X English Hari

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Pre Board Examination (2022-23)

SUBJECT : English Language and Literature FORM: X

Time Allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80

Section – A : Reading Skills : 20 Marks

I. Read the passage given below:
1. There’s a tendency to think that mindfulness should take place in a quiet room, nut the core of the
practice translates well to more active areas of daily life with wonderful benefits.
2. One area you might not have considered applying the practice could be your eating habits.
3. In our busy and tech – focused lives, it’s common for out schedules to be overwhelming. It’s not
uncommon to forget to eat lunch. Or if we do remember to eat, we scoff our meal down without
really thinking if we’re giving out body what it needs.
4. How often have you eaten a meal, only to still feel hungry afterward? Rarely do we give our
brains and bodies the time they need to process the fact that food has arrived or taken the time to
enjoy being present at mealtimes.
5. According to the Centre for Mindful Eating, mindful eating incorporates the practice of
meditation and consciousness to help you identify what you eat, when you eat, why you eat and to
appreciate food as you eat it.
6. Through practicing mindful eating, you can becomes more aware of your eating habits – good and
bad – and make the changes needed to improve your sense of wellbeing that can be achieved
through eating. It’s a way of listening to your body’s cues to understand when you’re hungry,
thirsty, satiated and the nutrients it’s carving.
7. The principles of mindful eating were developed by a team of 19 psychology and therapy
professional at the Centre for Mindful Eating. They’re a great starting point for developing your
knowledge in this area. The Center has extensive resources, but some general aspect of mindful
eating include:
 Engaging all of your senses when selecting which foods to eat and paying attention to how
they look, feel, smell and taste.
 Creating time to choose, prepare and cook meals with intention.
 Paying attention to how your body responds to different foods physically.
 Raising awareness of the cues that guide and inform when you eat and when to stop eating.
8. Someone who uses the practice of mindfulness when eating:
 Accepts there is no wrong or right way to eat, but there are different levels of awareness
relating to the experience of eating food.
 Acknowledges that everyone’s eating experiences are unique to them.
 Develops awareness of how their eating habits can support their overall health and well –
 Understands the deep interconnectedness that exists between all living beings, cultural
dynamics, and how food choices impact these connections.
9. Mindful eating extends beyond the individual and encompasses the knowledge that how and what
you eat has a broader effect on the world. (Cheung, 2016). Source: Positive Psycholgy.com

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the following questions:

a. When the writer asks, “How often have you eaten a meal, only to still feel hungry afterward?
One of these acts of un-mindfulness does not really correspond to the question:
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i. We suffer from ‘not being present at mealtimes.’
ii. We don’t process the fact that food has arrived.
iii. Our schedules are overwhelming
iv. Our lives are busy and tech – focused.

b. Select the option that corresponds to the following relation below:

i. The happier you are – the lesser you will fall ill.
ii. The bigger the vehicle – the lesser the chances of an accident.
iii. The bigger the bonus – the longer is the shopping list.
iv. The lesser your well being – the lesser is your food intake.

c. Select the option the displays what the writer wishes to project with reference to the following
We scoff our meal down without really thinking if we’re giving our body what it needs.
i. We are generally unthinking and mechanical.
ii. We are trained to be indifferent.
iii. We are always hard pressed for time.
iv. We are interested but have no choice.

d. Complete the following with a phrase from paragraph:

Opinion Reason
to add in or include

e. The writer convinces us to acknowledges that everyone’s eating experiences are unique to them
(para 8)
State one point from the passage to substantiate this.

f. Based on your reading of the text, list 2 reasons why the writer says that even the stages
preceding mindful eating have as deep an impact on us as the act of eating conscientiously.

g. What conclusion does the writer draw out from the principle of ‘Mindful eating extends beyond
the individual’?

h. The writer implies in this discourse that mindfulness in all stages of eating also has a deep
bearing on all the beings in the world. One of these options does not correspond to this thought.
(i) Our mindfulness depends on all beings
(ii) All living beings are deeply interconnected.
(iii) All living beings have cultural dynamics among them
(iv) Out food choices impact all living beings.

i. Supply 1 point to justify the following: it pays to listen to your body and understand when you’re
hungry, thirsty, satiated and the nutrients it’s craving.
j. Evaluate the INAPPROPRIATE reason for the principle that ‘mindful eating incorporates the
practice of meditation and consciousness.’
i. To appreciate the kind of food one eats
ii. The timings of eating
iii. The reasons for eating
iv. The type of people we are eating with.

II. Read the passage given below: 10

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1. Cell phones have become a nearly universal aspect of contemporary western culture. In many
locations, children of elementary school age regularly carry cell phones. Cell phones, however, are
not always welcome, and in some areas, cell phones are banned. The reasons for the ban involve
health and safety. There are various reasons for not allowing cell phones I schools. Most schools
have banned their usage completely.
2. It is not only the classrooms where there is a ban on the usage of the cell phones but it has been
banned while driving too. Distracted driving is a major factor in serious and fatal automobile
accidents. In the United States many locations have passed laws banning the use of cell phones while
driving. Other laws allow cell phones to be used for conversation if they are connected to hands –
free devices. Texting while drivibng poses a heightened risk because it involves taking one or both
hands off the steering wheel in order to operate the cell phone keypad. President Barack Obama
issued an executive order banning texting while driving for federal employees in 2009. Teenagers are
especially prone to text while driving.
3. A survey was conducted to know the opinion on various reasons for banning the use of cell phone.
The table given below shows the result:
Reasons Opinion in %
Health and safety 50 %
Distraction 25 %
Accidents 20 %
Others 5%
4. The original reason given for banning cell phones on airplanes was the risk of interference with
sensitive cockpit equipment. Newere digital phones have been shown to present little or no risk to air
navigation, though; several airlines have lifted bans on cell phone use. There are usually still
restrictions involved with on – board cell phone use, such as limitations to a particular network. The
United States has continued to ban cell phone use on airplanes. The House of Representatives went
so far as to draft a bill called HANG UP (H.R. 5788 Halting Airplane Noise to Give US Peace Act of
2008) although the bill never made it out of committee. With airlines such as American Airlines
introducing on - board Wi0Fi service, some commuters believe it is only a matter of time before cell
phone use is also permitted, especially if the airlines are allowed to charge fees.

On the basis of your reading the passage, answer the following questions:
a. From para 2 we can infer that adults are as prone to ______________________ and non –
adherence to _____________ as teens.
i. Poor driving skills , cell phones
ii. Poor driving etiquettes, texting
iii. Distracted driving, safety norms
iv. Using hands free devices, texting

b. Interpret the table on public opinion given in para 3 and complete the following analogy
The ___________________ the use of cell phones, the _________________ the number of

c. Recent research has shown that newer phones with ___________________ technology show
little to no risk air navigation.

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i. antiquated ii. the latter iii. outmoded iv. the latest

d. Substitute the word ‘course’ plotting with ONE WORD similar in meaning, in the following
sentence from Para 4.
This system is also well suited for course plotting in both deep seas and shallow waters.

e. List any two reasons schools have put a blanket ban on the usage of cell phones by students.

f. List one reason why the researchers blame cell phones for distracted driving.

g. Select the option that titles paragraphs 1 – 3 appropriately, with reference to information in the
1.Cell phones in 1. cell phones in 1. cell phones – a 1. American schools
elementary schools elementary schools universal and cell phones
2. cell phones and 2. texting and calling phenomenon 2. Survey on cell
driving 3. Survey on cell 2. cell phones and phones
3. American Airlines phones and driving driving 3. HANG UP
3. Air travel and cell
Set (i) Set (ii) Set (iii) Set (iv)

h. The use of cell phones in aiplanes in American Airlines banned primarily because of
________________ and _______________.
i. Infer one reason for the following, based on information in para 1:
Cell phones have become a nearly universal aspect of contemporary Western culture.

j. Select the chart that appropriately represent the table in para 3:

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Section – B : Grammar : 10 Marks
III. Attempt any ten of the following questions: 10
a. He ________________ friends has come back.
i. and his ii. or his iii. along with his iv. along with

b. Read the conversation between two friends. Complete the sentence by reporting the conversation:
Hemant said, “I cannot help you at present because I am myself in difficulty.”
Freddy said, “ You were my last hope.”
Hemant told Freddy that he ______________________ because he himself was in difficulty,
to which Freddy replied that he _________________ hope.
c. It must also be conceded that with effective packaging, we are able to enjoy food items which
_________________ impossible otherwise, thereby making our diets healthier and more varied.
i. were ii. had been iii. would have been iv. was

d. Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line, from a
news report.
While plastic has been considered a boon for packaging, it is also regarded as a great pollutant,
with disastrous consequences for the whole of humanity.
Option No. Error Correction
(i) has been considered is considered
(ii) for in
(iii) a the
(iv) for towards

e. When I ___________________ to remind them of the prevalent restrictions, they have dismissed
the matter as over cautiousness.
i. have to try iii. had tried
ii. have been trying iv. have tried

f. I _______________ (will) to pay the extra charges that will accrue from home delivery of the
package. Please ensure that the items are packaged in a sound condition to avoid breakages
during the delivery process.
g. Report the dialogue between a manager and his team members, by completing the sentence.
Manager : I’m not proud of this, but for the first 20 years of my life at work, I
ignored my limits.
Team member : But you look quite balanced now.
When the manager admitted that he wasn’t proud of the fact that for the first 20 years of his
life at work, he ________________ his limits, one of his team members ________________
quite balanced then.

h. Suddenly I came out of the clouds and saw two straight lines of light in front of me.
Error Correction

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i. Heena told Upasana that she was excited to go to the school fete the next day with her friends.
Report the question asked by Upasana.

j. As noted by the UN World Tourism Organisation, 57 % of international tourist arrivals

________ in emerging economies, by 2030.
i. may be ii. can be iii. will be iv. have to be

k. Select the correct option to complete the narration of the dialogue given below:
Sonu : Mother, I am going out with my friends for a while.
Mother : Be home by 8 p.m. for dinner.
When Sonu informed his mother that he ________________________ for a while, his mother
asked him to be home by 8 p.m. for dinner.
i. will be going out with his friends.
ii. was going out with his friends
iii. would be going out with his friends
iv. he and his friends are going out

l. Private customer parking only. All others will be toad.

Error Correction

IV: Section – B : Creative Writing Skills : 10 Marks

All the names and addresses used in the questions are fictitious. Resemblances, if any, is purely coincidental.
1. Attempt any one from A and B given below: 5
A. You are Manish Pawan of 46, Tuglaq Road, New Delhi. Write a letter to the SHO, Tilak Marg
Police Station, New Delhi, complaining against eve teasing in your area. (Word limit 100 – 120

B. You happened to read the recently published report by National Crime Records of Bureau
(NCRB) 2022 that stated that fatalities in road accidents in India were the most in 2022 and the
highest since 2014. Anxious, you decide to write a letter to the editor of a newspaper to shake up
the authorities and the public about obeying traffic rules for everyone’s safety. Write a letter as
Alok Jha from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. Invent necessary details.

2. Attempt any one from A and B given below: 5

A. The pie chart below shows the main reasons why agricultural land becomes less productive. On
the basis of the pie chart, write an analytical paragraph on ‘Causes of Worldwide Land

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B. Study the bar graph given below on the revenue India earns from medical tourism. The number
of tourists have gone up and that us a good sign for our country. Using the data in the bar graph,
write an analytical paragraph with a suitable heading. 5

Section – C: Literature : 40 Marks

V. Reference to the context
1. Attempt any one of two extracts given: 5
1. A “Not from weeping nor from grieving will anyone obtain peace of mind; on the contrary, his pain
will be the greater and his body will suffer. He will make himself sick and pale, yet the dead are not
saved by his lamentation. He who seeks peace should draw out the arrow of lamentation, and
complaint, and grief. He who has drawn out the arrow and has become composed will obtain peace
of mind; he who has overcome all sorrow will become free from sorrow, and be blessed.”

a. Why does the extract suggest not to lament?

1. Lament will draw the arrow 3. Lament helps overcome sorrow
2. Lament does not help obtain peace of mind 4. Lament does not save the dead
i. Option 1 only iii. option 2 and 4 only
ii. Option 2 only iv. option 4 only

b. What makes a person obtain peace?

c. Fill in the blank with ONE WORD only:

To be blessed one needs to ___________________ sorrow.

d. What according to the extract needs to be practiced?

i. Lamentation needs to be practised.
ii. Peace of mind needs to be practiced.
iii. Drawing the arrow out.
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iv. One needs to remain calm and composed to be blessed.

e. Select the option that correctly captures the application of the word ‘lamentation’ as used in the 3 rd
line of the extract.
i. The only hope is expressed in lamentation.
ii. Much lamentation followed the death of the old king.
iii. Song of lamentation is being sung since yesterday.
iv. Lamentation is another name to nagging.

B. The twentieth century was often called the Era of the Book. In those days, there were books about
everything, from anteaters to Zulus. Books taught people how to, and when to, and where to, and
why to. They illustrated, educated, punctuated, and even decorated. But the strangest thing a book
ever did was to save the Earth. You haven’t heard about the Martian invasion of 2040?
Tsk, tsk. What do they teach children nowadays? Well, you know, the invasion never really
happened, because a single book stopped it. What was the book, you ask? A noble encyclopedia? A
tome about rockets and missiles? A secret file from outer space? No, it was none of those. It was —
but here, let me turn on the historiscope and show you what happened many centuries ago, in 2040.

a. Select the otion that correctly captures the usage of the word ‘invasion’ from 5th line of the extract.
i. It seemed an invasion on his privacy.
ii. British troops spearheaded the invasion.
iii. She was annoyed at his invasion.
iv. It will amount to political invasion.

b. Complete the analogy by selecting the suitable word from the text.
_________________________: country :: withdrawal : troops

c. Select the option that present the reason for narrator’s amazement.
i. Children did not know about invasion
ii. They did not know about the rhyme book.
iii. The children were not paying attention to the narrator.
iv. A book stopped the Martian invasion.

d. According to the extract why did the narrator decide to talk about the books? Mention the reason.
1. Books are a good source of knowledge.
2. Twentieth century was a treasure house of books.
3. People read a lot of books.
4. Books written then saved the Earth in 2040.
5. Children did not know much about the books.
Select the correct option:
i. 1 and 3 ii. 2 and 4 iii. Only 3 iv. 1,3 and 4

6. Attempt any one of two extracts given: 5

2.A He is learning well behind his desperate eyes,
the epistemology of loss, how to stand up
knowing what every man must one day know
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and most know many days, how to stand up.
a. Complete the sentence appropriately.
It is clear that ‘transferred Epithet’ is the poetic device used for ‘desperate eyes…..’ because
b. The poet has used a poetic device in the given lines. What effect does he wish to create by its
i. Emphasis ii. comparison iii. sarcasm iv. surprise
c. State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE.
The boy is gradually learning to move on in life.
d. The idea that has been reflected ‘He is learning, well behind his desperate eyes’, is
i. Didactic ii. philosophical iii. optimistic iv. imaginary
e. How does the loss of the ball impact the boy in this extract?
i. It does not make any impact.
ii. It is about an important lesson of life.
iii. It tells about the sadness of the poet.
iv. It tells about the financial status of the boy.

2.B Don’t eat that chocolate, Amanda!
Remember your acne, Amanda!
Will you please look at me when I’m speaking to you,
a. What is the poet’s tone in the extract?
1. Authoritative 2. Humourous 3. Reflexive 4. Funny 5. Commanding
i. 2 and 3 ii. 2 and 4 iii. 2 and 5 iii. 1 and 5
b. What message does the poet convey in the character of Amanda?
c. Pict out the words / phrases reflecting the after effects of eating chocolates in the extract.
i. Look at me ii. speaking to me iii. growth of Acne iv. one chocolate won’t harm
d. Complete the analogy:
Icy water : Bad throat :: Chocolate :_______________
e. Select the sentence I which the word ‘Remember’ is used in the similar manner as 2nd line of the
i. Please remember the date.
ii. Always remember my instruction.
iii. Remember, what I told you about that boy.
iv. I will always remember the insult I had to face

VI. Answer any four of the following in about 40 – 50 words each. 4 x 3 = 12

a. How did the seagull family shower praises on the young seagull when he learnt to fly?
b. How does the poet change the association of the crow and hemlock in the poem ‘Dust of snow’?
c. How did Mandela’s idea of freedom undergo a change later?
d. What thoughts about loss does the poem ‘The Ball Poem’ evoke in the reader?
e. Why did Chubukov want to change the subject of his discussion?

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VII. Answer any two of the following in about 40 – 50 words each. 2x3=6
a. Why was Mrs Pumphrey not able to control Tricki’s diet?
b. Why did Think Tank send his crew on the earth?
c. What was the ‘Frightful disaster’? How did it change Loisels lives?

VIII. Answer any one of the following in about 100 – 120 words each. 1x6=6
a. Life is about losses and wins. A man is the one who learns to take them in a stride and stand up brave
in the face of every situation. Summarise this quote with reference to ‘The Ball Poem’ and the
chapter ‘Sermon at Benaras’. Prepare a set of dialogues between the boy and Kisa to elaborate the
point. You may begin like this:
Kisa : It is difficult to hold your self and impossible to accept losing a loved one.
The boy : Yes! True, ……………………………………………………

b. ‘If hobby is made into a profession, it is always profitable as the profession is followed
wholeheartedly because it is hobby as well. If you had to use the message with reference to both the
chapters ‘Baker from Goa’ and ‘Tea from Assam’ how will you elaborate it? Also how it is relevant
to both.

IX. Answer any one of the following in about 100 – 120 words each. 1x6=6
a. ‘Thieves will not steal from each other. In other words, this proverb says that criminals observe a
moral code of honour in that that do not do anything illegal to their partners in crime.’ Elaborate
it with reference to the chapter ‘The Question of Trust’.

b. ‘A woman of strength knows it is in the journey where she will become strong.’ Comment on the
basis of the lesson ‘Bholi’.

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