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Course Objectives:
This course is intended provides an introduction to the fundamental principles of
programming (using C and C++ as implementation languages).It emphasize the basic
skills of efficient software development based on the classic Input-Process-
Output /IPO/ model of a computing process and traditional concept for software
development life cycle.

The major topics covered include: general Computer scheme; Algorithms � definition,
classification. Notations for documenting algorithms; Structured Programming
(structured systems analysis & design).

Extensive exercises are used to illustrate syntax and semantics of all the
programming constructs introduced in the course � data, operators, operands,
expressions, statements, functions and programs.

Course Description:
Lectures present basic topics of computers, algorithms and programming in C/C++.
Standard C++ (incl. ANSI C) is presented: program structure; data � numeric and
symbolic literals, named constants and variables; data � fundamental types and
abstract types; operators, operands, expressions; statements; functions �
prototype, call, definition, parameter passing mechanisms; object oriented stream
input/output and input/output based on run-time library functions. Source texts of
various programs oriented to concrete problem solving illustrate the topics

Course Outline
Lectures Basic Topics Lecture 1
introduction Introduction to Computers, Problem Solving and Programming.
Computer hardware. Computer software. The software development method. Algorithms �
definition and classification. Flowcharts as a tool for algorithm description.
Applying the software development method. Introduction to linear algorithms and
branch algorithms. Typical examples.

Applying the software development method.

Lecture 2
Programming languages Computer Languages.
Processing (editing source text, compiling, linking and running) a High-level
Language Program.
The C++ programming language � An introduction.
Programming Environments. Integrated Development Environments (IDE). Visual C++, C+
+ Builder, Borland C++. Introduction to project concept. Console applications.
Sample programs in C++. Lecture 3
Elements of C++ The C++ programming language elements. General form of a C++
program. Lecture 4
Functions Top-Down Design with Functions.
Step-wise refinement and structure charts. Functions topics: prototype, call and
definition. Functions without arguments. Functions with an input argument. The
return statement. Functions returning a single result. Mathematical built-in
library functions. Top-Down Design with Functions Lecture 5
Functions continues Functions and Program Structure.
Basics of functions. System defined and user defined functions. General form of a
function definition. The minimal C++ function. Functions with multiple arguments.
Lecture 6
Program control Program control
Selection (decision) structures.
The if, if-else control statements. Nested if statements.
The switch control statement.
Repetition (loop) structures.
The while, for and do � while control statements.
The break, continue, goto statements. Nested loops. Design and implementation of
programs with linear, branch and loop algorithms.
Lecture 7
Modular programming Modular Programming.
Functions with simple output parameters. Formal output parameters as actual
Functions and Recursion.
Lecture 8 & 9
Data types Data Types:
Representation and conversion of numeric types. Representation and conversion of
type char. Enumerated data types.
Declaring and referencing arrays. Array subscripts. Using for loops for sequential
Library functions. Assignment and substrings. Concatenation. Comparison.
Lecture 10
Pointers Pointers.
Pointers and addresses. Pointers and function arguments. Pointers and arrays.
Pointer arrays. Lecture 11
Structures and other user defined types Structures and Union types.
Basics of structures. Structure type definition (typedef statement). Structures and
functions. Structures as input parameters and return values. Arrays of structures.
Pointers to structures.
Friedman F.L., Koffman E.B., Problem Solving, Abstraction and Design Using C++,
Pearson, Addison-Wesley Publ. Comp., 5e 2007, or 4e 2004.
Hanly J.R., Koffman E.B., Problem Solving & Program Design in C, Addison-Wesley
Publ. Comp., 3e 1999.
Kernighan B.W., Ritchie D.M., The C Programming Language, Prentice-Hall, Inc.,
Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1988.

Other useful references:

Any book on C/C++ available in the library.
internet :

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