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‘Antennas & Wave Propagation 3:2 GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS ™ GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS 3-3 L 3.1 Introduction to Antenna [ee eae te E aed oe Question td E Eom 2._ Sometimes ahal-wave dipole antenna sao used as reference antenna. ‘Gi Radiation Resistance R ):Itis defined as fictitious or hypothetical resistance that Would dissipate an amount of power equa to radiated power. Power Radisted | Pay device with extensive applications in all Communication, Radar and in bio-medical systems”. Or Rg =: . es te “An antenna or aerial is a system of elevated conductors which cou ‘mat an " = ~ es eee a tb eer ome We, GidRadiation Power Density : Its the strength ofthe radiated wave anywhere seater ‘sound he rear ney Different type Its time average Poynting vector of the EM wave and generally denoted as | Reflector (7,844). ] Radiating dipole Radiation power density is also defined as power radiated per unit area ie, 6 2 | 5 M(.0,4) =<7+ =Time average poynting vector ofthe EM wave = F,. Dipole ‘Loop Hel ‘Parabolic dish reflector (7,8,9) = Poe 1. anenton assoc taro Awana 35 = weapetsnan fp al] = ‘2 Anantenna isa transducers. a m & An aboond canpdanc cating dt aq man os Se Gv Radiaton power intensity: ti the stength of the radiated wave in any 4, Anantenna is a coupler between Transmission Line (TL) and space: meen ane at SI) RA Free sce Or ae ——————————e saa (usually denoted as U (8,4) or y(8,4)) we i V0.4) ~ 70” solidangle Artenna sao known as Aad : aif radiation intensity i wateerdin catia? ed 3.2 Antenna Characteristics and Parameters where dsisdferentia surface area in spheric co-ordinates. ‘Question 2 ton . 2. Relation between ds and d02 is given as: * - y ds=dQs’ (dQissolid angle) 1D iebepe ania orlstopieradiatn) (i) Radiation restance i ae nee ie Oeste el eee suaceare, d= diferent dangle (v) Directive gain (v4) Power gain 4 (pDireaviy. {eSVTU May 2069, 201, 2015, Dec 20, 201, 2012, 20181 “Ana. (Isotropic Antenna (or Isotropic Radiator): An isotropic antenna (or radiator) is & fictitious antenna and is defined as an antenna which radiates uniformly in all directions. It is also called as isotropic source or omnidirectional radiator or sismply unipole. Is electric field expression is independent of O and §- 6 7. ‘Antennas & Wave Propagation 3-4 GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS & vOd)=F5 R= ffv(osyan For anisotropic antenna, @) WOM) SRS 2 {efor isotropic antenna u(7,04)= hag = ® VO.8=Vop (+i Power sain(G, z ie for isotropic antenna, ¥(0,4)= Wag === Co) Directive gain(G,) ls defined as the rato of intensity of radiation ina speaied direction tothe average radiation intensity in the same direction (radiation intensity ofthe isotropic antenna in the same direction) thats, G, =¥(Q4) __ Rodiaonintenstyina specie diectionbyanantenna oq Radiaonintensiy in tesame direction by lovopiantensa YA) _4ey(0.H) Axo. z F Jvonaa Ga qtt¥ Od [[vean inddods G,-7 EW) [v@msineaeds Note The direction gain G, depends on antenna pattern. is defined as the ratio of 4x times radiation intensity to the = G-d#¥i0d) fete BUR and Antenna efficiency G, = G, Antenna cflisicncy G,=G,xn GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS ™ ‘where, 7/=elficiency factor lies between 0 t01 ‘Thus, when 11=Ithen G, =G, ie. power gain equal directive gainas frequently in VHF and UHF ete. (vi) Directivity (D) : The direction (D) of an antenna is the ratio of my radiation intensity to its average radiation intensity. VCD ; i, the maximum value of G, Vor D=G\. See 1. Range of directivity 1s Ds. 2. Smallest directivity D=1 (fr isotropic antenna). 3. Directivity in decibel (D),, =10l0g,, D. ie D: A Or PEE Be a Serv ofa aa the expression for maxim (@) Antenna efficiency (m) "Its defined asthe ratio of power radiated by input power plied to the antenna andi is denoted by 1, or E or represents the fraction of total energy supplied to the antenna converted int electromagnetic waves. ‘Antenna efficiency i also refered as radiation efficiency. FUER, am Pe TaUR+ Ra) RR Pa Rath The resistance & isknown as loss resistance and consist o following as ‘Ohmic os inthe antenna conductor Dieletric loss. PR Joss in the antenna and ground system. Loss in earth connection. Leakage lssin insulation. n= n= x10 yeep Wave Propagation atanas & ere Popa 5-6 __ GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS (GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS 3-7 Antennas & Radiation Since, G,=G,xn DAR ARIMA AKI RR (8.8) a TRARY HX, ASP (0.8) Now, solving above equation, we get, (i) Effective area / Effective aperture area / capture area (4.,,):Itis the efctive area RR ae y or aperture area over which art antenna extracts EM energy from the travelling EM wave. ‘Again diferentiate equation (A) wart. X,, we get a 3 a OV RK Itis defined as the ratio of the power receive atthe antenna load terminal to the Toney poyntng vector of theincdent wave, 4,=! fe er a a aR UK +K) where, W = Received power at the load x, terminal in watts X=-X, P= Poynting vector of incident plane Now, putting the value of equation (C) in equation (8), we get ‘wave in watts in RAR, Directive gain for a given wavelength is 14, Putting the value of X; and R, in equation (A), we get given by, EB a an Wane = Gonads = Po Goime 57 at =or = aR = i ‘The equivalent circuit is shown in figure Z]=R.+iK, Z ‘Maximum effective aperture : where, Z, = Antenna impedance Zi Jan 4), =__asiarmmreeived power V = Equivalent voltage induced by EM Powerdensityof incident wave ond : Pan Yn Aen PRP (om’) +k 3 Inwords, Antenna resistance = Radiation resistance + Loss resistance (iivEtfective lengt/Etective height(lq) : The efetive length represents the ‘Now, putting the values of Z, and Z, we have setihepa 2 effectiveness of en antenna as radiator or collector of EM wave energy, Peepers Or BRIE D Parr egte q ecient nice hw foram entra etic n raneiting or cing lai Tay VRE, Ha ¥ = Load reactance (in 2), X, ~ Antenna reactance (in 0) = goer cee nt en ee For receiving antenna, the effective length is defined as the ratio of induced Power received atthe load terminal W = /2,*R, voltage at the terminal of receiving antenna under the open circuited condition to ip aeeiia dea wotA) the incident electric Geld (EF) intensity. “GD : v Vor Gane (e)= f= Ho = meter or wavelength ” VR, E"Voliim =—-——___ + 4, ARTETA (a)=2 he where, I, ~ Physical height = terms of power density, I. I~ ‘This is the expression for effective area or capture area in terms of power ri = is i inating load impedance Z, For sinusoidal current distribution 4 induced voltage V, antenna impedance Z, and termi From equation (A), we get P : For triangular current distribution /2« care acaneny runtscarions ™ GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS ™ (Gv) Antenna beamwidth : Antenna beamwidth is a measure of directivity of antenna, Antenna beamwidth is an angular width in degrees, measured on radiation pattern (major lobe) between points where the radiated power has to half of its maximum value. This is called as “beamwidth” between half po Antennas & Wave Propagation 3-8 (ei) Antenna gain (6): Gain of entenna without involving th ante ofiiney fined asthe ratio of maximum adition intensity to average ration intensity ‘The antenna gain Gis closely related to directivity Das: G=n0 where, = Antena efficiency. For 100% efficient antenna, G and D are same ie G=D Forlesless antenna. connection off, 0d C, element. ‘The main difference between the antenna equivalent cuit and an RLC circuits that Rbs0dC, wary with frequency. As 2 result the antenna conductance peak ppeats not aPFesonant frequency bt at a frequeSRy sightly away fom ft shown in igure @). Fig. 3 Antenna beamwidth ‘Antenna beamwidth can be defined as “The angular width (i degree) Inajor lobe between the to directions at which the radiated or received power the maximum power”. Sometimes radiation pattern is also described in term of angular between frst nulls or first side lobes, known as beamwidth between fist 's abbreviated as (BWEN) or beamwidth-10 dB down from the pate n The directivity (D) is related with beam solid angle (02,)or beam a L Conductance, ‘Susceptance, b tL @ ) _Fig 2 Typical variation of antenna (a) Conductance and (b) Susceptance The antenna impedance, Z,=R+j(X,-N¢) where, X, =wLand Xe == Here, (Gi) Antenna bandwidth: I is defined asthe frequency over which the antenna maintains its characteristics and parameters, Ike gain, front-to-back rato, standing woave ri alan pate parton, pede, directy and s0 on, witout considera ge 3 Gi) Front to Back-Ratio (FBR) : FOR i defined asthe ratio of radiated power inthe des direction tothe radiated power inthe opposite direction. Radisted powerin desired direction That i = Hadiced powerin desired direction, ats FPR =F aed powerinopposiedrection Since the radiation patter ot lobe isa 3-dimensional and hence them ‘area approximately may be given by the product of beamwidths in ho vertical planes or E plane and H planes i.e. is B= (HPBW) in horizontal plane x (HPBW) in vertical planes (square = (HPBW) in E plane (HPBW) in H plane B=0_x0, Square radians if 0, and 0, in radians. otonas& Wave Propagation 3:40 _ GATE AcADexY PUBLICATIONS ™ 4x Daag, where Oc and Oy in radians 4nx(573)° aro Stuaredegress —(..1radian= 573¢] 41259 80%, (where 0, and0, are in degrees) or, D= 1. Alternating current elements or Hertzian dipole 2. Short dipole 3. Short monopole 4. Halt-wave dipole 5. Quarter wave monopole 1. Altemating current element or hertzian dipole : It isa short linear antenna in ‘hich the current along its length is assumed to be constant. "2. Short dipole : It is a linear 19RG antenna whose length is less tha” * and the current distribution is assumed to be triangular. 3. Sion monople 1» nt anes who kg own sd cure dtitonis seed tobe gle 4. ttt wave ipl Uae neon woe gt it an te cat ditibutons sume oe sind Wily eer 5 Quer nave monopole: itinerant ws legis a eae roi distribution is assumed to be sinusoidal. Itis fed at one end with es ‘What do you mean by hertzian dipole? : Hertzian dipole isan infinitesimal current element al which does notexst in eal le. ins. Or Hertzian dipole isa short linear antenna which, when radiating, i assumed to carry ‘As hertzian dipole and altemating current elements virtually ms radiated power and radiation resistance are given by + : (a 1 oe (vat, tbe (gJ2 ean the same, the ‘Ans. Quarter wave monople antenna : It consists of half of a half wave dipole antenna located on a conducting ground plane. ‘The monopole antenna is perpendicular to the plane which is usually assumed to be infinite and perfectly conducting. It is fed by a ‘co-axial cable connected to its base. Radiation resistance of quarter wave monopole is3650 [L3.4 Magnetic Potential of Dipole Antenna Half wave length dipole or simply half wave dipole (2/2) antenna is one ofthe simplest antenna and is frequently employed as an element of a more complex directional system eg. antenna arrays ete. Now, we calculate the radiation field of a half wave dipole or a quarter wave ‘monopole as illustrated in figure (1) and (2). ae 1.sioB('+2) ig 0) A sinusoidal current distribution Fig (2} A sinusoidal current distribution assumed in centre fed dipoteantenna assumed in 2.4 monopole antenna Antennas & Wave Propagation 3212 __ GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS ™ 3-13 Antennas & Rada GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS ™ Let the current distribution in the clement be sinusoidal and i given by, 4 T=1, sinf(HH~2) for 230 T=I,sinf\H +2) for <0 Here, J, = maximum current ‘The vector potential at a point P due tothe current element Idz given by, Here, is the distance from the current element to the point P. The total vector a4, 4nd potential at P due to all current elements is given by, Focabaliwave dipole 1-2 => a2 3. H=% ame SePlit $2) eB seep Gains osely related with directivity, 6, =D SA el ee ee where, 11= efficiency factor= 1 for 100% efficiency As 2 snp =sinZxh=1, cospH =cos%=0 1n< Tifllosses are present ie a4 2 D= directivity. So, ‘sinB(H +2) =sinf(H 2) =cosfiz efit) Directivity depends entirely on far field pattem. Gain a Putting equation (ii) in equation (ji), we get efficiency. If an antenna has not any losses like ohmic, dielectric mismatch i ieee een efficient then the directivity and gain are same. However for an antenna with! Ace [foto a3 Joosiee 4] gain will be ess than directivity factor which corresponds to efficiency, ¥ n Inmany antennas, the antenna losses are extremely small and hence the value But, feostee mas feospee mnie is almost equal to the directivity. That is why gain and directivity are in * : used. a [fleet semen 4] Je epi z ovo) ] Ante, [fates] [fomtt snap cost ono) i [200 Acos B= cosa + B) +094 to seleaexd) seein” ir | pX+cos8)—‘l=cos8) toe) direction to the maximum radiation intensity from a reference antenna (i antenna) produced in the same direction with same power input. 3.5 Directivity of Half Wave Dipole Antenna Question 10 Find the directivity of a half waveidipole antenna, ‘Ans. Forhalf wave dipole, pstennaa & Wave Propagation 3-44 __ GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS ™ “The magnitude of E forthe radiation field is given by, Radiation power density is given by, 1 laf 1(,0,4) = ae aailins) aiiiation intensity is given by, ¥(0,9) = u(r, 8,4)" Clow’ cose)? u(r 8, 4 VOM" ia") Directive gain is given by, ee 4ry0.0) [Jv since dQesind0ds i a qe hit el san Antennas & Radiation sind By using Simpson's or the trapezoidal rule, we get jee dain - cor (Zoo) a 6,9 ate id (1.218)(2n) coe (Sex08 sin? fm But directivity D=G,L, =1.64 Dai Ans. Hence directivity of half wave dipole antenna is 1.64. ‘Ans. The directivity of receiving antennas are direcly proportional to the maximum fective apertures et there be two antennas A and B whose directivties and maximum effective aperture are denoted by D,,D, and (A,)., and (4,)u, respectively. DHA) and tA (adm | seal Dielddn ton ny ‘The gain and directivity w.r1. isotropic source or antenna i given by, G, =D ‘where, G,~ Gain ofa transmitting or receiving antenna, 1 = Efficiency factor, D=Directvity If now the losses of efficiency factor 1 and mismatch are included, the » can be replaced by effectiveness ratio a, Le. G,=« D. evel) Let us now assume that G.,.0,,D, being the gain, effectiveness ratio and directivity of antenna A and G,, a,, D, are the corresponding quantities for the antenna B . From equation (i, we get Antennas & Wave Propegation 8-48 __ GATE. ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS ™ 0, =, D, for Antenna A Gy #4, Dy wwe for Antenna B From equation (i, we get 2D, (Aon Ada - AL From definition, , = —4s— rom dfition 3, = 75 — (A)= oA and similarly (4,)=6,(4,)m ence feat Where 4, and A, are the effectiveness apertures of antenna A and B. Let us now Tesume hat antena Aisan isotropic antenna, then its directivity D, =1 Prtingthisconditonnegaton we 6 Dot ade = (4). - Be i) = aa we ir the maximum effective apertui® of an isotropic antenna is calcula, then the ‘treaty of any antenna canbe calculated from the following equation. p-H= Adem ites hc thet of ry antenna noking bt the rato of is maximum efectie othe maxim efectoe aperture ofan isotropic ante. Zlrnple; Short Dipole Antenna : Maximum effective aperture and directivity is spvenby (2) a 3 reps “Then from equation (i), we get iv) Ingen, D-H). “This the relation between directivity and maximum effective apeture of an antenna. fates 02055, 05x 0, elsewhere Determine the directivity of the antenna. 3-47 Antennas & Radian | Os0sx, O am") 2A foray ipteorany wie «80¢ (“£) (0 & ors dipole =20e (] [ tress, ==] «Power dent finden wave P= and = B+ a ono (ee ne (2] Here, Z(tavasc impedence) =n =1208 and R [it & =0,8i los resistance] (i &, forshort monopoles =10%? (* 3. Rlor® dipole=730 4._R for quartecprave monopole =36:50 ke the maximum effective aperture ofa short dipole: [CSVTU May 2009, 2015], ‘Ans. Length ofthe shor dipole is small in comparison to wavelength i. dl <2. ‘The maximum effective aperture is given by Tf the current is non-uniform over the length of the antenna and if the total radiated Gi Tweet ae FPR, power is ore teenie physical length then effective length ithe eng required by the radiating antenna to radiate the same power with uniform currents where, V ~Induced voltage; P «Poynting vector and R, = Radiation resistance ‘Thus, (4)... can be calculated if above factors are known. everywhere. Forsinusidal current distribution ly 1. The induced voltage Vin the shot dipole dls maximum when itis parallel to the ee incident electric field E. Thus effective value of V is given by the product of Where, 1s effective length and i physical length. effective length of short dipole (dl) and Electric Geld intensity E, ie eed Inhalt ware dipole current dstubutons assumed toe sinusoidal 2. ThePoymting vector or Power density of inciden: wave atthe shor dipoles given Hence fy for half wave dipole, ly =~2* ‘where, E~ Electric field intensity, n= Intrinsic impedance of free space and P «Poynting vector. 2 3. Theradiation resistance of short dipole is given by, For uangularcorrent distbuto, ly =" In hort dipole current distribution is assumed tobe triangulat For constart current f re : Inhertzian dipole curtent is uniformly distributed, 1 . ‘Antennas & Wave Propagation i 9-20 __GATEACADEMY PUBLICATIONS ™ 7} Substituting these values in equation (), we have aR 1208-2? GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS ™ (2) tanar _ soe Ae = = 0.132" pean DBE BE 7 Aan = 0132 aon Cn aetna a nl stun ire = I=1,cosp = ae = 2 a dlc i) Electric field intensity E is given by = bao Hence, the total induced voltage Vis obtained by integrating above equation, over the entice length of 2/2. nfiv) ‘The power density or Poynting vector is given by P= and radiation resistance of 102 antennais730. ‘Ans. Radisted power by half wave dipole, =73.0y. Radiated resistance of half wave dipole, R, = 73.2. Proof cqassts ofthe following steps: 1. White expression for the assumed curren distribution in the element. 2. Obtain expression for vector magnetic potential, A. 1.080 E 3. Obtain H from H 4. Obtain average radiated power. . 5. Obtain total power radiated . z 6. Obtain the value of radiation resistance ‘The sinusoidal current distribution in element is, represented by igure. Letus assume, 11, sinB(H-2)forz>0 1=,sinp (HH +2) for2 <0 dipole is given as, 4, = P= poles given as, , = 3 7 Also, 290 oF walla (0%), sonas & Wave Propagation 3-22 GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS Solving in spherical co-ordinates, we get Wee 2, wt=2eay-Z4] GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS ™ 3-23 Antennas & Radiation ‘The average value of Poynting vector is one half ofthe peak value cor (Ses ue [ G9 ase] s fag BH a Andou 2A sat) 2(408 sia8 ' ~YSreasnn- 204 f= =A: Re pepe eae nee cae 1 c0'(Foss) sino \2 Loy’ sinod0 a "8 ‘From (i) and (ii) we have, cos cox) Butthe ume ration of einer! | C2 gy Simpson's the ‘Trapezodal ule goes vale of 1218, = So, & =a <2 atest as LaBle Hence, Fp=3S4x2%Ly, oF P,=73.08 [wats ee ‘The coefficient of [isthe radiation resistance ie, R, = 7308 2 Proved. The radiation eld forhal wave dipole are ile ox Seeo “The magnitude of E forthe radiation field is: |E,|= Since &, and Hare in time phase. Hence the maximum value of Poynting vector is Pa, = (Ea )aus Hy dee 2|s0"(Eeo8) ‘ns. | sind GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS ‘Antennas & Wave Propagation 3-26 . let la newmepsgreare pone otal? “Where, sod H, are the field components mis intrinsic impedance, we et Jal ‘The field H, due to short dipoles given as, H, =: (Considering fr field region, i.e. >>2.-Then (GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS ™ es eon eRe es oS 2 fans. Letusconsider monopole wih siusidal cue itrbuton as shown in] 2a, it obtained. exacly as described for half wave dipole. Average radiate p ner “The total radiated power by antenna, pies: fea ‘1, sinB(H +2) Fig. Monopole with curent distibution 4 ‘As the monopole is fed with a perfectly conduction plane at one end, ti nly through ahem spherical surface. Therefore, the total radiated power i gv ‘Numerical evaluation of the integral ‘Trapezoidal rule gives a value of 0.609. ec) =182712 (i) E,=0 ) H=0 Antennas & Wave Propagation 3-26 __ GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS ‘The reciprocity theorem for antennas is stated as follows : If an ex. is applied tothe terminals of an antenna no, 1 and the current measured at the terminals of another antenna no. 2, then an equal current both in amplitude and phase will be obtained a the terminals of antenna no. 1, ifthe same emt is applied to the terminals of antenna no. 2. Or If a current/, at the terminals of antenna no. 1 induces an emf E, at the open terminals of antennago. 2 and a current /, at the ferminals.of antenna no. 2 induces anemf F, atthe open terminals of antenna no.1, then E, =, provided 1,=1,. Itis assumed that: () emssare of same frequency. (Gi) Medium between the two antennas are linear, passive and isotropic. (ii) Generator producing emf and the ammeter for measuring the current have 2270 impedance or if not then both the generator and the ammeter impedances are ‘Ant. No.2 antenna no. 1 Nediem (0) Current /, inducing an emt Ex Ant. No. Antennas & Radiation GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS 3-27 — — \ FLOW 4 =— Ey OF. =, { ENERGY = ‘Ant.No.1 Medium Ant. No.2 4 (4) Corrent J, inducing an emf E,, in antenna n0.2 me (©) Equivalent T network corresponding to for terminal network of figure (2) Lig m2 14 © ® i 3 (0 Equivalent T network corresponding to for terminal network of figure (d) Fig Explanation of reciprocity theorem Eepanon Giga 0's rca so ing oc oe ena trio no 2 wh pong en nding ene Ea opted tates (Now the san writer tne o anes. wih spring cue anndunga voageE the open rma ens uy serge tent ef pnt ear tan poned > Sixt eno cares an inp, hh ao Si wane impedance 2, a8 in ese and so also the rato 4 is transfer impedance Z, asin case. ‘The ratio of voltage (£..) of one circuit to the current /, in the second circuit is defined as transfer impedance Z, of Z, ie. 2, =2, = 52 ‘Antennas & Wave Propagation 3-28 _ GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS ™ Thus rm de eal iat thoi two planes in Ck is mutual impedance (Z,) between the two antennas. eno, Z0%,02-5bfe 2 ade “Application of Reciprocity Theorem : The reciprocity theorem may be wed to derive the following very important properties of transmitting and receiving antennas 1 Equality of direction patterns, 2. Equality of Directivites. 4. Equality of Antenna impedances. (GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS 3-29 (a) Field strength pattern = It is the variation of the absolute value of fg] ‘strength as a function of ®. E versus 0 is called field strength pattern. () Power pattern: Itis the variation of radiated power with. P versus @ is called power pattern. ‘current. bi] 12, isa complex quantity and it is written as Z, = R,+ €, Here, the reactive part X, resulls from fields surrounding the antenna. The resistive part, &, is given by R= +R, {represents losses in the antenna, R, is called radiation resistance. Fig, Radiation pattern 2. Directional characteris paltesn. Tiss of two types: ‘This is also called radiation characteristic or radiation. system as shown in gue. ‘The retarted vector magnetic potential, Arse b fy + shows volume integra, As the elementis z-directed, / is also z-directed, ~ is the delay time. ‘The volume integral in equation (i) can be simplified by taking integration ‘ross sectional area ofthe element and an integration along its length. G.tdeor and, ftedt=1at sinc) Antennas & Wave Propagation 3-3) GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS ™ j 4 This means A has only -components and 4, =0 and 4, =0. Changing Cartesian components to spherical coordinate components, we get 47,0030) For spherical system 8 ate 2canld [{aeo Seale 4 | PsinO| ge arb nO) 8 rsa] -{Bearsan- Seaplane 0) Su} iv WD .04 =O Maas Component of 4, : H,= : 4x0 neal [2G] My Leung] wlé fa) GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS ™ a Let naa a = BtreA sin) Antennas & Wave Propagation 3-32 __ GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS ™ 2 cerrsiney—2 cen) ha, - ad foe D Sens a 2 oar Naar 2 cet, —2 | {Reson Aula {Bet Zeshae vxH= 2 H,=0, Hy=0 and H, = ee 4 ) -f on ee n(B) a OM ay EEO Hence, H,=0 and H,=0 For E, from equation 6) aE, ‘ene “a rind] 4 (Pe Fr a aul [ase (coset, & resind| 4x Fa a, Merete 9 a Ane, Poe * Simutarty for £, from equation (B) Lalsind (cosy, j tees ; and =0 j field consists ofthe following steps: 1 Write expression for retarded vector magnetic potenti 2. Write expression for the components of 4 in Cartesian coordinates. 3. Express 4 in components of spherical coordinate system. 4. Obtain the components of H from pif = Vd. once GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS ™ '5. Obtain the components ofE from 1 saBEalonty ——_(eJ-Btortne so} ‘ Belfvaina. 7._ Identity # and E. _[2tetcos0(cosat,, sino, ),f tia am, (re we )l" ae sy Tore, But, Using these identities, equation () becomes Pal sin29 16, value of cos2a1,0rsin2at, over a cycle is zero. Hence, (8 This means that power in 0 direction surges back and forth. Simla, = Bl, . _Hasn0l orines , ose sno, ’ faint] samt Ane [ re So Saat 2 ants om, a4] Yr ‘Antennas & Radiation Antennas & Wave Propagation 3-34 __ GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS ™ GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS ™ 3-35 p fase sel ies cay _esinetcoray, 16r'e, or re re ‘The derivation of expression for radiated power consists of the following steps: sin’ of, asinat, coset, | 0” sin’ of, 1. Write field components of current element. Fe Pe re | 2. Obtain expression for radiated power using Poynting vector. 5. Obtain average radiated power. Again using identities, we get Pasa fare, 204 oitta, i ccaey ae 6Re,_| 5. iis cvs om eputon (i, the average valet 2 sven eae pt (lB8) sayy? [seq e-plon ] Ia SE or ay 5) [ ono wher, b & or fev Vee e ufone) am? > Pag (eS watt? Theta radiated power = ff Pim lent of $ and hence the area of element ds on the spherical shell i sind td) gaa = HOLS fog ce) ‘Ans. The field components of current elements are laa ae] the current element. When ris smal, + term is called induction field. Pare is independe as given by, L 1 1 (On the other hand, term dominates over terms when r is large. Here term is Hence, called radiation field or distant fel or far-field at ‘The expression for F, consists of three terms ZL, and the expression for &, = 6) consists of 7 and 4 terms, These + tem is called electrostatic field. Here isthe peak value of current. ‘As ie 2 P= 2 1 Zara © termin £and H fed is called radiation Geld. awa, fone 1 » de, nyatain 2. -Lterm s called induction fl nels : “This is in the form of P=1°R. Hence, the coeficent of J, has the dimension of 55 Show that the direct ty fa cuenta o 1768. = ICSVTU Dec 2007] resistance and itis called radiation resistance. a we ats ipl eb Ja Poe - GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS hy tomas & Wave Provaation 3:88 | of loti far-field (r Radiation fl) can be waiten as: ‘The amplitude revel eran} SEH? [ote =H Radiation power density is given by, u(r ie seve = v(ad)=ulr.84).7 (84) Arv(88) and gtr=sinddddd Dien nisin OO TTS 4 ) 2sin®@ Jawoxo bas Facto doe =} ips ade, 4] aaty 3 at v=o, deed, =3 pais logy 5=176 a8 tee, 16 ence Proved ‘For calculating directivity following steps should be followed = @ Caleulate £(,0,4) (@) Then calculate (0,4) i.e. radiation power density using formula, u,4) tt (Gi Radiation intensity, y(0,4) = u(r,0,4)2? ary) Jvooea ise, £(7.0.4) -u(7.0,8)- (0,4) 9 G, > D (iv) Then get G, (directive gai («) Finally calculate, D= G, i ae ample Soi nto svi a = 1tgad |_ofinele ,s504 T Tv Amplitude Radiation Induction Fit “Induction seua= s80( so) a and Radiation field= ‘The distance at wi and vector magnetic potent! (2) i givenas: where, ‘Ans. Field component H, of current element s given by, hich both eld are equal is obtained as: pane ene fester, 4n ¥ an o 1 Since maximum value of sine oF cosines unity so, 75 == J=current density ‘Antennas & Wave Propagation 3-38 __ CATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS ™« 1, The concept of vector magnetic potenti potential can be developed by considering the analogy between the electric fel and the magnetic eld Thus as forthe point charge configuration in electric feld the electric potential at any point is defined as; ay Greg From the equation we have following conclusion: (The electric potential is directly proportional toits source. (i) The electric potential is inversely proportional to the distance of point from source. (Gi) The electric potential depends on media. (i) The proportionality constants 2. Analogous to these lines we can have the concept of magnetic potential based on the following points (The magnetic potential is directly proportional to its source. (Le. differential current element /-dl). (i) The magnetic potential is inversely proportional to its distance of point from ‘i (iv) The proportionality constant is + ‘Thus analogous to mathematical definition of electic potential we can write magnetic potential as GME yu rai = source. (i. The magnetic potential depends on media (media constant is). ‘Question 29 ‘What do you mean by retarded vector magnetic potential? Derive its expression. The vector potential expression represents the superposition of potentials due to various current elements (/dl), ata distant point Pat a distance of r. I these are simply added up, it means an assumption is made that these Fields effect which are super imposed at time (), all started from the current elements of the same value of current and time, even though they have travelled different varying distances. Let the instantaneous current (J) in the elements be: = 1, snot Considering retardation time, the instantaneous current can be modified as Ts tusino('-2) where, ¢~ velocity of propagation, = Retarded current In exponential form related current can be expressed as ‘Ans. ee oe eee GATE ACADEBEY PUBLICATIONS ™ 3-39 Antennas & Radiation Vector magnetic potentalis givenas, = # [2 a So, Retarded vector magnetic potential i given as uri uae Gu Ff 8, a 2rd) : 35 RG Derive expression to find out field strength at a point due to veticaly grounded antenna. ‘Ans. The expression of magnetic field intensity for current elements, 7 may beneplected, xin) poe dno — Seat) = - tannin 7 tac ff maximum alue of sine i unity) I a) where, is eetive length le [=1205|44| “The rms valu of amplitude of electric field intensity is given by, ; a t20sft4) A 3-40 ‘Antennas & Wave Propagation (GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS = mls. Yowmetee : : [=a] Acloedeagb ania amt pao tale var recor of EM snave produced by a antenna. ‘Ans. It is define asthe direction ofthe ele Or “The polatizaton or plane of polarization of a radio wave can be defined by the “Gecton in which the elect vector Eis aligned during the pasage of atleast one ull oye. “The polarization ofan antenna isthe polarization ofthe radiated feds produced the far field. Antennas are often clasified as “Linealy by an antenna, evaluated in = potarized” ora Right Hand Citlarly Polarized Antenna’ = i fed antenna will not communicate with a vertically polarized antenna, Due tothe reciprocity theorem, antennas transmit an receive in exactly the ‘Sine manner. Hence, a vertically polarized antenna transmits and receives vertically ‘Consequently, if a horizontally polarized antenna is tying to polarized fields. Pe umunicate with a vertically polarized antenna, there will eno reception, Tn gener for two Hnesrly polarized antenaas that are rotated from each other by an angle 4, the power loss due to this polarization mismatch will be desribed by the Polarization Loss Factor (PLE). PLE=cos' “The Polarization Loss Factor is sometimes referred to as antenna mismatch factor. "Hence, if both antennas have the same polarization, the angle between their sadiated E-field is 2r0 and there is no power loss due to polarization mismatch. I i polarized and the other is horizontally polarized, the angles polarization efficiency, Question 33 ‘Wy moving the ell phone on your head to different ange can sometimes increase reception? Cll phone antennas are often linearly polrired, so rotating the phone can often match the polarization of the phone and thus increase reception Ans. "Ans. Circular polarization is a desirable characteristic for many antennas. Two anteng, that are both circularly polarized do not suffer signal loss due to polarizatg snismatch. Antennas used in GPS systems are Right Hand Circulaly Polarized, Circular polarization is two orthogonal linear polarized waves 90 degrees out phase. Hence, a linearly polarized (LP) antenna will simply pick up the inphay ‘component ofthe circularly polarized (CP) wave. Asa result the LP antenna wil hy 1 polarization mismatch los of 0.5 (-3.dB), no matter what the angle the LPantena Question 25 5 : "An antenna whos radiation resistance is 3000 operates tis equncy of with a current of 3 Amp. Find the radiated power. Zam, f=10MOte 1010" Sait Fox (Radi ed stag igvenby, = 2PM, _ One |e |=3.016%104 vin (G) The radiated poweris given as,F = 2, R, 8) ‘The apparent height wll be 21, due to image effect, Where, 3-42 GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS 50, RelhR a12x115=22W (Gi) Radiation resistance R, B,=1750 z [Calculated in part) Ae 1. Radiation resistanoe of vertical antenna (or vertically grounded antenna) is Reloor (¢ a BakER nae() Wats IL The radiation resistance of hertzian dipole of length dlis:R, a lea uo dekoRate G4) = R040 t ankon -we (Set) = =02190 U aede game +4) =01230 > R010 Hence comet match are: @ Rf/4]=04530 (i) R80] =0.1230 @ Rp/@)=02190 ‘Sol Given: ds Radiat Radiation resistance for hertzian dipole, R, = 80%? (3) stext =0130 Ans. (b) For wire dipole in free space, ion( > aaite(') : wed, come) 1 Rate R=78950, Ans. radiation intensity is, y = 7° W, = A, sin" @ ‘The total power radiated is given by, Ra[[van= [iA sirosinasedy — [ dnmsinssedd) Alf sn'0d0~204,-2[" sin! Od =2x4,-2- . = 4v(04) Directive gain G, Trea \TB ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS ™ Antonnas & Wave Propagation 46 jnttintst e000! here fos resistance 3x10", 300 300,000 Then wavelength k= 7 “G0 enc Ration raster B 6 (6) 16195963 _ISTISB6NSTIGING | $8,02,3155 R =15.007527obms 215,00 obs » Radiated power = ZR, WF = (50)? x15 = 2500x15 = 37500 Watts = 375k Watts ig Fa B 03 06 1 =03x100=30.00% GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS 3-45 Antonnas & Radiat, Bot. (Given: (4), =0.132?, 2 =730, n=1208 ‘The effective length is given by, |, feat) ™ formas - =03174% han 120%3.14 And Gi Given: D=100,.=2m ‘The maximum effective aperture is given by, Ee a Ada Zt00 =A (4) #31830 ‘Sol. Given: R =150 and, dl=A/15 Radiation resistance a= (Z) a s at0e(22) erect, gator (Bad) ate xa So, R=350 Effidency n= —& 25 235, "Reg > 55e15 “ies ‘Yn= 18.9% Gi) Given: | GHz, d=3.cm Gane eames 9D Directivity D= Bante we e_3xt0' 3 aay ae ar Circular aperture 4, =: 2 es 4 Directivity. Dahan ie x3) = 2250! ax x2s00= 21674 “BS Antonnas & Radiation GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS (GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS ™ D=U614 = G=nD ‘Thus gain, G=386011.19 ee Now, beamwidth BI 7 ‘n= Hence, G=D exonan & Wat 12=10b¢6, G,=1585 Since, antenna efficiency 1 hn =90% Then, n= Ge= 155-090 Ans. Directive gain G, =!585 -17.611 { (Gi)q #1010846, = 100891761 © Length of half wave dipole = res fe em Je Dawning infos aose 3 s 2 Wavelength = £0245 «075 meen : Hone: ngtho dipole == 030 Ans. : ‘01, cos} cos® “ (i) Radiation ld, aman) Ee But gainofantenna, G=nD a4et _ hen Feo $ se ann wo ( ). ota hE ane > G = ARXO.55X100% _ 596011.19 Ans. oone() o 0.075)" .TE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS SATE ACADEDIY PUBLICATIONS 3-49 Antonnas & Radiat 3 aa my (Gi Average radiated power, Pg Ry ERR, Py opoenfee, =na fo pte ness] 73M, RK, =500, The radiation intensity pattern is U=U, sin'@ rageta(ontsse73 02890 ; 2 The total power radiated is Directive ain, G, =7A®UO)_S2UC#) and aa=sinodoay But directivity But fra losses isotropic antenna, directive gin and directivity is same. ‘Thus, G=D=15 ena GR Now antenna efficiency, = 2 = a OL Rk ‘Where, R,=73Q and R, =502 Fn 73, ay rae aegig aeattee ERG, noel ciate ati e058 i 3 S10 aio) 10 rotor 2] pee ssa “Sok Given: J, =1113.m, @ G) Value of electric field 1201 120nx 725x113 a Vim = LOTSA Fie gel aL SHIP Pye hiRy}( 208) 10*(73) , po CLI = [em 2730 for ite Ane] Am PEP a panne & Wave Propagation 3-50 __ GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS" Radlated power: = é Poa Ri where Jas = RMS elu of carat Te R= 1609? x35.04x10° 2 R, =005533.0 (ii) Power radiated, W = 12,2, =(125)'x0.05833 29.07 kW Gv) Power radiated in antenna, radiated Or power in antenna -Pesatieet PER 22 nW 26272 kW (0) rma value of voltage produced in receiving antery, Vp = Emel Vp = 9.246100 Yu = 246 V v4). 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