a YouTube channel which will also be a learning experience as I have never
uploaded videos to or managed a YouTube channel before.
Sounds like a good project idea to me. The only challenge will be finding time, having someone help with
filming while you do your tutorials and of course getting the content uploaded to YouTube!

2) Core Competencies:
In the boxes below, explain how your project will demonstrate your abilities and skills from each
section of the Core Competencies. (You must choose at least two points from each skill area of the
core competencies. All the core competencies are attached in the assignment.)
Excellent job tying the Core Competencies to your Project, Elliot!
Core Competency (skill area): How you demonstrate it in your Capstone Project:
Personal Awareness &  Self-Regulation
Responsibility In the creation of my capstone, I will be responsible for my own work
and getting all of it done. I will be editing all the videos myself, I will be
directing all the shots, and writing the scripts for every video. If
something doesn’t go well or work out properly, like if a filming day is
pushed back or gets canceled, I can work around it and just do it another
 Self-Determination
If I ever need assistance with something, whether it’s having someone
hold the camera for me, or whether I need someone like my Dad to
come and help me with something like if I can’t get a wheel back onto
the car properly, I have people that can and will be able to help me. I will
also carve time out of my schedule so that I can complete this project.
Social Responsibility  Solving Problems in Peaceful Ways.
If I encounter a problem during the creation of a video, if it’s related to
the maintenance of the car, I can use sources such as Youtube to figure
out how to fix that issue. If it’s related to the editing of the video, again I
can use sources such as Youtube to figure out how to complete and solve
the problem. I can also ask for help from people such as my dad.
 Building Relationships
By centering my project around my car, it allows me to work with my
dad. When it comes to my car, my dad and I have always worked on it
together as he’s taught me about how to do certain things like oil
changes and wheel changes. This project will allow us to continue this
trend, while also attempting to do more of the work independently.
Critical Thinking  Develop and Design.
My projects main presentation style is through guided, informative
videos that I will be filming and editing myself. I have never made videos
like this before, so I’ll be learning and teaching myself how to create
these types of videos. By uploading the videos on Youtube, supposedly
other people like me would watch them in order to help them with their
car needs.
 Analyze and Critique.
Since I’ve been in video production class for four years, I’ll be able to look
at my work and easily determine if it’s quality or if I need to go back and
make changes. I know that they won’t be perfect as I’ve never made this
type of video before, but I’ll know if it needs fixing or not.
Creative Thinking  Generating Ideas
While making car tutorial videos isn’t new, I can use other videos I’ve
seen, as well as past knowledge about car maintenance and video
production to create my own unique videos. I can set up interesting
camera angles, I can do voiceovers, and create my own editing style to
make it unique to me.
 Developing Ideas
By the end of my project my ideas will have been constructed and turned
into a video series about car maintenance and skills.
Communication  Explain/Recount and Reflect on Experiences and
By the end of my project, I will have a full set of videos to present and
share. I will be able to describe the process that went into the creation of
each video as well as the challenges that came along with each one.
 Acquire, Interpret, and Present Information.
My project is about teaching others about different types of car
maintenance and skills. By the end of my project, people will be able to
watch my videos on Youtube and learn how to do an oil change or
change their tires, or possibly how to drive manual.
Personal & Cultural Identity  Personal Values and Choices
I value my car and this project allows me to complete two tasks at the
same time. Regardless of my Capstone project, I’d have to change my
wheels in the spring, and do an oil change in the spring, so by doing my
Capstone about those things, I can do both at the same time. My car is
important to me and it most likely the most valuable thing I own, so
keeping it clean and maintained is also important to me. If I was not into
cars, I wouldn’t have chosen this as my Capstone project.
 Personal Strengths and Abilities
I would like to believe that I am a good driver, and I would also like to
believe that I was good at video production. That’s why I chose this as
my Capstone because I have confidence in my abilities. I know how to
drive manual and I feel like I can properly convey how to drive manual in
video form. I also know how to do plenty when it comes to car
maintenance from working with my dad so I also feel like I should be able
to convey that too.

3) Rationale/context: Detail your reasons for choosing this inquiry question.

Explain WHY you are choosing to investigate this topic as a major area of focus. How does this area of inquiry
connect to your passion(s), purpose? Why is it of personal interest to you?

I find cars interesting and owning a car myself, I find it fun to drive it and work on it. I also find that
people nowadays, especially when it comes to driving manual, don’t know how to do a lot of things that are
important when it comes to their cars. I’ve take video production all four years of high school, so I have an
interest in video as well. Combining these two things that I enjoy creates a fun project. I can work on my car,
but also make videos teaching people about cars. I also get a challenge in learning how to make a new type of
video format that I’ve never done before.

4 ) Background: What background knowledge / connections / prior learning do you have that can help
you to be successful with your project?

Taking video production for 4 years prior to this project will definitely help when it comes to the creation of the
video, especially in the aspect of camera angles, editing, and shot composition. When it comes to car
mechanics and maintenance, my dad and I always work on my car together when it comes to changing
seasonal tires, or oil changes so I have experience when it comes to doing those kinds of activities.

5) Career connections: What is your intended career area at this point in time? What connections does
this inquiry question have to your life, academic and/ or career goals? What are you hoping to gain from
completing this project (other than graduating or passing CLC 12)?

As of right now, I don’t have a exact career path. What I’m going into in university also has no current
connection to this Capstone project. It’s just something I enjoy. Other than that, I would personally like to
get better at doing things such as oil changes as I’ve only done it once and getting better at things such
as that could be beneficial in the future.

6) Capstone presentation medium: select one or more project mediums you wish to use to present your
project. Outline and give details about how you will present your project once completed. You may use a
combination of mediums.

o Electronic portfolio: Power Point, Canva or Prezi

o Physical portfolio
o Website
o Video presentation
o YouTube channel
o Prototype
o Product
o Other

I will upload videos I make on Youtube. For the actual final capstone presentation, I will create a
PowerPoint presentation that details my process, and I will put the videos on some of the slides. That way,
I’ll be able to include all my information on one medium rather than having to bring multiple different
pieces of presentation. It will make it easier.

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