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Partnerships As A Growth Channel:

What The Fastest Growing

SaaS Companies Have
Already Figured Out
s self-servicing B2B buyers marketers are scaling up referral
do most of their shopping partner and affiliate programs that
for solutions and services help ensure that their brands are
long before even signaling their being considered throughout the
entry into the marketplace, it is buyer’s journey, especially at the
more challenging for marketers first step. According to
to ensure that their brands are Amplifinity, partner
high on the list of companies This is especially critical for the programs account
to consider. nearly 16,000 Software-as-a- for 23% of total SaaS
Service (SaaS) companies as they revenues, see an
To drive greater awareness of jockey to get a share of the fast average of 350% ROI
their offerings, especially among growing market for their offerings. and retain customers
undeclared or undetected prospects, SaaS vendors are benefiting 37% more than non-
B2B marketers are building and from increased demand for the partner channels.
enabling far-reaching ecosystems products. According to Amplifinity,
of business partners — affiliates, partner programs account for
ambassadors, referrers and resellers 23% of total SaaS revenues, see
too — to drive engagement with an average of 350% ROI and
buyers, influence and/or refer clients retain customers 37% more than
or actually close deals. non-partner channels. Last year,
Deloitte reported that 93% of CIOs
Revenue-generating partner are adopting or planning to adopt
programs, in particular, are being cloud SaaS.
implemented by B2B marketers
from companies of all sizes. In addition to other SaaS vendors,
Equipped with modern, purpose- many companies are also
built solutions that enable them to competing with some — maybe
effectively engage vast and diverse many — of the other 175,000
ecosystems of partners, B2B software providers operating today.

When brands are not striving to influence buyers

as early as possible, “they may lose the deal
without even knowing there was a deal.”
Jay McBain, Principal Analyst of Channel, Partnerships and Alliances, Forrester

2 | Partnerships As A Growth Channel: What The Fastest Growing SaaS Companies Have Already Figured Out
Getting on the list of brands that interested in discovering what third
will make their way to the final cut party experts — resellers, thought
is increasingly difficult. Data shows leaders and industry analysts, for
that B2B buyers are completing instance — had to say.
as much as two-thirds of their
research before contacting a vendor. During a presentation at Forrester’s
Increasingly, “Brands are focused on B2B North America Summit,
the 68% of the buyer’s journey when Caplow explained that interaction
customers are not talking to them,” with third party experts were
said Jay McBain, Forrester’s Principal “highly valued by buyers 56% of
Analyst of Channel, Partnerships the time,” because, “Buyers really
and Alliances, in a presentation at want to talk to people,” she added,
the B2B Marketing Exchange. When as it’s critical for vendors to have
brands are not striving to influence “a strong position with industry
buyers as early as possible, “they analysts and channel players.”
may lose the deal without even
knowing there was a deal.” Demand Gen Report’s 2021 Content
Preference Survey recorded similar
According to Forrester’s 2021 comments, with respondents noting
B2B Buying Study, the number that they assign a higher value
of interactions during the typical to information shared by trusted
buyer’s journey jumped from 17 to sources/advisors. When asked
27 last year. B2B buyers “talked to how their content consumption
peers, industry experts and various habits changed in the past year,
provider representatives to get 44% of respondents stated they
their specific questions answered,” place a higher emphasis on the
wrote Beth Caplow, VP, Principal trustworthiness of the source.
Analyst. And they were especially

B2B Buyers Trust Content Shared By Credible Advisors

How have your B2B content consumption habits changed during the
past year? (check all that apply)

40% I place a higher
I prefer credible emphasis on the
content from trustworthiness of
industry influencers the source

3 | Partnerships As A Growth Channel: What The Fastest Growing SaaS Companies Have Already Figured Out
Embracing Referral Partner Programs
Structured referral partner programs that amplifies search results, amplifies
are gaining traction among B2B growth,” she said.
marketers. According to the
2021 Channel/Partner Marketing Companies in growth mode, especially
Benchmark Survey, just over 13% SaaS companies, are constantly looking
of respondents said their companies for revenue opportunities that are Partners that
have a structured referral program predictable and scalable. “We’re seeing
are referring and
that compensates non-selling more and more early-to mid-stage
reviewing your
partners for generating leads that SaaS companies look to partnerships
service have large
are ultimately converted to as a means to achieving their growth
social footprints
customers. Under 9% incentivize, goals,” said Tyler Calder, Vice President
or are engaging
reward or otherwise compensate of Marketing at PartnerStack, a partner
a variety of partners — thought- management platform. “For many SaaS
in thought
leaders, influencers and/or subject companies especially, getting started leadership that
matter experts — to influence with an ambassador, affiliate or referral gets SEO traction
potential customers. program is the first step in developing a are essential parts
partner ecosystem strategy.” of an acquisition
But more companies will be competing strategy.
for the attention of referral partners. Bob Crissman, Vice President of Theresa Caragol
Survey data reveals that more than Channels at Turn/River Capital, a CEO of AchieveUnite, a partner

75% of the respondents will boost the private equity and venture capital firm, performance consultancy

number of partners in their ecosystem, said that referral partner programs

30% will launch a referral program are “lighter weight” channel initiatives
in 2021 and incentivized influencer that can provide a brand with greater
programs will be implemented by more exposure in their markers.
companies — 33%.
“What a partner can do very quickly is
As the company has gotten larger, give a brand a really warm introduction
its channel partners have taken on to customers that they didn’t have
a more important role in the overall the day before they signed the
go-to-market strategy. In Q1, 40% referral agreement,” he explained. “For
of all revenue flowed through the example, if you’re a small software
HubSpot partner channel. “Partners company doing business in North
that are referring and reviewing your America and you don’t do anything in
service have large social footprints or Europe, and you have a partner that
are engaging in thought leadership does things in the UK and Western
that gets SEO traction are essential Europe, you just opened up a market
parts of an acquisition strategy,” for yourself.”
said Theresa Caragol, CEO of
AchieveUnite, a partner performance Referral programs, he continued, “are
consultancy. With 60% of purchase not a bad way to dip your toe into
decisions happening online without indirect selling activities.”
ever engaging the vendor, “anything

4 | Partnerships As A Growth Channel: What The Fastest Growing SaaS Companies Have Already Figured Out
Engaging Ready-To-Refer Partners
B2B marketers are likely to discover that they’re banking against. They
that finding partners to participate are actually budgeting against it,”
in their referrals programs is easier Walsh continued.
than expected. For example,
traditional channel partners are For example, Hawke Media, a
increasingly interested in signing PartnerStack client and partner,
up for referral programs, according is banking referral fees and
to a survey by Channelnomics commissions in the process of
(formerly The 2112 Group), a advising its customers on new
business strategy and research marketing technology. In addition
firm. Of the partner respondents to to the added income, Hawke Media
a survey it conducted in 2019, 73% and other companies participating
said they are actively incorporating in referral programs see referring
referrals as a part of their business. them to solutions providers as a
way to help clients solve problems
The presumption going into this and as critical to building lasting
research was that partners treat relationships with them.
referrals or the opportunity to
make a referral as opportunistic — Since the report was released,
not something that was systemic, Walsh said partner interest in referral
said Larry Walsh, Channelnomic’s programs has remained strong,
CEO and Chief Analyst, noting particularly among those that have
that, “What we find is that it sales cultures. The companies
is not only systemic, but it is are using referrals as a means of
incorporated into their business generating revenue from opportunities
and their profit models.” that they can qualify, but not fulfill.
“We believe this will increase over the
The income that partners are next 3 to 5 years as marketplaces eat
generating from referrals “is not an into the share typically serviced by
inconsequential volume of revenue traditional resellers.”

What the referral research is showing us is

that partners are thinking about satisfying the
customer,” explained Walsh. “They don’t stop
just because they may not have a product or
service that meets the customer’s needs. They
know referrals are a means for satisfying the
customer, and in keeping the customers whole.”
Larry Walsh, Channelnomic’s CEO and Chief Analyst

5 | Partnerships As A Growth Channel: What The Fastest Growing SaaS Companies Have Already Figured Out
Automating Scalable
Referral Partner Programs
As interested as partners are in the number of touchpoints required
participating in referral programs, to close an enterprise deal has
scaling up efficient and affordable almost doubled in the last 1.5 years,
programs that keep them engaged Heinz said referral leads continue
If anything the
is critical. From a company’s to accelerate logo wins. “We also
importance of
PRM to its marketing tech stack, know that referral leads often take
technology is the key to success, less time and fewer touches. So
referrals has
stressed Caragol. Companies that as the average number of sales increased in
consume technology to accelerate conversations per deal increases, recent years,
their revenue engine will be at the it demonstrates how powerful and and accelerated
front of the pack and partners are a valuable referrals are.” during the
critical part of that engine. pandemic.
Still, “engaging buyers early on Matt Heinz
“The key takeaway is to automate is only a means to an end,” said President of Heinz Marketing
early in your partner program Calder. “Ultimately, revenue is
development,” she said. “With the the lifeblood of a SaaS business.”
right infrastructure in place, you will Marketers need to make sure that
be poised to scale rapidly.” they have the infrastructure in
place to support early engagement
It is critical for SaaS marketers with a partner that ends in revenue.
to automate the end-to-end “That is how SaaS vendors drive
processes that ensure a referred real value from partner programs.”
lead ultimately becomes a
customer. Historically, referrals Companies large and small are
have been recognized as leads investing in purpose-built solutions
that close faster and at a higher that support processors crucial
rate than those from other sources. to the success of end-to-end
Early research by Heinz Marketing referral partner programs. For
also noted that referred leads example, Cobalt, a Pentest as a
represent a higher lifetime value to Service (PtaaS) company, launched
the company. a referral and reseller partner
program in January that offers
“If anything, the importance of different tiers to fit each partners’
referrals has increased in recent unique wants and needs, and
years and accelerated during various commitment levels. By
the pandemic,” said Matt Heinz, mid-March, the program netted 28
President of Heinz Marketing. partners who generated more than
Pointing to the previously three dozen referrals.
referenced Forrester research that When Lauren Rose Gimmillaro

6 | Partnerships As A Growth Channel: What The Fastest Growing SaaS Companies Have Already Figured Out
was hired as Head of Channel Looka, an AI-powered platform for
in December of last year, she making logos and building brands,
was pleased to discover that recovered from a dramatic drop-off
the company had already made in activity from its 5,000 registered
an investment in a partner affiliate partners when it transitioned
management solution by away from “set it and forget it”
PartnerStack. “Being able to engagement to a program run on
automate a program with software the PartnerStack program. Within a
is incredibly valuable,” she said. “It’s year of launching the new program,
so much more efficient if you can Looka had grown its partnerships to
rely on software for very repetitive drive 34% of gross profit, even as
and simple tasks.” profitability across other channels
grew too. The company was able to:
Partners can access marketing
materials, presentations and an Segment its 5,000-plus
event calendar on the platform. partners based on activity
More important, Cobalt uses the and revenue;
platform to compensate partners
for referrals. “I love the fact that Automate partner

we can pay the partners their communications and identify

referral fees directly through the high-potential partners; and

platform,” said Gimmillaro.” The Provide partners with the

process is seamless as opposed resources they need to
to having to, every time a partner succeed.
deal closes, have our own finance
team push the money or wire it
and get in connection with one of Unbounce, a provider of a
these companies.” drop-and-build-website solution,
is now generating 25% of new trial
Customers benefit too, she said. starts — its most important KPI for
Discounts awarded to referred measuring marketing and acquisition
customers are also tracked in the — directly from partner referrals. Its
PartnerStack platform to ensure referral partner program, which was
they enjoy the savings. initiated in 2019, includes more than
5,000 partners.

Over the past year, PartnerStack’s network of

65,000+ active partners has driven over
$120 million in revenue and over 1.6 million new
customer sign ups for companies hosting their
partner programs on the PartnerStack platform.

7 | Partnerships As A Growth Channel: What The Fastest Growing SaaS Companies Have Already Figured Out
The Unbounce program, also run on Equally important, Unbounce
the PartnerStack platform, automates has automated partner payment,
a digital partner experience that has ensuring that all of them are
been critical to the success of the appropriately compensated
program. Unbounce partners have in a timely manner. “From the
access to a dedicated dashboard, partner’s perspective, revenue
allowing them to: is the incentive for participating
in the program,” said Anca Bujor,
Track how many clicks, Unbounce’s Head Of Business
referrals and sales they’re Development & Strategic
earning from their unique Partnerships. “Making payments
referral links; simple and immediate is crucial
to keeping partners engaged.
Talk to the Unbounce team
We previously had a delayed
in real-time with a built-in
payment schedule, and using
messaging and;
PartnerStack to make that
Get access to marketing and more immediate made a real
training resources they can difference for our partners.”
use to drive more referrals.

From the partner’s perspective, revenue is the

incentive for participating in the program.”
Anca Bujor, Unbounce’s Head Of Business Development
& Strategic Partnerships

8 | Partnerships As A Growth Channel: What The Fastest Growing SaaS Companies Have Already Figured Out
Personalizing Partner Experience
The ability to personalize and Partner badge to make the
automate partner onboarding with partnership feel even more official.
the PartnerStack platform has
been critical to the success of the The platform also tracks the
program. Onboarding consists of performance of every partner not
both fixed content designed to just for Unbounce, but for other PartnerStack
appeal to any partner audience partners too, said Bujor. makes it easy for
that assumes no knowledge of us to send the
Unbounce, and personalized “If partners have questions or right content to
content that’s based on what feedback, they can message me
every partner
the company learns about each directly through the PartnerStack
when they need
partner’s use cases and business dashboard,” he continued. “That
it most.
during onboarding. “PartnerStack combination of visibility and instant
makes it easy for us to send the communication helps us meet the Anca Bujor
Unbounce’s Head Of Business
right content to every partner when unique needs of every partner.”
Development & Strategic
they need it most,” said Bujor. Partnerships
The investment in the referral
The platform triggers other program has not negatively
activities which automate many impacted other lead generation
different actions, like sending activities at Unbounce. Clearer
personalized messages to partners communications with the partners
or rewarding a commission. When effectively addressed any potential
partners successfully refer their conflicts or diverted activity from
first customer, they immediately existing acquisition channels
earn a reward and receive a custom including paid search. In fact,
message in their inbox celebrating it’s helped reduce customer
their success. When they hit acquisition costs overall, because
their next referral milestone, the partners are bringing in totally new
company sends an Unbounce kinds of customers that Unbounce
didn’t typically target.

We increasingly see businesses in our portfolio

and across the industry doubling down on
channel partners as a major growth lever, and
we see PartnerStack as the only company that
has built a platform, marketplace and payments
layer that powers indirect software distribution.”
Jodi Kessler, Partner at 3L.

9 | Partnerships As A Growth Channel: What The Fastest Growing SaaS Companies Have Already Figured Out
The opportunity for growth-oriented companies to boost revenue by enabling ecosystems
of “trusted advisors” to engage and then refer self-servicing B2B buyers has never been
greater. B2B buyers are giving more weight to the opinions and recommendations made
by their go-to experts. Simultaneously, these advisors are eager to refer their contact
and customers to the companies they trust. Finally, the ability for vendors to efficiently
and effectively engage their referral partners with purpose-built partner management
technology is amplifying the already significant ROI of referral leads.

About PartnerStack About Demand Gen Report

PartnerStack is the only partnerships Demand Gen Report is a targeted online publication that uncovers the
platform built for SaaS, designed to deliver strategies and solutions that help companies better align their sales and
predictable revenue and accelerate growth marketing organizations, and ultimately, drive growth. A key component
for software businesses and their partners. of the publication’s editorial coverage focuses on the sales and marketing
automation tools that enable companies to better measure and manage their
multi-channel demand generation efforts.

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