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401 The following represents the tip of the Ice a teen Index cases 4). Subclinical cases @) Undiagnosed cases 2,02: The Interval between diagnosis of disease at screening and when It would have been detected due to appearance of symptoms Ist Q.03 The ability of the test to differentiate those who have the disease Is: ) a) Incubation period by) tnfectvity period iB. atent period {i Lead time ©) Serial interval a) Positive predictive Value aye gD serait f {Specificity al) Vaticity 6 e} Yield Q.04 A resoarcher wants to conduct a study about the prevalence of dengue fever tn community. The type of epidemiological case design will be: a) Analytical Descriptive | . Exportiventat d) Anterventional fe) Randomized control trials 7.05: The Level of knowledge (good, average poor) can be classified as Categorical data ¢? ¢ @ “ ye ¢)_ Discrete data bei as cv Nominal data fe) Numerical datat c Q.06 The following epidemiological method Is an Incidence studies * a) Case.control study g eahor stuty ‘Cross sectional study dd) Randomized controlled trials e) Surveys Q.07 The temperature of a patient suffering from typhold fever Is 100.2 F. This type of data is classified as Discreve d) Nominat e) Ord Q.08 in an outbreak of cholera in a village of 4000 population 30 cases have occurred and 18 have» ~d. Case fatality rate Is: a} 40% b) 50% Lt 70% e) 80% Gs AS ~ y Scanned with CamScanner A Se .09 Incidezice of disease is calculated through .14 Line diagrams are used to show, idemiological method: < ener ees es ‘Spare changes overtime 3) Casp-control study B)_Ffequency distribution hort study B A _/9 Measures of central tendency ) Cross sectional study “— d) Measures of dispersion d) Randomized controlled trials e) Relationship between two, inte e) Surveys vari Ss Q.15The birth weights of new-born babies Q.10 Experimental Epidemiology deals with: ina hospital: best presented by the following me'nod 4) Disease limitation b ) Early treatment D Bar graph (Brant ae iitervention e ah Z G4 : ) Pictogram fi fief L/ e) Screening of disease af teeeah v { (.12 The mode of transmission of Typhoid Q16Inacomniuni tentification of high 6. risk patients f-- coronary heart disease rect contact ) Droplet nuck and preventi of risk factors is: roplet nuclei oft et € Bec : screening al j (i) Prose: ive screening €) Parenteral Bale Q.12 The time interval between receipts of oul pate Infection by host and maximum @) Frese ve screening Infectivity ofthe host sealed: Q.17 Diagnostic po -rof a screening testis table period reflecte_y Eneration time Kir: _orective Value ; Incubation period a: 4 A A) tatent period e) y €) Period of infectivity mer 143 nase of normal distribution, proportion 4 oe of observations thats present pice minus) 1 ime the standard deviation from the mean: a) 58: aren 28% 4) 95% 4 e) 59% Scanned with CamScanner @.19{The fiest person becoming sick In an epidemic is called: a) Contact case f 3 Index case C ) Vitamin g LEPVitamin k 4) Vitamin € ©) Vitamin o 'Mber of folk ‘etlonal organization of ug a) Arno Banna mos C_. 3) euro o) stano Scanned with CamScanner Q.103Auditory fatigue starts Appearing at: Deo b) 80db ¢) 100db d) 70db e) 120db Q-204 Incubation period of cholera Is: @ 1day 5) 2days Q c) 3days a) 4 days days Perinatal transmission of Hepatitis B virus occurs a)_Inutero rth €)_ During lactation d) Ifthere is Rh incompatibility ‘artificial feeding (06 Kolpik’s spot is the characteristic of: - a) Chicken Pox b) Pertussis @ <)_ Whooping cough d)_ Rubella aazr nathnas ‘TB control program defined a _/ easeas 2) BCG positive ) Mantoux positive cl Persistent cough with weight loss Sputum positive for AFB Radiologic aly postive), Q.198 Recommended dose of human rabies Immunoglobulin is a) 6 IU/kg b) 15 1U/Kg IU/kg d) 301U/Kg Q,109 Most common site of nosocomial Infections is a) Catheter b) Respiratory tract ¢) Skin and soft tissues d) Surgical site nary tract, Q.110)f urban slums having high incidence of diarrhea causing the fatality of under five children. The best method of teaching about ORS to mothers a health worker should practice is: (2B-emonstration b) Group approach \ ¢) Mass approach Role playing e) Symposium ‘11 Most common site for hydatid cyst in manis: a) Brain b) Gall Bladder \@Dver ( d) Lung e) Peritoneum Q.112The first step in planning cycle Is: a) Assessment of resources b) Evaluation ©) implementation jin | pe analysis Scanned with CamScanner 0.113 4 woman of 32 years in the seventh month of pregnancy reports to you in the antenatal clinic for the first time The recommended immunization is by: a) Hepatitis B vaccine b) Pneumococcal vaccine ¢) Rubella vaccine Tetanus Toxoid Ze). Typhoid Vaccine oy Fifty years old woman presents with a ‘J lump in breast. The best method to screen her for breast cancer before suggesting any treatment is 8) Biopsy of breast b) Blood levels of progesterone ©) Chest radiography Brtmorer €) Tumour markers Q.235 In a lead pipe factory, you want to carry out a screening programme in workers to exclude lead poisoning. Your choice of the most useful screening test will be measurement of: a) Aminolaevulinic acid in urine 'b) Basophilic stippling of RBCs ~ Cc Sproporphyrin In urine ‘d) Lead in blood rs e) Lead in urine (4.146 Rabies virus recovered from naturally ee occurring cases is called: \ Ny 9 2)_fixed virus aavM 6) Free virus E Inactivated virus OL: a, cases were reported throughout ae the world during the year 1971 — 1978 ‘these cases can be best presented by: a) Bar graph b) Histogram fe diagram d) Pictogram e) Pie graph Q.118 Raising duty tax by government and administrative agencies on sale of cigarettes is well known as: a) Health education approach b) Primary health care approach ©) Service approach — 4) Social approach signs & symptoms but which cay carrier. Gall bladder disease js” associated with chronic carrier shy which Infectious disease pet a) Malaria VN Typhoid Hepatitis 6 d) Cholera fe) Dengue Scanned with CamScanner

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