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Complete with possesives.

1 Look at this picture. These are my daughters..............................names are Jane and Laura.
2John was born in Bristol but.............................father was born in Manchester.
3I want to go to a Rihanna concert. I really
4I don't have my mobile phone. Can I use.............................?
5We need a car can I borrow .............................
6Carla and Ned have a really nice car. I
7This T-shirt is not mine. Is it.............................?
8I am going to see the Rolling Stones. Do you like
9We live in a nice house but.............................neighbours are horrible!
10I miss my parents. I want to live again

Choose the correct word or words to complete each sentence.

1 Jim and Robin are..............................................neighbors. (mine/my)
2 Is Ella..............................................boss? (his/he)
3 We are..............................................classmates. (you/your)
4 I am..............................................colleague. (your/you)
5 Is..............................................your doctor? (he/his)
6 Kate and Will are..............................................friends. (they/their)
7 Connie's classmate. (my/I)
8 Are..............................................David Eddy's students? (you/your)
9 He is a friend of............................ (my/mine)
10 So you carrer is biology? .................... is too (my/mine)

Choose the correct one.

1) Is this cup ..........................................(your / yours)?
2) The coffee is ..........................................(my / mine)
3) That coat is .........................................(my / mine)
4) He lives in ..........................................(her / hers) house
5) You might want ..........................................(your / yours) phone
6) The new car is ..........................................(their / theirs)
7) She cooked ..........................................(our / ours) food
8) Don't stand on ..........................................(my / mine) foot!
9) She gave him ..........................................(her / hers) suitcase
10) I met ..........................................(their / theirs) mother
11) Is this ..........................................(their / theirs) coffee?
12) Is the flat ..........................................(her / hers)?
13) The grey scarf is ..........................................(my / mine)
14) That red bike is ..........................................(our / ours)
15) We should take ..........................................(our / ours) coats
16) That is ..........................................(my / mine) car
17) He dropped ..........................................(my / mine) bag
18) Are these phones ..........................................(their / theirs)?
19) These cakes are ..........................................(our / ours)!
20) Are those children ..........................................(your / yours)?

Complete with WHO or WHOSE

He knows the girl...........................has three dogs.
This is Gerry...........................saw a rabbit in our garden.
This is John...........................laptop was stolen this morning.
Mrs Miller,...........................father is a painter, came to New York in 1950.
I talked to the man.......................... lives in High Street.
James Watt was an inventor...........................ideas changed the world.
Doris is the the first prize.
Ethan,.......................... is Isabella's boyfriend, plays badminton.
What do you call someone.......................... lives in Texas?
The Smiths,..........................son went to the USA, are selling their house.
Make questions with WHOSE.....................IS THIS? And practice with 5 classmates.
Choose the correct words to complete the conversations.
A: Which car should we take?
B: Let's take......................................
A: Whose suitcase is this? Is it Brian's?
B: Yes, I think it's......................................
A: Is or Lisa's?
B: That one is......................................
A: Is......................................flight at the same time as......................................?
B: Almost.......................................leaves five minutes later.
A: Is that......................................parents' car?
B: No,...................................... is black, too, but it's a different model.
A: Are these......................................earbuds?
B: No, but maybe they're Barbara's. She was looking for......................................earbuds.
A: Whose turn is it,...................................... or mine
B: It's......................................turn.
A: Which of these are......................................keys?
B: The ones on the silver key ring are his.

Practice with your partner and write the answer.

Whose car is that?

Whose shoes are those?

Whose cellphone is this?

Whose gloves are those?

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