Unit 2B

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Unit 2 Test B Imię i nazwisko: _________________________ Klasa: ___

3. Zakreśl właściwe wyrazy: a, b lub c.

1. Posłuchaj dwukrotnie rozmowy z
1 My parrot is very ______ at night. I can’t sleep!
podróżnikiem, Robertem Wild’em.
Uporządkuj kraje w kolejności od najgorszego a weak b noisy c safe
miejsca na wakacje do najlepszego według 2 Has your family got a washing ______?
Roberta. Potem zakreśl dwa powody, dla a dryer b oven c machine
których warto wyjechać do Australii. 3 He’s a very nice and ______ person. We all like him.
Australia Scotland Japan a cheerful b aggressive c poisonous
4 It isn’t ______ to walk here because there are a lot of
a strange b safe c strong
2 4. Napisz, co przedstawiają ilustracje.
1 2

Why Australia?

a Friendly people.
b Places to do some sport.
c Noisy capital.
d Buildings. c_ _ k _ _ d_ _ _ w _ s _ _ r
e Interesting animals. 3

2. Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki.

Jeden wyraz jest zbędny. ›→

bad pretty sure unforgettable look

into starters out for me mad f_ _ _ _ _ r

Take a 1____________ at this bird. I’m

___________ that it’s a kookaburra. 5. Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań w nawiasach.
1 I want to go to London but I’m not coming back.
Can I have a (bilet w jedną stronę)
I hate traffic jams. They drive 3____________.
_____________________, please?
2 I’m under 16. Can I have a (bilet z zniżką 50%)
For 4____________ , you can see many galaxies ______________________________, please?
through this telescope. It’s 5____________. 3 Have you got (telewizję satelitarną)
4 This building is (spektakularny) __________.
5 It’s a (nowoczesny) __________ building.
Watch 6____________ snakes in your garden. ___/5
They’re really 7____________ news.


Photocopiable Evolution plus 3 © Macmillan Polska 2014

Unit 2 Test B Imię i nazwisko: _________________________ Klasa: ___
6. Zakreśl właściwe wyrazy. W luki w zdaniach 1 Usain Bolt is faster than a greyhound. T/F
3–5 wstaw as lub than. 2 Michael Phelps swims faster than
1 Are giraffes taller / the tallest animals in the world? a gentoo penguin. T/F
2 This is bad / the worst bridge in Warsaw. 3 A kangaroo is faster than Usain Bolt. T/F
3 Are dogs more / most intelligent _______ cats? 4 Kangaroos jump higher than people. T/F
4 Diana isn’t as fast / faster _______ Gillian. 5 Sloths are horrible and they can’t swim. T/F
5 Your seat is good / better _______ my seat. ___/10
9. Porównaj siebie i swojego najlepszego kolegę
7. Uzupełnij zdania. Wstaw przymiotniki lub swoją najlepszą koleżankę. Uwzględnij:
w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie. Tam • wasz wiek,
gdzie to konieczne, wstaw as lub than. • wygląd,
1 England is (small) _______________ Poland. • charakter.
2 I can be (friendly) ____________________ you. ___/10
3 It’s (spectacular) ____________________ show in
the world.
10*. Podpisz ilustracje.
4 Hamsters are (cute) ______________ animals.
5 My painting is (beautiful) __________________ 1 2
________________________ yours.
6 It’s (dirty) _________________ city in Europe.
7 A horse isn’t as (heavy) ___________________ an
8 My maths grades are (bad) _________________ my
history grades.
___/8 ______________ ______________
8. Przeczytaj tekst i zaznacz, czy zdania 1–5 są
prawdziwe (T) czy (F). 3 4
The fastest animal on land is the cheetah. It can run up
to 100 kph (kilometres per hour) over short distances.
The fastest dog – the greyhound – can run up to 70
kph. Gentoo penguins are one of the fastest underwater
animal swimmers. They can swim at an impressive
speed of 36 kph. Kangaroos are very fast animals too.
A comfortable speed for a kangaroo is about 21–26 ______________ ______________
kph when it moves slowly looking for food and water
but it can be much faster, up to 56 kph. A kangaroo
can also jump 3.1 metres! 5
The world’s fastest person is a Jamaican runner, Usain
Bolt. His world record for 100 metres is 9.58 seconds.
He can run about 44 kph! The world’s fastest swimmer
is an American, Michael Phelps. In the Olympic
Games in 2012, he needed 51.21 seconds to swim 100
metres. That’s about 7 kph. The world’s highest
jumper is a Cuban sportsman, Javier Sotomayor. His ______________
highest jump is 2.45 metres. Sloths are the slowest
animals in the world. They are very easygoing, they *Ćwiczenie nieobowiązkowe – CLIL/Culture ___/5
just sit in the trees all day. They go down the tree only Punkty: ___/70
once a week. Sloths are very cute and quiet, but when
they are in danger, they make a loud noise and can be Ocena ___
aggressive. They’re good swimmers too. Do you know
how slow the world’s slowest person is?
Photocopiable Evolution plus 3 © Macmillan Polska 2014

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