Cut Off Module 7 B 2024 - Modal

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Cut off Module 7 B booklet 2023-2024

Word Meaning
incandescent (adj.) producing a bright light from a heated filament or other part
emit (v.) to send out a beam, noise, smell or gas
emission (n.) when gas, heat, light, etc. is sent out
desalination (n.) the removal of salt from sea water
diminish (adj.) to reduce or be reduced in size or importance
nutrient (n.) any substance which plants or animals need in order to live and grow
feasible (adj.) able to be made, done or achieved
feasibility (n.) whether something can be made, done or achieved, or is reasonable
filament (n.) a thin thread or fibre of natural or artificial material
fundamental (adj.) forming the base, from which everything else develops; more
important than anything else
sow (v.) to put seeds in or on the ground so that plants will grow
intensity (n.) the quality of being very serious and having strong emotions or
relative (adj.) if something is relative to something else, it varies according to the
speed or level of the other thing
seep (v.) to move or spread slowly out of a hole or through something
affordability (n.) the quality of being not expensive
reap (v.) to cut and collect a grain crop
infrastructure (n.) the basic systems and services, such as transport and power supplies,
that a country or organization uses in order to work effectively
Phrases used in research studies
considerable attention has been paid to sth.
groundbreaking pieces of research has attracted much interest from sb.
the main objective of the research is..
to demonstrate the feasibility of sth.
the findings suggest that ..
scientists speculate that ..
it may have some implications for sth.
Words with multiple meanings depending on the part of speech
Word Meanings
objective ((n.) sth. whish you plan to do or achieve-purpose/aim/goal
objective (adj.) to be uninfluenced by personal beliefs or feelings and rely only on real
relative (n.) a member of your family-relation
relative (adj.) if sth. is relative to sth. else then it varies in relation to it-dependent on /
determined by / influence by
light (adj.) not heavy
light (v.) to make sth. start to burn- set fire to
light (n.) the brightness that comes from the sun (fire or electric devises) that
allows things to be seen-luminosity/radiance
commercial related to buying and selling things.
commercial (n.) an advertisement which broadcast on TV or radio
ideal (n.) -a principal or a way of behaving that is of a high standard
-a perfect thing or situation
ideal (adj.) without fault; perfect, or as perfect as can be
public (adj.) -related to all people in general
-provided by the government from taxes be made available for everyone
public (n.) all ordinary people / the community / citizen
alternative (n.) sth. that is different from sth. else especially from what is usual and
offering the possibility of choice-choice/option/substitute

alternative describes sth that can be used as another possibility or choice instead of
(adj.) another one-different
human (n.) a man, woman or a child-human being
human (adj.) typical of people
individual (n.) a single person or thing, especially when compared to the group or set to
which they belong
individual (adj.) belonging or relating to, or suitable for, people or things that are different
or particular in some way-distinctive
mobile (n.) a mobile phone
mobile (adj.) able to move freely or be easily moved-portable/movable
official (n.) a person who has a position of responsibility in an organization
official (adj.) relating to a position of responsibility-authorised/certified/approved of
superior (n.) a person or group of people who are higher in rank or social position than
others –boss/senior/director/manager/supervisor
superior (adj.) better than average or better than other people or things of the same
type –excellent/exceptional/exclusive
Three-part phrasal verbs
catch up with to begin to have problems with sth. you have managed to avoid them
in the past
make up for to compensate for the lost, damaged or bad
reach out to to try and establish communication with sb. in order to obtain or offer
stay out of to avoid becoming involved in sth.
wake up to to start to realise that a problem or situation exist
get away with to escape punishment or the negative consequences of a wrong action
go through with to do sth. as you have planned or agreed, despite the difficulty
involved or you unwillingness to do so
put down to to assign sth. as the reason for or cause of sth. else.

Verbs related to the environment

avert to prevent sth. bad from happening
dwindle to become smaller in size or amount, or fewer in number = shrink
disrupt to prevent a system, process or event from continuing as expected, to
interrupt an activity or a process by causing a problem
deplete‫ ينضب‬to reduce sth. in size or amount so as to endanger the ability to function

Adjectives and their root verbs

adjective root verb examples
unprecedented precede unprecedented demand/disaster/number
irreparable repair irreparable harm/consequences/loss
irreversible reverse irreversible damage/decision/decline/
Adjectives and their synonyms and antonyms
Adjective synonym antonym
dire severe mild
pristine unspoilt polluted
pervasive widespread uncommon
shrinking decreasing expanding
finite limited endless
inevitable unavoidable preventable

Choose The correct Answer:

01. Since Ted’s problem is not as [direct – dire (severe) – dirty – dairy] as some of the
other patients’ issues, he will have to wait a while to see an emergency room
02. As the sun rose higher in the sky, the temperature soared and Gracie felt her
energy begin to [dire – disrupt – dwindle – deplete].
03. Bus services will be [dire – disrupted (to stop) – dwindled – depleted] tomorrow
because of the bridge closure.
04. When we continually cut down forests, we are choosing to [deleting – depleting –
depletion – deplete] one of our greatest resources.
05. I always [advertise – avert – avoid – avenge] my eyes to avoid seeing the bloody
movie scenes.
06. Because there were few tourists on the island, the beaches were still [prison –
pristine – parachute – precaution] and beautiful.
07. Busy mothers always have a hundred items on their ‘to do’ list and need to
[priority – prioritise – paralyse – parole] tasks that are most important.
08. The media’s [persuasive – pervasive – pervasively – pervasiveness] coverage of
the epidemic has most of the country living in fear.
09. My sweater [shrank – shrimp – shrine – shine] in the wash.
10. The damage caused by the hurricane is [unpopular – unprecedentedly –
unprecedented – unpredictable] and has never been experienced before in our
11. The world’s [infinite –finite – finish – fin] resources must be used wisely.
12. Since the damage to my car is [irreparable – inevitable – irreplaceable –
irreversible], I need to buy a new one.
13. Some acts are [irreparable – inevitable – irreplaceable – irreversible] like having a
child because you cannot return the baby.
14. Everyone knows death is [irreparable – inevitable – irreplaceable – irreversible].
15. I hope you’re paying [your bills – attention – a visit – money], because you’ll be
tested later.
16. You must set realistic aims and [objectives – objections – objectionably –
objectionable] for yourself.
17. Driving with your eyes closed is not [feast – feasible – feasibility – fearsome].
18. What’s the [feast – feasible – feasibility – fearsome] of producing electricity
without creating pollution?
19. An interesting [find – founder – finding – fire] of the survey was that older people
were happier than younger people.
20. Without any evidence, the detectives can only [speculate – speculation –
speculative – spectrum] about who might have committed the crime.
21. The belt in my father’s hand was a clear [implicate – implication – implicit –
implicature] I was in trouble.
22. Andrew was terrified that one day his past crimes would [catch up – wind up –
whine about – put down] with him.
23. Nothing can [make up – catch up – mess up – miserable about] for the loss of a
24. Thieves [caught up – made up – got away – got up] with computer equipment
worth $30,000.
25. Ali bravely [went through – made through – ran through – got through] with the
wedding ceremony even though he was in a lot of pain.
26. I was having difficulty reading, which I [went through – made up – put down –
caught up] to the poor light.
27. You [rich out – reached out – caught up – went out] to me when I needed help the
28. I wish you’d [reach out – stay out – got away – go through] of my business.
29. Samir hasn’t yet [woken up – caught up – got up – wind up] to the seriousness of
the situation.
30. This is a [groundbeef – groundbreaking – hounddog – groundcloth] piece of
research about the new medication for cancer.

A- Choose the correct answer: (Reported speach)

1. He (said – asked – told- say) he wouldn't be able to sleep until he had finished the
2. I asked him what (was he reading – is he reading – he is reading – he was
3. She said that she (want – wants – wanted – is wanting) to be a writer.
4. He asked me where (I have been – have I been – had I been – I had been).
She said that her mother ( help – helped – was helping – helping) her with her
homework then.
5. He asked me if ( do I buy – did I buy – I buy – I had bought ) a new car the
previous month.
6. She said they (meet – would meet – are meeting – met ) them there the following
7. She (asked – wondered – complained – ordered) that she had waited for more than
an hour .
8. They promised that they (phone – would phone – will phone – phones) us as soon
as they arrived.
9. He admitted that he (arrives – has arrived – had arrived – will arrive) late the night
10.She said ( that – if – what – where ) she was hoping to come and see me the
following week.
11.He asked me if I knew that his sister (is – has been – had been – will be) ill.
12.I wanted to know what (they thought – did they think – had they thought – will
they think) of my idea.
13.She wondered ( if – where – when – that ) there was anything interesting at the
14.I admitted that I (don't have – am not having – didn't have – doesn't have) any
15.He denied (to be – had been – was – being) at the scene of the crime
16.I explained that I (would have to – will have to – will – shall) ask my mother.
17.She wanted to know if I (will like – do like – would like – likes) to go shopping
with her.
18.Peter (asked – wondered – promised – wanted) he would phone me that evening.
19.She said, "I (didn't see – won't see – wasn't seen – hadn't seen) anyone until I have
20.She asked me, "(Have you watched – You watched – You are watching – You
watch) the DVD?"
21.She asked him (which – what – whether – who) he was going out.
22.She asked me (carrying – to carry – carry – carried) the bag for her.
23.He wanted to know how much I (pay – have paid – had I paid – I had paid) for my
24.She refused (lending – lend – to lend – to lending) me the money I needed.
25. He ordered her ( to stop – stop – not stop – stopping ) making noise.
26. She advised her son ( to waste – don’t waste – not to waste – waste ) his time.
B- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets : (reported speech)

1. He says , " I'm pleased to get the prize " ( He says that )
2. He said , " I shall meet him at six o'clock . " ( He said that )
3. He said to me , " stop when the light is red . " ( He told me )
4. She said to her sister, " Don't play in the street " ( not to )
5. He asked me when I arrived . ( He said to me )
6. He advised me not to work for a late hour . ( don't )
7. The teacher said , " Don't write the questions . " ( not to )
8. Mother said to me, " Don't be late . " ( not to )
9. " Leave me a lone, " said Mona to her friends . ( to leave )
10. He said to the pupils, " Don't leave before you finish " ( He told the pupils )
11. She said to me , " Don't write your name on the box . " ( She told me )
12. " I'm going to travel to America . " ( He told me )
13. He said, " I went to the cinema last Monday . " ( He told me )
14. She said to me, " I'll buy a new car next month." ( She told me )
15. Ahmed said to Ali, " I have won the prize last week." ( Ahmed told Ali )

C- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d: (reported speech)

1. Zeinab ............. Mona that London was the biggest city in England.
a) said b) told c) explained d) promised
2. Ibrahim said that he was going to see the new film about space the............... week.
a last b) this c) following d) before
3. The teacher asked why so many students were absent ……………….
a) that day b) the following day c) this day d) the day before
4. He ……………… that he had made a big mistake.
a) admitted b) accepted c) asked d) refused
5. He said that be a writer.
a) was wanting b) wants c) wanted d) will want
6. Mariam ................ that she had never been to a farm.
a) said b) asked c) told d) say
7. The farmers said that they.................. organic fertilizers in the following year.
a) will use b) use c) would use d) had used
8. He ………….. he wouldn't be able to sleep until he had finished the homework.
a) said b) asked c) told d) say
9. Adel Emam said that he ………received at the airport by hundreds of journalists
the day before .
a) was b) would be c) had d) had been
10. “I’m going out, Omar” said Bahi. Bahi told Omar that he …………. out.
a) went b) has gone c) was going d) is going
11. Gamal said that he would see Hany …………… .
a) yesterday b) the following day c) the day before d) today
12. Mona said that she …………….. to the park the Thursday before.
a) is b) has been c) had been d) is going
13. Ola told the class that she …………… give a talk about meat on that day.
a) will b) had c) may d) would
14. My uncle said that many people in India ………………. English.
a) speak b) spoke c) will speak d) are speaking
15. David ………… that he would phone me that evening.
a) asked b) told c) promised d) wanted
16. Samar ………. that the helicopter was flying high.
a) told b) said to c) asked d) said
17. Leila said that she ………… the TV serial by then.
a) isn't watching b) didn't watch c) wasn't watching d) hadn't watched
18. He said just now that he ……………a new car next month.
a) would buy b) will buy c) had bought d) buys.
19. She promised that she at home the next morning.
a) would b) will c) had d) can.
20. He …………. Dina that he was writing a letter.
a) said b) told c) asked d) talked
21. Liza said they ……………… to Dubai the following.
a) were going b) have been going c) is going d) went

22. Fatima said that she …………… to be a writer.

a) want b) wants c) wanted d) is wanting
23. He said that his mother ………… him with her homework then.
a) help b) helped c) was helping d) helping
24. She …………. that she had waited for more than an hour .
a) told b) wondered c) complained d) ordered
25. They promised that they ……………us as soon as they arrived.
a) phone b) would phone c) will phone d) had phoned
26. The biologist said that these fish …………..upstream in the autumn .
a) swim b) swam c) swum d) are swimming
27. He admitted that he …………. late the night before.
a) arrives b) has arrived c) had arrived d) would arrive
28. She promised that she……………. home the next morning.
a) shall be b) is going to be c) will be d) would be
29. They told us that they ……….Alexandria Library the following week .
a). will visit b) are going to visit c) were visiting d) would be visiting
30. Rana said they ……………their fiends the following Saturday.
a) meet b) would meet c) are meeting d) met
31. She said ……….. she was hoping to come and see us the following week.
a) that b) if c) what d) where
32. I told the professor that I …………… the following lecture.
a) didn't attend b) wouldn't attend c) won't attend d) hadn't attended
33. Monira has just told Amira that they ……… their friend's wedding tonight.
a) would go b) have gone c) were going d) are going
34. I admitted that I …………… any plans.
a) don't have b) am not having c) didn't have d) doesn't have
35. He denied ……………. at the scene of the crime.
a) to be b) had been c) was d) being
36. I explained that I ……………. ask my mother.
a) would have to b) will have to c) will d) shall
37. He said that he ……………. her playing the piano in the following party.
a) had seen b) has seen c) will see d) would see
38. The teacher ……………that today’s lesson is about farming.
a) says b) said c) tell d) told
39. She said, "I ………………anyone until I have finished.”
a) didn't see b) won't see c) wasn't seen d) hadn't seen
40. Fareeda said that she tennis that evening.
a) had b) is c) will d) would
41. She ............ that she would phone me as soon as the plane landed.
a) complained b) threatened c) denied d) promised
42. She said they .............. them there the following Saturday.
a) will meet b) had met c) met d) were meeting
43. I told my dad that I ……….have money to buy such an expensive car
a) didn't b) don’t c) hadn't d) haven't
44.She went out without telling me when …………come back.
a) would she b) she would c) had she d) she had
45.He wanted to know how much I ………… for my car.
a) pay b) have paid c) had I paid d) I had paid
46.Tarek asked who Mazen …………… playing football with.
a) had b) had been c) has been d) is
47.Samia asked Hala ……… she was doing anything the next day.
a) unless b) whether c) without d) except
48.The teacher wondered whose bag ………….
a) is that b) that is c) was that d) that was
49.I asked him what ………… then.
a) was he reading b) had he read c) he had read d) he was reading
50.He asked me if ………… a new car the previous month.
a) do I buy b) did I buy c) I would buy d) I had bought
51.He asked me if I knew that his sister ………… ill.
a) is b) has been c) had been d) will be
52.She asked me, "…………… the film?"
a) Are you watch b) You have watched
c) You're watching d) Have you watched
53.He asked me why ………… to work abroad.
a) I want b) I wanted c) do I want d) did I want
54.They asked me if my parents ……………I was there.
a) know b) are knowing c) have known d) knew
55.Rami wanted to know where Mona …………… 2 days before.
a) is b) has been c) had been d) would be
56.I wondered what ……………of my idea.
a) they thought b) did they think c) had they thought d) will they think
57.Wada asked Sara if she …………… the bus to school.
a) take b) takes c) has taken d) took
58.She asked me whether my uncle …………. I was trying to find another job.
a) know b) know c) knew d) known
59.He asked me why ………………… to work for their company.
a) do I want b) had I wanted c) did I want d) I wanted
60.I wanted to know ………………… she came home early or not.
a) if b) why c) whether d) when

61.She wondered how …………… about working in a big city.

a) I would feel b) did I feel c) do I feel d) had I felt
62.Farouk asked Osman why …………… late.
a) was he b) are you c) is he d) he was
63.The teacher said, " Where ……………, Hashim?"
a) your book is b) your books were c) the books are d) is your book
64.Karim ………… Nader if there was sugar in the cup.
a) asked b) told c) said d) talked
65.Samy asked Alaa where …………… that precious stone.
a) had she found b) she had found c) did she find d) she found
66.They wanted to know ………………music.
a) if I played b) did I play c) do I play d) that I play
67.She wondered ………………there was anything interesting at the weekend.
a) if b) where c) when d) that
68.He asked me ……………I had written my report or not.
a) whether b) weather c) if d) had
69.Samia asked Hala ……… she was doing anything the next day.
a) unless b) whether c) without d) except
70.Do you know What …………..
a) does this mean? b) this means? c) this means. d) this meant?
71.Nabil asked Yasser …………he was doing.
a) what b) when c) how d) where
72.She asked me ………… the bag for her.
a) carrying b) to carry c) carry d) carried
73.He asked me ……………. I had a driving licence.
a) whether b) what c) how many d) how high
74.Do you know what time,…………….?
a) is it b) it is c) was it d) it was
75.She asked me ……………I could tell her how old I was.
a) how b) when c) why d) whether
76.They want to know who ……………the match.
a) did win b) won c) do win d) does win
77.Sami asked , " What do you mean , Sarah ? " Sami asked Sarah what she ……….
a) was meaning b) means c) meant d) is meaning
78.She asked me which university ……………….
a) had I been to b) go I to c) did I go to d) I had been to
79.The teacher asked Ahmed ……… all the way on foot.
a) why he came b) if did he come
c) how would he come d) if does he come
80.Ahmed asked me where ……… the day before.
a) I had gone b) I went c) had I gone d) did I go
81.Mahmoud promised he would not tell anyone what ……… done.
a) had I b) I had c) have I d) I have
82.Taha's mother asked him where ………………. .
a) he had been b) had he been c) has he been d) he has been
83.She asked him …………… he was going out with.
a) which b) what c) whether d) who

Write a dialogue of at least [six] exchanges on the following situation:
Harry and Jane are discussing “How does plastic pollution affect the ocean?”
Write an essay about “The greenhouse effect”

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