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The Taming of the Shrew (part 2)

15-What did Petruchio do during his wedding party?

*He arrived late. He also dressed himself in strange clothes as it was a joke.
16-“Katherine is marrying me, not my clothes.” Comment.
*Petruchio said that to people when he refused to change his strange clothes.
17-Why did Petruchio act in a strange way during the wedding party?
*He did that because it was part of his plan to change Katherine into a quiet and obedient
18-“I`m going to take my new wife straight home.” Comment.
* Petruchio said that to Katherine and her father when he refused to stay at the party.
19-How did the couple go home?
* Petruchio called for two horses to carry them home. These horses were old, thin and
20-“You can`t eat this food. You should only eat the best food and this food is terrible.”
* Petruchio said that to his wife, Katherine when he took the food away and let her sleep
feeling hungry.
21-“The servants haven`t made the bed perfectly for you! You shouldn`t sleep in a bed
that isn`t perfect.” Comment.
* Petruchio said that to his wife, Katherine when he asked her to sleep on a chair instead of
the bed.
22-“Did you marry me so that I would die of hunger?” comment.
* Katherine said that to Petruchio when he complained about the breakfast.
23-“This food is perfectly cooked. I cooked it myself.” Comment.
* Petruchio said that to his wife, Katherine when he gave her a small amount of food.
24-“Oh, you didn`t even say thank you!” comment.
* Petruchio said that to his wife, Katherine when he asked the servant to take the food

25-Katherine was disappointed when she went to the wedding party. Explain.
*Although she liked the new clothes which Petruchio brought, he pretended that he didn`t
like them. She went to her father`s house wearing her old clothes.
26-“Ah, you must be Lucentio`s father! I know him.” Comment.
* Petruchio said that to the father of Bianca`s husband when they met him on their way to
the wedding party.
27-“You married a shrew while we both chose quiet, obedient wives!” comment.
*Lucentio and Hortensio said that to Petruchio to make fun of his marriage to Katherine.
28-“I disagree, and I will show you what I mean. Let`s have a competition.” Comment.

* Petruchio said that to Lucentio and Hortensio when they challenged to see who is the
most obedient wife.
29-“Your wife says she is busy.” Comment.
*The servant said that to Lucentio when he asked his wife to come, but she refused.
30-“Tell my husband to come to me instead.” Comment.
*Hortensio`s wife said that to the servant when she refused to come.
31-“Please call Katherine now.” Comment.
* Petruchio said that to the servant to call his wife. Katherine came quickly, so he won the
32-“She has changed completely!” comment.
*Baptista said that to Petruchio when he saw his daughter followed her husband`s orders.
33-“Why did you obey your husband and take off your hat? I would never do that!”
*Bianca said that to Katherine when she took off her hat and followed her husband`s
34-“I think you need to teach these two women how to be obedient wives.” Comment.
* Petruchio said that to his wife, Katherine to teach Lucentio and Hortensio`s wives to obey
their husbands.

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