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TCS 425
Frequency Response of a System
• The frequency response of a system is the way in which the gain of
the system, and also the phase difference between the output and
input signals, depend on the signal frequency.
• Let us proceed with defining the transfer function in the frequency
domain. For a system function given as , the
frequency domain equivalent is

• where For a non-decaying test signal, = 0

• The gain of such system is therefore given as :
• While the phase difference is given as:
Frequency Response- P-Z Diagram approach
• Transfer function 𝒔 𝟏
𝒔 𝟐, has the P-Z diagram
• The gain of the system, is the distances from A to the
zero and to the pole and then divide these two
• The zero distance is 1 + 1
• The Pole distance is 1 + 2

• To find the phase angle we just measure the

angles between the positive real axis and both
the zero vector and the pole vector, and then
subtract these two angles.
• the zero angle, ,
• the pole is
Frequency Response- P-Z Diagram approach
• Find the gain and phase angle for the
previous system: 𝒔 𝟏
𝒔 𝟐, for angular
frequencies of 0 rad/s (d.c.), 2 rad/s and also
for very large frequencies.
• = 0 rad/s: this frequency (d.c.) is represented
by point A
• The gain is
• The phase angle is 0-0 =
• For = 2 rad/s: this frequency is
represented by point B:
Frequency Response- P-Z Diagram approach
• In this particular example ( , ), we only
had one pole and one zero. For the more general case,
where there are several zeros and poles: :

• where k is the 'pure' gain in the system. For example, if the

transfer function of the system had been 3(s + 1)/(s + 2), then k
= 3.
• If there is no zero, e.g. T ( s ) = 1/(s + 2), then a '1' must be used
for the zero distance.
The Frequency Response of a Discrete System
• As with continuous systems, the frequency response of a discrete
system can also be found from its pole-zero diagram.
• However, as it is the unit circle in the z-plane that corresponds to the
imaginary axis in the s-plane,
• here the 'frequency point' moves around the unit circle in an anticlockwise
direction as the signal frequency increases.
• The point starts at z = +1 (d.c.), and ends at z = - 1 (the Nyquist frequency).
• For example, say we have a discrete system with a transfer function
given by T(z) = (z + 1)/(z- 0.5), and we need to find the response at
d.c. (0 Hz), 1 Hz and 2 Hz, given that the sampling frequency is 8 Hz.
The Frequency Response of a Discrete System
• The p-z diagram is as shown.

• Frequency = 1 Hz:
• the zero distance, BZ, = 1.84
• and the pole distance, BP, = 0.73.
• .'. Gain = 1.84/0.73 = 2.5
• Also the zero angle = tan-l(0.7/1.7) -
and the pole angle = tan-l(0.7/0.2)
• .'. Phase angle = - =
The Frequency Response of a Discrete System
• Frequency - 2 Hz
• Here the zero distance is
and the pole distance
• Gain = = 1.27

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