5E Lesson Plan

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Republic of the Philippines

Polytechnic University of the Philippines

College of Education
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Sta. Mesa, Manila


Grade Level: 7 Learning Area: Mathematics
Student Teacher: Ashley Mye M. Lunas Quarter: 1

I. Objectives
At the end of one-hour discussion, the learners are expected to:
- Define well-defined sets
- Describe sets using the three methods of set notation.
- Identify different set of numbers using the real number system
- Establish cooperation through group activities involving sets
A. Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of sets and the real
number system.
B. Performance Standards
The learner is able to formulate challenging situations involving sets and real
numbers and solve them in a variety of strategies.
C. Learning Competencies
Illustrates well-defined sets, subsets, universal sets, null set, cardinality of sets,
union and intersection of sets and the different of two sets.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Introduction to Sets
B. References: Grade 7 Teacher’s Guide (TG) K to 12 Curriculum by DepEd pp. 1-5
C. Materials: Chalk and blackboard
Instructional Materials and Teaching Aids for this lesson
Envelope with paper strips and photocards for activity
Illustration boards

III. Procedure
A. Engage
Before starting the lesson, list down at least five of the following:
1. Multiples of nine from 1-50: { 9, 18, 27, 36, 45 }
2. Asian countries: {Philippines, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, … }
3. Subjects in high school: {Mathematics, Science, Filipino, English, … }
Republic of the Philippines
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
College of Education
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Sta. Mesa, Manila

The teacher will point out that the students provided a set of those aforementioned
B. Explore
The teacher will divide the class into 5 groups. Each group will received the
prepared activity materials, which are set of photocards. The students will group
the photocards as they see fit and label each. Then, they will align and attach
the photocards onto the boards.

C. Explain
Each group will present their output and answer the guide questions.
Guide Questions:
1. How many groups are there?
2. Does each object belong to a group?
3. Is there an object that belongs to more than one group? Which one?

After the activity, the teacher will give feedback on the performance and output
of each group.

The teacher will explain vague ideas and discuss the concept of sets and the
real number system. The students will be given examples of identifying different
kinds of well-defined sets as well.

The students actively participate in the discussion.

D. Elaborate
The students will inspect their belongings and search for a set of items that they
may find inside their bag. They will show them in class and describe what sets
of items do they have in set notation.

Example: I have a set of colored pens. My set of pens have five colors, which
are red, blue, black, pink, and green pens. Therefore, this set has a
cardinal number of four.

The students are also instructed to provide one set of numbers using set builder

Example: A = { x : x ∈ Z, -5 < x < 2 }

E. Evaluate
The students will find a partner for this activity. The teacher will post a seatwork
on the board and each pair will answer the seatwork in their math booklet.
A. Change the set of numbers from set-builder notation to roster method.
1. { a : a > 0} = { 1, 2, 3, 4, ... }
2. { x : x is an integer -6 < x < 0 } = {-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0 }
3. { w : w is N > 1 } = ∅ or {}
B. Identify the sets whether they are well-defined or not.
Republic of the Philippines
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
College of Education
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Sta. Mesa, Manila

1. The set of odd integers from 0 to 20. (well-defined)

2. The best three songs of 2021. (not well-defined)
3. A set of favorite fast-food restaurant in the Philippines. (not well-defined)
4. P = red, blue, white, yellow (well-defined)
5. F: favorite teachers in the school (not well-defined)
C. List out the elements of the set of the letters of the word Mississippi and
Mathematics. A = { m, i, s, p, a, t, h, e, c }

Prepared by:
Student Teacher

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