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13/2/24, 9:43 Serbocroata - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

(Redirected from « Serbo-Croatian language »)

Serbo - Croatian or Croatian Serbian ( Srpskohrvatski or

hrvatskosrpski ) is a South Slavic language , spoken mainly in
Croatia , Serbia , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Montenegro and
parts of Kosovo . 1 ​2 ​It is a pluricentric language , composed of srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски
four literary varieties (Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian and
Montenegrin). 3 ​4 ​5 ​ The relationship between the latter is in Serbia Croatia Bosnia and
similar to the similarity between the formal varieties of Spanish Herzegovina Montenegro Kosovo
in Latin America and Spain. 6 ​7 ​ This is a fairly comparable
linguistic situation, with the addition that the differences are
even smaller between the four varieties of this language. 8 ​

The main difference between the different written standards is (under different names)
the alphabet. In Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina the Latin Region Balkans
alphabet is usually used , while in Serbia and Montenegro the Speakers 16.3 million
Cyrillic alphabet has traditionally been used , although all
variants or dialects can be written interchangeably in both Indo-European
The name was used from 1836 (coined by the Slovenian linguist
and philologist Jernej Kopitar ) until the wars in Yugoslavia in Slavic
the early 1990s. It was one of the official languages ​(along with
Albanian , Slovenian and Macedonian ) of this country. Since South Slavic
its disintegration, regional Croatian , Serbian , Bosnian and
Esl. merid. western
Montenegrin designations for the same language have been
promoted in order to encourage and promote the national Serbo-Croatian
identity of the successor countries of the former Yugoslavia.
Writing Latin alphabet ( Gaj ) and Cyrillic
alphabet ( Serbian )
Official status
The name "Serbo-Croatian" was born as such in the 19th Officer in Serbia (as Serbian) Croatia (as
century , as a result of the Vienna Agreement between Serbian Croatian) Bosnia and Herzegovina
and Croatian philologists , by which the Novo-štokavski dialect (as Bosnian, Serbian and Croat)
of the Ijekavski variant , originating from eastern Herzegovina , Montenegro (as Montenegrin and
was adopted as the basis of the common literary language. to Serbian) Kosovo (as Serbian)
both towns. European Union (as Croatian)

It should be noted that the linguistic variant adopted is the

same one that Vuk Stefanović Karadžić relied on to carry out
his reform of the Serbian literary language. The peculiarities of
Karadžić's reform are still present in the current Croatian and
Bosnian literary languages, despite nationalist efforts to mark
differences with respect to the Serbian language. Codes
ISO 639- sh
In 1960 the Orthography of the Serbo-Croatian or Croatian- 1
Serbian Literary Language was published , on the basis of the
ISO 639- scr, scc
Novi Sad Agreement of Serbian and Croatian philologists. This
agreement ceased to apply in 1991, when Croatia became 2
independent from Yugoslavia . Since then there has been no ISO 639- hbs (
joint language academy that regulates the Serbo-Croatian 3 cumentation.asp?id=hbs)
language as such; Processes of divergence have begun in the 1/5
13/2/24, 9:43 Serbocroata - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
different republics due to war, nationalism, as well as the
search for individuality in each of the peoples and former
Yugoslav republics.

The name

The idea of ​uniting Novo-štokavski first arose in the 1850s.

After the collapse of Yugoslavia , the name "Serbo-Croatian" is
considered politically incorrect, and the speech of each state is
considered a distinct language in each state, thus legally the
Serbian , Croatian , Montenegrin and Bosnian languages ​in
Serbia , Croatia , Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina ,
respectively. However, all these varieties are very similar, and have
few grammatical and intonation differences 10 ​ that do not prevent
mutual understanding. 3 ​ The main difference between the formerly
called "eastern variant" (Serbian) and the "western variant"
(Croatian) is found in the treatment of the old Slavic vowel yat : in the
eastern variant (as in Slovenian ), this vowel gave e , while in the
Western variant it gave je or ije (similarly to Russian ). Taking this
difference into account, we speak of "ekavski variant" and "ijekavski
variant". But, as a considerable number of Serbs lived and still live in
Croatia, Bosnia and Montenegro, that is, in the territories of the
Western variant, the Croatian and Serbian standard recognize both
variants as correct: ekavski and ijekavski.
Ethno-political varieties.

serbio: zvezda (estrella), devojka (chica), čovek (hombre)

croata: zvijezda, djevojka, čovjek

Hay además otra variante llamada "ikavski", es decir, en la cual la yat

dio i (de forma similar al ucraniano). Las dos formas son
gramáticamente correctas, y la diferencia en pronunciación es casi

ikavski: zvizda, divojka, čovik

ijekavski: zvijezda, djevojka, čovjek

Por otro lado, existen algunas diferencias de vocabulario.

croata: kruh (pan), zrak (aire) Subdialects of the Stocavian dialect.

serbio: hleb (pan), vazduh (aire)

En los últimos tiempos se observa también un proceso de creación de nuevas palabras o de renovación léxica.3
Es el caso de la palabra croata "zrakoplov" (literalmente, "aero-navegador"), que antiguamente se refería a los
globos aerostáticos, pero que fue reintroducida recientemente en lugar de la palabra avion (que es la que se
sigue usando en serbio). En la práctica, estas palabras todavía se usan con poca frecuencia en la lengua

La enciclopedia Wikipedia está disponible tanto en serbocroata, como en serbio, croata y bosnio.

Una clasificación divide el idioma serbocroata en cuatro variantes principales: ikavski, ekavski, ijekavski y
jekavski. No se trata propiamente de dialectos, sino de variantes en relación con la evolución de la vocal
protoeslava yat a: i, e, ije, je.


Ikavski: divojka, zvizda, misto, razumit, rika, dil

Ijekavski: djevojka, zvijezda, mjesto, razumjeti, dijel/dijeo 2/5
13/2/24, 9:43 Serbocroata - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Por otra parte el idioma serbocroata se subdivide en tres divisiones según el pronombre interrogativo 'qué':

la chacava (čakavski) usa cha (ča) o tsa (ca); es la más antigua y tiene muchas palabras tomadas de las
lenguas neolatinas.
la kaikava (kajkavski) usa kay (kaj); utilizada especialmente en el área norte de Croacia: Zagreb.
la stokava (štokavski) usa shto (što) o shta (šta), actualmente la más difundida y la más parecida al serbio.

La variante chacava del serbocroata, la cual es la hablada en la región de Dalmacia, especialmente en la capital
regional, Split, la antigua "Spalato"; tiene más del 59,4% de palabras tomadas de lenguas neolatinas, y es el
núcleo del actual idioma croata, derivado del serbocroata pero ya denominado como idioma propio por algunos
académicos locales.11 ​

Mapa moderno de los dialectos en

Distribución de los dialectos serbocroatas antes Croacia y áreas de mayoría croata en
de las migraciones del siglo xvi. Bosnia y Hercegovina.

El serbocroata, bajo distintas denominaciones, es un idioma oficial o cooficial en los siguientes países:

Nombre Capital Bandera Escudo Localización

Bosnia y

Croacia(2) Zagreb

Montenegro(4) Podgorica

Serbia(5) Belgrado

Kosovo y Priština
Metojia(5a) Novi
Voivodina(5b) Sad

Escritura 3/5
13/2/24, 9:43 Serbocroata - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Además de las variantes mencionadas, existen las variantes diferenciadas por el alfabeto, ya que antiguamente
se empleó el alfabeto glagolítico, que se sustituyó luego en el uso por el alfabeto latino en el oeste
(principalmente usado en el croata y esloveno) y por el llamado cirílico (usado por los idiomas serbio,
macedonio y el montenegrino) en el este.

Véase también
Diferencias entre las variantes estándar de serbocroata

Variante bosnia
Variante croata
Variante montenegrina
Variante serbia

Área lingüística balcánica

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