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ANNEXURE TO INDIVIDUAL HOUSING AND MORTGAGE APPLICATION FORM Tm eryaary Whe HFC Bank Customer 10°C T TTT LCE Loan Account Number EEEELEEEE) ‘Customer Data ‘Applicant Co-appiicant te Me_JMs[[Mrs.(Jor.[JeaT] MeL JMsf_]Mrs. Al Falnane ‘GRYC RONBER UF AVATRBLEY MOTHERS MAIDEN WATE Bicered Commnancaton Aree ‘Current__Jemployer[_IPermanent{_] Current_lemployerl_JPermanentl_J Caren AGaess = TomTCVNTEGT Gare Rates ONTRICT Cara Rae aE ACR EY PIT RT —— ST OPT ROLY TT EET — | eidance Assess Same as euentaaarons7] Joa. No Same ab current aaaress7—_]¥es [NO obi We ie conton hal above mantoned noble rab wi be Updated as my registered mobse ln HOFC Barcods updated as my registered moble m HOF Bank records snd allcommunaton willbe received ens nubs? ENA ID Perera ‘ive contest above mentored oma wile undated my regatred ema din MOF Bans rood 8 al conmuniestion wil be receveg onthe ei ie cant at-above Updated ae my rogistere nd. conmaneston wi bo recevad on ts oma. stoned onal wll be id mHOFE Bark eco er MFI mI a ERT YOK 000 or ca Tiselisrclose Tsctisrilose Sa preteen etl et eee st ons So EOE a ee P Enployer Address ToontCiV EOE Enployer Adres DISTRICT ‘Besinston Permanent ROSE [Pane ekeare as rent [Passe trina oreraars Permanent Adress TownvCiWVTae Permanent Asaress- OSTRICT Permanent Arete - Soa UT Loan Details: '* Rate Option - + Type of Loan - CoTop-up Loans Cofixed (Adjustable (Home Loans Home Equity Loans (Plat Purchase loans Plot + Construction Loans [JHDFC Reach Loan ‘* Purpose of Loan{_]Construction{_]Purchase [_]Resale _JRefinance Dlextension Loans Availed (Loan Type ~ eg. Auto Loan/Personal Loan/Education Loan/Other Home Loan etc.): © Applicant: (a) * Co-applicant: (2) Bank Account Details: 1, Name of Account Holder - 2. Name of Account Holder- Details of Property: + Type of Property (o)_ CiRenovation(—JEquity ']Top-up (b)__ IFSC Code IFSC Code ~ Coothers + Nature of Property JResidential[Jcommercial *+ (a)How many residential properties do you own?{_JApplicant{_Co-applicant[—Jointly (with other applicants) '* (b)No. of residential properties on which loans have been availed?[_]Applicant(_]| |Co-applicant{_HJointly (with other applicants) [Bouse Renovation Loans []Home Extension Loans Cicommercial Property Loan EE ()eecnaeenene Criat Row Housel] Bungalow | Ishop{—Plot_Jottice Hote! Apt Other Proof of Identity:("]Proof of possession of Aadhar Number{]Passport{]Orivin 3g Licence Voter 100) Proof of Address Co-applicant: Other Proof of Identity: (]Proof of possession of Aadhar Number{JPassport{]Oriving Licence Voter 1OC] Proof of Address Declaration rail the partis and intrmetion given in the application form tue, corect and complete and no material 2. We delve that we ae ens of ni Information hasbeen withhel/nuppestd 2. We shall acs HOFC Bakin wtng of ary change in myfou ident or eploinent/ business aes. 53.1) ¥e confirm thatthe ands shale uted othe tated purpos nd wilnot Be used fr speculative rats purpoee. 44. U/We declare that fe have not volt or ave been vation anid shal ot vat ay roiins ofthe Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2092 and/ ‘or any applable lw rls, guidelines and cca isd by th: Reserve Bank of ina anor anyother statutory author 5.1/We authorise HOFC Bank t make any enauis regarding my/ou apleation, Inling wth ther once companis/epstere cred bureoe 6. HOFC Bankreserves the gh to retain the photographs and documents subrittd with hs apkeation and wl not return te some to the applicant 7. We have read the application formy brochures nd are ave of all the terms and conditions of avaing franc rom HOFE Bank, 8. We understand tat he sanction ofthis oan tthe sle di ton of HOFC Bank and upon myour executing necessorgecuy (is) nd other formaltes 2 equted by HOFC Bank and na commitment har bre gen tating the same 9, Ue authorise HOFC Bank to conduct sich cre checks a consfes necestary int sole dscretion and ao authorise HOFC Bank to rlease such any ‘other infomation nits ecords forthe purpose of eet pprisi/saring for anyother purpote We fre gre that my/our loan shallbe governed bythe 20.\We fare aware that he unron egal and Technic fees and te appicableoxes collected rom me atthe timefthe application isnon-efundable under 12, We am/are aware that HOFC Bank doesnot accept any payment in cath. No payment in connection withthe lan rocesting, sanction, esbursement, repayment and repayment ofan hal be made toa favou 0! ay of HOFC Bank's ntrmatatis a ary he paris) ether in cash or bearer cheave 12.No dseountfee git or any ether commitment whatever hs been wich ent documented nthe loan agreement by HOFC Bank or any ofits authorised epeesenatves {2.1,We confi that Ve have no insolvency proceedings inateu/pending |. Custome Declaration on relstontip with HOFC Bank/Oter Banks {alls pleat a Fre/Company in which elves of director ot ny ather bark ae interested as partner/aarator ctor / a a guarantor isin contrel* ‘major sarehldee*? Ge Cone (eylsApplcat decor /eatwe of Birector,orSenor Oe of te Bank? ves Elo {clin tne spptcan ef Fm/Company in which relatives of Director or Senior Ofer of the Bank are intrest a partner as a guacantorsrectr/ in contr / ‘major shareholder*? Ove One *tneterm “onto” shall cue the right to apn majo of he drectrs orto cone! the management poy decsons exercisable bya person or persons ‘eting individually orn concert, ety or Inder, inud, by tue of ther shareholding or management igs or shareholders agreement or voting “greemants or in anther mann. ‘othe term "major shareholder stall naan 2 prion hosing 0% more f the palé-p share apt or five cor gees in paid-up shares, whichever ss Tncuding decor of Scheduled Co-operative Banks, director ot Subseais/ Tastes of Mutua Furds Venture Capital Fund, Setup by HDFC Bank or any cher Bank 15. Poiticaly Exposed Person (PP) Decartion Poti Exposed Personae induals ho ar orhove been trast wit prominent publi function i nda ora foreign country, Meads cf tates oof Governments, sei government ial iar aces, reniorexestves ef state-onned corporations important pot party ofc, Pease ick Yes/No ‘Aypliant: PEP Relatives and close Associate of PEP (ver Ne Co Applicant: PEP o Relatives and core Associate of PEP ves Ono 16. metenurefeepaymentyinterestothererms and conditions of th loan are subject te change asa consequence to any change inthe money market contin’ or onancount of gy ater sation or tegisarreqlerents at HOFC Banks iron HDF Bank reserves the ight revew ad amend the tems ofthe inst meus nrhave Ve ever been audestd insert teanin such nner and to such extent ast may deem ft 7.pwe ere dete an contin any detail or declaration rms by me/us if found tbe fae, then HOFC Bank willbe ented to reve aor recall he “ret fii. ts. we hereby decir and cone that any purchasby me/us any Insurance produc purely voluntary and not ake to avang of ny cri facing fro HOFC Bank 1s. ye hereby eda that the det fried above ae tru nd correc tothe Best of myour knowledge an bel ac ve undertake to inorm you ot anv cinege then mmedstely incase any ofthe above lnfrnaton ound tobe fase er une or mislead of mixepreseting. we anare are that! ‘wey be held ible for ‘20. yweereby consent rece lformation for Centra EC Hegstr through SMS/emallon the above egstered number malades z 4 Place: > Co-applicant’s Signature |“ > Applicant's Signature Date: ‘Ths to confem that he evsomar(s)hasmave submitad the baow mentioned ‘Appleaton Frm Prologrgh (Signed arose) Lal None Bank {Last years ITR wih corgutatonotcomeleifed Fiorcil(SANCA ates) Gh Proto tent (th expiry dle appicabi) (spec Proto Adress wt expiry de appcaba). (Speci Photo Cony of Property Papers (Sellatested) Loan Aecoun! States or Bat ESCM i) ‘iments slong wih ho Loan Aplcaton to HDFC BANK LTO (Bank) snd) Lalst 3a Say Sips (Sel aes) oes Sa Feunseppleeble) Pato CopyotPAN CARD [Se tested) Sot Atesed) Pro of erty Murer, (Sat Atasted) Proof Adaross Nube 19 Trasertlanc Taster & Top up Repayrantatenton Caeas AeA Tecan Fsty Naiue of Fact Type et eres Rae osng heres Rao nes Eaten {aly Rep ate tence Rate ae eng SOUR nae Sana arg Rae lo Bak (EBURY) OR Fr res Pal ted Bark/ Poly Repo Rate elon Fat). ‘Argan Fats onc) peremnan)_| Retwerce Ral at ode EBLA) Reha (_eSpaadna =__ toa ect sae of ach change es ‘so Rlreea alo Sent fe Bank Date otReseol nest El Bar abit Pras ola ace of Conmancaton ol ehges ees eS ‘emapaper Note athe Branches / SMS Housing Chaves ‘runt in Rupees Tao Fee Charge ved Process Fees Rien oven Lan anser House Renovator Ug Retnace ct Hoong ee Poors {Us 0.5% th or chore snot “cuter fis ODL mchevar ater» spate es ay lees “Soot opal es rR 260 plead es slo eves forHavsng (Sate, Sot Enploes Petes) Process ease Reet Hog” Extensa RenorasoyRetmrcs Pot Los Up 150% of he Nini toon suevera nee ‘ante Ra TDR: whos ghar gpeabe ees ouiay eves Tal splat eso Re #560-appen ves sor es ‘cr Set Egle Non Pfessna. Proce Fess rN Loons Up 125% tha os rn leon lichens ‘soni Ra 00 wich ber appeals salary ves "of opal esr Rs S00apeo testy eves Upp 9 fel fever chev ah arg Fase We is Le “eagle Re Sher ani» appeaieaneeTeahoy ves Ten cunt Se apes sre, nape tes sao Upto 200% of ree rosa Fase Loar wale POF Rech She Drm ot appt ea apatites say efes Maram Reteton esr Ra S0atapleatetnes alr levis whichever ier eappraaioe a6 are Fo de olsen Re. 2000+ apeabe <5 sii ‘Amasmanal 195 P "oer lire BREET, Dated Payer Co a inode Chaves Tse Om im a Ret ct Fa FORT PEI we SW PH Sianp bug HGOT WOT RapaTCN ‘As apslesin Dee ve Sas Fess Ohare ony Regus tee Trach cae* eid Ragey Bons Sea ee voy Ts Tovey any ed ary) atetaaee wabves| ees erage syle ay ed gaye was svices | Asperahal eich Fave beon sate Conversion Fass ‘Uno O50 oe Ps Sito Loner Rae ae Oa of S000 ‘aL Og dds aw (aya he ro T Cowen heaven Les wih ever so, (toc Ears Rerarato) ‘he Varsle ate Loa a Fable DD 050% oe Fe fapofe S000 + “TOsblading ane unshared snort any) a Pe We oT Cones ers ‘toasty leer whee sve {on roving Eanes Reoralah) ‘Sh fon Carron Ral Pome loSt fradeelo Vober $750 Preceal ow ine Cones: “aning and Undstred ac any ape vee TORIC ves 3% of pinopal ot Sich Loser Rae Pet Lea) abe Rae fine of Conation aman (a > appease fv 3a Ing od wos ple 150% af es “So Lone Ra Las une HOF Rascal Iovezattetue fee iustonng and undead a lan)» opiate essay fecal veers GieqeanCHST mon OE Rs 30 Per DSF Pra Copy of Daas Ui is. «poke ses ves Fees on areal Exel Op =a a5 BT sper, es ia (HP ps agate! Lean CRI dung be pene of apa fe Prepac aad Rat et List docurents Tonks i vappic Tes POC van Tis SOG pues ary ees. Pretstre Ciature Par Payal a _ _ ‘Ault Rate Lows AR) ar Corraton Rae Hone | Forianscanctoned til boroweswthor ita coobigans, ro preparer cares toon CORAL aig te per appetite tab Rale | salle pyateon ac) nl ator gepaymets mare rough ary soca exept when he steers ieanssnthonetort oes pureses” 1 Fine Ral Laas (FAL and Corton Rta Hore Faralears oncne thor ito coobigns, be pepe cag shale lov ae le “aay lov oe anc tng so read on cra cat or ‘aror il repayments ung mace ough own saute” ‘Applicants Brn WT “Ransiousing Gna Name ofFee/Gharge vied "knottin apes Rennuin PF of 79000) + apple taeatealtoravies | iia par prepay onda nga Roan year oy ircend 29% lta penespalomouarstandigat a ima oP Potton amount | ina as stb poo ayn ieee seer Sonics Toc (5T) of prepal aetna bag prapaid oath ins ea oman bang rapa meno tan 25% Charges sl bo. ont amount axcoss of fad 25%, sa Principal Outstanding + apphcabia tarosistatutory levies ‘oor the aburzemontottneLoan--ILChorges Loan Poensting Chg Navin apne it ayment iPad Pays Chas tie! ee ace: deen IF ces - Floatngrateterloan availedby 25% Iruatborromeratorbusinass Seam: Purpose Freaingajetemiaanavaandy ‘rgwieattoronestorendUse a che han Business Purpose Foapngrate termians aad by Meo, Srlenerpises aad sm. Closure om Own Source Fltnaratsteroans avai’ by Mico. SmailErrprces and 2Y4tah ver changes oft Principal Outstanding * appcabietavesitahory levies Closure Through Taboovery S60m. llr Nedisburcementotthe Loan NIL Charges Sry tnancatlnetons Flosing aetemionnsavaled avin 015i of he PaneipalOusiandng »appicabetavesisattony eves by Nominwidoalborowers™ Sem: aertnadisnursomantethe uoan PL Charbes Delayetnsta ment payment Charge ‘mae mol 18% PA. on overdueinstamertamouns __ | Payment ReturCharges Reis - ‘Repayment schedule charges? R550) rinlones applicable areata lavas Repaymentmede change charges” Re.50) + appleabiotavesitanorylevies — reper Document Relorion charges Re 10:_parcalandar ment, flor? calondar nin om dal ofosurectal oars) facie hedtotne colatral appizabltaasfetulry eves Revbonnaprend ‘7% « Orneipal Outetaning OR Re. 5000 whichevar Is Higher Por proposal» aophcable | taxes! cutorylavies [Legal Repossersion&inoentalchargee ‘Ata: —_ _ ‘Samp Duty oherslaulonyenarges ‘Asper« picabielawscfihestate ‘Conversion chargesfor Change in Reforencovate | NIL (GPLR’ Base ate NICLR1oPelcy Repo Rate (orensing customers) [Eevalineresocionaararenceot io. Gorton exsina RO pleads mLARases oa) | | Schon sector asper Esncisntmend contra) _ Penaliniestchargdtarnonconpiina | Reps numaadtnal oneiing ROT (ChoroedonmontiyEass) | ehsancea seman Sti lataestnsoouse 4 = CERSAIGharges Fs. 10 reach propor pps nSenan sey | Prove Snapping Paalgopeny Relea” [0.160 lean amount + appa essays | fine sooo Manat Re 25000-por propery _ | DecomentRomalchapespoa Ocbucoment [Rs. 75 ordocurentent Pex asbusemen) + ppc mewatnRoy eves ae The Bark eserves ha to vay nyo ha above charges onerous Bal Bes ebae/ Presson Nowe seocinhantnauineesorecare ween Feractateditotenarges pease viiourwebste mv ‘het aes tapesenne corto hea) Coot Ta-EBLT sl nean a prc pr aan dlrs ppretinefeure band insae guile tee nares (eiethatncowmareaaimtta Sarton ar abn ia ‘Sones winatoonapscateatem tesa (hon cs a caress aay {Gove ay eco onan ome mata ae fare ares day rear. stag te Bartana Bok doce he qr tonne opeatonor gers thoban Inesaa coe, hens HBeCearkwitan 0 wing daysotrcrit tba sano subjoat beg ntosequsts oes Tetlara eerste ome ceri (reat rh Bik hat hart fomtontoiom, dtaut secur. ety Ged dation Gost ou, Hohe Bass turbance at ‘Soe potcnal assignees 1 Vetter, who may roe sectsury by ne puher Bara A nla pba {reat ak aaa ooroberstedpuposes, von forty {Sue out nchet apa) noted & exe Berkwitoend in Ofer tetortsmonent ema meron: timo ote win do nnaon 1 te estomer, Reise Charges it be coranicated oe {nee tne ranches /SMS The sove cages are exskan ofanes nso ewe “igen epnbsronchypo rae ‘neon re Pwd copia chs above mentond cent romne cstome (2) ntorned most alt by Two Banu as Ertan Ganchnan ate Rael he Bans om bf me Rang J iraasnaotnatin Apizaiotre Raamaniead above saniodcsive rate ee ‘NSanfeonins (oboe penser eso, eae chain cera ong whe ntstalsoie ner sada ns canary ata arureaeann \ulbecuvyud cannons tel tomes masa rn Baral nate kao ile /datecvo apy win bo proceso a te Ban at Be oeponsBle ote, thesubmeacn erin aphcsbone ness aces My aloe epprva Be tpl ctehon. nearing snd aac oredr ha er sant reece Siri thrensankx econ (yikes saan apteaon oy Be sapaeed “bmton cl cocwmts dads yore HOFE Bana npravesngasan ‘Sra otc movntassin ts lasnappeatnionnalongwat popes orn ed ‘Tima decsore ty invonatoneaongto helsnctisng persona norman, oat “aut ia(IG) way oe yverementn sary yw pec apo ny. wce/alny ayn roe pronto, sur bans’ hanes any vd pres, °S apis bu nat sv such naa and ough ich nesta be Seemed iva fat wi cau satan toto ea sofor YG mionate ves, “atequaed oy sts Eh wi be sons) 10/15/2017 tas ay lever ‘ints onthe charges ander and eanatons mentored over, yiomed eta Ns 8 ‘tesnibe bon apes. Tena The chargosare exclusive of terms and conditions whichare as follo: (@) Borrower's loan willbe a Retorence Rate Linked loan (Presently t Policy Repo Rato”i the retoronoe rate (‘Relerance Rata") applicab schedule, Borrower shall be liablo to pay the Pre-EMI 1.0, the Inte respective date! date(s} of tho Loan up to the dato from which the in interest is subject torovision in torms of the Loan Agreement tobe o> ‘maybe prevailing atthe ime of disbursement, The Interest late app! and shallbe subject to change every time the Reference Rates char Intorest Rate shall become effective on each date of chango inv informed of such reset of Reference Rate from time totimo, The Re! the Bank, The Bank shal ils absolute discration or as per the gui the Reserve Bank of India andior any other statutory or regulatory av ‘any tax law or based on the changos inthe prevailing Reference Ra! and the Borrower agree and confirm to pay interest as per such mos trom the date of such modification. In any event the Borrower shal revisions inthe Interest Rate (c) Payment interest charges / upto levies / applicable tax / duties other charges shall be made by the b ‘other charges shallbe computedat the rate of 265 day per year. Ban! oftheinterestor applicable rate of interest, Such changes shall be bi the bank changes in the rate from time to time. (a) The paymen Instruction, and NAGH on or before the due dates. Borrower has toe paymentis mado, credit shal be given only on realization of funds. the concemedbranch. borrower shall immediately inform the concer ciscretion permit premature closure o the Loan Facilty orany partth notice o its his intention to prepay at the Concemed Branch; anc subject to applicable law and regulations, including payment ofthe p specified rom time to time by the Bank. Premature closure charges foreclosed atthe request ofthe Borrower and at he absolute discret when entire Outstanding Balance has been paid to and realized by nominee of the Bank to visitand inspect the premises/ property comp document ike Balance sheet / profit and loss account / quarterly re uch other copies / document as may be requitedby the Bank. The B {J maditiction without a written permission from the Bank. (g) Borrow ofloan andis fully avare ofthe factthat dishonor of Cheque /revoke borrower undertake to the Bank to honor all payment without fail @ ‘Cheque / revoke the SI / NACH instruction or instruct the Bank to ‘change the Name / Constitaion /clase ox change the banker from w! written permission of Bank, ERS PS “External Benchmark Lending Rate of the Bank (EBLA) oF onpor annum basis as por condition precedent and in the 1st on the Loan payabla for the pariad starting from the rest hecomes payable as part of ihe EMis. (b) The rate of uilodby the Bortoworarilis subject o any higher ratothat onthe date ofthis MIT Gis mentioned herein above |odis reset by tho Bankinits discretion. The change in he at of tho Fleference Rate. The Borrowor shall keep itself ‘ance Rate may also ba available on the oficial website of ines/ directions! rules! regulations! aw issued notified by vofily and any other law in force including but nat lenited to, ‘be onitled to molly the Interest ate (including Spread}. 2d Interest Rates on the Loan and related amounts on and veep himself / themselves informed ofall such variations! Hees and commitment charges! dues /obligation /impost/ ‘rower without any deduction /protest/delay. Interest and atts discretion may madity the basis f year and perioccity Jing on the borrower. Borrowers responsibie to check wath can be made through Cheques, Bank Drafts, Standing sure adequacy of undsin the bank account from which the lhe event of payment being made at any branch other than ‘ad Bank branch in wring. (e) The Bank may atits absolute ‘col where: (a) the Borrower serves at east 15 days’ wniten 1) subject to such conditions as the Bank may prescribe mature closure as mentionedin the Schedule hereto or as sallbe applicable in case the Loan Facilty is allowed to be sn of the Bank and Premature closure shall take effect only he Bank. (1) The borrower shall alow the representative / sing the security and shall submitthe compliance / audited ts / Bank statement /statemont of income or wealth and rower shallnat ente into changes/amendment/alteration has agrees to give the PDC /SI/NACH forthe repayment SI/ NACH instruction isa criminal otfence under Law. The «nat to instruct his her bankers to stop the payment of ithhold depositing the Cheque. (h) The borrower will not hPDC/SI/ NACH havebeen drawn mandated without a 2a come faucocee - ee peer Pres OFC ok ee Er (heen on ik Soucsdby —‘Bramch—OSA_— Campaign ——Reerence« WED «HOLOPENAKT PDK =the, cosse —Prolared=—INPERIA. «ME Dikect_ Others, PROMOTIONAL SCHEME, ccRtano. CcREDIT PROGRAM: ciposire Tipe «ing Fresh Pre Approved ‘neal Cusimer Balanceansfer_Topup Enhancement PRCT TE AU * apeucatt § CocASRO AN Nae 4 Gouran Nene CCoutaxy AooRess ‘cours Constuno Panto? GST Nunca inven UUovos Anbar No, !noustey Cone 18 Aswrng. Sermon 8 Cena 0 iwcieybOmarert: 2k Suet 2. hers. Pepe “This fs with reference to my application for Secure: Loan, I confirm my business turnover for laest three years in as below. ‘Name of the stitution | ___ Relationship Turnover for ‘Turnover for “Turnover for entity Consttuton | (partnerDirector v1c)]_(EY ins)| (FY ins) | (FY in is) Toad ‘Declaration Regarding Joint VanturesiWholly Owned bsidiaries abroad for eniies in whosa name the facili is being sought. (Please Tiek the Option which is applicable) A] vie are a Joint Venture with an Overseas entity. | Yes /\_ No, I Yas", mention the shareholding of Indian Co. / Provnoter : __% B] VWe have a Wholly Owned Subsidiary [WOS} ‘overseas, Yes / LJNo. C] We have a Stop-down subsidiafy Gverseas.__|Yes /|_INo. PSL Category (PRIORITY SECTORIMSME CATEGORY) [| PSL Agri Farm Credit: Farmers engaged in Agricu ve and |) | PSL Housing: i) Loans to incividuals for purchase/ ‘Aled setivtes vi, dairy, fishery, animal husbandry. oul, construction ofa dweling unitper amily bee-keepingandsericulture ‘Loans oincividuelfor rapa to damaged dweling units [| Pst Aged Ancitary Activities: Food and Agro pro: ssing, | [1] | PSL Social Infrastructure: Loans for) setting up schools, CCusiom Service Units managed who maintain a oot of linking water facies, sanitation facies, and i) loans for tractors,bulldozers, well-boring equipment, thre hers, building health care fociiies including under “Ayushman combines, ete. and undertake farm work for fants on) Bharat inTierIto Ter Vicentras contact bass | Pstagriinfrastructure: Loansfori)consirucionct-“orage | [2] | PSL Renewable Energy: Bank for purposes ike solar based facies including col storage urits designed to se agi power generators, biomass-based power gonerators, wind produceipreduels, i) oll conservation and wat-vshed rills, microsryde’planis and far non-conventional energy {development ji) Plant issue culture and agr-biotec! ology, bbasedpublicutites Seed production, production of biospesicies, bio! izer, ‘and: vermi composing. iv) Construction of oll ext scion’ processing units for production of bio-luls, ther storie and Estrbution infa along with loans for setting up Comy assed io Gas pants. | Pstmsme Classification as per Udyam Registration Certifies Business Activitios (please specify) CO Micro 71 engaged in Manufacture or production of goods: Osman C1 engaged in provicing rendering of any Services: Ol seaium C1 t) whotesate and rotait trade: Person with Disabil: L] vos _]No (yes, please sult he Disabil Contest) ‘afedtar Land Deals: 1We OunvCuvate an tho ex arena Ganimorsicopy offend reverve oc = Inerceby decere at ntomoton urichod above is tw and accurate, | Semtcante Ys

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