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What is resilience?
Resilience is a person’s ability to face adverse situations, adapt to
changes, overcome obstacles or traumas, and emerge stronger from
those experiences. it is the ability to recover emotionally, mentally and
basically in the face of adversity. Resilient people are usually able to
maintain a positive attitude and solutions to problems.

Resilience factors:
Resilience factors are those characteristics or conditions that help
people overcome adverse situations, face challenges, and recover
from difficult experiences. some of these factors include social support,
self-esteem, the ability to set goals, the ability to solve problems, and
the ability to regulate emotions.

This is my resilience:
I am a resilient person because I can emotionally overcome the loss of
a family member so that it does not affect my emotional state.
Also, because in 2020 we were affected by a global pandemic that
affected my family and me, but we were able to overcome the
adversities we had that year.

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