God's Grace

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My family is a living testimony that God is alive and over sees everything no matter what condition you
are. He is always looking at you and guiding you in your worst moments and if not for his mercy, you
would not be who you are today or have what you have today. Born on the 29th of 2005, in Rukungiri
district at Nyakibale hospital a new life was introduced in this disturbing world, as an infant little did I
know that one day I will be able to grow and reach where I am today. All thanks goes to the almighty
God who protected me and blessed me with life through my parents that brought me into this crazy
world. As a child, I did not know what this world looked like and even now, I still do not know much
though I have learnt many things from my God given parents. I grew up in a poor family though not very
poor at least we had a house where to stay although it was not that big but we managed. I do not
remember much of childhood but all I remember is that my parents struggled to be where they are
today and they are still working had for the betterment of the family. My parents were still schooling by
the time that I was born so you can now tell how the situation was, but they managed to be there for us
as in my brother and I. My father had to look for a job that would sustain us, so we moved from the
village to the city because that is where most come to earn a living. My father struggled and got a job
though he was still schooling together with my mother, the situation was not that good at all times on
the side of my parents. My brother and I did not care about how we were living because we were still
very young and knew nothing about what was taking place in this world. Our role was to eat, play and
sleep as long as we had those we were good to go

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