Job New

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D. E. Society’s Smt. Subhadra K.

College of Nursing




Mrs. Raymol Abraham Mrs. Sheetal Thakur

Associate Professor Final Year, M.Sc. Nursing
DES S.K Jindal College of DES S.K Jindal College of Nursing,
Nursing, Pune Pune



Developing an organization structure result in jobs, which have to be staffed. ‘Work’ is an

organization's primary function. The ‘basic work activities may relate to three categories-data,

people and things.

While manpower inventory is concerned with telling ‘what employees are do, job analysis

assesses, ‘what employees are doing’. From job analysis, specific details of what is being done

and the skills utilized in the job, are obtained.

It also involves job design (or) redesign - coordinating demands on available time, individual

psychological needs, technical procedures, and desired performance.

A job description is a written statement of the specific functions which the individual worker

is expected to perform, the requirements for the job and the relationship of the workers with

other personnel in the organization structure.

A job description is the detailed description of the work performed, or training required,

conditions under which the job is done and the personnel requirements of the job.


A job description is an organized factual statement of duties and responsibilities of a specific

job.In brief it should tell what is to be done, how it is done and why. It is a standard of function,

in that it defines the appropriate and authorized content of a job.

-Flippo Job
description is a written record of the duties, responsibilities and requirements of a particular

job. It is concerned with the job itself and not with the work.

-Ganker and Mamoria

Job description is written record of principal duties and scope of responsibility for a particular

job, together with the required employee characteristics.

Basavanthappa B T Job description is hence a list of activities that must be performed to

accomplish some task (or) job.

Job description involves the following items:

1. Job identification (or) organizational position:

It includes the job title, alternative title, department, division, and plant and code number of

the job. Job title identifies and designates the job properly. It should be short, definite and

suggestive of the nature of the job.

2. Job summary:

• It serves two important purposes:

• It provides a short definition, which is useful as additional identification

information when a job title isn’t adequate.

• It serves as a summary to orient any reader towards an understanding

of detailed information which follows.

2. Job duties and responsibilities:

It gives a comprehensive listing of the duties together with some indication of the frequency of

occurrence (or) percentage of time devoted to each major duty. It is regarded as the heart of a

job. It tells us:

- What needs to be done.

- How it should be done.

- Why it should be done.


Under it is given the number of persons to be supervised along with their job titles and the

extent of supervision involved, i.e., general, intermediate (or) close supervision.

Working conditions:

Provides information about the environment in which a job holder must work. These include

cold, heat, dust, wetness, moisture, fumes and odor, oily conditions etc. present inside the



It helps to locate the job in the organization by indicating the job immediately below (or) above

it in the job hierarchy.

➢ Advantages:

• It helps to record data for job evaluation.

• It facilitates wage and salary administration.

• It provides a basis for manpower planning.

• It facilitates employment, recruitment, selection, placement, orientation, supervision

and evaluation of employees, i.e., it:

- Makes clear for the authorities, the type of person needed for the job.

- Provides a basis for orientation for the individual employed and for other

personnel, so that all are familiar with what is expected of each one.

- Provides a basis for supervision and for evaluation.

- It helps in establishing educational programs which meet the needs of the

service; this refers to all educational programs, i.e., basic, post-basic and in-


• It facilitates sound organization, clearly states and allocates functions for all personnel

which is essential for the maintenance of well-organized service.

• It promotes efficiency and economy by helping to prevent overlapping or duplication

of effort and the faulty use of existing personnel.

• It promotes good morale by helping the administration to deal intelligently with


• and to establish definite lines of promotion.

• It provides data for job classification so that equitable wages and salary can be

established and maintained.

➢ A job description should be developed on the following basis:

• It should be based on the needs of the service.

• It should be based on facilities and resources available.

• It should be based on the organizational structure and policies of the agency.

• It should be based on the preparation of personnel available, e.g., certificate nurses,

diploma nurses, undergraduate nurses, post- graduate nurses of available budgeted


➢ Guidance for Preparation of Job Description

• Prepare a simple form on which each employee may list his own functions and


• This will furnish information on what each person is currently doing.

• Has the supervisor reviewed each form with the individual worker and added to it if

thought to be incomplete?

• Group all forms received from workers who’s the same, and from them prepare a

general summary of the requirements, i.e., qualifications for each job etc.

• Compare all summaries to determine whether functions and activities are assigned to

the proper jobs and make necessary revisions to minimize duplication and overlapping.

• Prepare specifications for jobs having the same overall requirements. Include general

requirements and standards that must be met by an applicant, which are useful for

administrative purposes and for establishing salary ranges.

• Prepare for each specific job description, setting forth its characteristics, functions and

responsibilities. This should be given to employees and used in orienting them.

• Note the date when the description was prepared and the name of the person who

prepared it.

• Plan for implementation, discuss the job descriptions with staff members and help the

staff to put them in to effect.

• Plan the periodic review and revision as necessary.

• Guidelines for Writing Job Descriptions

• Always be accurate about what is expressed.

• Personal pronouns should be avoided - if it is necessary to refer to the worker, the word

operator may be used.

• Do not describe only one phase of the job and give the impression that all phases are


• Generalized or, ambiguous expressions such as prepare, assist, handle etc. Should be

omitted unless supported by data that will clarify them.

• All statements should be clearly and simply set down. (Promiscuous use of adjectives

only reflects one’s own opinion!)

• Describe the job being done, by the majority of workers holding the designation.

• Write in simple language explain unusual technical terms.

• Description of the job which is part of team work, should establish the team


• The length of the description is immaterial; it is not expected even with printed forms

that all job description should be of equal length, but they should be written concisely.

• When the job analyst finds that the data he/ she has to work with is insufficient, he/she

should stop until sufficient data is available

• Put the date of completion of each description and revise it as often as changes in the

job and occupation require.

• Job descriptions should have the concurrence of the concerned supervisor.

• Descriptions should contain the initials of persons who compile them.

• While writing job descriptions outline the following factors:

- Job title
- Statement of the general nature & amp; purposes of the job

- Relationships with personnel (within the organizational structure,

including activities to be performed in carrying out such functions)

- Qualifications for the job

✓ Education

✓ Experience

✓ Personal characteristics (include age, health, personality traits)


Educational qualification

1. General : As prescribed for staff nurse

2. professional: BSc Nursing (postgraduate) or M.Sc. Nursing or equivalent examination

Registration: Registered with the state nursing council

3. Experience : Should have experience as staff nurse not less than 5 years Standard

Norms As prescribed by the Indian Nursing Council. Role and Functions She/ he is a

teacher in the nursing school, accountable to the principal or vice principal. He/she is

responsible for planning and implementation of teaching programmes and assisting in

the general administration.

Academic Function

1. Responsible for planning and implementation of the teaching programme.

2. Teaching subjects in the curriculum.

3. Overall supervision of clinical teaching programmes of those subjects, which come

under the hospital/community health setting.

4. Maintains classroom equipment, supplies and teaching aids.

5. Conducts tests (theory and practical) and evaluates the student's assignments and


6. Prepares teaching material and implements them under the guidance of other teachers.

7. Helps students with their extracurricular activities.

Administration and Evaluation

1.Assisting in the administration of the school of nursing.

2. Supervising student's health, welfare and security.

3.Assisting in the selection of students and overall administration.

4.Assisting in examinations and tests (sectionals and terminals).

5. Supervising living condition of students in the hostel.

6. Assisting in teaching of other categories of personnel in the hospital and community.

7.Assisting in the procurement of school supplies and equipment.

8. Assisting in maintaining school records.

10. Planning, implementing and evaluating.


⚫ A job description is a tool that explains the tasks, duties, function and responsibilities of a


⚫ It details who performs a specific type of work, how that work is to be completed.

⚫ Nursing superintendent assumes authority and is responsible for planning organization and

development of nursing services in the hospital.

⚫ Allocates department resources in an efficient and economic manner to enable quality

nursing care.

⚫ Planning and implementation of nurse training


• Linda Roussel with Russell C. Swans burg, ‘’Management and leadership for nursing

administrators’’,5th edition Jones and Bartlett publications, page no.190-195

• Jogindra Vati, ‘’Principles and practice of nursing management and administration’’,

2nd edition, publications, page no. 300-309

• Dr. Latha Venkatesan, ‘’A Textbook of administration, ward management and

education’’, Vit Med publication, page no.88-91

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