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UNIT3: Our Findings Show

Sequence 2: Reading and Writing

1 styear literary stream

Edited by Mr. Toubal Djamel Eddine


Task one: Read the results of The Most Popular

Social Media Questionnaire bellow and complete the report that follows:

The report What is the most popular social media

This report represents details about the most popular social media. Everybody thinks that most of the
teenagers today generally use Facebook. Therefore, I decided to do this survey to find out if this was true.
I questioned ……… (Number of informants) ……… high school teenagers between ……………… (age)
in order to know what social media they used. When I asked them if they …………… (question 01 ) ……… , all
the teenagers I chose said …….But my main interest was centered on what social media network was popular
among them.
…… of the informants said that they had a Facebook account, ….… of them (to say) ………… that they (to
have) ………… Instagram and only ….…. of the teenagers (to say) …………that they (to have) .…………
Snapchat. When I asked them why they preferred such type of social media network, ………... teenagers (to tell)
…….….… me because it was easy to use, ……...….of them (to tell) ……..… me that it was popular and only
…… informants (to tell) ..……… me because it was more interesting . When I asked them how often they
………… ……………. …….…(question 04)……..……, I found that ……. of the teenagers (to answer) ……….
…. that they always used it, ……. of them (to answer)…………. that they sometimes used it and
only….....informants (to answer) …………… that they rarely used it.
Social Media Questionnaire Results
Number of informants: 80 (male and female)
Age: 15-17 (High School Teenagers)

1. Do you have a social media account?

a- Yes 80 b- No 00
2. If yes, what social media network do you use?
a-Facebook 33 b-Instagram 32 c-Snapchat 15
3. Why do you prefer such type of social media network?
a- Easy to use 32 b- More interesting 11 c- Popular 37
4. How often do you use your social media account?
a- Always 60 b-Sometimes 15 c- Rarely 05

Thank you for your contribution

Task two: Using the basic data above, fill in the following paragraph to get a coherent and complete report. Put the
verbs in brackets in their correct tense

As expected, the survey showed that ….…… (Fb / Insta or Snapchat) ….…… was the most popular social media


Checklist: Use the following checklist to correct your partner’s report.

Did you mention in your report: Yes No

1- The topic and the aim of the survey?

2- Number, age and gender of the informants?

3- The findings/results of the report?

4- The verbs used for reporting?

5- Are the verbs that follow the « reporting verbs » in the simple past?

6- Did you respect the form of a reported sentence?

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